Times Herald from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Tthphon Republic 1234: times Washington Saturday November is 1952 SOCIETY: Julie Barnes rench Actor St: riday Dance New Season 4 DR YEH 4 Daughter Is Born To Willmott Lewises CLUBS TOMB of limechlf 'i 5 GREAT 12 TOP STARS Mr Paul Bring Th BjHtoriMOfOHiiwTlJr Sren I A Members of the board of di rectors also took their turn at the tea table Among them were Mrs Seif orde Stellwagon leading mem assisting Mrs William Mr and Mrs Willmott Lewis Jr announce the birth yester day morning at George Wash ington university hospital of a baby girl Suzanne Elizabeth Her mother was Miss Suzanne Elizabeth Alexander" The maternal grand parents are Dr and Mrs Sam uel Alexander of Washington The paternal grandparents are the late Sir Willmott Lewis and the late Mrs Ethel Noyes Lewis Two of the most important members of the Republican Na tional committee distaf side will be honored at a tea' to be glyen Nov 24 by the Misses Mary and Louise Gore They are Mrs Roy Priest head of the division of the committee and Miss Bertha Adkins executive secretary of the division The 4 to 6 pm fete will take place at the Sulgrave club Roth LITTLE tlh STREET RETWEEM I Members of the Opti Mrs club of Washington and their guests had a gay time yesterday at their annual bazar and card party for benefit of the Club of Washington at the dub of Chevy Chase Md Mrs James Nelligan and Mrs Warren Cook Dyson chair man of the ways and means committee were in charge of ar rangements A ready assistant was Mrs James Gardella president of the club Mr and Mrs" Maynard Ber tram Barnes of Washington and St Manor St county Md announce the en gagement of their daughter Miss Julie Maynard Barnes to 7 Derek Dodson The bride whose father for merly served as minister to Bulgaria was educated 4n Paris and at the Madeira school and Smith college She is a member of the Sulgrave club Mr Dodson the son of Dr and Mrs Charles Dodson of Leadenham Lincolnshire Eng land is a member of the British foreign service and at present is first secretary of the British embassy in Madrid A graduate of Stowe and 'the Royal Military college at Sand hurst he held the rank of major in the Royal Scottish usiliers and was awarded the military cross during the war The wedding will take place shortly in Paris :30 and ULL HOUSE Mrs Stanley Young Mrs red DeSales Willson Mrs Lynn Edminster Mrs rancis Goodwin and Mrs James Robertson 'Mrs Morris Gewlrz was the center of attention at the lunch eon and fashion show in honor of her election to the post of honorary president of Women Argo given by the organization at the Statler hotel yesterday Mrs Gewirz was given a cita tion by Mrs Nat Levy past' president and member of the executive committee of Women SupremeCoun cil Mrs Levy was stunning in a black velvet dress and a black hat with dashes of red Mrs red Vinson wife of the Chief "Justice of the Su preme Court proposed the toastto Mrs Gewirz Mrs Gewirz dwelt onlheaatiSi faction of being honored with the post of honorary president as the only other so honored had been the late Mrs Henry Morgenthau jr Mrs Gewirz was the first president of Women Argo which was organized 15 years ago Mrs Harry Parsons president looked charming in a change able blue silk dress ar)d hat to match set off with sparkling jewels live sin a period when mankind is going thru much soul sickness and disillusion Mrs Parson said in her address to the members ana guests "This Is a time which calls for utmost conflderice in our