A Day in the Life of a CFO (2024)

Being a chief financial officer (CFO) means having more than just an advanced knowledge of accounting and financial concepts. It means understanding how an entire company and its industry work so you can help that company to be profitable and competitive.

To give you an idea of what your life might look like if you were to become a CFO, we've interviewed three professionals in the field to see what their workdays look like. One is a self-employed consultant who serves as a part-time CFO to numerous companies. Another helps manage an online company. The third is an ex-CFO that worked for a small business where he not only served as CFO but also headed several other divisions.

Key Takeaways

  • A chief financial officer's (CFO) daily responsibilities include building financial models, analyzing and preparing financial statements, and reconciling income and expenses.
  • Because a CFO's typically has multiple departments reporting to them—such as accounting, HR, and operations—they can spend a lot of time in meetings and in a management role.
  • Each company's CFO responsibilities vary by industry and role, with even some external consultants serving as CFOs. The three profiles covered in this article give a day in the life of three different CFOs.

John Lafferty, Self-Employed Interim and Virtual CFO of CFO-Pro

Being a CFO doesn't have to mean being one company's full-time employee. John Lafferty of Naperville, Ill., has been a full-time interim CFO since 1996. Before starting his own firm, he gained more than 30 years of experience as an auditor, controller, treasurer, CFO, and COO for companies in a wide range of industries. Now, he divides his time among multiple clients, typically small and mid-sized businesses with $3 million to $30 million in annual revenues.

On a part-time, as-needed basis, he fulfills the needs of companies that can't afford or don't need a full-time CFO but that sometimes need executive-level financial expertise. He helps both emerging and mature companies manage issues such as ensuring sufficient cash flow to sustain growth, enhancing working capital, freeing up money tied up in inventory, determining where to concentrate sales efforts, deciding whether to sell the business, and more.

Working remotely, he builds financial models, analyzes key metrics, prepares financial statements, and develops financial strategies.For some clients, he offers a one-and-done solution, while for others, the client will stay in touch with questions.

On a typical day, Lafferty spends the first hour and a half overseeing accounting staff. He'll then spend an hour on emails and phone calls to follow up on various company matters. He dedicates the next hour to cash flow planning and cash management, then another hour to account analysis and reconciliations. He then spends half an hour recommending and documenting changes in procedures and processes, and another half hour in strategy and planning sessions with his client's CEO or COO.

He spends another hour on accounts receivable management and collection calls, and an hour more pitching in to help his staff when someone is ill or has too much on their plate. During the last half hour of the day, he resolves accounting and reporting questions and disputes. Other key activities that he performs less frequently include monthly closings, monthly, quarterly, and annual regulatory responses, filings and taxes, and annual budgets.

Those are just the tasks he performs directly for his clients. He must also manage his own business, which takes about two additional hours a day and includes reading, networking, attending seminars, developing his business, and grabbing early morning coffee with his key influencers. All told, he works about 50 to 55 hours a week.

He is able to choose when he goes on vacation, but he works remotely, which covers his vacation costs. In his spare time, he works out at the gym, sings barbershop harmony, is a cantor at church, and races go-karts.

Mark Karsch, CFO of Nexxt

Mark Karsch is the CFO of Nexxt, which acquired Beyond.com, an online career network. He served as the company's vice president of finance before becoming CFO and had prior experience as CFO of several companies.

Karsch arrives at the office around 8:15 a.m. and spends the first hour of his workday reviewing key operating metrics such as revenue numbers, email performance, new member acquisitions, and member engagement data from the prior day and for the month-to-date. If those metrics aren't where they need to be, he develops a plan to help the operations team improve them.

For the next hour, he'll meet with one of the three groups that report to him— finance, customer service, and client relations—to review their progress on current projects. Karsch then spends 30 minutes to two hours reviewing and approving commissions and payables, lining up financing for future capital purchases, reviewing the status of collections and delinquent receivables, and reviewing the adequacy of accruals and reserves. He also works with both internal resources and outside professionals to get tax payments and filings made on a timely basis.

In the afternoon, Karsch spends a little over an hour meeting with other departments to discuss theoptimization of return on investment, additional revenue opportunities, new project strategies, and strategic goals. He devotes the last two and a half hours of his workday to following up on tasks related to his earlier meetings, reviewing his and his teams' goals and accomplishments, and ensuring that outstanding projects are on track.

