Written In The Stars @omgbigfluffwriting - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)

Chapter 4: World Enough

A/N: This was written for @thesassmisstress as part of imagining-in-the-margins’ Discord server swap. Title references a line said in Disney's Jungle Cruise.

Summary: Reader’s not sure why the universe is throwing a certain lovable doctor at her. Why hasn't she recognized it for what it is?

Reader POV

I wasn't sure why the universe seemed to have it out for me and Reid. We’d been inseparable buddies since the day I joined the BAU and I’d laughed at some Star Trek trivia he’d told me. “Come on, Einstein, it's just a prediction! Most often, they don't come true.” I tried to convince Spencer to go with me to a fortune teller as we doctored our coffees. He snorted.

“You expect me to walk into there for something I know won't come true?" He hissed. “Wow, that's actually a new low for you.” He took a measured sip of his coffee. “Why don't you take your boyfriend?” He was referring to Richards from White-collar crime. Richards had a fiancèe who looked to be the feminine version of Spencer, if Spencer had been born a girl. I'd met her, finding her more approachable than the object of my unrequited feelings who seemed to be hung up on the fact that Richards and I were dating, which we were not.

“You know full well that he's not my boyfriend, Reid!” I exclaimed. Why I have feelings for this germaphobic idiot, I'll never know. “We’re friends!”

“Well like JJ says, he is a guy and he is your friend, therefore he's your boyfriend.” Spencer murmured as he left the kitchenette with his coffee. I tried to avert my eyes from his ass as he walked off and silently cursed the day Morgan convinced Spencer to get his pants a size smaller than what he usually did.

“Same thing applies to you, smartass!” I exclaimed in irritation as I followed him. I was tired of his smart mouth. Unfortunately, the rest of the bullpen was now hearing our argument.

“I don't think anyone caught **us** kissing in the hallway making Emily bust a gut over it.” Smartass pointed out, mentioning our Unit Chief. What I wouldn't give to f*ck those brains of his into silence! He was always bringing up that one f*cking kiss that I initiated on Garcia's suggestion to see if Spence would be jealous. Unfortunately, I had to pretend that it was Spencer kissing me instead of Richards, which meant my panties were soaked.

“It only happened one time, Reid! Look, all I'm asking is for you to come with me, Reid, not ask you out on a date!” I snapped at him.

“Maybe that's the problem.” Anderson said as he handed a file to Spencer. I glare at Anderson in disbelief. “All I'm saying is that you two either need to start dating or start f*cking because I'm tired of you both dancing around the sexual attraction issue and I'm sure everyone else is too.” We both glare at Anderson now after seeing several nods, chiefly Matt, Tara and Luke.

“I’ll go but it's a date.” Reid said before burying himself in paperwork. I scowled at Reid. How could he even say that this was a date?!

“No, it's not a f*cking date!” I hissed. As usual when he was annoyed or dare I even say it, angry; Spencer didn't say a word.


Spencer POV

Later that day, we walked into the fortune teller’s tent. I was still highly skeptical about it. I still believe that most fortune tellers prey on human emotions, it’s a profiling turned carnival trick and that it’s not adequately rooted in science. She took one look at us, rose to her feet and bluntly asked, “When’s the wedding? You two make a lovely couple.”

Awkwardly I answered, “We’re...not together.” as I watched Y/N blush.

She smirks at me and says, “Yet. Fate wants you two together.” I blinked in surprise at her declaration that we were supposed to be together.

After telling her that we weren't interested in a full session, we walked out of the tent. Suddenly, “Oh sh*t, tonight’s date night!” came out of Y/N’s mouth. I raise my eyebrows at her. Twice a month, our team held Date Night, which gave established couples a chance to relax and have fun. It also gave Garcia a chance to play matchmaker. I always volunteered to babysit Henry and Michael on those nights because I didn't want to see Y/N with other guys.

Some part of my brain said in Elle’s voice, “Then why don't you ask her out, Reid?!” I didn't want to be rejected as I was fairly sure that I wasn't her type, except for platonically which is where I didn't want to be.

