Road Trip with the Boys - BootyBara (2024)

Chapter 1: Thundersod Meadows

Chapter Text

Sweaty palms clenched the steering wheel while the engine light desperately blinked. Its signal urged Gale of possible costly and time-consuming repairs. Amid the signal, the gas fuel beeps rapidly. Hours passed since he drove through the familiar dense metropolis and patches of meadows. A sea of grassland sways in ominous greeting, its endless miles of prairie wheat leave Gale exposed to the elements. Gusts of wind would occasionally swoop massive tumbleweeds across the highway. The media didn’t prepare city boy Gale for this type of environment where the highway would be completely bare, almost desolate when occasional vehicles would zoom by. But it had been almost hours since he last saw any. As if he was the lone person in the world driving on these deserted plains.

"What an odd thing to see…” Gale stares in confusion at graveyards of farm equipment and auto parts lying, scatted beside the road. Like bread crumbs leaving a trail, a dirt road idly divots off next to the main road.

Thundershod Meadows

Equestrian and Automotive Services

Groaning, Gale turns his Wizard Wagon towards the dirt road. Under the tunneling canopy of coniferous trees, its cones and needles blanket over like a makeshift yellow brick road. An extreme change compared to the plains. Perhaps an oasis leading Gale towards an unknown territory and seclusion from civilization. Fingers tapping idly, Gale anxiously takes a few breaths in hopes of lessening his nerves. The wagon has given him an escape from current woes and despair from a horrible breakup with Mystra.

Months before the breakup, Gale spent his savings on converting a 1994 G20 to a comfortable traveling getaway during Mystra’s business trip. His dream to travel the road with his lover clouded his judgment. He knew Mystra had no interest in it all but he hoped when gifting her the wagon, she would change her mind. Despite a few setbacks, Gale painstakingly personalized the wagon to impress his muse. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to show his work to her. The news from his long-time friend, Elminster, broke the heart-wrenching news: Mystra wanted no contact when finding out about Gale’s project.

Tara’s loud announcement calls Gale back to reality. Her heavy toe beans press onto his thigh as she continues to chirp. She jumps towards the back, behind velvet curtains, when Gale drives through a pothole.

“Sorry, Tara! Didn’t mean to do that!”

Manure brushes against his nostrils as he drives closer to a clearing. Elk antlers mounted into a high arch in a grand and elaborate display greet Gale into awestruck. Without warning, a four-wheeler screeches from his blindside on the right to block Gale from entering further.

“It’s private property! State your business!”

A stout, short Korean man holding a shotgun paces up to the van. His gloved hands clenched the shotgun in a warning; pulling back the safety. His dark hat tilted up, revealing a fierce scowl.

Gale rolls down the window and frantically waves his hands out.

“Apologizes! I’m not a threat! My van requires assistance!”

The man spits out his tobacco chew. Staring down at Gale; analyzing him before lowering his gun.

With a quick turn, the stout man bellows out short commands similar to a Korean war general out in the field. He curtly waves Gale to exit the van. Hesitantly, Gale approaches closer to the man. Surprised when greeted with a firm handshake.

“I’m the elder brother of this property. We don't get customers often. Angel will take a look at your shaggin’ wagon. Come inside. We have refreshments. Leave the van here.”

“Kamsahamnida.” Gale felt rusty with his language but he wanted to give a good impression.

“Oh?” Elder brother quirks his brow, slightly impressed. To tease Gale, he follows up with a rush of Korean with a thicker southern accent.

“Sorry, but I can’t keep up with what you just said.” Gale nervously laughs while rubbing the back of the nape.

Amused, the Elder brother escorts Gale further into the property.

“Hm. Interesting home structure, sir.” Gale begins to wonder if he went to a different timeline and country when he laid eyes on the mansion. He couldn't help but admire how a massive mansion sits in a dense oasis of pine and green pastures. He assumed it was East Asian inspired based on the tile roof, wooden beams, and stone-block construction designed and built in the 14th century.

Terraced, moss-covered stones artiscally arranged around a koi pond which was filled with colorful water lilies. Rotund koi fish lazily float through the water. Their scales flash with intense, colorful patterns. A faint fragrance of persimmon tickles Gale’s senses. He glances to the far left and sees a persimmon tree carrying its plump fruit.

In the corner of his eye, he sees his van driving towards the back of the house. He worries if Tara will be alright.

“You shall call me, elder brother” curtly answered elder brother. He points at the house. “Hanok.” Gale nods, drinking in the cultural education.

“Hungry?” Elder brother peers up at Gale. Before Gale could answer, his growling stomach did.

After flubbing his shoes off at the raised entryway, Gale is greeted by a robust family maid. Her tailored uniform was crisp and proper. She bows after Elder brother mumbles commands to her before leaving.

Gale didn’t expect to drive into a ranch where a family maid would stuff him into a food coma. He couldn’t identify or pronounce the dishes but enjoyed it (even when his refusals were thrown out the window). Groaning, his mind battles sleep as his body melts onto the heated flooring in the living room.


Upon entering the van, goosebumps ripple throughout Ceilious when a mix of sandalwood, vanilla, and musk swirls into his nostrils. Quickly rolling down the windows to air out the car, Tara meows at him from behind the curtains. Her tail twitches, trying to distract him by tickling him as he pulls up towards the workshop. Stationed a few yards away from the house, its massive red barn doors greet him as carefully rolls in. Tires squeaked over polished cement upon entering. Overhead fluorescent lights cast their harsh radiance above to display a pristine and clinical layout.

Tara cries out from the sounds of distorted guitar riffs and heavy drums roaring throughout the space. Ceilious pays no mind to her complaints as he parks over the two-post vehicle lift in the center of the workshop. Tara buries herself in her homemade igloo in the back to pout in silence.

Lighting a cigarette, Ceilious pops the hood to inspect the damage. Further inspection indicates the glow plugs needed replacement. The type required a higher price value. Which may or not be a problem to relay the message to the van owner. Based on the type of style and customization, this van is most likely all the owner’s assets. Scratching his neck while taking a few puffs irritably and aggressively tapping his tablet. Motor oil smears roughly over the screen after ordering needed items.


Ceilious strolls to find a handsome sleeping stranger on the floor. Rarely did the ranch get visitors, let alone a handsome one. Curious excitement buzzed his skin. Questions bubble as he approaches closer. Upon closer inspection, he sighs in awe of the stranger’s serene face. Hazelnut hair swept back with an elegant flair. Trimmed facial hair portrays a refined style to him. Chest hair peeks out from the deep cleavage lilac silk shirt, hiding a faded dark circle with wispy tendrils. Besides the soft snores, the stranger gives off a prince charming allure from fantasy books he read. However, Ceilious' comparisons to other men were limited to his dwarven family members and elderly neighbors. Regardless, this stranger before him is a prince charming in his eyes. Itchy hands wander over the other’s chest. Curiously touching and sweeping fingers through hazelnut chest fuzz.


Late afternoon rolls in when Gale yawns and rubs his eyes. Dazed still, he hasn’t noticed a hand petting his chest. The sweet, warm touch kept Gale a captive. A hum escapes from Gale as the hand travels further up. Velvety fingers caress facial hair under the jaw and then closer to the earlobe. Gale jolts up when a shout echoes from the kitchen.

Heart thumping, Gale sucks in a breath. A teasing smile greets him. Deep forest green eyes, that flickered like sunlight filtered through leaves, peer into his earthly tones. That sweet, longing gaze that held Gale captive, blooming the desire deep within his core. Just as the night sky glittered with stars, milky spots around the eyes, nose, and corners of the mouth-to- chin speckles on ebony skin. Short, ivory, tight curls freely cascade and frame those high cheekbones. Enhancing an illusion of celestial beauty gazing down upon mortal Gale. The curious hand that has been teasing Gale’s flushed skin, pressing its thumb against stuttering lips. Brain flickering like pop rocks, unable to distinguish fantasy vs. reality.

Dumbfounded, Gale blurts out, “Wow, you’re hot.”

The celestial beauty horsely laughs. Its delightful bass sends heavenly sensations to Gale’s ears. Tears brimmed around the corners of the other’s eyes while turning away when the shouting drew closer. Butterflies flutter inside Gale’s stomach as he watches the other exits. His stomach churning; prompting him to rush towards the bathroom.

“Get yourself together!” The mirror reflects a pair of cheeks red and sore from repeated assaults. White knuckles clenching for dear life on the sink’s edges. Eyelids burn the image of angelic beauty from every blink. Mixed, uncomfortable emotions cause Gale to feel nauseous and swallow bile. ‘Is it too early to fall into someone? Shouldn’t I feel shameful?’ After splashing cold water, Gale repeatedly chants: ‘I got this. It’s fine.’


Meanwhile, Ceilious’ pulse races. His mind recalled the stranger’s chestnut brown eyes locked onto him. His gaze is soft, yet confident. Frustrated with the worst timing, Ceilious had to exit with embarrassment from laughing out of nervousness. After shouting to release some rage out in the field, he enters the workshop to busy himself with work.


Grumbling to himself, it took a moment to find the workshop on the ranch. The smell of manure and livestock shooing him away got Gale into a sourer mood.

Colossus, red barn doors come into view. A sign posted: Workshop.

Gale spots the mysterious beauty hovering over the hood of the van. Cigarette dangling between plush lips. Heat rising quickly over Gale’s face. Oil and sweat dripping down; glistening on muscular and bare shoulders. Large pale spots artistically splatter around the left shoulder blade and both forearms. Tight denim dangerously clings on firm hips and bubble butt. Throat dry; parched from this beautiful package laid out to him. The universe teases Gale’s patience as he clears his throat.

Unaware of being caught by Ceilious’ preferal vision, a smirk radiates from watching “Mr. Prince Charming” gawking. Smoke lazily wisps out from the corners of his plump lips, swirling around to give a dangerous edge. Gale shouldn’t be enticed. There’s no way a cowboy dream boat stud would be interested in him. But those possible flirtations from earlier and now made Gale push his doubt aside. Maybe he has a chance, if he tries hard enough to leave a better first impression. With confidence, he struts up to Ceilious. Flashing out his best assets: sincerity and authenticity.

