The Newport Daily Express from Newport, Vermont (2024)

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Newport, Vermont

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XPEZ3S I'iEWPOHT VERMONT MONDAY JULY 29 1957 PAGE jrtVo Hurricane Victims lz! 7 Nrropcrt Sang £xpitjm Published Every Afternoon Except Sundays and Holidays court where lour overloaded cement trucks have been picked up and fined thus far Ic has been noted that much of thg cement coming from Canada has been imported by that country from England and Belgium Del Monty and during the evening entertained by the local lodge which provided dancing followed by the serving of refreshments The next morning they left for New York travelling through the scenic Green and White Mountains of Vermont and New Hampshire 7 zrr TEMPERATURES TO BE NEAR NORMAL BOSTON fP) The temperature in northern New England Massachusetts and Rhode Island during the next five days will average near the seasonal normal Cooler Tuesday and Wednesday with seasonably warm weather thereafter Some normals for the period: Boston 73 Worcester 71 Nantucket 68 Providence 72 Concord 70 Burlington 71 Portland 69 Eastport 62 Greenville 66 and Caribou 65 At Boston the normal maximum temperature during this period is 81 and the normal minimum temperature is 65 Precipitation during this period will on the average total less than 01 inch occurring as a few scattered showers about Wednesday or Thursday -c: jL7 )0l pwrsavrm 7f Funeral Services For Barton Man Tuesday Everett A Clark 68 Died Unexpectedly Saturday At His Late Barton Home BARTON Everett A Clark 68 who retired a few weeks ago after 49 years work with the Postal Transportation Service died unexpectedly Saturday afternoon at his late home in Barton Death was due to a heart condition Funeral services will be held at the United church Barton Tuesday at 2 with Rev Leon Oliver officiating Interment will follow in the family lot at the Welcome Brown cemetery Friends may call at the Hartwell Funeral Home Monday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Mr Clark made his final run as a railway mail clerk on Feb 28 1957 cn the mail run between Newport and Springfield Mass He started work as a railway mail clerk on Feb 6 1908 between Bur- ling-ton and Troy nrAM srrrrr- Metropolitan District Manager Appointed ST JOHNSBURY Raymond Noiseux former field training instructor in the New England territorial organization has been appointed manager of the Metropolitan Life Insurance St Johnsbury district office it was announced here today by Clifton Reynolds superintendent of agencies Noiseux succeeds John Corey manager of the St Johnsbury dis- Two Accidenf-al Death Verdicts Returned SHERBROOKE Verdicts of accidental death have been returned by juries investigating the cases of a highway fatality and a poisoning A verdict of accidental death was returned in the case of Mrs Martha Manuel of South Bolton who died instantly Thursday afternoon after she was hit by a car driven by Norman Bruck 42 a Sweetsburg alderman about half a mile from South Bolton on the Mansonville road Mrs Manuel attempted to cross the road near the Anglican church on the outskirts of South Bolton when she was struck by car police reported Police said Bruck saw Mrs Manuel and slowed his vehicle to avoid hitting her but the woman did not see the machine coming and walked in front of it The death of a two-year-old boy from a dose of wmtergreen liniment last Wednesday in Richmond was judgeu accidental by a jury Provincial police in Sherbrooke in whose district the fatality occurred released no information about the case Richard Fontaine adopted son of Mr and Mrs Edgar duch*esne of Richmond died when he consumed a portion of the liniment this week it revealed in the testimonies The bottle of medicine wTas left on the floor of a bedroom where the youngster swallowed the fatal dose Mr duch*esne returning to his home from a fishing trip about 2 in the afternoon found out about the child's condition and tried in vain to locate a doctor until 6 in tho evening Dr Manning of Richmond answered the frantic call and ordered that the baby be sent immediately to the hospital for treatment But the baby fell into convulsions and was unable to be revived by the medical authorities He died in the Hotel Dieu hospital in Sherbrooke trict for the last year Corey has During ns 9 years Mr Clark been placed in charge of the corn- estimated at the time of his re-1 district organization in Wa- tirement thar he had traveled terville Me over a million miles in United Beginning as an agent as an agent in the Pawtucket I district in 1949 Noiseux was promoted to assistant manager in the same district in 1951 His appointment fits field training instructor came in 1955 The Metropolitan district office has been a part of the St Johnsbury business