selves and boundless faith in our beloved America What we need" she con is a period of soul earchlng and rededication to basic human principles In this respect I think the Jewish faith has shown the way a few short weeks agowe observed the High Holidays that period of penitence and atonement when the individual takes stock of the past year and atones for misdeeds I wish it were possible for nations to go thru a similar process of atone mentWe could then look for Pierre RESNAY in Iiis firsl figis ipeaking role LATE SHOW TONITE TRANS LUX Parties continue to crowd the calendar in the diplomatic di vision In order of appearance: On Monday the Bolivian Am bassador and Senora de Andrade will give a small 8 pm dinner marking their J5th wedding an niversary On Tuesday at a 5 30 pm re ception Brazilian Envoy Mo reira Salles will confer on Nic araguan Ambassador Sevilla Sacasa his honorary award for distinguished service to Brazil Incidentally Joao Moreira Salles and Senhora de Salles parents of the envoy are visiting here On Thursday Austrian Am bassador and Mrs? Lowenthal will give an 8 pm dinner On riday Henry Byroade assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern South Asian and African affairs and Mrs By roade will be dinner hosts at Blair House Yesterday the retiring Brit ish Envoy and Lady ranks were honored at a luncheon given by the Italian Envoy and Signora Tarchiani Guests in cluded the Luxemburg Minis ter and Mme LeGallais Mr and Mrs Oscar Cox Miss Manolita Doelger Italian Coun selor and Signora Luciolli Ital ian Press Secretary and Signora Paresce Italian irst Secretary and Signora Costa Sanseverino di Bisignano and Second Secre tary and Signora Riccardi Washington etes Honor Group Opens on Nov 19 we ring in the new The Parties are on the march for Air Vice Marshal Hugh Camp bell chairman of the Canadian joint staff here and Mrs Camp tell The marshalhas been ai pointed air officer with the 1st division RCA with NATO forces in Europe The Campbells leave Tin December for Ottawa and then for his new headquarters abroad in Metz His replacement here will be Rear Adm deWolf RCN The Portuguese Military At tache and Senhora de Belo will fete' them at dinner this eve ning On Monday the Canadian Air Attache Mrs Bennett will honor tl at a 8:30 to 8:30 pm rec Ion Then on Tuesday the Campbells will be honored at a dinner by tne Canadian Ambassador and Mrs Wrong I THE MAZING rABHc Tea ete Will Honor Two GOP Women Schedule in Capital Ever since checking in from New York Tuesday hand some Dr Yeh who holds a BA from Amherts and an MA from Cambridge university has been keeping a full schedule includ ing calls conferences and parties On Wednesday he 2 shook hands with" President Truman 7 Golden a bloomed in the drawing "salon where the receiving line formed and in bronze and other autumn hues accented Oriental treas ures in the other rooms Mme Koo wore an eye arresting cos tume consisting of a black satin brocade blouse and a skirt made of wovgn gauze 100 years old The latter was enhanced by exotic designs in satin and gold combined with shades of green red and yellow The priceless jade buckle on her belt echoed the green tones of her jade and emerald jewelry Ambassador Stuart Attends The "Party Leighton' Stuart envoy to China was an early arrival and also glimpsed were Nelson Johnson former UI ambas sador to China and Mrs John son leet Adm William Leahy greeted former Ambassa dor and Mrs Stanley Horn beck with enthusiasm orce ful Adm William echteler" chief of naval