“Are you going?” she asked.

“What’s the point of even going at all?” I asked. She blinked, then frowned at me.

“To find a date?” she asked quizzically.

“You know... when you, Garcia, JJ and Emily set me up with blind dates, I never retain enough interest because they're *strangers*, Y/N.” I blurted. “I’m not like you.”

“What’s that supposed to even mean, Einstein?” I bristled at the nickname.

“Nothing. Actually, no...it means you’re always all over every single guyexcept the one who’s actually shown interest.” I spat.

“Wait, what? That's a little harsh, Reid.” I didn't think she was **this** sensitive!

“What's wrong with me? I'm too intelligent or don't have enough muscle for you?!” Her jaw dropped. Maybe I was being unfair, though the team knew I could be a loose cannon and not the same thanks to prison. “Not dangerous enough?!”

“That’s not true!” she exclaimed. Oops, perhaps I came on too strong. “If you go, I will.” She finally said before walking away.

The fortune teller came out and said, "Mr. Reid, a quick word before you and your friend leave." I nodded and went back into the tent, while Y/N went shopping since our task was completed. “You need to go to your work’s date night tonight. I'm sensing that this is the chance that you've been waiting for all year.” I blinked in surprise again.

“It’s Doctor and how did...” She pointed to my FBI ID Badge. Apparently, I had forgotten to take it off when we left work.


Reader POV:

I was shocked by Spencer's outburst. Never would I have guessed that the good doctor might be into *me*, of all people. How long he had been was anyone's guess at this point. I admit, I *had been* oblivious to his interest. Well that Y/N is gone. I will reciprocate his feelings.

I found a very sexy number that I had gotten for my birthday and hadn't worn yet in the back of my closet. It was a rose-gold colored knee-length bodycon dress that showed a healthy, tasteful amount of my cleavage (which wasn't much, thankfully). I recalled that Spencer had gotten it for my birthday last year as I pulled it out. Perfect, it was time to use it to premium advantage - seducing Spencer.

Unfortunately, Garcia chose that minute to Skype me. “Angel, please tell me you have chosen...Oh hello!” she said upon seeing the dress. “Never mind, you’re going straight for the cannons.”

“You bet your ass I am.” I said, looking through my jewelry. I chose a simple diamond and pearl pendant that rested snugly between my breasts, diamond-pearl drop earrings and a diamond bracelet to wear tonight. The diamond and pearl pendant (I hoped) would call Spencer's attention to my breasts.

I hadn't known he felt that way about me. I may have been all over every guy except him, but he was the only one I wanted to actually f*ck me. I'd started having explicit dreams when he got shot in the leg a few years ago and when I naively believed that he wanted no more than friendship, they had been my solace until today. I critically assessed myself in my vanity mirror.

“Well this is as good as I'm gonna get.” I murmured. Tonight, Spencer Reid wouldn't even know what hit him - and he'd asked for it!

Upon my arrival, I didn't see him but I did see my ex. I ignored him and continued searching for Spencer. I found him sitting at the bar, nursing a co*ke. He must have thought I was going to ignore him again. ‘After that outburst? Wrong, Pretty Boy.’ I thought.


Spencer POV:

I arrived early, hoping that she'd be there. If she doesn't show...I can always go home and pretend this never even happened. I was enjoying my co*ke when out of nowhere, Y/N plops onto my lap. “You know, we’re like cocoa and marshmallows. You're hot and I want to be on top of you.” she whispered in my ear. I flushed scarlet at the innuendo.

“Y/N, what the hell are you doing?” I asked, confused but also getting aroused by her.

“Babe, you’re so hot, you make the equator look like the north pole.” she murmured against my lips before kissing me. Was that the dress I bought her for her birthday? f*ck...I should have reconsidered buying it, especially with how her necklace lay snugly between her beautiful, pert breasts. A surge of jealousy fired through me.