community since 1902 serving the policyholders in this area The district staff consists of two assistant managers -13 agents and four clerks The St Johnsbury district is a large district geographically It serves an area from Canada on the north to Bradford on the south Among the towns served by the St Johnsbury office are Richford Newport Newport Center Orleans Bar- States railway mail cars He had advanced from the work of a distributor to that of a foreman He was a member of the Vermont Branch of the National Postal Transport Association for more than 45 years He was graduated from Barton academy in the class of 1907 It was recalled at the time of his retirement that five of his classmates Marion Redfield Harry Conner and Parker Barrows of Barton Franz Hunt of Newport and Mrs William Bailey are residing in tiie area Mr Clark wras a Mason and a member of Crystal Lake grange Mr Clark leaves his widow Mrs Gladys (Masure) Clark and NEA Service Inc mmm Leaves From A Notebook By HAL BOYLE employes contribute 2 NEW YORK iifl Bernard Spero per cent of their salary to the is a man who became rich by fund The fund itself in addition giving money away to its share of the dividends gets may be a crazy I 20 per cent of the firm's net earn-said Spero a 63-year-oid Chicago ings before taxes The firm business executive had grossed nearly four million dol- two sons Wilson of Barton a i ton Derby Wells River Bradford Robert of West Glover and Lyndonville East and west the to make all business sound and healthy sytem is an answer to many of our economic problems It is one way small business can prosper compete with big business and keep peace between labor and Although Spero still owns 51 per cent of his firm he has pledged that in the event of his death or ESTABLISHED AS A WEEKLY IN 1863 AS A DAILY IN 1936 Entered at Post Office in Newport Vt as a second class mail matter SUBSCRIPTION RATE BY MAIL PAYABLE IN ADVANCE One month $150 Three months 400 Six months $700 One year $1200 Back issues of the Express after a week 10 cents a copy at office After two months 15 cents a copy Cards of Thanks $150 In Memoriams $150 Five cents a line extra for poetry Telephone All Departments 707 The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all the (ucal news printed in this newspaper as well as all AP news dispatches MEMBER OF AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS TO ADVERTISERS The Daily Express cannot undertake to furnish proofs of advertisem*nts to adver-tisers whose copy is not in this office by noon of the day before publication nor will it be held responsible for typographical errors occurring in any advertisem*nts accepted after noon of the day preceding publication When through error in this office wrong prices appear in print The Daily Express will upon request immediately furnish the advertiser with a letter stating it is responsible for the mistake but it will not be responsible for any loss the advertiser might sustain through such an error All advertisem*nts are accepted subject to this understanding BRIGHT OUTLOOK IN THE BLACK RIVER VALLEY Residents of the Black River valley towns of Coventry Irasburg Albany and Craftsbury are taking a brighter outlook on life these days The understandable reason for their optimism is the stepped-up efforts of the state highyav department to completely hard surface the state Rte 12-B When eurrent projects are completed the entire 28 miles on this important route will be paved from its junction with Rte 5 at Coventry and with Rte 12 near Hardwick Tims another route will be available for motorists and truckers to use in going to Montpelier and other points The towns through which this busy road passes will hail the final acquisition of complete paving They will applaud the final elimination of the muddy ratty stretches wrhieh had prevailed along some sections of 12-B each spring And certainly the bone-shattering which exasperated motorists every summer between Albany and Craftsbury will not be missed In fact this fall motorists mav choose whether they will travel over 12-B via scenic hill-top Craftsbury Common or over the six and a half-mile cut off now under construction which by-passes the two villages The by-pass contract is being built by the Caledonia Sand and Gravel Co of St Johnsbury Simultaneously a state highway department crew is rebuilding about five and one half iniles of road starting with the northerly end of the new cut-off and passing through both Craftsbury Common and Cratsbury village The latter project which will be completed first will by fall with the exception of about a mile below the last named village supply an entirely hard surfaced route between Newport and Montpelier via Route 12-B Incidentally the mileage over Rte 12-B between Newport and Montpelier via Albany Craftsbury and Hardwick