operations saidhof ha hori Arm 01 Min ister Yeh when he was in or mosa in July He reported that his pretty daughter Joan would be down from New York City for Christmas Retiring Assistant Secretary of State and Mrs Thorp were bidding farewells and others from that department included Philip Bonsai director of the of fice of Philippine and South east Aslan affairs and his chic wife and Mr and Mrs Michael McDermott Postmaster Gen eral and Mrs Donaldson Secre tary of the Air orce and Mrs inletter Mrs Harold Bur ton Mrs Mason Gulick Cuban Ambassador Concheso Turkish Ambassador Erkin Mmei Yang wifeof the Korean ambassa dor Japanese Minister and Mme Kamimura and Clarence Heweswere among thescpres of familiar faces Mrs Georgia Neese Clark treasurerof theUnited States saying that bri Dec 8'she will be off to Miami to open a new federal savings bank and will take a brief vacation while there Signora Luciolli vivacious tiff inakes its debut Witch opening of thii eleiant new co*cktail lounge Tin Hamilton Hotol 14th KSts NW wife of the Itallan counsel was chatting with Mr and Mrs Peter Ansberry The Ansberrys will honor Mrs Ivy Priest head of the division of the Republican national committee and assistant committee chair man at dinner at the Street club Wednesday Gen Dorn Greets Old Service riends Gen rank: Dorn US A who was an aide to col orful Gen Joe" Stil well in the ar East was having a real reunion with service friends" Among the many more from service circles were Lt Gen Orval Cook deputy chief of staff for materiel SA and Mrs Cook Maj Gen and Mrs James Briggs Brig Gen John Ackerman Rear Adm and Mrs Milton Mlles Rear Adm and Mrs Richard Stout and Capt loyd erris Maj Gen and Mrs Conger Pratt made their debut appearance after a Euro pean trip ormer Ambassador and Mrs Joseph Davies were being of fered some of the open faced roast beef sandwiches and other delicacies passed on trays Mme Alfred Sze wife of a popu lar former Chinese envoy came by as did Luxembourg Minis ter and Mme LeGallais who en poyed their years of diplomatic duty in the Orient Mrs George Holmes was queried about the rumor that she is to be the next White House socittl secretary She replied that she "had not been Mr and Mrs Eugene Clay of the MSA set greeted Mme Vladimir Rybar "With Mr and Mrs Norman Llt tell was their house guest Mrs Jorgensen of Sonoma Calif Panamanian Ambassa dor Heurtematte Governor of Soldiers Home and Mrs Hais lip Mrs Leslie Biffle and Mrs Dorothy Lee Ward were still others among the guests (The first dance ofthe riday cotillon group was given last night at the Sulgrave club beginning at 10 pm orchestra supplied "the music and bowls of autumn' flowers decorated the clubrooms for the fete The sponsors for the cotillon were Mr and Mrs Lawrence Jacobsen Mr and Mrs James McSherry Wimstatt Mr and Mrs rancis Wilson Wozen craft Miss Delphine Turner Colquitt and Miss Cynthia Caroline Hill They took turns receiving the guests during the evening Many Pre Dance etes Many members of the group hosted dinners and co*cktail fetes immediately precedlng the dance i Mr and Mrs letcher Plum ley gave a 7:30 pm dinner at their home on Garfielo sir' Among the guests were Col Hunter Drum USA (ret) and Mrs Drum: Mr and MrsRichard Hutchinson Mr and Mrs George Warren Offutt 3d Mr and Mrs Arthur Post Mr and Mrs Thomas Turner jr Mr and Mrs A Lothrop Luttrell Mrs Wayne Kittelle and Col Charles Muldoon I Addisons Give Dinner Mr and Mrs Joseph Addison also gave a small 8:30 pm din ner at their Georgetown home