“Y/N...” I groaned as she got up off me and grinned in satisfaction. However, the relief was short lived because she straddled me.

“I'm going to need a tall glass of cold water, because ooh babe, you're making me HOT!” she murmured against my lips.

“Y/N...” I tried again.

“Kiss me if I’m wrong, but I think you want to be my lover.” She whispered and smirked again when we both felt my bulge swell to meet her entrance. “You asked for this.” she retorted at my surprised expression. She kissed me, pulled back and bit her lip. I could read ‘Please don’t let me be wrong about his feelings for me…’ in her eyes. She wasn't wrong. Immediately, I cradled her jaw and my lips met hers. They were soft and instantly welcoming.

“Thank you.” I mumbled. I noticed Luke and Rossi smirking as they gestured, getting the team’s attention on us. I could see Garcia mouthing, ‘It's about time, Lover Boy.’ I ignored them in favor of kissing Y/N’s neck. sh*t, I wanted her!

“Let’s get out of here.” She suggested, clearly eager to have my hands on her. I chuckled and shook my head.

“Wow, someone’s a little too eager to get our night started.” I murmured. “But yes, I can't wait either. Let's go.” It was her turn to chuckle as she got up. I hid what she’d done to me behind my messenger bag, paid for our individual drinks, made our excuses to Emily and led her out to my car.

We had barely gotten into the apartment and the door closed when I kissed her after throwing my messenger bag onto the floor, my body nearly pinning her to the wall. “I can't believe I get to be the one to have you.” I murmured before kissing her neck, on top of her pounding pulse.

“Rules first.” She whispered in my ear.

“Mm-hm. No condom.” I agreed. She shivered when she heard that condition. “Any time, anywhere and in addition, anything asked of you, you comply immediately and without question.” This condition could be somewhat bent because I wasn't 100% set on it.

“Yes.” She answered.

“Any conditions of your own, love?” I asked, my honey-brown eyes looking into her blue-gray ones. She shook her head. "Just so you know, I've wanted you since I met you." She blinked as I ground my hips against hers, making her feel the large bulge in my slacks. She licked her lips and unbuckled my belt. “Love, what are you doing?” I asked.

“Did I ever tell you that I imagine you f*cking me every night?” If it was even possible, my erection now was at full attention.

“Just me?” I asked, almost jealous again. However, her next statement eradicated it.

“Just you.” she confirmed, taking off her shirt and bra. I took off my shirt. "We should sleep." She said with a hard gulp.

"Makes no difference whether it's now or tomorrow, Y/N. I'll still want this in the morning..." I ground my hips against hers again before saying, "Question is, will you?"

"What if I get pregnant?" She countered. I tilted my head as my eyes raked over her form. It was easy to imagine her belly perfectly round with my child growing inside her.

"Would you want that?" I asked her. "Because I would love that, actually. A little girl who is just as beautiful as her mother. And I thought I said, any time, anywhere and in addition, anything asked of you, you comply immediately and without question.” She smiled brightly and tugged me so that my body was snug against hers.

“Actually, I want a little boy who is as smart as his father,” she corrected, “and who endlessly questions everything.”

“You would.” I murmured against her collarbone with amusem*nt. She started unbuckling my belt. I stepped back, making her whine with frustration. "We should take this to the bedroom. It'll be more comfortable." She nodded at the suggestion and got up to head for the bedroom. I was just a moment behind her as I discarded my pants and underwear before following.

Slowly, she slid her panties off, for the first time, showing off her neatly trimmed bush. She watched as I swallowed convulsively, taking in her naked form. We tumbled onto the bed, and I leaned over her, one knee parting her legs.

"Sweetheart, you are beautiful." I murmured as I left a trail of kisses down her throat. She reached for my head, lacing her fingers through the dark brown locks, and pulled me back to face her. My amber eyes looked back at her, wordlessly questioning whether she wanted me to continue. She answered by kissing me and wrapping her legs around my backside.