Karsch also has a number of non-daily activities. Once a week, his finance team provides the senior team (the CEO, COO, and various vice presidents from throughout the company) with a comprehensive financial report with detailed operating metrics to show where the company stands in relation to its goals and why.


The average salary of a CFO in the U.S. as of Aug. 27, 2023.

Monthly, he prepares a detailed budget for senior management and the board of directors comparing the current period and year-to-date results with the company's goals and prior year results and explaining any variations. Quarterly, he may participate in board meetings. He also prepares an annual budget in conjunction with the senior team and coordinates budget updates throughout the year.

Karsch works 50 hours a week, on average. There are nights when he's the last one in the office, but it's not a daily occurrence. He checks his email on weeknights and weekends, but only responds to the most important ones. On Sunday nights after dinner, he spends some time planning what he wants to accomplish with his team in the coming week. He makes time to go on a couple of vacations a year with his family.

Ron Martin, Ex-CFO of AAIM Employers Association

Ron Martin was CFO for AAIM Employers Association in St. Louis from 2006–2014, then worked as a fiscal control director in the St. Louis Public Schools and has been retired since Jan. 2020.

AAIM offers peer networking opportunities, business research information, human resources and management consulting, performance and process improvement, outsourcing and recruitment, and professional training and development for more than 1,600 St. Louis and Illinois employers of all sizes and industries.Because he worked for a small company, he not only acted as CFO but also as information technology director, human resources director, and president of AAIM's training and consulting companies.

Martin began each morning by spending 10 minutes setting his priorities for the day. Throughout the day, he spent one to two hours managing staff and solving problems. For example, he may have needed to interpret an accounting rule related to a financial transaction. Also, since he filled several roles, he may have needed to resolve a non-financial problem.

He spent another one to two hours reviewing and responding to emails, and another one to four hours in meetings that required financial input, typically with the CEO, the marketing director, and the rest of the management team. He presented the sales forecast for the next two months, including the forecast of revenues, expenses, and net profits based on these sales.

Generally, a chief operating officer (COO) has more power than a chief financial officer (CFO) and is considered second in command to the CEO.

Weekly, Martin prepared a revenue forecast, which took two to three hours. Every other week, he took an hour or two to review and approve invoices and payroll. Monthly, he spent eight to 10 hours preparing sales reports, commission calculations for the sales team, financial forecasts, and budgets, so he could present the previous month's financial results to management. He also spent one to two hours a month reviewing and approving financial statements and another four to six hours preparing monthly forecasts.

Over the course of the quarter, he dedicated 14 to 20 hours to preparing and presenting financial statements for the company's board to help them make decisions about the company's direction. He also spent about eight hours with the board annually to engage in long-range planning. Another 20 to 30 hours a year went toward preparing and reviewing the organization's budget.

Martin usually worked 60 hours per week, but was able to spend most weekends at home and had time for family, social activities, and vacations while working. Before retiring, in his free time, he and his wife attended their children's sporting events and after-school activities. He exercised, kept up with family members who live out of town, and helped his mother around her house. He even had time to relax in the pool during the summer.

Who Gets Paid More, a COO or CFO?

Generally, a COO gets paid more than a CFO. As of Aug. 27, 2023, the average salary of a COO in the U.S. is $483,085. In comparison, the average salary of a CFO is $431,864.

How Do You Become a CFO?

The path to becoming a CFO is not necessarily a linear one and can be achieved through a variety of means. Generally, one would need a bachelor's degree, an MBA or MFA would greatly help as well, or a certificate, such as a CPA. From there, the most important criteria is experience in the relevant field. CFOs have a long career behind them working in more areas than just accounting or finance. They also need management skills and leadership skills, which can only be learned through years of working. From there, it's a matter of choosing the right jobs, being promoted, and having the right mentorship.

What Does a CFO Do?

A CFO is responsible for managing the financial aspects of a corporation. They seek to understand a company's finances, including its debt, cash flows, and profits. They also seek to build upon a company's financial strengths and mitigate its weaknesses by building financial plans and strategies for the future of the company. They are responsible for the current and future financial operations of the company.

The Bottom Line

A career as a CFO offers a wide range of possibilities for the types of industries and companies you can work for. It also offers opportunities to not only manage a company's finances at the highest level but to contribute to other areas as well. Finally, it offers much more flexibility than you might expect if you decide to run your own business as a consulting CFO.