“Salutations,” Gale respectfully bows as he offers a hand. “Charmed, I’m sure.”

His heart is elated when the other accepts. Thick working gloves crinkle over Gale’s slender fingers. Upon closer inspection, Ceilious’ hand easily encompasses his. Warmth blankets over his heart from their brief exchange.

“I’m Gale. I appreciate your masterful skills in fixing up my traveling mobile. I wonder what other skills you have up your sleeves.”

Inching closer to stand beside the other. “I greatly enjoyed and appreciated the culinary offerings from your family’s hospitality. It has expanded my culinary menu. I hope to further experience it with a good company such as yourself.”

Gale’s blood pressure skyrockets when he notices the nipple ring and stud set on Ceilious’s chest. His eyes traced downward: a bigger mistake. The navel is decorated with a floating pearl. Denim hanging low and tight to frame sensual hip dips. Quickly, Gale shoots his eyes up respectfully.

Gale’s throat turns dry when watching the other take off their working gloves and lean over. Their body inches away from directly pressing shoulder to shoulder. Shocked, Gale’s eyes flutter— unaware the other is reaching for a tablet resting across on a moveable cart.

“Name is Ceilious. Call me C. I use this device to communicate. Thank you for being patient with me. I will type as quickly as possible to respond. I also use sign language.” The tablet announces. Ceilious flashes a toothy grin while signing: “Nice to meet you, Gale.”

“O-oh.” Embarrassment slaps Gale to stumble. “Nice to meet you too, C.” His hands clumsily signed back. Ceilious flashes his dimples to welcome the bashful, bearded man.

“In some cultures, dimples are considered to bring fortune, good luck, and prosperity.”

Ceilious tilts his head in interest, encouraging Gale to continue. Silver earrings dangle under those ivory curls. Catching light from the workshop’s overhead light.

“Your type of dimples is known to have a magnetic and persuasive personality. Truly, a wonderful sight to behold.” Gale internally high-fived himself on how smooth it was. Gale was pleasantly surprised when Ceilious, a muscular stud, sheepishly glanced away, unconsciously hugging his arm to his body. Rolling with it, Gale finishes by signing: “Beautiful.”

Heart throbbing and pupils dilating causes Ceilious to freeze in place. He feels his heart is pounding too loud. Everything feels too much all at the same time. Almost dropped his cigarette in his mouth. He wasn’t used to this type of attention. It felt foreign and unreal.

“Sorry to ramble on and on. Let’s focus back on the task at hand.” Gale awkwardly coughs. Wipes his palms together nervously.

Ceilious stiffly nods. Tapping hurriedly on the screen.

“Van is not ready. Need to replace the glow plug. Order ready in one week. Maybe two.”

“Oh.. how much?”

“In-house special includes replacement parts and labor. Free of charge.”

Blinking in disbelief, Gale argues,“No, no. I will not abuse your hospitality. Let me pay.”

“You have no money to spare. You can help with work here to earn in house special.”

“I don’t—-”

“Doing you a favor. Parts are expensive to pay.” Ceilious flips his tablet, facing it towards Gale. In bold, red numbers, it reads $500.Gale chokes blood in disbelief.

Taking advantage, Ceilious makes a long drag to bob his throat seductively. Smoke seeps out from his nostrils. Creating an image of a proud fire-breathing dragon. “Take my offer.”

Tara announces her presence from the van’s dashboard. As if she agrees with him. Gale deeply sighs. He’s already tight with money but he didn’t have a lot of choices in the rural area. “Alright. What do you suggest?”

Chapter 2: Cowboy Love

Chapter Text

Towards the back end of the workshop is a petite office space. Within the 8x8 sq ft layout, two rustic army green filing cabinets were pushed against rough drywalls. A white folding table and beat-up roller chair sit adjacent to the towering file cabinets. Gale almost slips a groan at the sight of a 1995 Windows computer. The cherry on top was seeing the insane mountain load of paperwork spilling over as if neglected for months. Memories swim back to Gale’s previous employment. The familiar headache returns to him; this is a disaster zone for a retired law firm agent.

“A quaint space,” Gale’s nostrils flair in frustration. “Let’s see what I can do.”

While waiting for the computer to warm up, Gale adjusts his readers as he scans receipts and paperwork. It didn’t take long for a headache to roll in. His eyebrows frow while sifting through paper after paper. Most were neglected for some time. Order numbers scramble Gale’s mind; wondering if anything is updated and/or recorded properly.

“I’m flabbergasted your paperwork is this unattended. No one has done any?”

“I do. Paperwork got bad when my brothers and parents went overseas business trip. I fell….behind.”

“Luckily for you, my friend, I used to work at a high-end law firm. When does this paperwork need to be done?”

“... In one week or two.”

Gale quirks a brow. “Really? Conveniently at the same time I get my order?”

Ceilious guilty casts his gaze to a dirt pile near the doorway. Biting his lower lip, he flicks the stubby cigarette and crushes under his foot. His large frame shrinks as he wraps his arms around himself. Despite his appearance, his mannerisms resemble more of a bashful and naive soul. This adorable scene sends Gale’s heart to flip-flop.

“I guess this is fair. You scratch my back, I scratch yours.” Gale reassures the other. Earning a hopeful side glance from Ceilious.

Gale turns to the task at hand. Its texture and lightness bring back unwanted nostalgia of work hell. “Brew me some coffee. Please and thank you.”


While Gale worked on paperwork, dense bass, distorted guitars, and loud drums thunder the workshop with brute force.

As part of his in house services, Ceilious decided to give the van a simple clean-up after bribing Tara out. Bribed by ground beef and fish meatball mix, Tara proudly licks her lips and stretches out to sunbathe outside on a makeshift perch (workbench).

The quirky fantasy artwork decal proudly shines from being hand-washed and waxed. Humming in approval, he decides to continue his cleaning. However, he didn’t expect the state of the van when opening it. Repulsed by dust and hair collecting inside, Ceilious puts his game face on to deep clean the van.

With ease, Ceilious power lifts the queen size mattress out to have it perched and soak up sun. (After beating the cat and human hair out of it.) The clothing line was littered with washed laundry, swaying by the cool breeze.

After 2 hours, Ceilious sighs in relief at the sight of polished surfaces and lemon scent. Piles of Gale’s stuff are stacked outside the van, he casually browses through to help declutter before returning items. Fits of laughter escape when he finds a sex book among the scholarly novels. He flips through pages curiously, noting some of the pages with colorful tabs and annotations. A few pages caught his eye. Smirking, Ceilious pockets the book by tucking it in his back pocket.

As the sun sets, Ceilious finishes up his cleaning and heads to the makeshift kitchen in the back, across from the office. He created the kitchen when the family maid would shoo him away from the main kitchen whenever he strolled in with dust and the smell of motor oil too many times.

While waiting for the noodles to cook, he pulled out the sex book to continue to read while propped up in his rocking chair.


The coffee mug was left cold and abandoned for some time. Mountain of paperwork stacked neatly and organized. Mental fatigue washes over Gale like an ice pick hammering his shoulders and neck. Sore muscles ache into a dull exhaustion. Rubbing sore and tired eyes with clammy palms. Wristwatch quietly ticking—noting the sun has set a while ago. The workshop’s overhead light dims weakly; casting large shadows to loom over. Nausea oozes over. Gale groans in retaliation. His thoughts flash images of Ceilious’s devilish dimples. Underneath the smell of motor oil and cigarettes, Gale can pick up a floral, fruity aroma. Hints of citrus and warm vanilla soaked into smooth muscles. Gale licks his lips at the thought of licking that skin. Especially the paler patches that seem to be seductively placed.

Suddenly, chili powder and garlic hits his nostrils.

A bowl of thin noodles with bountiful green onions presents him. Pork submerged in its red chili flake broth entices his hunger. Enough to have his stomach growl loudly. A short glass of whiskey on the rocks sits casually beside the bowl. Gale peers up. A familiar teasing grin greets him. Tender caresses soothe sore neck muscles. Fingers tantalize Gale’s collarbone before withdrawing.

“Uhmm. Thank you.” Gale distracts his red face by eating the hot noodles. Delicious pork broth hits his palette as he slurps down the chewy noodles. The cool whiskey drowns his starve-touched heat that is boiling in his lower stomach. His fingers grip with desperation around the glass. Barely containing the urge to snatch and devour the teasing minx. “It’s good.”

Ceilious beams in return. His hand was gently placed on the other’s leg when hovering over to grab the empty bowl. A light squeeze gives Gale an electrifying buzz. A spark of hope grows intensely. A strong feeling, a sense of belonging, finding a missing piece of his soul. A piece of his soul that he hadn’t been aware of til now. A wishful thinking to grow old together and thrive in happy, mundane domestic bliss.

Confusion rains on the parade just as quickly as the spark. It’s impossible to find anyone who understands him better in a short amount of time. This dream boat magically appears during Gale’s worst time and chokes him. Is this dream boat just playing his feelings? Something so deep and vulnerable twists uncomfortable knots inside Gale. This intimate touch from Ceilious causes turmoil inside Gale.

“Thank you for the meal,” Gale grimaces inwardly as he pulls away from the warm touch. Ceilious hums as if lost in thought, avoiding eye contact.

“Whenever you’re ready, I take you to the house.” Ceilious signs stiffly.


Refusing to leave the comfort of the van, Tara chirps the duo goodnight. Crickets cry in the night as the duo stroll back to the house. Aside from the fresh manure lingering, fresh air brushes against Gale’s worrisome frow. His body is stiff from nerves. Making his cadence awkward and robotic.

As the sun breaks through rainy clouds, a rich baritone and cheerful hum brings Gale back to reality. Its sweet melody rings pleasantly. Chasing away shadows surrounding them. Ceilious’ sincere effort to set the mood grips Gale to fall deeper into a mix of admiration and anxiety.

The porch light greets the duo, along with elder brother. Drinking rice wine as he eyes the duo suspiciously. His sneer similar to a serpent’s cold and mechanical glare; waiting to strike.

“You can bunk with Angel, Mr. Guest. He can make sure you wake up for work in the morning. Shift starts at 4. Breakfast at 7.”