I grinned at her mischievously, and ran my hands languorously across her abdomen. I brought my head further south, trailing kisses down to her belly button, before coming up to flick my tongue at each of her pert and generous breasts, bringing the nipples to a stiffness for a reason other than being cold. I then enveloped one with my mouth, suckling lightly, my eyes looking up to meet her own lidded ones when she moaned in pleasure. I did not leave the other neglected, and I knew she'd wonder where I learned to make love.

She was taken by surprise, when I moved lower, trailing kiss after kiss across her stomach, and then bent my head to her mound, pulling her legs up to rest on my shoulders. My fingers and tongue caressed her as they sought out that little button of pleasure that had brought her to climax so many times before. I knew I wanted to be inside her but couldn't force it, it had to be her that approached me.

Between that and the slow, gentle thrusts of two of my long, piano fingers within her, once in a while brushing across a part of her that made her thrust back, the pleasure seemed to make something wind up tightly inside of her.

"Spencer," she gasped, "I want you inside me, now." I'm sure that she meant it as an order, though it sounded like a plea.

"You're sure?" I queried.

"Yes." She replied. “Spencer, I need you now, damn it!” It took a moment but I brought my sex to nearly meet her own. I smirked as she rolled her hips, begging me to just hurry up, impatient to quell the fire burning within.

I fumbled a bit, missing my mark twice before I slowly entered her. She loosely wrapped her legs around my waist as I began to thrust, slowly, with utmost care. One hand caressed her body, while the other cradled her head as I kissed her lips once more.

I found that spot within her, easily rubbing against it with each thrust of our hips crashing against each other. We both worked at a frenzied pace, until finally that spring within her broke, unleashing wave after wave of euphoric pleasure while my thrusts continued, though now short and urgent. Suddenly I stilled, and she watched as every muscle tensed.

Still recovering from her own climax, I knew she could feel my throbbing length pulse as my own was met. I desperately muttered her name. I'm now watching her, my head propped up on one arm. "Where did you learn to make love like that?" She asked breathily.

"Nowhere." I murmured. " You're the first-"

"Impossible. I've never climaxed like that before." She told me shyly.

"I read," I cleared my throat suddenly. "...a lot, Y/N." I answered tiredly. She looked like she wasn't sure whether or not she should believe me but cuddled up to me anyway, resting her head in the crook of my arm.

"Let's try again later?" She suggested. I nodded and pressed a kiss to her temple. “When did you know you were in love with me?”

“When Hotch first paired us together after my ordeal with Hankel.” I whispered. Because I had been addicted to Dilaudid at the time, I had tried to drown out both my numerous nightmares involving Hankel and my fantasies regarding Y/N.

“Spence, that was 14, almost 15 years ago!” she squeaked. “You mean to tell me that you've carried a torch for me that long and didn't tell me?!”

“Well, I was under the influence at the time and I may have assumed that you wouldn't feel the same way…What about you?” I admitted.

“When you had anthrax. Hotch had to hold me back from driving to where you were, I was so afraid that you would die…” she paused, trying to hide her tears.

“No, no hiding.” I said, gently brushing away her tears. “I’m here.” she slightly shifted, which made me harden again due to her tightness around my co*ck. “I was so jealous when you kissed Richards that it took all I had to keep myself in the bullpen and not create an even bigger scene.”

“I was only able to get through that kiss by pretending Richards was you.” She shyly admitted. I raised my eyebrow in surprise. “My panties were soaked.”

“I would have loved to have seen that.” I teased. “Maybe we could...”

“I’m not having Prentiss bust her gut again. Once was bad enough.” She retorted.

“No, no...I meant to reenact it here.” I said. She blushed. “As much as I love you, I'm not willing to incur Emily's wrath.” We both laughed. I let my forehead rest against hers.


Reader POV:

Thankfully, everything went back to normal in the morning. Well, nearly everything since Reid and I were now together and Anderson looked as smug as a peaco*ck. I didn't care until Emily called us into her office.