Attending were Mr and: Mrs endall Mr and Mrs William Hill Mr and Mrs Wimsatt and Mr and Mrs Richard Duckett Mr and Mrs Jacobsen asked about 20 of their friends to come by for a drink at 9 pm last night at their Wesley Heights home Among the guests were Mr and Mrs Jojin A Day Mr and Mrs Eugene Gott Mr and Mrs James A Smith Dr and Mrs George I Mishtowt Comdr Ross Spencer USN and Mrs Spencer: Mr and Mrs Hartwell MacCartney Mr and Mrs Les lie Douglas Mr and Mrs Wood son Van Osdol Mr and Mrs Jules Korner 3d and Charles I Schneider iss Trimble Hostess Miss Elaine Trimble also asked several people to stop by her home on Macomb street at 8:30 pm including Mr and Mrs Gilbert Gude Miss Col qultt Dr Stephen Jones and Lt McWhoter USN The next dance will be on eb 6 Engaged To Stars in ine Wed Briton Diplomatic etes Slated Campbells To Be eted ward with greater faith and hope toward the future of hu manity" Mrs Samuel Zola was lunch eon chairman assisted by Mrs Raymond Sterling Mrs Julius Epstein general hostess chair man and others Besides among the distinguished guests were Mrs Tom Clark Mrs Joseph Donohue Mrs Charles Bran nan Mrs Oscar Chapman Mrs Jesse Donaldson and the fa mous designer Ceil Chapman Opti Mrs: Members Hold Annual Bazar Twentieth Century Club Gives Gala Reception "SHOWTIMES 6TAGB ARENA i Tonlfht at Noel Coward trio including and Megm1 Nightly axcept Monday at 8:80 Matlnea today al 2:30 Top Banana Phil Bll varg in a musical of th burlMUato TV circuit inal performance to day at 2:80 and 8:80 Rise by Bln Louie All britton and Stephen Elliott In Scott now political melodrama inal performances today 3:80 'and 8:80 i STAGE AND SCREE The Steel Trap Joeenh Cotten and Teresa Wright on the lam with 81000000 10:80 1:10 6:26 8:10 11:46 Stage: 13:20 3:05 6:35 8:20 10:55 SCREEN AIRPORT DRIVE Th Crlmtoa Pirate 10:40 Bugarfoot 8:50 AMBASSADOR Operation Secret Cor nel Wilde outwitting danger In the underground 1:16 8:20 6:25 7:80 8:40 BELTSVILLE DRIVE Springfield Rifle 7:16 8:30 COLUMBIA The Bnowe of Kiliman jaro Gregory Peck ae a globa trotting Hemingway hero 10:46 12:50 2:55 6:05 7:10 0:20 11:25 DUPONT The Lady Venbhee Mich ael Redgrave Margaret Lookwood (Reissue) 3:46 4:30 6:16 8 9:50 11:26 KEITH'S The Raiders Richard Conte in California territory 11:15 13:50 3:35 4:36 8:0 11:60 Sneak preview at 10 LITTLE Tho Amazing Monsieur Labre Pierre resnay as tho cele brated naturalisL 1:10 2:55 4:40 6:25 8:10 10 The Hoor of 13 Lawford tracking down mur der thru the fogbanko of London 1140 3 ill 6105 8:50 8:40 10:30 MT VERNON OPEN Rose of Cimarron 7 10:15 IV hat I'rheilory 8:25 ONTARIO Becaoeo of Too Loretta Young as a lady with a pant with 1 Jcf Chandler Alec Nicol 1:20 3:20 6:16 7:16 7:15 8:15 11 :20 Bloodhounds of Broadway Guys and dolls together on Times Square with Mitzi GaynOr 11:36 1:36 3:40 5:46 7:46 8:60: 11:65 A Night at tho ollies 1:15 8:50 8:20 8:65 11:10 Main Street Girl 2:05 4:40 7:10 8:45 13 The Ray MIL1 land In a talkless spy chase set In Washington 11:16 4:30 6:20 8:10 10 11:45 Henry's oil House All star cast holding three of a som ber kind and a pair of comedleo 11 1:06 8:10 5:25 7:40 8:66 13:10 SUNSET DRIVE IN Cavalry Seoul 8:45 10:10 Detective Btory 8:15 TRANS The Happy Timo Linda Christian helping Bobby priscol face tho facte of life 11 13:50 3:40 4:30 6:20 810 10 11:50 WARNER Operation Secret (See Ambaseador) 11:16 1:208:26 5:30 7:36 8:50 11:10 BY VYLLA POE WILSON All the gracious dignity usually associated with theTwentieth Century club prevailed yesterday afternoon