The family maid greets the duo with a curt bow. “Bath is ready. Accommodations are prepared for our guest.”

Ceilious wanders off towards the kitchen while the family maid escorts Gale. Freshly bathed and cocooned in the sheets, Gale contemplates his turmoil. He wasn’t sure if his attraction was from being touch starved and desperate or something more. His imagination and thoughts spurred into overthinking panic.


Ceilious frets over Gale’s haunted expression. He starts chewing on his lower lip. Racking his brain on how to ease the awkward tension. With a shaky inhale, he wonders if Gale is upset over the paperwork or if his humming was in poor timing. Fearing to confront rejection, his mind spirals towards the pressuring stare from his Elder brother who was watching the duo entering inside. Remembering this home is a prison. A cage to lock him in from the outside world and keep him naive to control him. His insecurities amplify and distort any lingering eyes as threatening. His skin prickles uncomfortably into numbing pain. Standing over the kitchen sink, he shakily inhales to bottle down his anxiety.

‘Push it down. It will go away.’ He internally chants. ‘Don’t think about it. It can’t hurt me if I don't feel it.’

Happiness comes to mind when watching his new crush enthusiastically share their hyper fixations and discoveries. Even when it’s a factoid cleverly hiding a sexual innuendo in an attempt at flirtation. This feeling felt different between spending time with family and friends Ceilious grew up with. He has experienced puppy love many times. But real love has never dawned on him up until now. Nor has he seen real love to even consider it as a possible outcome.

His family lacked emotional connection, while friends kept it distant and unreachable for further advances. Ceilious’ understanding of ‘real love’ was from fantasy novels and movies. Just how it is labeled: a make believe concept. Dejection leaves a sour taste when thinking about his crush’s experience and age. Age wasn’t much of an issue compared to experience. Uneasy questions plague his mind. Is he capable enough? Too inexperienced? Negative thoughts crush his heart—- squeezing so tightly like a vise. Its mental jaws locked firmly towards the point of suffocation. Tears welled from deep inside, enough to almost spill, and coursed down his cheeks.

“Oi. Lights out. Get to bed.” Knuckles sharply rasp against the kitchen door frame.

With a curt nod, Ceilious hurriedly shuffles out.


Lost in thought, Gale didn’t hear a weak knock on the door. Door creaking, Ceilious’ large frame peeks in. His presence was unnoticed when strolling towards the bed. His weight jolts Gale to sit up and peek out from his blanket cocoon. Gale’s mental fortitude shatters like a rock hitting a glass house when he sees Ceilious’ sorrowful expression.

“What’s troubling you?” he dares to ask. ‘Damn it all,’ he thought. ‘I can’t see him like this. My selfishness has gone on for too long. Make the right choice this time.’ Pieces of Gale’s heart crumble as he watches Ceilious trembling violently, fighting back tears.

“I'm a fool,” Gale mumbles to himself. Pathetic tears building up around chocolate eyes. “ You’ve been tremendously kind to me.” Throat burning from cold needles choking and piercing him. “I’m sorry that I hurt you.” Gale shamefully bows his head. Curling into himself. Feeling small, insignificant, and powerless.

“I can’t pretend anymore. You need to know that I have grown to care for you, deeply. It sounds pretentious since we’ve just met but I can’t fathom the idea of my life without you in it. It just hurts me, just how much I ache for you. You can laugh all you like over this silly, old, and desperate man.”

Gentle hands cradle his head to bring his tear stained eyes to peer up.

Ceilious smiles, eyes soft in adoration. Goosebumps ripples throughout Gale’s body as Ceilious gently clasps their hands together. Plush lips tenderly pepper kisses over Gale’s knuckles and wrists. Gale’s heartthrobs over Ceilious’ grin spreading on his face and dimpling his cheeks. His eyes glint as he leans to plant a kiss on an ear, Gale’s breath picking up as his lips brushed the shell of it.

Deep, passionate kisses were exchanged between them. Their breaths are frantic in short cadences as their lips pull away. Whatever doubt that Gale held, it was crumbled by Ceilious’ tenderness.

“I have to ask…Hey, I’m being serious,” Gale sternly grabs Ceilious’ shoulders. Fighting off those heated caresses took all the willpower within himself. “I have to know. I know I’m an intelligent and charming man. But what made you choose me?”

Ceilious hums in consideration. His large frame shook with mirth as he responded, “I really want a cute guy to top me and absolutely blow my back out.”

Ceilious horsely laughs at Gale’s bewildered expression.

“In all seriousness.” Ceilious’ smile grows wider, more fonder. “Happiness comes to mind whenever I think about you. It feels so…” His hands pause. Carefully choosing his next gestures to convey his thoughts. His eyes stare off in the distance behind Gale’s shoulders. Gazing at something Gale can’t see. His sparkling eyes were irresistibly charming, glowing bright and confident, as he finishes, “You’re the only person in the world who can make me laugh when I’m sad. I never felt this before but I want to try. I want to love and be loved. Is that too much to ask?”

Gale will never forget this moment. This first notion of realization when Ceilious glances the same way at Gale. Even when far from the comforts of his home in Waterdeep, just looking upon the other sends an intense yet inviting warmth. Just as sunlight bathes over the sea, Ceilious’ eyes are softly woven with a chorus of sea glass. It reminded Gale of his youth when he used to go collect them with his mother. Carefully pocketing them and storing them in a jar to display on his windowsill. The glass would reflect and shimmer in a delightful assortment. Overwhelmed, laughter shakes out of Gale. He lays down as fits of laughter ached his stomach.

“Oh, good heavens. You’ll be the death of me.”

Ceilious playfully dog piles on the other and tickles Gale who couldn’t fight back. The duo’s laughter eased away their insecurities for the night.


During the two weeks, their bond grew stronger from mundane bliss. Every waking moment, Gale is blessed with Ceilious’ devotion. Daily kisses and affirmations made any past heartbreak appear miniscule. For the first time in Gale’s life, he feels fulfilled and loveable. Hand holding felt natural to him when it used to be a rare treat to receive. Casual smooches no longer create uncomfortable knots but become delightful exchanges. Most of all, Ceilious’ undivided attention boosts Gale’s self esteem and confidence.

Gale isn’t used to having an extremely clingy lover since his relationship with Mystra seems to annoy her and belittle him whenever he requests her time. At first, Gale wasn't sure how long this love bombing would last. Gale couldn’t help to compare his experiences with Mystra and Ceilious. Fear grips him into thinking: if truly testing how far Ceilious can provide and tolerate him, then he can break things off if Ceilious isn’t a good match. Selfishly determined, Gale plans out three trials to test his newly beloved’s intense resilience and optimism.

Chapter 3: Gale's Tests

Chapter Text

The first test started unexpectedly at the workshop office after settling in for a few days. Tapping impatiently, frustrated over the paperwork, Gale pinches the bridge of his nose, lifting up his readers. Jaw tight and clenched, releasing irritable hisses. Gale perks up at the sound of familiar footsteps near the office doorway. In mid-turn, his readers clatter on the desk. Throat suddenly parched as if he ran across miles of desert for days. He wonders if he’s daydreaming right now.

His mind short circuits at the sight of over stretched red flannel and its buttons straining to keep from tit* spilling out. Gale’s heartbeat paces faster when Ceilious’ hips sensually sways causing the floating dark emerald navel jewelry to jingle. He makes the mistake of continuing his stare downward. He wonders how in the world those daisy duke shorts can fit into bewitching curves. It provides a sensational delight to his chocolate eyes when he notices a lack of underwear.

Ceilious’ smile was like a sudden beam of sunlight illuminating the darkest corners of the room. The smile and scandalous outfit coming from one person put Gale to gawk in disbelief. Strutting over, Ceilious places a glass of southern ice tea. The condensation from the glass mirrors similar to Ceilious’ glistening ebony skin. Gale swallows from imagining licking off the sweat between those milky thigh patches. He can imagine his head easily being squeezed like a watermelon. He jolts from his racy thoughts when Ceilious taps his shoulder. Slotting himself between Gale’s legs and using his wide frame to trap the bearded man. Dimples provides a sweet welcome to Gale.

Peppering kisses, Ceilious plants himself onto Gale’s lap. Gale appreciatively gropes plush ass, digging his fingers over denim. He can feel the other’s half hard erection rubbing against his. Light headed, he didn’t expect his hands to find a book tucked inside the back pocket. Confused, Gale pulls it out to inspect it. His curiosity was thrown out the window and replaced with embarrassment.

“Where in the blazes did you find this?” Gale pouts, unamused by Ceilious’ mirth. “Honestly, I'm happy you're motivated but I want to make sure it's for the right reasons.”

Ceilious presses his chest against Gale’s face to muffle him into silence. Tomato faced, Gale’s intelligent mind blended into a scrambled brain when Ceilious pulled his hands to squeeze around plush pectorals. Gale could feel the nipple jewelry against his palms. Supple nipples hardening under the other’s touch.

“I want my first time to be with you,” Ceilious explains. “ I want all my firsts to be with you.” A baritone moan escapes Ceilious’ lips as he attempts to sensually lick his upper lip. Despite Ceilious’ clumsy performance, it sure sends an electrifying buzz through Gale.

“You… you read the annotations haven’t you?” Untying the flannel, Gale love bites onto soft flesh, licking the piercing set. A whimper slips from Ceilious which entices Gale to suckle and tease the nipple. “Were you planning to keep it a secret from me? Or were you hoping I would find out?” Hickies litter all over Ceilious’ chest and neck. Marked and bruised, Gale smirks in triumph.

“What sort of naughty plan do you have in mind, love?”

Eagerly, Ceilious slides out to kneel and settles between Gale's anxious legs. His large hands easily encompassed the other’s thighs. Gale sighs, thinking his lover looks too eager to do this. Just like the book suggested, Ceilious unzips the fly with his teeth. He jolts after Gale’s half hard erection slaps his cheek when pulling down the briefs.

“Sorry, love.” Gale nervously chuckles. He palms his clammy hands over the armchair. Ceilious hums as he analyzes the task in front of him. His intense staring causes Gale to fidget.

“If the hair is a turn off—-woah!”