A Day in the Life of a CFO (2024)


What is the daily life of a CFO? ›

If you work as a CFO, you oversee the investment of funds held by the company and assess and manage associated risks. You also supervise cash management activities, execute capital-raising strategies to support a firm's expansion, and deal with mergers and acquisitions.

What does the day to day of a CFO look like? ›

A chief financial officer's (CFO) daily responsibilities include building financial models, analyzing and preparing financial statements, and reconciling income and expenses.

How many hours does a CFO work in a day? ›

Successful CFOs can work anywhere between 50 and 60 hours per week and any delay in starting the day will only increase the e-mail queue! Before you head to work, you might also need to catch up on the latest business news.

What should a CFO do in first 100 days? ›

Within the new CFO's first 100 days, they will need to spend as much time as possible with the CEO and identify their priorities and expectations. Make the right connections with board members and stakeholders (this includes investors and shareholders as well as employees, customers and suppliers) and build rapport.

Is CFO a stressful job? ›

Strained Relationships

CFOs would face challenges in maintaining a work-life balance as the role's demands might require long hours of travel and constant availability. This can strain relationships with family and friends, adding to extra stress and emotional burden.

Do CFOs have work-life balance? ›

Finally, CFOs, like many executives, struggle with maintaining a healthy work-life balance. The demands of the role can lead to long hours and high stress, which can impact personal life and well-being.

What are the habits of a CFO? ›

  • 5 Habits of Top CFOs. Take this advice and watch your career take off.
  • 5 Habits of Top CFOs. ...
  • Adhere to a code of ethics. ...
  • Build and maintain relationships inside and.
  • Spot and advocate for opportunities, not just.
  • Develop, nurture, and trust your team. ...
  • Always be attuned to what's next.

What should a CFO do in the first 90 days? ›

Develop a long-term vision and plan. The business might expect you to map out a long-term financial vision and plan, so spend some of your first 90 days creating a great one. Make sure you: Collaborate with the CEO to understand their vision for the organization and align your financial strategies accordingly.

What is the working hour of a CFO? ›

chief finance officer's work schedule

On average, you work around 50 hours to 60 hours a week. During busy times, such as the end of the quarter or when travelling to attend meetings with investors, you can expect to work even more. CFOs have fairly non-traditional work hours.

Can a CFO get fired? ›

You must also lead and guide your team, which includes subordinates and supervisors, and be responsible for hiring. To carry out all of these obligations, a CFO must communicate effectively. Those who fail to do so may face termination in the long run since firms can only overlook for so long.

How long do CFOs stay at a job? ›

Based on the sample, the average tenure for the C-suite executives, in general, is 4.6 years, up from 4.3 years in 2022. However, the average tenure for CFOs is 4.5 years, down from 4.6 years in 2022 and down from 4.9 years in 2018, according to the firm. CEOs in the Fortune 500 have an average tenure of seven years.

Is CFO a difficult job? ›

The most challenging aspect of being a CFO is being in what I would refer to as the second seat. Because you are not the primary decision-maker, there are times where you aren't able to influence either the CEO or the board of directors to make certain decisions.

What is the daily routine of a CFO? ›

They build financial models, read, prepare financial accounts, and reconcile revenue and expense. These are the daily responsibilities of a chief financial officer (CFO). 2. Together with accounting, human resources, and operations, the chief financial officer typically has a few departments reporting to them.

How old is the average CFO? ›

The average age for CFOs at the top 1,000 U.S. companies by revenue is 54, which ties for the youngest role in the C-suite. There isn't much variance in the age of CFOs among industries, with an average age of 54 for all analyzed industries except the energy industry at an average age of 53.

What is the most difficult decision for a CFO to make? ›

The most difficult decisions for a CFO often involve balancing risk and reward in financial investments, determining the right time for expansion or cost-cutting, and allocating capital between competing projects or departments.

What is the working time of a CFO? ›

The obligations of a full-time CFO chiefly include: Full-time work commitment: 40 or more hours a week overseeing all finance functions. Upper management leadership: Embedded leadership managing team and operations. Overall financial accountability: Accountability for their company's entire financial health and ...

How old are CFOs usually? ›

The average age for CFOs at the top 1,000 U.S. companies by revenue is 54, which ties for the youngest role in the C-suite. There isn't much variance in the age of CFOs among industries, with an average age of 54 for all analyzed industries except the energy industry at an average age of 53.


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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.