at the brilliant annual reception at the Washington club The stately president Mrs James Austin Stone stood the reception room at the head of the marble stair way to receive the throngs of members and their friends Nearby was her chief aid for the afternoon good looking Mrs Joseph Paul chairman of the reception She wore a be coming costume fon The coterie of bers of the club Paul were Mrs Leahy vice chairman Mrs Bates war ren Miss Lu ella Chase Mrs Donald Clemen Mrs Sydney son Mrs 1 a n' Mrs William McGlau I in' Mrs" Will oughby Che sley Mrs Paul Howe and Mrs Cloyd Heck Marvin In' the receiving line with Mrs Stone were the officers of the club including Mrs George Norris first vice president Mrs George Gillingham second vice president Mrs Gil bert recording secretary: Mrs Lawrence Staples corre spending secretary Mrs Milton ohrmari treasurer and Mrs Edward Vosbury assistant treasurer IPj the distinguished group of women presiding at inter vals at the long tea table were past presidents Mrs Gilbert Grosvenor Mrs Philip Sydney Smith Mrs Elwood Perry Morey Mrs Karl Penning Mrs Lawrence Mattin Mrs Howard Nichols Mrs Geof frey Creyke Mrs Robert Townsend and Mrs Raleigh Gil christ Luncheon Honors Mrs Norris Gewirz oreign Minister Yeh rom Republic of China BY ACHSAH DORSEY SMITH BUSIEST bigwig in town yesterday was Dr George Kung Chao Yeh distinguished minister of for'1 eign affairs'of the Republie of China' Stirred up in compliment to this much honored 48 year old leader were a luncheon and small dinner party plus a Chinese tiuuassy reception attendee! by at least 600 guests from high pow ered circles At 1 pm Dr Yeh who is chairman of the Chinese delegation to the seventh session of the UN general assembly in New York Cltv was fetrri hv ITndemecre tary of State Bruce at Blair House Guests at the luncheon included Chinese Ambas sador Koo who with Mme Koo later gave the reception at Twin Oaks on Wood ley road Also on hand was Gen Yu Ta wei spe cial assistant to Envoy Koo Gen Yu was host at the 8 dinner last evening for Dr Yeh to the tune of chopsticks That stag gathering took place at the Good Earth restaurant which specializes cantonesa cooking Canton was tne honor birth place i Also in the luncheon line up were PH Ho chief of the technical mission Dr Shao Hwa Tan minister of the em bassy: William oster deputy secretary of Defense: rank Nash special assistant to the secretary of Defense: John Kenney deputy director of MSA and Alexis Johnson acting assistant secretary of State for ar East affairs Completing the group were Walter McConaughy director of the office of Chinese affairs of the State department and Troy Perkins assistant direc tor i'1' ilmBiografy BY LEO SULLIVAN 'Pierre resnay one ottbe outstanding cinema ac tors seldom wastes his talents 6n inferior assignments And to our good fortune his discrim inatory faculty is still as good as it ever was The proof is in Monsieur res latest appearance here as the star of Amazing Mon sieur at the Little Spoken entirely in English the rench film biografy of en tomologist Jean Henri abre (pronounce it fob) is a notable addition to the American list of life stories from the world of science? Jack Kirkland a writer from our own shores whose past ef forts would hardly seem to qual ify him for such nonfiction has supplied the script for the pic ture And it is a highly credit able job? detailing with the su perb help of resnay a lengthy wholly absorbing char acter sketch of tjie chronicler of Insect society Seldom does the plotting