is seven miles less than between Newport via Rte 5 to Barton thence via Rte 12 to Glover Greensboro Hardwick and Montpelier The modernized Rte 12-B will supply another important link to get Orleans and Essex county residents to Montpelier It would appear that the state has been somewhat neglectful in paving the final sections of Rt 12-B from Albany to Hardwick For many years also paving of Rte 12 between Barton and Montpelier which parallels Rte 12-B seemed slow and delayed However final hard-surfacing on the last link of this important route became a reality in 1954 While Glover Greensboro and Barton folks nodded approval when the state highway department eventually closed the last gravel gaps on Rte 12 the equally deserving residents of Coventry Irasburg Albany and Craftsbury became disturbed at what seemed to them the obvious slighting of Rte 12-B There were occasional indignation meetings and virulent criticism of state highway policies a few years ago in the Black River valley Possibly the increasing and seemingly justified complaints of the area residents may have resulted in speeding up the elimination of gravel gaps Of course one must admit the state highway department was faced with puzzling problems in finally bringing about the paving of the entire stretch of Rte 12-B For instance before UrasbuY folks could realize the merit ofiHne by'-pli tie litite5 they ppImBfllBated They had to be assured the entire strip of highway passing over Craftsbury Common to lower Craftsbury village and to the head of Elligo Pond would be hard-surfaced This is being done this summer so that the two Craftsbury villages will have hard-surfaced access to the relocated section of Rte 12-B Rte 12-B mud dust and will by late fall of this year be history Everyone should be happy including the state highway department which has been the object of verbal brickbats from long-shffering users of the rough badly worn stretches A district serves the communities of Gilman to Johnson including Lunenburg Danville Hardwick Mor-risville and Stowe lars in 195f Business has mushroomed the value of the fund with these typical results: the privilege of living a life I believe in and most people get that Spero is head of House of Vision Inc a Midwest optical firm with 23 branches in live states His has consist- ISLAND POND The annual bazaar of St James the Greater church will be held Tuesday and Wednesday evenings July 23 and 24 beginning at 7:30 The committee chairmen for the various events and booths are as follows: Fish pond Mrs Clare Pay-eur food Mrs Ellen Goulet candy Mrs Hugh Smith doll booth Mrs Herbert Sloan hot dog stand La- Mr and Mrs Clark had resided in Barton 35 years Two of Mr associates on the final mail run he made between Springfield and Newport on the morning of Feb 28 spoke highly and appreciatively of him noting that he was a mighty good man to work with and uniformly good-natured and considerate of Offering A paraplegic worker who retirement his survivors will rejoined the firm in 1944 and gets $90 a week has paid into the fund tain only 1272 per cent of the stock leaving his employes the opportunity to buy actual control This he feels is a good thing too think you do people a favor by leaving them too much observed the slender wiryliaired executive "who has two grown children seen too many kids spoiled by inherited ben Boutin and Paul Major fancy these commendatory remarks Flanders Not To Comment On Johnson Statement MONTPELIER (41 United States Sen Flanders (R-Vt) has declined comment on Gov forecast he will run for a third Senate term Flanders quoted in Washington said nothing to to the comments Johnson told a news conference he believes the 77-year-old Senator will seek another term At any rate Johnson said Flanders probably will not announce his plans until 1958 elections draw closer If he announced retirement plans Johnson said it would weaken his position in the state and the of St Johnsbury of Jericho retirement Mr Clark planned to do a fishing and hunting that one of his favorite was former Gov had carried out activities in his recent leisure and was also janitor at the United research plane can work Mrs Donald Aldrich various games Dr Normal! Kennedy Miss Sylvia Lafaille and Miss Francelia Steady The Brighton Parent Teachers Association will meet to reorganize and plan for the coming year this evening at 7:30 All interested persons are welcome at the high school for this meeting Stanley Laski Red Cross field representative will be in town on Tuesday to meet with those who are working on the possibility of having a swim project here Members of the Northeastern Fish and Game 5 2 mi es Jn were Louis Smythe and Alfred Varney After his noted that he had lot of golfing and mentioned fishing pals Lee Emerson He some of these days of employed as church building A