Ceilious licks over dense brunette curls, wetting them with saliva. He pulls away enough to sign Gale. “I like the hair. It's curly. It's all over your balls too.”

“Good heavens. You don't have to sign that.”

“But you like dirty talk.”

“You’re lucky I find you adorable and sexy.”

Ceilious provides kitten licks all over the other’s pulsing erection. Tasting and suckling the tip and slit slowly. Rolling his tongue inside loose foreskin before pulling it back with fingers. Gale's skin prickled into madness from the teasing. Cursing under his breath on how diligent Ceilious is on providing (even though clumsy) pleasure. After minutes of Ceilious tasting around, he tests his mouth to engulf the tip. Precome oozes, leaving a salty taste on Ceilious’ tongue.

“Slowly, love.”

Ceilious’ nostrils flare, his mouth salivating while he tries to twist his tongue over Gale’s co*ck. He closes his eyes to remember snippets from the sex book. Working his mouth downward, adjusting his throat to relax and take in from tip to root. Hollowing his cheeks and increases his pace to get Gale to reach org*sm. Saliva frothing around his lips as Ceilious bobs his head faster. Gale’s hip twitches, knuckles white from gripping the arm chair. The intense pace and suction cause Gale to become a moaning mess.

“Too fast. S-slow down. Wait, I can't stop–” Gale changes his grip from the chair into Ceilious curls. His hips erratically thrust into hot, moist tongue and throat. Brunette curls pushed against Ceilious’ nostrils while loud skin-to-skin contact slaps echoed through the office. Green eyes cloud into a lustful haze. Tears threatening to spill as Gale f*cks into the other's mouth. Ceilious’ groans catch Gale’s attention. He notices the other's covered erection leaking and twitching over his foot. Toes massaging and pitching around it. Causing C to start rutting against it and begin moaning, begging Gale to touch him.

“Would you…” Gale began to ask, words slurred from lust. Earning C a choked mewl and swaying hips. His pathetic act gets Gale into further arousal. He extends his leg further out: inviting Ceilious to hump it. Gleefully, Ceilious mounts onto the leg and pleasures himself by rubbing his erection in a frenzy. Gale's foot could feel the weight and drag of a ball sack slip out from the shorts. His ears burned from the sounds of obscene wet skin from rubbing and gliding against each other.

In a nick of time, Gale pulls Ceilious off and paints his face with cum. Dazed, Ceilious’ hips shutter and stains his shorts. Breathing heavily, he licks traces of cum which gets Gale to kneel to wipe it off with a handkerchief in embarrassment.

“Are you alright,love? Was that too much?” Gale’s handkerchief is forever stained and unusable but it was worth the price to wipe off Ceilious’ blissful face.


The second test arrives during their usual morning routine at the cottage. Located behind the workshop, it was built by Elder brother as per Ceilious' playroom and has been converted as a master bedroom. Gale surveys through the shelves filled with various of trophies and ribbons along the walls while Ceilious prepares breakfast.

“Such a lovely photograph. Seeing you as a lad and a champion at that. What sort of merits haven’t you earned?” Gale quirks his brow up at Ceilious. The photos showcases many of youthful Ceilious dressed in a rodeo and/or motorcycle attires; all pinned with blue ribbons or gold medals. Gale points at another photograph and whistles.

“Wow. Prom brings me back memories. As a lad, I was top student in Blackstaff Academy. As being a top student, I prioritize my studies than festivities. Sometimes I wish I could back in time and tell myself to go.” Gale heavily sighs. His eyes droop and carry a heavy melancholy weight to them.

The smell of coffee pulls Gale out of his trance. Ceilious places a warm cup under the other’s palms. He gives Gale a warm smile in attempts of comforting them.

“I suppose it was a long time ago. No need to fret over the past.” Taking a few sips, Gale slips into Ceilious’ welcoming arms. “Thank you, my love.”

After eating breakfast, Gale cozies up against Ceilious on the coach. Gale's curious fingers wander over Ceilious’ curves. Appreciating the muscled thighs, especially how ebony skin is speckled with pale patches like an aurora borealis shimmering over dark ocean waters. Interpreting as an invitation, Ceilious turns enough for Gale’s hands to slip further up. Hand trapped by mighty thighs, he scoots closer to plant passionate kisses. Somehow, kisses turned into Gale, a starved man. Leaving love bites and hickeys all over any pale patches to conquer on Ceilious’ body. Ceilious earnestly taps Gale's shoulder.

“Yes, my love?” Voice low and gravelly, Gale props himself up to give Ceilious space to sign.

“ I want to ask you something…” Ceilious pauses.

“Tell me, love. What's on your mind?”

“ Am I too needy? You’ve been looking tired as of late.”

“Never.” A gentle kiss on the forehead. “You're beyond anything I could wish for. If we're being honest, I feel ashamed of how I'm letting my anxiety make us question our relationship.” Gale’s throat bobs, swallowing back discomfort.

“I've never traveled like you. Never seen the world. I'm so scared. That you won't be interested in me anymore when you leave here.” Ceilious choking back sobs. His body trembling as he grips Gale’s arms earnestly.

“No,no please don't cry. I can't handle it when you do that.”

Gale leans over to cradle Ceilious in his arms. Feeling foolish into thinking he was the only one who’s been fearful of this love being a fantasy. Unexpectedly, tears sting his eyes. Feeling Ceilious’ heart against his. Both thumping frantically.

“I’ve got you, my love.”

“Promise?” Ceilious insisted.

He rubs himself against Gale, his erection still cupped under Gale’s palm. Gale internally curses at how skilled Ceilious is with giving puppy dog eyes while being an extremely horny vixen. With a delightful shiver, he mentally notes the fact that his lover is capable of rendering him helpless.

“I’m as sure as the stars above, my love.”

Gale comforts Ceilious with a deep, passionate kiss.


Gale spends the majority of the day helping elder brother attending the horses. His hair masterfully braided by elder brother, it hides under a tan cowboy hat. Tight jeans and too-big cowboy boots didn’t suit Gale’s top comfortable attires. However, he wanted to make a good impression and kept his complaints internally. Greeted by a herd of horses, neighing for their second meal to be served.

“Horses have excellent long term memories. They can remember people, places, and other horses that they have met even years before.” Gale babbles proudly.

Elder brother grunts, uninterested. Waving Gale to shoo away. “Fetch the hose. Fill up the water.”

Hurriedly, Gale retrieves the hose that hung over on the side of the railing near the water trough. A few horses stroll closer, and curiously watch the trough being refilled. An American Quarter Horse mare approaches first to inspect.

“Hello, beautiful lady.”

Offering a horseman’s handshake to the mare. Luckily, the mare returns a gentle greeting by brushing her nose against his knuckles. The gesture permitted other horses to approach. In the distance, a sharp whistle echoes. Signaling horses towards its call.

Gale peers over and starts drooling over this horse-riding stud muffin. Tight, starched jeans, a black cowboy hat, and shiny shoes offer a virtual image of Wild West fantasies. A rugged figure of immense strength that showed in each strand of taut muscle, athleticism, and a cute butt. Up til to this moment, Gale never understood the appeal of cowboys in romance novels. Silent and smart heroes whisking women away in their arms while riding to the sunset sounded so unrealistic until now. Gale couldn’t help daydreaming of it.

“Oi! Pay attention! The water!”

Dumbfounded, Gale is slow to process the water spilling over. Elder brother tsks at him, snatching the hose away from Gale.

“Quit daydreamin’. Get!”

Ceilious chuckles. Galloping closer towards Gale. Lending a hand, offering him to ride together. Gale feels similar to a maiden being pulled up from her knight in shining armor. Ceilious stations him to sit towards the front. Their bodies press close. Gale’s stomach does multiple somersaults when a supporting hand rests on his waist while the other hand controls the reins loosely. Gale grunts in discomfort as the saddle digs his inner thighs. He wonders how the hell anyone finds the saddle comfortable to ride on.

“Heavens. I’m not one to complain so soon but I don’t think horse riding is my forte.”

Ceilious hums in acknowledgment. Controlling his steer towards a gentle trot.

Trotting for ten minutes, it was nature’s canopy above them, shielding the duo from afternoon sun rays. A calming song erupts from a nearby tree where a mockingbird has found its abode. Its call announcing nature’s clock changing from dawn to dusk.

Gale wonders where Ceilious is taking them. Trees part as Ceilious draws closer towards a clearing facing a lakeside cliff. Gale gasps in delight. A cosmic dance of warm, vibrant colors in which the sun gently passes over its luminous spear to the moon, casting a spell on the evening sky. Tranquility washes over. Soaking in this precious gift given to him.

Chapter 4: Puppy Love

Chapter Text

During two weeks, Ceilious relishes Gale’s hidden charm and quirks. At first, it started as a thrilling game of hide of seek. A scavenger hunt to solve the mysterious conversationalist. Testing and nitpicking Gale’s defenses and offenses. Gradually, Ceilious notices underneath a serious and mysterious persona, his face changes when he smiles or laughs. The corners of his chocolate eyes crinkle up and it just changes his whole face. Goes from serious faced bearded guy to an adorable grumpy cat. Especially when in a ticklish mood, literally all contact makes Gale unleash the cutest inhuman noises.

Compared to other people involved in his life, no one has ever given Ceilious the time of day to understand him beyond his disability and family lineage. Multiple fevers developed into severe laryngitis, causing an outcome of mutism. Growing up, his mother’s overprotectiveness suffocated him. It destroyed developing relationships with other people that weren’t up to her standards. Since freedom wasn’t given, he had to be creative in sneaking out or compulsively disguising facts. The cherry on top was his crippling anxiety in attempting to meet his parent’s excessive requirements. Mistakes were not taken lightly. If he had to recall the number of times he would get a stick vs carrot, sounds of bamboo cracking over skin became commonplace. Once in a while, elder brother would “spoil” him when his mother wasn’t looking. Taking Ceilious to town for movies in disguise of supply pickup. Lark, a childhood friend, would meet up at the library to read together. Over time, Ceilious’ yearning for freedom grew alongside his muscle-building. Perhaps if he improved his physical condition, it would give a sliver of hope to convince his mother. He didn’t expect his mother’s distraught would cause another setback.