have to borrow from any similar prior film biografy such as that of Pasteur or the Curies Of course it does on occasion But only if to say nothing new under the sun that nur tures scientists As the story usually goes abre is a genius unappreciated in his home town of Avignon Hi eccentric behavior and his unique curiosity and study of the smaller forms of nature cast him In the shadow of the au thorities at the small college where he teaches Recognition late in coming makes him a ce lebrity of rance and eventual ly following his death in 1915 a distinguished figure thruout the world 7 fl I I Ml KM St I GO NEW ORGANS PEEP SHOW 1 "i JfoNTARIQ Ute Show Tonite JL RKO UTE SMI TMT IHSpjzX an num oar A Wirw 8101 icturt I LATE JH0W TONIGHT 1 un cmnt sm ms ti A UnfrefMllnttfnttignil Piciurt1 SHOWING AT 4 THEATRICS UNTAMED KING THE WILD OUTLAW HERDS I Ixs KILLERt HOY 20 21 NOV 21 Mill 4 PALACE COLUMBIA yrcHNicoiog NOV 16 17 NOV 16 17 NOV 16 17 ACTMILT fllllU IK TIE HCt El IltHOItECIIlXTm nonuUMM nciuit ters that the whole idea for 'the movie was Inspired on a day when the author missed a bus He missed one here too TexRitter thesinglngcow boy walls and bellows from the Capitol stage this The three other vaudeville acts in clude the dance team of Artinl and Consuelo an effortless and graceful pair they are too annoyingly dopey about the whole business Even in the first wild joy of her arms erally carries on like an exceed ingly unpleasant bore Under the circ*mstances this is perhaps 'reasonable but It is not entertaining The worried faces of Cotten and Miss Wright get most of the attention Both are grim performers and they do little to arouse sympathy for their individual plights Cotten is surly looking even in his few relaxed mo ments and Miss Wright is Just a good 'ilmmlck at" the end which you will have no trouble anticipating "which al lows Cotten to get off the hook and return to his former law abiding ways One imagines contemplatingall the trouble Cotten encoun RICHARD CONTE WVECA UNDORS with MKBAM WOTTON HUGH TAncTwhatTs offered then is a portrait of a man fit to be tied He rubs his hands watches the clock shoves his way to the head of waiting lines and gen At RKO KEITH'S TONIGHT Hollywood Sneak Preview at 9:30 PM TEX RITTER JIRTINI CONSUELO ERNtSI HEMINGWAYS low OpM 10141 Damon BLOODHOUNDS BROADWAY" Technicolor MITZI GAYNOR SCOTT BRADY RCA ULL VISION NEW MAGIC synchro'screen low Ofm 1 1141 GREGORY SUS4M PECKHAYWARD LATE SHOWS TONIGHT Lost ftaluret Start 1:45 PMu 22 22 IWCMtl LOCKWOOD PAULtUKAS coots ortN i i2 UulUlII ttuH moo LORETTA YOUNG JE CHANDLERe9 ROARING RAMPAGINGjgg iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiuq SHOWPLACE of the NATION'S CAPITAL CAPITOL! THK STEEL' TRAP Written and directed by Andrew Stone pro duced by Bert I rledlob for Twentieth Century ox At the CKpItoL "i Jim Oeborne Tnawph Cotten Laurie Oeborne Timm Wright Ken Eddie Marr Gall aHh Towne Ilaglln Ji 1 1 Hudson Bunk Teller Benny Burt Hank Teller Joey Rey Bank Teller lint Bank Tellr rhriia Collins Bank Teller Kurt Mart'll Bowers Hale £uaan Ktn'hi A So Carleton Young handmoiher sLhatherine Warren Cuatoms Inspector Sands Valcourt Tom Powers NATIONAL EVES MAT TOOAT SOW I ThuSht 1'4 Slit My Sidtl'' Donaally Ntvt HMD Ml BUI tlUM iow 0h lous Th'H kt ciuM la fht tvsptRM ef STEEL JOSEPH COTTEN WRIGHT that there a hod been another man! ONTARIO APEX 1 7 th (al ltd undercover 7 yeer search for Cornel Wilde Karl Malden OPOTH Steve Cochran SECRET hums TmAxHI Also at Ambiuador Opex 1pm CO 5595 MIGHTIEST WILD HORSESTORIES! 