modern ed of a profit sharing plan under- only $800 but his share is now which he has given away 49 percent of his firm to his employes The firm wras small and debt ridden and doing only about $90000 worth of business a year in 1924 when Spero a young engineer took it over It had doubled its volume by 1938 when Spero decided to distribute 24 per cent of the stock to key employees as a bonus and to donate another 25 per cent into a trust fund to benefit all employes had several reasons for doing he recalled was selfish I wanted to build a good organization and I decided that a human being since he is a flexible organism would work twice as hard if he felt he was really getting what was coming to and not just a living wage reason was my feel- $12600 A $500 a month bookkeeper has contributed $645 to the fund since 1950 but her share now amounts to $7932 An $8 a week messenger boyj who rose to become a manager has paid $2474 into the? fund since 1939 but now has a stake of $41411 If the firm continues its present growth in another 10 years his stake will amount to $150000 or more Sperc rewards key employes with annual bonuses but to keep executives hogging the limits their share in it by restricting their contributions to 2 per cent of their first $10000 in salary He applies the same rule to himself While he has the largest share in the fund it comes to only 1 money also seen lots of fine firms ruined by family control of the business after the founder died better to leave a small part of a sound business to your family than control of a big business turning sour In the end the employes who helped build a business ought to have the chance to take it Then Spero a business philosopher wrho rarely likes to get sentimental observed of the best things about this whole idea is the feeling I RUSHFORD FUNERA HOME PHONE NEWPORT DEATH NOTICES Richard Oliver of South Newport road passed away Sunday afternoon July 21 in Newport at the age of 17 years Friends may call at the Colonial Room of the Curtis Funeral Home from this evening Requiem Mass will be sung at 9 a on Wednesday July 24 at St Roman Catholic church with Rt Rev Msgr Carrieres celebrant Interment in St cemetery Funeral Home in charge MAIN ST NORTH TRi 6J5 MAIN ST NEWPORT Club and those connected with the Red Cross will discuss the matter with him 'I'uesday July 23 at 10 a in the town office Thursday July 25 there will be a meeting of Brighton Post No 80 American Legion An election of officers will be held at this time Ross Encampment No 4 IOOF meets Tuesday evening July 23 at which time nomination of officers will be in order Mr and Mrs William Piette and sons Gilbert and Loren of Pharr Tex were visitors Friday at the home of Mr and Mrs Oreste Rosa On Sunday Mr and Mrs Rosa entertained Mr and Mrs Thad Bowers and family of North Troy Recent guests of Mr and Mrs El-wyn Brooks at their cottage at Seymour Lake were Mr and Mrs Donald Bennett and son Jimmy of Mills: Me and Edward ing that a man puts a lifetime $68000 into helping build a business Spero is hopeful that other firms have that the employes regard me really deserves something more I will adopt similar profit-sharing 1 as a friend You know over the than a gold watch after 25 plans because would help years that counts for a From Here And There About The State Photographer contest i i bringing the total to 1400 Hospi-Cowdrey will go to Swampscott tal trustees fuither announced that Mass in September writh the they will contact personally those Patches to the New England Pho- on the original list of 200 who tographers Convention to try for failed to contribute Betts report-Miss New England Lens Lure The ed that the $30000 is needed to portrait of Nancy meet the annual oper-Battles Grey won the same award I ating deficit year was also namqd $4 New i England yLctis Lure Governor To Give Monkton Man Iffuf fpE 4 I 1 Vermont Fiag Lightning Stuns Paul Couture of Berkshire A North Berkshire resident row escape he had when he was stunned by a bolt of lighting recently Paul Couture says he was after his cows during a severe electrical storm when he was knocked to the ground by the bolt He was able to walk jv tjQ his' home without help but found Curtis Funeral Home Oxygen equipped ambulances JUSTIN CURTIS President FRANCES CURTIS Lady Assistant also fully licensed 5 Bay St Tel 272 difficulty in speaking f6r a short time One cow was also knocked down but did not receive serious injuries RUBLEE Ona Mae Roundy passed away Saturday evening July 20 at her home 33 Third st at the age of 62 years Friends may call at the Curtis Funeral Home Family wnl be in attendance from 7 to 9 this evening Funeral service will be held at 2 Tuesday July 23 at the United Church with Rev Maxwell Reader officiating Interment in the family lot in the West Burke cemetery Curtis Funeral Home