“What have you done? No one will ever want to be with you, looking like that. This is the thanks I get? After everything I have done for you. Get out of my sight!”

Her hurtful words poisoned his self-confidence and self-esteem. It was painfully worse when no one spoke up for him. Living alone seemed easier to tolerate than living with a house full of ghosts.

Ceilious recognizes a sense of fulfillment and contentment when Gale shares his curious, whimsical, and mischievous mind. Formalities and prejudgement are set aside. Gale became his detective who found the missing pieces that were hidden and locked away in Ceilious’ heart. This scavenger hunt fuels a desire to possess and protect Gale. Freedom dangling in front of him. Taunting Ceilious to the point of obsession. Lack of experience didn’t deter Ceilious from transforming into an ideal lover. To his understanding from fantasy novels, an ideal lover takes the initiative to respond to their partner’s needs and wants. If he could figure out Gale’s needs and wants, he could escape from here. Possibly retrieve being accepted and protection in the end. All that matters is finding an escape from this house of torment. Even if it causes Ceilious to neglect own’s well-being to achieve it.


The aroma of cinnamon and nutmeg fills the kitchen. Ceilious grabs a towel to pull out a tray of cinnamon rolls while Gale stirs a bowl of icing.

“This reminds me of a wonderful memory of my mother. Growing up, every other weekend, she would bake all kinds of delish baked goods. It was such a treat when I took leftovers to my lessons. Originally, the kanelbulle, a Scandinavian dish, uses graduated sugar instead of frosting.”

“Ah.” Ceilious clumsily burns himself from pulling out the tray from the oven. His left palm blistering. The family maid tsks in annoyance. She chooses to continue kneading rather than attending to Ceilious.

“Are you alright?” Gale pulls Ceilious’ injured hand under lukewarm water. “Does it hurt?” Ceilious sheepishly shakes his head. Cool fingers explore his skin, feeling around any further injuries. “Let’s patch you up. Don’t worry, I’m quite skillful with my hands.”

Duo heads towards the washroom upstairs. Clenching his jaw and sitting down on the toilet seat, Ceilious’ knee shakes. Left hand vibrating anxiously on top of Gale’s. A brief memory whiplashes into Ceilious’ mind; a bamboo stick cracks across his knuckles. A personal favorite method in the household is to shame and humiliate any mistakes. Ice-cold antiseptic cream stings his skin. Even after all these years, Ceilious can’t tolerate any pain whatsoever. He knew the pain was only brief. But there were nights when the pain would haunt him from days to weeks. Shivering, Ceilious shuts his eyes and forces his large frame to shrink as small as possible. Out of habit, he spills out a few whimpers to add his extra pathetic act.

“Sorry. It’s almost over. And… done.” Gale pats a bandage on, sealing it with a tender kiss. “I’m sorry it hurt but I promise the injury is only temporary.” Wiping away sweat from Ceilious’ forehead, Gale sweetly smiles. “It’s going to be okay. Trust me. Let’s see a little smile. Hm?”

Dimples present themselves in soft curves. Emerald green eyes lovingly gaze to hypnotize Gale. Ceilious grins spread more from Gale’s daring peck on the lips.

“It’s our little secret.” Gale playfully winks.

Only linking their pinkies together, not ready to let go completely. Closing in, Ceilious brushes his lips against Gale’s mustache. A large hand lands on the nape of Gale’s neck, a gentle tug urging him to sit on his thick thighs. Faint traces of softness still cling on Ceilious’ sides. Perfect for Gale’s hands to rest on. Their few inches of height difference is now equally leveled when Gale relaxes against Ceilious. Ceilious reaches out and cups Gale’s jaw, his thumb tracing the cupid’s bow.

Swallowing thickly, Gale purrs, “Careful now. I hope you know CPR, because you took my breath away.”

Being careful with his left hand, Ceilious gropes Gale’s ass. Fingers slip under the shirt to caress the tummy fuzz and playfully comb through it.

“Hope hair isn’t a mood killer,” Gale deeply sighs, uncertain.

Happily humming, Ceilious pulls off their shirt to have full access and smushes his face to sniff and nuzzle against his hairy pectorals. A mix of sandalwood and musk crinkles Ceilious’ nostrils in excitement.

“Easy now. Let’s not get too excited and forget ourselves.” Gale pets Ceilious’ ivory curls before gently tugging his head back. Gazing into each other’s eyes, Gale chuckles, “We can explore more later. Can’t misbehave when there’s work to be done.”

Ceilious disapprovingly grunts. Lips forming into a playful pout, he takes another squeeze on Gale’s ass before regretfully releasing his grip.


As their days drew closer to Gale’s departure, morning routines were becoming rougher for Gale when Ceilious’ nightly demands his attention. These nightly demands ranged from innocent cuddling to risker antics. With restraints, Gale kept their bond purely vanilla as possible. Mainly the fear of seeing the shotgun pointing at him.

Night toads croak outside their bedroom window. Lights dimmed for sleep. The love birds closely nestle against one another. Ceilious’ weight on Gale’s chest comforts him. Radiating warmth, Gale felt safe. The parts he deemed embarrassing or ugly were instantly cradled by his lover's sweet embrace. Ceilious restlessly stirs. Nudging Gale to wake up by nibbling his earlobe.

“As you wish, my love.” Gale sleepily responds. Instinctively rubbing the other's back in hopes of sooth towards slumber. With a huff, Ceilious pinches and pulls a soft nipple. Arousing Gale to full wakeness.

“Ouch! What?” He peers down to the other with irritation. With a gulp, he watches those plush lips wet themselves. Dangerously inviting into doing something scandalous. Daring Gale to lean and taste the forbidden fruit. Slow, deep kisses between lovers.

Without warning, Gale is greeted with a plump, wanton booty, inches away from his face.

“Are you sure you want this? We can stop now.” Gale's traitorous hands explore and grope plump flesh. Without mercy, Ceilious takes a sloppy lick of Gale's half hard erection. His tongue flickering and probing the silt. Swirling and teasing the foreskin aggressively.

“Naughty aren't you? Don't come crying to me when you're too sore tomorrow.”

Gale's caresses send shivers over the night sky skin. Hands explore to grope firm on those ample and supple butt cheeks. Massaging appreciatively onto patches of milky skin around the inner thighs. Painting it with love bites and bruises.

“Wonderful as a night sky, my heart for every star speckled on your skin.”

Spreading them to view a winking rim. Ceilious gasps as he feels a hot, moist tongue lap over his entrance to ballsack. He trembles when Gale’s erection presses against his wanton lips. Despite sharing numerous bath times or skinny dipping near the lake, seeing his lover's erection, causes Ceilious into a lustful, whimpering mess.

“Feeling good, love?”

Ceilious grinds and rotates his hips, urging Gale to pursue further intimacy. Two fingers teasingly caress around the entrance, earning a loud moan to slip. Gale smirks like a cat got its cream as he takes advantage to buck his hips and slip his co*ck into Ceilious’ mouth.

Velvet lips suckle pathetically while drool dribbles and pools around his chin. Pumping around Gale’s girth, fingers forming a tight suction.

“Are you close, my love?”

Ceilious mewls while his hips push back on those skillful fingers. Gale stretches his fingers to slot his tongue to lubricate and tease Ceilious into intense pleasure. Minutes passed. Finally stretched and wet, Gale inserts more fingers.

“Wow, four fingers now.”

Milking the other’s prostate, he hums in delight at the sight before him. Pass through shaky thighs, Ceilious’ head bobbing up and down, lips stretched and stuffed cheeks while tears streaming from lust hazed eyes.

Drooling and dazed, Ceilious shivers as the pace quickens. org*sm building closer. Clenching from a white, lighting sensation bubbling in his core. His throat was raw and numb from groaning around Gale’s bucking his hips. Four fingers thrusting and rubbing his prostate mercilessly. Eyes sting from tears while drool froths around the corners of his lips. Ceilious gurgles and chokes in needy desperation.

With a free hand, Gale squeezes the other’s base. Unable to hold back, Ceilious org*sms. Cum spurts and gushes out into thick, creamy ropes. Soaking torso fuzz with sticky globs of sem*n.

“Good boy. Let it all out. That's it.”

Twitching hard, Gale releases as well. The sensation of Gale’s releasing caused Ceilious to org*sm again. His erection softened. Twitching from oversensitivity as Gale relentlessly continues pumping him dry. Ceilious struggles to swallow. Almost gagging, throat too raw and sore. Ceilious weakly whimpers in pain. Hiccuping sobs as Gale gently rearranges their bodies.

“It's okay. Spit it out,” Gale rubs Ceilious’ back encouragingly while holding a hand for him to puke on. “It's okay. Shh.”

Ceilious rests his forehead against Gale's shoulder as his throat forces more saliva and cum out.

“I'm sorry, love. I got carried away. Forgive me.”

Ceilious meekly shakes his head. His hands pawed on sweaty, matted chest hairs. Nuzzling sweetly with a soft kiss on Gale’s jaw.

Chapter 5: Runaway Lovers

Chapter Text

Curiosity gnaws in the back of Gale’s mind. ‘Will he agree to travel with me?’ Mystra’s disdainful rejection haunts him still. Anxiety forced his grip to weaken and drop a coffee cup on the office floor.

“Are you okay?” Ceilious frets over the scattered, broken shards. “Hurt?”

“No, I’m fine.” Gale assists with clean up. “Just a slip of the hand.”

Settling back on a creaking chair, Gale heavily sighs. “Hypothetically, if someone offered you to travel the world with them. Would you take the offer?”

“Hm.” Ceilious taps his chin in thought, carefully considering his answer. “Depends. Who's asking?”

“Nevermind. It’s just a silly question.”

“You only need to ask.” Ceilious soft gaze locks Gale into place. “If it’s you, yes.”

“Are you certain?”

“I fell in love with you unexpectedly. You came into my life when I wasn’t looking for anyone. You made me feel things I never felt before.”

“Wow hitting the hard hitters.”

“Am..I mistaken?”

“When our eyes met, I felt a spark that lit up my soul.”

“There’s only one problem…”

“What’s that, my love?”