“I have concerns about the two of you dating. Rossi tells me that Reid was distraught when Maeve died.” She began.

“Prentiss...” I started softly. She held up her hand.

“Hotch trusted both of you, which means I do too. However, my official stance is that you two will not be going in the field together as if something happened to either of you, I don't want the other to take unnecessary risks. I remember what happened when we paired Reid with Garcia last time, so Y/N,” Emily said, “You will be working with her.” I nodded.

“That’ll be great as Spence and I are trying to get pregnant.” Emily looked shocked at my declaration.


Spencer POV

Three months passed and Y/N started feeling a bit fatigued. Concerning our previous conversation, I did test the theory that kissing me soaked her panties and am delighted to say that it is true. Tonight I had her pinned against the wall. “Your nipples are so sensitive today.” I remarked, the pads of my thumbs stroking her nipples and coaxing them into hard peaks.

“So?” she mumbled. “We’re just friends.” A low growl escaped my lips.

“We’re more than just friends and you f*cking know it, brat.” I snapped. Her eyes widened. It looked like she brought out my dominant side again. She writhed against me in panic.

“Spence, do whatever you want,” She squeaked, “but don't hurt our baby!” I froze.

“I thought your breasts and figure looked fuller.” I mumbled. She blinked. “Bed.”

“Spencer Walter Reid, are you saying I'm fat?!” She asked incredulously as she walked to our bedroom. I shook my head briefly before joining her on the bed.

“No, no. I was saying that I thought I noticed a change.” I said, lightly stroking her belly with the pads of my fingers. “Daddy’s so excited to meet you.” I whispered against her skin. “I love you.” I said, looking into her eyes. “Both of you.”

“We love you too, Encyclopedia Brown. Now f*ck me, please!” she whined.

“Nope. You forgot to call me something.” I teased, caressing her thigh.

“Daddy, please!” She cried out when I ran the tip of my co*ck along her wet entrance. I smirked.

“That’s it, my sweet girl.” I murmured. "Lay down on your stomach." She did as I asked and I slid a couple of pillows underneath her pelvis, then slipped into her. "Close your legs a bit." I instructed her, which she did.

I found that spot within her, easily rubbing against it with each thrust of my hips crashing against her pelvis. I moaned.

We worked at a frenzied pace, until finally that spring within her broke, unleashing wave after wave of euphoric pleasure while my thrusts continued, though now short and urgent.

Suddenly I stilled. “I can’t wait any longer.” I mumbled.

"Spence, cum for me.” She requested. That did it. I let go and surrendered to the pleasure that release brought me. “Spence?

"Hm?" I sounded tired.

"That felt really good." She said quietly. "Again?"

"No, sleep, then later." I murmured, climbing into bed beside her. "Love you, Sparkles."

"I love you too." She replied as I snuggled into her.


Reader POV

Shortly after that, we discovered that I was carrying twins, which ended with Spencer fainting at the news, funnily enough. I felt huge as I finally popped.

Now anyone who knows Spencer knows that he usually had a couple of bites of whatever I was eating, as long as it wasn't a Maple Bar. Those, I told him not to touch, back when we were friends or I would slap him silly. I forgot to tell him that I put small pieces of beef jerky into my vanilla ice cream today.

I returned from Penelope's office to find Spencer forcefully swallowing the bite he'd taken. He was playing it off as fine but our coworkers and I both knew he wanted to spit it into the garbage.

“That was f*cking disgusting, Y/N.” he said quietly.

“Hey, your kids are calling the shots, not me. And you know that I have a pregnancy brain. I'll make it up to you later.” I shot back as I took a bite of my ice cream.

“How?” Spencer asked as he took a bite of his chocolate doughnut with sprinkles.

“Spoilers.” I said, using a quote from Doctor Who.

“That sucks and you better not forget it.” I smirk at him.

"So Y/L/N, who's the baby daddy?" I had taken a swig of my cherry limeade soda just as Luke casually asked that and Spencer had gotten up to get more coffee. My soda went all over the back of Reid's black sweater vest.