in charge Shepard grand representative of Farmer-shipbuilder Robert Carr the Grand Lodge of Vermont I harles Hoffn an Again Heads Vt March of Dimes of Monkton will fly a Vermont HARTWELL Funeral Service MYRON EASTMAN Prop Serving Barton and surrounding are Barton Tel 109 Insurance executive Charles state flag presented to him by Prescott Hoffman of Brattleboro gov Joseph Johnson when he has been re-appointed Vermont sails to Florida soon in his now state chairman of the 1957 March internationally famous homebuilt of Dimes It was announced Sat- i yawl The governor will urday by Basil president of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis Morrisville Marks Site Of First Church The Rev Frank A Stockwell vice president of the Morristown Historical Society and retired Uni-versalist minister -was the guest speaker at the marking of the site of the first church in town at a ceremony held at Morristown Corners This was one of the observances of the Sesquicentennial of the Fast Congregational Church held jointly with the Historical Society and vas attended by 50 members and friends of the Society Bristol Mrs William Flanders Jr of Essex Junction visited last week at the camp of Mr and Mrs William Flanders Sr Her son Dana is spending the week with his grandparents Mrs Paul Hunt and three children visited Mr and Mrs Benjamin Collins in Burlington for several days last week Returning with her was her brother Rev Stuart Brush and Mrs Brush of Richmond Mr and Mrs Dalton McBride and family have returned to Derby after visiting several days with Dr and Mrs William McBride and with Mr and Mrs Bruce McBride Correction In a recent picture of Mr and Mrs George Cargill celebrating their 50th weddnig anniversary the credit line was mistakenly given to Studio It should have credited the Del Cargill Studios in Westbrook Me CLARK Everett A passed away at his home in Barton Saturday afternoon July 20 at the age of 68 years Funeral services will be held at the United Church in Barton Tuesday at 2 Rev Leon Oliver officiating Interment in the Welcome Brown cemetery Friends may call at the Funeral Home Monday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Hartwell Funeral Service in charge RACINE CASS FUNERAL HOME INC OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Derby Line Rock Island TR-3-3132 TR-6-4213 fications samples of operating speeds will also be obtained present the flag to Carr Wednesday at 2:30 in a ceremony at the Shelburne Harbor shipyard where the 40 year old ex Navy sailor has the yawl anchored Carr has been living on the since last fall while working at the Shelburne Harbor Ship and Marine Construction Co He announced two weeks ago that he has changed his plans about a proposed trip to the West Indies and will sail instead to Florida--probably via the St Lawrence River into tne Alantic Ocean The flag will mean publicity for Vermont wnerever Carr and the travel The vessel which Carr built without power tools on his Monkton farm has already been publicized in several national magazines and also a periodical entirely in Russian that is sold in the Soviet Union under a cultural exchange program (The United States in turn receives a magazine about Russia printed in English) HOWARD A REED Union St Newport Phone 88-W Applications Up Jobs Decline in St A Area Labor market conditions in the St Albans area during June reflected strong seasonal influences with agriculture and construction providing summer employment for many persons according to report on last activities released Saturday by the St Albans office of the Vermont Unemployment Compensation Commission Job placements made during the month numbered 133 compared with 114 in May and 170 a year ago Among the persons placed in jobs were 28 women and 18 veterans Agriculture accounted for 57 of the placement and construction 35 Weekly wages involved were valued at $2980 for those placements expected to last a week or longer New registrations for work totaled 155 including 70 by women and 13 by veterans The total was about 50 per cent above both the preceding and the corresponding figures last year CONVERSE Funeral and Ambulance SERVICE Orleans Newport Danby Four Corners Church Given Large Pulpit Bible A large pulpit Bible has been given to the Danby Four Comers Union Church by Mrs Anna Long of Danby Mrs Long is a descendant cf the Otis family for generations among the leading families of the community Crystal Rebekah Lodge Entertains Travelers Authorized DEALER for genuine Rock of Area monuments and markers 47S-W Leave Them a Home Not a Mortgage! St To Dedicate Two New Schools ST St Johnsbury school officials expect to dedicate two new elementary schools at ceremonies Sunday Aug 25 One of the buildings is the $180-000 six-classroom and multipurpose room Lincoln school It will accommodate two each