“Mother won’t be happy.” An eerily disconnected glaze clouds Ceilious’ eyes. Dulling out every once of light like a tormented soul trapped in its nightmares.

“We can leave before she returns. No one will know you left til it’s too late.This sounds insane. I don’t usually condone this but let’s run away.”

Ceilious stares in disbelief and terror. His throat bobs. Almost wants to speak but some invisible force prevents him.

“I know it’s utterly terrifying and it’s stupid to even suggest it. But I’m tired of being a cowardly man. Not when I got someone to fiercely protect and love. Call me a selfish man but I will not let you go. Not ever.” Gale proudly grins. Determination sparks in his chocolate eyes. “Tears don’t fit your quiet face, so I promise to make you chuckle.”

Slowly, Ceilious nods in agreement. Gale rubs encouragingly the other’s shoulder. “With confidence, my love.” Ceilious firmly nods, earning a ticklish beard kiss.


The day before their getaway, they prepped and sorted for the travel. Gale chuckles at Ceilious’ arranging the kitchen. Maximizing the storage compartments by piling endless of jars and containers of home made dishes.

“We will have enough food to last for the whole year or more, love. You don’t have to take it all.”

“I want to make sure we’re well fed.”

“When did you even have the time to make all this?” Gale curiously peers at a handful of pickled jars. “What about other items such as clothes, toiletries, and so forth?”

Ceilious points at two large, leather duffle bags. “I don’t need much. I can always buy if need to.”

“I hope you packed some swimming trucks. I got some places that I have in mind to take a dip in.”

“Don’t need one. I want to continue our usual skinny dipping.”

“Absurd!” Tomato faced, Gale retorts. “Skinny dipping in your private lake is different from the public areas I’ve marked for us.”

“Even better. We can have the pools to ourselves then.” Ceilious casually shrugs.

“That’s not the point.”

“Are you worried you won’t control yourself?” Ceilious teases Gale’s hair, twirling the ends between his fingers. “Worried to get caught in the act?”

“You’re insatiable.” Gale flicks Ceilious’ exposed nipple ring. “Let’s finish packing before someone notices you’re coming along too.”


In the dead of night, just as mice are sneaking around in silence in a house full of cats, Gale and Ceilious hurriedly get themselves ready for departure.

“What’s the matter, love?” Gale hears Ceilious’ surprised gasp as they stroll closer towards the van. Ceilious suppresses his disbelief sob by clamping a hand over his mouth. Dim night light shines over a hitched-covered trailer attached to Gale’s van. Nervously, Ceilious opens its doors.

A 1980 Indian motorcycle showcasing itself inside. Its black and red paint shines in earnest, waiting to explore beyond the ranch. The side saddles were packed to the brim with necessities, while a polished helmet and a fresh chewing tobacco container rested on the seat. No note was needed for Ceilious to figure out who was responsible for this farewell gift.

“Wow, what a ride. Someone must’ve hitched it when we were getting ready.” Gale whistles, impressed.

Ceilious curtly nods. After admiring it for a few more moments, the duo vanishes into the night.

Ceilious watching the ranch’s dirt road slowly distancing further away. The scrap metal graveyard disappears from view. Grasslands greet them, waving and dancing under the moonlight. Finally, Ceilious turns to Gale. He was taken aback by Gale’s sincere (brief; gotta make sure eyes are on the road) gaze as their hands intertwined. Mustache kisses Ceilious’ knuckles.

“Feeling alright?”


“I can pull over if it’s too much right now. We can take all the time if you need it. All you have to do is ask.”

Ceilious shakes his head. Twitching his lip upward to reassure his lover that he’s alright.

“I can understand how emotional it can be leaving home. It was hard for me as well. Waterdeep held so many memories.” Gale drones on to fill in the silence. “If it helps, I’m glad to have you by my side. Solo traveling can be so lonely at times. Of course, this van is also your home. Don’t mind me. Get comfortable and personalize it as you see fit.”

Endless grasslands finally come to an end when large rocky cliffs jut out like shark fins. The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with a kaleidoscopic display of luminous colors. Gale watched the sunset with a melancholic sigh. The long driving tired him. He didn’t allow Ceilious to drive because it was their first day together on the road. He wanted to make sure his lover took the time to process their departure from the ranch.

“This looks like a good spot to rest for the night, love.”

Pulling up and parked at a deserted rest stop, Gale sinks into the seat and lets his head rest on the steering wheel for a moment.

“I’ll be out in a jiffy, love. Just need a moment. You can freshen yourself up. Stretch your legs.” Gale encouragingly rubs Ceilious’ knee. He appreciatively hums when tender kisses pepper his head.

A few moments passed since Ceilious stepped out and headed inside the building. Gale wonders if the road made them car sick. Eventually, Ceilious emerges, lights a cigarette, and takes a few puffs. His usual shirt and jean attire were replaced with a loose tank top and gym shorts. His hair was tucked in a navy blue, silk bonnet. When he turned, his face was plastered with a cat-printed face mask sheet. Gale chuckles at Ceilious’ strict skincare regimen still holds in this deserted area.

“Looking lovely as ever, love.” Gale humors Ceilious by rolling the window down as they approach closer. Tobacco lips pressed sweetly against the mustache. The moisture from the face mask sheet leaves a slight residue against the whiskers.

“Feeling famished? I can cook something up. After all, it’s our first night together in the van. Any special requests?” Gale dreamly sighs as he observes Ceilious close his eyes in thought.

“I want a taste of Waterdeep.” Ceilious leans closer, resting his arm on the window ledge.

“Absolutely, love. Excellent choice.” Another exchange of kisses before Gale starts cooking their meal.

“You’re fattening up Tara,” Gale chuckles.

Ceilious hands an overfilled bowl to Tara. She greedily scarf down the specially made dish: fresh, yellow chicken yolk soak over leftover ground beef and fish meatballs. Fish oil stains the bowl with its foul odor.

“I do appreciate you spoiling her. However, we need to eat as well.”

Sitting so close to Gale, Ceilious could smell the fresh herbs clinging to the sun-kissed skin. He couldn’t help himself from his hands lingering longer over Gale’s hands when presented with a lavish bowl of mushroom risotto. Chocolate eyes gleam with satisfaction.

“Please do enjoy, my love.” Gale gives a teasing wink.

Made with vialone nano rice, its silky and smooth texture tingles Ceilious’ taste buds into a delightful bliss. Bitting into a satisfying crunch by a piece of fresh and crispy garlic bread. Chewing slowly to savor the flavors, Ceilious wiggles his body happily. Goosebumps prickle his skin when Gale’s hand pets over his thigh. Fingers dangerously close to wiggling under the loose gym shorts.

“I hope you have enough room for dessert, love.”

Gale presents a small plate of chocolate covered strawberries. “I sneak some leftovers from yesterday.” He presses a strawberry into Ceilious’ lips. Earning a mischievous lick around his fingers from Ceilious.

“I can’t express how happy I am that you’re here with me.” Gale seals his gratitude with a tender kiss while pulling his lover towards the bed. Cuddling close, Ceilious nuzzles against Gale’s hairy chest. He draws lazy circles over the fuzz, causing Gale to contently hum.

“Hope the tight squeeze is okay, love.”

Gale protectively holds his treasure against himself, tucking him as close as possible.

Chapter 6: Hitchhiker

Chapter Text

At the bottom of a hill, a pale figure stands dangerously close to the road. Waving frantically when Ceilious drives closer.

“Keep driving, love. Hitchhikers are dangerous.” Gale frowns deeper when the van begins to slow down and pulls closer to the hitchhiker. “Love. Did you hear what I said?”

“Thank you, kind driver!”

The hitchhiker dramatically bows and scrambles his heavy roller suitcases and duffle bag towards the van. Under the sunglasses, he rolls his eyes at the tacky wizard artwork. His plastered fake smile wavers a little when he spots the grumpy, bearded man glaring from the passenger side. Kicking himself from the possible dread of possibly getting a ride by sucking off bearded losers but he is desperate to get out of this hell pit area. He straightens up when hearing the driver's door slamming shut and footsteps approaching.

“Oh.My. God.”

Gobsmacked by a hunky cowboy stud from western love novels strolling up to him. Adjusting his dark hat, C takes a bow as he pulls the other’s hand to plant a kiss on the knuckles.

“Pleasure to meet you, darling. The name is Astarion.” Astarion purrs in approval.

His eyes linger over the tightness of the cream cotton button up shirt around bulging muscles. Then making his cadence down towards dark denim hugging around a delectable bubble butt as Ceilious effortlessly hauls the luggage inside the van. Gale begrudgingly scoots over to the driver's seat. Ceilious takes the middle while Astarion sits on the passenger side. The trio was forced to be in a tight but comfortable squeezed fit.

“It’s a pleasure to meet your acquaintances, gentlemen. Who knows how long I'll be stranded in this dreadful landscape.” Astarion dramatically sighs and fans himself.

Ceilious mused over Astarion’s form, thinking it was rather a shame a camera wouldn’t capture such celestial beauty. Catching him staring, Astarion made a show of leaning suggestively, draping himself over Ceilious’ arm.

“I usually charge people to stare but I’ll make an exception.”

Gale white knuckle clench over the steering wheel. Jaw tight, he hisses, “Pleasure to meet you, Astarion. I’m Gale. My partner’s name is C.” Moving in closer, titling his body towards Ceilious, his hand resting against the other's lower back protectively.

Astarion quirks a brow at the duo. Especially at Gale. Pondering on how these two even became an item. Ceilious’ hands became animative, gesturing signs and movements that are unfamiliar to Astarion.

“It’s fine. I’m not angry with you, love.” Gale’s voice was tight and strained from holding back his annoyance. Ceilious responds with some grunting and shallow whooping to express his disbelief.

“Careful, don’t strain yourself.” Gale softens his tone in concern. He draws circles over Ceilious’ lower back to soothe him. “I’m just tired is all. Don’t mind me. We'll get to know our new guest.”

Astarion takes note of Gale's side eye sneer. “Don’t mind me at all. I’ll be out of your hair as soon as possible.”