"I am and thanks for asking her that, Luke." Spencer said irritably, setting down his mug and taking off his vest. Luke’s jaw dropped.

“Spence, I'm...” I start to apologize.

“Not your fault, love. It's Luke's.” He murmured as he headed toward the kitchen. I get up to follow him.

"Spence." He turned around before making another cup. I grabbed his hand and placed it on my belly. "Someone's trying to say hello."

Spencer's eyes immediately lit up and a silly grin appeared. I usually equated that smile with our unborn children. "Hi, this is Daddy. Momma and I can't wait to meet you. We love you two so much." For that, Spencer was rewarded with a series of kicks.

“I love you, Spencer.'” I said.

“I love you more.” He replied, kissing me. He made his cup and I got a new cup of ice for my soda. “We're supposed to find out their genders tomorrow. I'll have to tell Emily, but I think she'll let me go.” I nodded. He knelt and kissed my swollen abdomen.

“Spence, wait until we get home. Remember Emily’s reaction...” I was reminded as he caressed it. He stood up and frowned. “We’ll have all night long tonight for you to spend worshipping me after work.”

“Fine,” he pouted and left with his coffee. I needed to get myself calmed down. The extra hormones always meant I was wet for my boyfriend.


The next morning, “I hope they’re okay.” I said as Spencer went through a case file while we waited for the doctor. He looked up and stroked my belly with two of his fingers.

“I’m sure they're fine. They're kicking constantly.” He said with a grin.

“Only because you keep touching my belly so much, Daddy.” I teased.

“Keep this up and you won't be leaving bed for a few days once we get home.” he quietly warned. “You know what calling me Daddy does.” I did and I wanted it when we got back home. I kept calling him Daddy so only he could hear it. “Enough, love.” he said.

“Spoilsport.” I mumbled as the doctor came in. To our relief, the twins and I were doing very well. I was carrying a girl and a boy. “Now you can stop calling me your sweet girl.” I said as we walked into my apartment.


Spencer POV

“Nope, you’ll always be my sweet girl in the bedroom.” I replied as both fetuses kicked in unison. “You're the original, no matter how many daughters we have.” I ripped the shirt right off of her body and caressed her belly as I kissed her hungrily.

“That’s not where I want your hands, smartass.” she moaned.

Deciding to play with her a bit, I said, “But it's where I want my hands to be, babe. Or do you want them on your breasts?” I noticed a shiver go through her and grinned. “Okay, noted. Breasts are next.”

“No, not breasts, Spencer.” she hissed. "Well, maybe your mouth on my breast and your dick in me. I think I'm wet enough.”

“Let my tongue be the judge of if you’re wet enough.” Has that seriously come out of my mouth?! Usually, I'm not that blunt.

“Well, do something.” she said.

I grinned at her mischievously, and ran my hands languorously across her abdomen. I brought my head further south, trailing kisses down to her belly button, before coming up to flick my tongue at each of her pert and generous breasts, bringing the nipples to a stiffness for a reason other than being cold. I then enveloped one with my mouth, suckling lightly, my eyes looking up to meet her own lidded ones when she moaned in pleasure.

She was taken by surprise, when I moved lower, trailing kiss after kiss across her stomach, and then bent my head to her mound, pulling her legs up to rest on my shoulders. “I can’t believe how wet you are already...” I moaned against her mound.

“Your fault.” I looked up at her, quivering my eyebrows. “If you hadn't said anything about me being with every guy except you, I wouldn't be in this condition.”

“Oh, I would have found a way. Maybe I would have talked Richards into a threesome...Or asked Garcia to help me.” I retorted. She snorted.

“One, Richards is - f*ck, Spence - engaged...Two, my kissing Richards was Garcia's suggestion on getting your attention and three, I should have seduced you sooner.” I laughed.

“Should’ve known it was Garcia's suggestion and yes, you should have but I should have given you some indication that I was head over heels for you.” I mused.

“Just f*ck me, Spencer.” she said.