2 WEEKS BEG MONDAY PULITZER PRIZE WINNER '52 KHMIT ILOOMOA1MN armaft VAJTOIN in Ttemr ERRO PndKtlM ApiWIH HAM SEAT SALE ex Office Ope II AMII RM If Ims 6r NY Kt AH ww A Mw(M fc JOHNNY Miaen I 8b JACS BONORUa WASHINGTON OREMOST THEATRE NATIONAI 1586 1587 leg GORCEY BOWER BOYS It' fheir 311 HEW taff hill NO HOLDS BARRED! eaA HUNTZHALL A M0N0GMM IttEASl BttliHinHIItnilHHItllliMMIHflHIiliHHIUHtlUtnnfllinilHIHlillltlHIIHtliinHtiniitllinC PLAYING TODAY ALLEN TAKOMA PARK MD BEVERLY CALVERT CONGRESS LOWER SILVER SPRING MD HIGHLAND HYATTSVILLE HYATTSVILLE MD 1 NEWTON PENN REED AirYAkinei SHERIDAN SILVER SILVER SPRING MD TIVOLI 1 OPENING SUNDAY CHEVERLY CHEVERLY MD CORAL BRADBURY HEIGHTS MB VIERS MILLS VIERS MILLS MD OPENING THURSDAY NAYLOR OPENING RIDAY ANACOSTIA OPENING NEXT SATURDAY ATLANTIC VERNON DEL RAY VA jl Stallion with EM JOHNSONEDGAR BUCHANAN L4TE SHOW TONIGHT QRAYMILUNO iiTHEJHIE "PLAYHOUSE LAST TIMES TODAY Matinee 2:3 Evening 1:30 TNTEWffN a nn 1 icon micmh uviir ALLBRinOH THE THEATER: 'j 7 Clocks and Timetables Work Against Hero Of New Capitol By ERNjE SCHIER 'X the basis of Steel (at the Capitol) 1 director writer Andrew Stone deserves to be encouraged to try again This particular effort a study in suspense and frustration come offas satisfying entertainment for a number of irritating reasons not tne least of them being actor: Joseph Cotten in the leading role story gets off to an intriguing start His hero is an assistant bank man 7 ager a type who fits all the average statis tics relating to age marriage and so forth who one day takes the casual notion of emptying the vaults and running off to "a life of luxury in South America At first the contemplated crime is no more than a mental gartie But in time the idea becomes an obsession 1 By now the would be criminal has worked out his plan and he suddenly puts it Ihto action His blueprint is to swipe a million dollars on riday as the bank I dosses and be out of the country when i it reopens on Monday I or a professional criminal things i might be expected to run off more I smoothly but for an amateur there are eiizvli rani falrlnor Jil Tereia Wright wife and child with him and such intru sions 'as char women to prevent the second million from being added to the satchel full of loot What happens to Cotten and Teresa Wright is what happens to ail or us when it is abso lutely imperative keep an "ap pointment meet a train or catch a plane on time Nothinggoes right The passport office closes be fore he can get there a plane is late making connections to another flight the next flight out is filled up taxicabs beat the congested traffic and so on thru all the little incon veniences that pile up In "case they 'are inconvenlences and as his los ing race against the clock pro gresses his anxiety increases SHOW OMM I Tlmee Henld Bda racb th MOST rtadrrz la Waablaftoa bad Bear locaUtiea LATE SHOW TONIGHT 8 tXtlUblVt RflntN tNGACvlMfNI BUTISI Of DRUBS' BKMll SUStNSf knuuKwi5 ffmtt Daur i AUrnnn i irst Showing Illi wire TLArnY 1 5 a la i ik A'1' jp 0 I iJE 8k £ai awdk WARNER BUElJB niiJl bib i lwr 1 INTIEXATW41 pMM NOV 1 5 NOV 15 NOV 15 NOV 15 NOV 15 NOV 15 NOV 1 5 NOV 15 NOV 15 2NOV NOV 15 NOV 15 NOV 15 I WASHINGTON OREMOST THEATRE NATIONAI 1586 1587 RCA ULL VISION NEW MAGIC synchrO'Screen WARNER BUElJB ntull w'nnuiiw bibs ONTARIO 1 7 th (o Rd APEX Mjh Ave SHOWPLACE of lh' NATION'S CAPITAL CAPITOL no GORCEY BOWERY BOYS ULL HOUSE COLUMBIA 1.

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.