Ceilious gives Gale a disapproval pout before attending to Astarion. He reaches over Astarion to grab his tablet on the side door. Unintentionally smothering the other with his chest. Gale spots the little troublemaker smirking. His blood is boiling when Ceilious acts oblivious to a pale, lithe hand sneakily groping a piece of ass. Astarion notices Gale glaring at him and gives a devilish glint in return. Swift as a thief, Astarion removes his hand when Ceilious repositions himself.

“Name is Ceilious. Call me C. I use this device to communicate. Thank you for being patient with me. I will type as quickly as possible to respond. I also use sign language.” The tablet announces. Ceilious flashes his dimples. “Nice to meet you, Astarion.”

“Pleasure is all mine, darling. A tall, dark, and adorable stud like yourself is a sweet treat for the eyes when surrounded by this hell pit here. Sadly, I’m not proficient with sign language.”

Astarion presses his lips close to Ceilious’ ear and whispers, “But with my mouth, I have many skills. Would you like to have a taste of it?”

Ceilious gulps. He bashfully casts his eyes down. Astarion tuts at him.

“How cute that a big fellow like you is so shy. I can work with that. Come now, eyes up here.”

Astarion directs Ceilious by cupping his chin and forcing eye contact. Astarion softly gasps in surprise. Rich as ferns blossoming under a canopy, Ceilious’ eyes had a magnetic force to pull Astarion into being charmed by its fresh and honest appeal.

“Excuse me.” A hairy hand pulls Ceilious away from Astarion. “It’s best if we get back on the road than making empty proposals.”

Taken aback, Ceilious nods, leaving Astarion to glare at Gale.


Harsh downpour forces the trio to pull over and wait it out.

Gale secluded himself with a book on the bed. Ceilious carefully prepares their lunch and Astarion lounges on the rug. Flipping through his cracked phone, Astarion huffs at the lack of internet. Bored, he bothers Ceilious by playfully leaning against the broad back. His hands resting on sensual hips, thumbs slotted over the denim belt hoops. He ignores the glaring eyes from Gale as he continues to test Ceilious’ tolerance. Swiftly, Ceilious loops his right arm over Astarion and brings him closer. Smug, Astarion leans into the warmth. However, he didn’t expect a knife to be placed on his palm and be directed to chop vegetables. Up close, Ceilious’ vitiligo fasintates him. The stark contrast of the two pigments leaves a dazzling delight to the viewer.

“What do you do for a living besides tempt men with your seductive charms?” Astarion drawls.

Goosebumps flare up on his skin when a baritone chuckle tickles his ear. His face flushed with slight arousal and embarrassment.

“Don’t you have anything else to do besides pestering our lovely chef from his craft?” Gale harshly yanks Astarion off of Ceilious. “If you’re bored, I’ll gladly entertain you with some of my scholarly wisdom.”

“How lovely,” Astarion sarcastically scoffs. His eyes judged Gale up and down with disdain. “A gracious host you are. Apologizes I disturbed the little stud muffin.”

“No, let me apologize first since I neglected to entertain our guest.” Gale spits back.

Ceilious turns around with concerned eyes. “Are you fighting?”

“No,no, my love. We men love to jest with one another. None to be concerned with.”

“Yes, he’s right, darling. We’re just playing. Rough each other feathers is part of the fun of getting to know each other.”

As soon Ceilious turns back to his task, the duo elbow one another.

For the first time in Astarion’s life, he never felt so stuffed to the point of a food coma. Their lunch was packed with rich and heavy dishes from East Asia. He was certain if the food wasn’t going to end him, it would be his ears bleeding out from Gale’s onslaught of relentless babbling. The radio gave him no escape from hearing every tedious factoid. He wonders on how the hell Ceilious even tolerates it or worse yet, enjoys it. If hell was real, it sure felt like being trapped in this van was his current punishment. The only saving grace is staring at the cowboy stud.

High cheekbones framed by short, loose ivory curls. Pale lashes framing dark, green emerald irises. He lavishes over the other’s faint scent, a mixture of Japanese cypress, sandalwood, and tobacco. Despite the rolling muscles, directly touching it feels heavenly pillowy, and smooth.

“Have you ever done modeling, darling?” Astarion strikes a devious grin. He props his camera out of his duffle bag and teasingly flashes the lenses towards Ceilious.

“You would make such a great model. Perhaps almost up to par against me.”

Goosebumps prickle over his porcelain skin when hearing Ceilious’ baritone chuckle again.

Ceilious pulls out his tablet and begins typing. “I used to be a child model. Mother took me to many sessions. I stopped when I became unfavorable to her taste.”

“Hard to believe what’s so unfavorable about you, darling. But I understand when someone crushes you like that. I traveled all over the world, saw many countries, and enjoyed all the lavish luxuries.”

Astarion shows Ceilious pictures from his camera and smartphone. Drinking in the other’s sparkling eyes, he barely sneaks a glance at Gale. A fierce jealousy glare bores straight through Astarion like daggers.

“What exactly caused you, a supermodel, to be stranded in the grasslands?” Gale starts with a harsh dig. “Hard to believe you retire so quickly when the job sounds like a dream.”

“What are you implying?” Astarion spats back with venom.

“Perhaps this job is either fantasy or unethical. Who knows what sort of job causes you to run and flaunt about?” Gale retorts.

Ceilious’ fingers found Gale’s, a light squeeze and thumb rubs over the other’s. Such a simple gesture causes a calm blanket over the fiery heart. Gale side glances when green puppy eyes peer into his. Despite being a bystander, Astarion feels the same amount of embarrassment as Gale. How tasteless of two grown men fighting like toddlers demanding attention.

“Circ*mstances happened. Now, I’m currently a freelancer and need a ride. I’ll be out of your hair soon.” Astraion scoffs and lays down dramatically over the rug.

“Understood.” Gale turns over, facing away from the duo.

They both lay for a time, unmoved, pouting and stewing.

Both jolt up from the sound of heavy metal blaring from the tablet and aggressive cleaning of the dishes. Astarion peers up to see Ceilious’ fierce scowl. If looks could kill, the scum on the dishes were the unfortunate victims. Being brutally rinsed and tossed to the side carelessly.

Before Astarion interjects, Gale shuffled over, carefully leaning as close as possible to whisper something to Ceilious. A delicate hand brushed across his cheek and slid through his hair. Slightly turning and halting his cleaning, Ceilious humor Gale by lending an ear. Moments passed of flustered Gale explaining himself in a low whisper. It was obvious Ceilious didn’t seem satisfied with whatever Gale said because he stopped the rambling by placing a finger over the other’s lips. Gale gazed at him longingly with chocolate puppy eyes in an attempt to appease his partner. He rubs Ceilious’ thigh gently, circling his thumbs and massaging the curves of the leg. Unamused, Ceilious signs with serious, punctuational gestures.

Gale sighs heavily as he shuffles to face Astarion.

“I offer my apologies for my rudeness. Please allow me to make it up to you.”

Bemused, Astarion hums and savors the silence for a moment. Gale nervously squirms under the awkward tension.

“I’ll forgive you. I also apologize for my rudeness as well. Perhaps the long trip got the best of us.”

If the sun can blindside mortals, Ceilious’ beaming smile can give Astarion serious blindness.

“I was thinking.” Astarion crawled towards Gale, climbing over him. “How about I make it up to you? Since you’ve been so generous.” Gale squinted, uncertain of what he was getting at. Astarion’s teeth teasingly nibble his ear and whispers, “I know you figured out what sort of work I do. Secrets aside, I’ll show you a good time if you let me.” Astarion squeezes Gale’s hand.

“Oh!” Gale cleared his throat, cheeks flushed.

“I’m sure there is a reason you bought the shaggin’ wagon. Planning to pick up someone on the side and have a fantastical ride?”

Ceilious observes the duo with curious eyes. Playing with this, Astraion steps it up further. Using momentum, Astarion stations his hands over Gale’s shoulders, pushes him down, swings his leg over, and straddles his legs. He starts running the heel of his palms over the clothed chest.

“You’re tight, aren't you darling?”

Smoothing over the shoulders, increasing the pressure into a massage. Fingers working knots and kinks across Gale’s torso. Gale knew this was a seductive tactic to get his guard down and he should resist, but his body betrayed him by easing into a melting mess. He felt his shirt being tugged up and palms combing through his chest hair.

“Do you want me to open you up?” Velvety voice coos in a sinister and enticing tone like an incubus pulling its victim into a blissful death whispering into Gale’s ear. Gears were turning in Gale's mind. He tries to glance at Ceilious but Astarion’s body blocks his view.

If Astarion knew about patrons he's encountered, most of them would indulge in these risky scenarios. Too drunk off from lust and desire to make wiser decisions.

Before Gale could respond, Astarion squeaked. If Gale wasn’t pitching a tent now, it is most certain to be at the sight of picturesque images of both ivory haired beauties flushed with arousal. Ceilious’ large arm cages over Astarion’s chest while the other arm holds the willowy waist. Distracting the pale vixen and forcing it to surrender above Gale. Flustered, Astarion growls and nips onto Ceilious’ ear in retaliation.

Watching the duo fighting dominance, Gale gets dizzy with arousal. Ceilious moves his arm to grip Astarion’s neck, squeezing it appreciatively.

“How quaint. Having the big stud get a hold on me. Go on, I know when I have no fighting chance.” Astarion closes his eyes, waiting for the roughness and aggressive assault. Memories left a sour taste in his mouth. Unintentionally, his body stiffens; waiting for the pain to come.

Instead of pain, sweet and tender kisses pepper Astarion’s cheek. Bewildered, his eyes snapped open, and loses his stoic composure. Those green eyes lovingly gaze into his, holding him captive. Astarion’s heart thumps, twisting into a sickening feeling of being exposed and vulnerable, it makes him squirm uncomfortably. As if sensing his insecurities, Ceilious carefully releases his grip and cups the other’s cheek, drawing his thumb over soft skin. Captivated, Astarion fully leans against Ceilious, breathing in the sweet earthy musk. Both of them take in each other's warmth and closeness. A sensation Astarion both yearned and avoided at the same time. While Ceilious relishes it wholeheartedly.

“You're so warm. Like the sun.” Astarion purrs. His head felt heavy and light at the same time. Ceilious’ weight and warmth send delightful goosebumps over his porcelain skin. He chuckles when Ceilious presents a teasing smile, mimicking his toothy yet sensual grin.