of grades one through three The other structure is the $225-000 Frank Adams primary school on Summer st which is being dedicated to Supt of Schools Frank Adams who is retiring after 23 years It has nine classrooms and a multipurpose room which will house three sections of grades one through three It will also permit elimination of two classes held in the basem*nt of the old Summer st school Nine classes will continue to use old school buildings however Both new buildings have been accepted and will open in September Connecticut Chosen For Traffic Accident Study HARTFORD Coim 1 The Federal Bureau of Public Roads the state Highway Department announced today has chosen Connecticut as the first state in which to conduct a study of the effect of speed on traffic accident experience Later on other studies are expected to be made in New Jersey Connecticut was chosen for two reasons: (1) Because its governor Abraham Ribicoff long has shown special interest in highway safety and (2) because Connecticut is a pioneer in the traffic safety field and records Of comprehensive accident and speed studies are available in the highway department Ribicoff head of a special traffic safety committee of the National Governors' Conference is the author of the system whereby a 30-day license suspension automatically is imposed on all drivers convicted of a first offense of speeding In Connecticut The system has attracted wide attention since it went into effect at the start of 1956 The study by the Public Roads Bureau will require data on total vehicle miles of travel by type of Sneeze Season Still Weeks Off Doctors Advise Hayfever sufferers in the Burlington area may breathe easier for the next three weeks or so Dr Farmer and Dr Harold Medivetsky allergy specialists report that the pollen count at present is too and off It has been a normal season as far as trouble from grasses somewhat more due to windy Ragweed season which usually begins about mid-August may be slightly earlier this year due to wreather conditions ROCK ISLAND Crystal Rebekah Lodge No 14 entertained a group of young travellers recently while they were overnight in Rock Island The young people 36 in number came from the Maritime Provinces Idaho Montana and Cuba and were on a pilgrimage to the United Nations 'Ibis event is sponsored annually by Odd Fellows and Rebekah lodges The high school students were in charge of A Green leader and chairman of the Saskatchewan Odd Fellows group of Balgonie Sask There were two other chaperones Mrs Esther Harris of Butte Mont and Mrs Ethel Ellis of Payette Idaho The trip started at Billings Mont en route through to New York where they arrived on July 14 to attend the United Nations Assembly The trip so far had covered Sault- St Marie Sudbury and Canadian Cement Trucks Supplying Needs Unofficial sources at a United States port of entry estimate that Canadian truckloads of cement entering this country all along the Vermont-Canada border reached its peak to date this week with very large being checked through It was also thought that overloaded trucks are being kept at a minimum on Rte 5 due to the efforts of tne state highway patrol lot of cement is coming into Vermont because of the cement strike in the United said Chittenden county Attorney fen mmt noS War) llllinwiiwmium" i GUY A MAGOON Madam Woodman of Amaricn 240 Main St Newport 5 I am latowotod Is yow Mortgage ConcoBatie tUm Kerbs Memorial Fund Campaign Is $22100 Short Ralph Betts Kerbs Memorial Hospital administrator Friday announced at St Albans the close of the present fund-raising drive Betts reported that only $7-900 was raised of the needed $30-000 The drive will continue unofficially however and anyone wishing to contribute may do so according to Betts At the beginning of the drive some 200 letters were mailed to prominent Franklin County residents requesting that each contribute the sum of $100 Other letters were mailed CITY GOT STUCK DETROIT CAP) Chewing gum apparently the answer to the financial probleins of the Detroit Street Railway Gum machines Suppose something happened to you you like t) leave your home mortgage free? For as little as 1 per cent you can buy our Mortgage Cancellation Plan Randolph Studio Wins Photography Award for State Cliff and Dot Patch of Patch Studio at Randolph have won recognition in Vermont photography for the second consecutive year Their portrait of Miss Ranee Cowdrey won the Miss Vermont installed on 15 city buses dis-vehicle by make year and model I pensed only 9830 sticks of gum at and by sex and approximate age a penny a stick in a five-week of driver For each of these classi-1 trial The cut was $1475 Allan Bruce in a recent inter view at Chittenden municipal Island They were billeted at the Ottawa Ont Montreal and Rock.

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.