"Lay down on your stomach." She did as I asked and I slid a couple of pillows underneath her pelvis, then slipped into her. "Close your legs a bit." I instructed her, which she did. I found that spot within her, easily rubbing against it with each thrust of my hips crashing against her pelvis. I moaned. We worked into a frenzied pace, until finally that spring within her broke, unleashing wave after wave of euphoric pleasure while my thrusts continued, though now short and urgent. “I can't hold it...” I murmured.

“Don’t.” she whispered. Suddenly I stilled. Still recovering from her climax, I knew she could feel my throbbing length pulse inside her as my own was met. “Spence, I love you.” she murmured.

I love you too.” I murmured against her neck.


I absently placed a hand on Y/N’s belly as we watched Star Trek. It had become a habit of mine after Y/N let me feel the first kick because I liked feeling our children move inside of her. Much to her annoyance, it also led to me being aroused all of the time. Thankfully, we were relaxing so when Y/N got up, I made a small whine in the back of my throat. Fortunately for me, she slowly unbuckled my belt and unzipped my slacks, slipping a hand in to touch my erection. I couldn't help it, I moaned.

“Does that feel good, Spence?” she asked, smirking.

“It would feel even better if you straddled me.” I murmured. She raised her eyebrows.

“You're going to have to wait until they're born because with the size of my belly...” she started. I could see the wheels in her head turning. She got down on her hands and knees to take my manhood into her mouth.

“Stay still.” I murmured. “Emily's calling.” I wanted her to keep my co*ck warm and that's what she did for me while I was on the phone with various people. When I got on the phone with Garcia, she got tired of waiting, so she lightly ran the tip of her tongue against the ridge. My co*ck twitched. She licked it and suddenly, I came in her mouth. She swallowed eagerly and grinned as I tried to hide the fact I was climaxing.

“187, I imagine that I interrupted something between you and Angel, so I'll call back later.” I heard her hang up.

“Y/N! Now she's going to think we're having sex while I'm on the phone with her!” I whined. She licked my co*ck again.

“Let her. You got me pregnant, so you'll have to excuse me when I get horny.” I looked at her round belly, enjoying the sight of it and knowing those were my fetuses inside her. “Besides you started it.” she retorted. I rolled my eyes even though it was true.

“Oh f*ck it.” I growled as I scooted back. “Out, now!” she crawled out and grinned because I was hardening again for her. “Bed.” I growled again.

“Mm... would that include me naked and waiting with an apple in my mouth?” she asked, smirking as she slowly stood up. I considered the mental picture and found I liked it more than I should. I glared at her.

“Bed, now, brat!” I said, giving her a playful swat on the ass. She laughed as she did what I requested.


Reader POV:

9 months (38 weeks):

I woke up, wanting to scream as I panted. “Spence, the twins are on their way.” Sleepily, Spencer got up. It was fortunate that he was a light sleeper. He quickly got dressed, grabbed my hospital bag, and herded me out the door in my nightgown.

The rest of early morning passed in a blur. Our babies, one of each, were in the nursery when I heard a knock. It was Spencer's. “They’re small, but beautiful,” he tells me.

“Spencer Reid, are you crying?” I asked, amazed that two little babies could bring him to tears.

“No.” he lied, making me laugh. “Well yes. I am so grateful for them and for whatever changed your mind on Date night.” Inwardly, I sighed, disappointed that this wasn't a proposal. “I know I don't have a ring,” He took my hand and knelt, “but would you do me the honor of giving me your hand in marriage?” Now I was in tears. My best friend wanted to be with me as husband and wife!

“Yes!” I gasped. His lips sought mine. “What do you want to bet that in five years, I'll be pregnant again?” I asked.

“With the way I can't keep my hands off of you? Two years maximum.” he whispered.


I shouldn't have bet against Spence. Two years have passed and I just found out I'm pregnant again. My husband's being a smug bastard... But I asked for it!

Written In The Stars @omgbigfluffwriting - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.