Gale hears a long, drawn-out moan escaping from Astarion’s lips. He watches Ceilious clumsily leaving hickies around the nape and shoulder before laying the other carefully beside his left side. Astarion melts into the soft mattress while the two lovers exchange sweet kisses and tender touches.

“Are you still mad at me, love?” Gale avoids making eye contact. His hands wringing nervously together. Ceilious playfully pokes his finger against Gale’s soft belly. His forehead rests against the other as he sweetly hums.

“I'm ashamed I've acted so immature around you. I just couldn't control myself when it came to you.” Gale mumbles, cheeks flushed. “ I should act better at my age but when I'm around you, it feels like I'm not some old bearded fool.”

Ceilious pinches Gale’s love handles, tickling him into a fit of laughter. Their wrestling causes Astarion to roll between them. Gale chokes when his clothed erection is being palmed. He stares at Astarion in disbelief. His eyebrows questionably raised as the two exchanged a silent conversation. As Astarion wraps himself around Ceilious’ shoulders, his slender fingers spread themselves around the collarbone and lightly dig into the skin. Astarion takes Ceilious into a feverish kiss. Their hot tongues battle one another, filling each other’s mouths with the desperate onslaught of desire. Changing his grip, he holds Ceilious’ chin, turning his face towards Gale as a string of saliva connects between them.

“See, he’s being so adorable. Don’t you want to keep going, hm?” Astarion’s bold and teasing play sends shivers down Ceilious’ spine. He slips out a needy whine.

Gale gulps. Mind racing while continuing to watch Ceilious falling into Astarion’s lustful spell.

“I think it’s far enough.” Gale’s shaky voice betrays him as he grabs Astarion from advancing further. “Stop playing with our feelings with your devilish games.”

“Games? This is a very serious matter. I don’t offer my services to just anyone.” Astarion flicks Gales’s forehead. “Don’t you dare label this as some sort of game.”

While the duo bicker at one another, Ceilious starts to strip off his clothes. This act catches Gale’s eye and forces him to lose his train of thought. Ceilious cheekily waves a white lacy thong at Gale.

“Hello? Earth to nerd.” Astarion snaps his fingers to get the other’s attention. “Have you finally realized your scholarly wisdom has its limits?”

The white lacy thong smacks Gale’s face. His body stiffened into shock. Astarion quickly turns around. His copper eyes shine with interest.

“Well, well. Look at you, darling. Nature didn’t hold back on creating you.” Licking his lips, Astarion stalks closer. “I’m starving. I want to eat all of you.”

With open arms, Ceilious allows Astarion to fall onto him. Pleased, Astarion appreciatively gropes and squeezes the bubble butt. He moans over the other’s bountiful chest; enjoying the intense body warm against his cold skin. However, Astarion didn’t expect his body would be easily lifted and squished onto Gale. His ears tickle from Gale’s hot, heavy breathing. Then, large hands spread his legs wide after being stripped from his pants and underwear.

“Getting worked up, stud muffin?” Astarion says coolly. His skin trembles when another pair of hands grope his thighs. “Careful, I’m a little delicate.” His snippy tone was directed at Gale.

Ceilious hums appreciatively as he roams his hands over Astarion. His snowflake skin matched his personality; devoid of any warmth. His cool, penetrating copper eyes contrasted his lily white complexion.

“Appreciate the view, darling?”

Ceilious hands pull away and begin signing.

“He says he does. Your skin reminds him of winter. He very much enjoys how smooth it is.” Gale interprets. His whiskers cause Astarion to squirm and wiggle.

“So,” Astarion huffs. “Are you giving in Mr. Grump? I recall you being annoyingly jealous over me getting your lover boy’s attention.”

“Love makes you do silly things,” Gale explains. “For some reason, I can’t say no to him. However…” He adjusts his grip on Astarion by fully caging the smaller body against himself. This tests Astarion’s full flexibility as his knees touch Gale’s shoulder. “I am only allowing this game to go further because I promised my love he can enjoy whatever he so desires. As long we both consent, we are open to trying anything. I’m normally the type who prefers a monogamous relationship but I must respect his choice in polyamorous.”

Ceilious pauses his hands to shut up Gale with a kiss. He nips the lower lip in playful annoyance. His eyes signaled his impatience.

“Thank heavens,” Astarion rolls his eyes. “He just drones so much and makes my ears bleed. Ask him a simple question. You get an article about it.”

“I beg your pardon.” Gale retorts back. “You also don’t know when to shut up. Your smartass comments are getting a bit dull.”

Rolling his eyes, Ceilious shuts the duo up by grabbing their co*cks and squeezing at the base. The duo curses in unison as their co*cks were pumped into full hardness.

“Your hair feels sticky and awful,” Astarion hisses, low enough for only Gale to hear.

“Your obnoxious hairspray and perfume are stinging my eyes,” Gale barks back.

Annoyed with the bickering, Ceilious forces the duo to fully lay back and cage their heads between his thighs. Gale immediately releases Astarion to frantically tap out to admit his submission. Meanwhile, Astarion’s nails claw into the thick thighs, desperately clawing his way out. Ceilious slightly moves back yet rests some of his weight on the duo’s torso.

“Please get off, love!” Gale strained and tomato faced.

“Darling, we need air!” Astarion pathetically croaks out.

Tapping his chin, Ceilious wiggles his hips. Which caused the duo to groan in agony.

“We won’t fight anymore!” The duo cry out in unison.

Satisfied, Ceilious slides off and rubs the duo’s chests apologically. Gasping for air, Astarion rolls over, his shirt crinkled and sticky from Gale’s sweat.

“You’re a damn, clever bastard, you know that?” Astarion huffs in disbelief. “You sure fooled me with your sweet, naive charms. Trying to kill me with your sexy thighs.”

Pulling himself up and propping against Ceilious, Gale gives them a stern stare. Making Ceilious shrink into himself with shame.

“The love of my life,” Gale starts. “I understand our antics were not appropriate but you could’ve seriously hurt us with that. I owe you an immense apology. However, please don’t ever do that again without consent.”

“Easy now.” Astarion rests on the other side of Ceilious. “Don’t be so harsh on him. No point in guilt-tripping over our little fight.” He taps Gale’s lower lip. “Don’t wave around consent like some doom contract. Trust me, he’ll learn better if you’re gentler. Isn’t it right, my darling?” He playfully pinches Ceilious’ cheek. “You’re just a young pup. We should teach you, hm? After all, you are blessed with experienced veterans.” Sending a devilish wink at Gale.

“I suppose providing proper lessons will prevent future incidents,” Gale thoughtfully nods. “Alright. Let’s start over.” He turns to Astarion. “Pushing our differences aside, I am willing to share a delightful exchange with you and C. Do you agree?”

“Oh, drop this serious act. It’s so annoying,” Astarion rolls his eyes. “Yes, yes. Let’s finally have some sex. I’ve been wanting a taste of this stud muffin since I got picked up. But first…” Grabbing the white lacy thong, he shoves it into Gale’s mouth. “Much better.”

Following Astarion’s instructions, Ceilious rests on his back, head pillowed on porcelain thighs while Gale is stationed between Ceilious’ spread legs. Astarion gently pets Ceilious’ head, hungrily watching them suckle and lick on his co*ck. The tongue messily lapped at the base, drool sliding down from plump lips and breathless little moans escaping on each broken exhale.

Big green eyes stare up adoringly at Astarion, begging for more encouraging pets and praises.

“So eager to please. Just needs a little more direction is all,” Astarion sultry purrs.“Good boy. Keep it up, darling. Use that pretty mouth to earn a treat.” Astarion smirks when Ceilious preens and happily slides his eyes shut. His moan sends a delightful vibration against the pale, slender length.

Meanwhile, Gale quietly works Ceilious open, scissoring his fingers and purposefully slide past the prostate. Ceilious hips twitch when his ballsack gets palmed and squeezed. Precome dribbles onto his stomach as his erection twitches. Unexpectedly, Ceilious' body jerks up when Astarion’s hands tease his sensitive nipples. Tugging, twisting, and flicking them as if trying to milk him.

“So sensitive and adorable.” Astarion pinches harshly. “I wonder if you will lactate if I squeeze hard enough. It would be so delicious to see your breasts leak and beg to be milked.”

Ceilious slips out a whorish moan and swirls his tongue eagerly. He hesitantly reaches his arms towards Astarion. His puppy eyes pleaded to touch Astarion– an expression made it more charming with a co*ck in his mouth.

“Yes, darling.” Astarion toothy grins down at Ceilious. He contently sighs from the comforting weight of those large arms, wrapping around his waist. Fully stretched over, Astarion takes in the beautiful elaborate skin and muscles. His co*ck twitches as Ceilious bobs his head wetly up and down–especially at the pitiful whines that escape from those sinful lips. A startled shout escapes when a mouth eagerly nibbles on the delicate skin of his balls. “Such an insatiable pup, aren’t you?”

Gale observes Ceilious slack-jawed as Astarion f*cks his mouth. Gentle as possible, willowy hips roll and butt the head of the co*ck against the back of Ceilious’ throat repeatedly. Gale clears his throat and returns his attention in front of him. The entrance is loose, wet, and inviting. His lover’s legs quivered excitedly as fingers kept working the entrance open. He traces a teasing finger up the length of one of those thick, trembling thighs, reaching to touch the soft stomach muscles. Ceilious’ hips give an aborted little buck as he visibly struggles not to desperately hump the air. Gale hums, bringing both hands up to squeeze at the soft flesh of Ceilious’ hips, holding him down. Ceilious pathetically whines out.

Astarion grins fiendishly. “What seems to be the issue, darling?” He teasingly rocks his hips a few times before slipping out. Cradling Ceilious’ head, he notices those green eyes are hazed over with lust and desperation. He slides his hold down to cup the swollen breasts. “Is it these? Are they too swollen?” Ceilious bites his lower lip as Astarion aggressively kneads the sensitive flesh. Eventually, Ceilious shakes his head.

“Oh? Show me with your hands on what you want, darling.”

Ceilious grabs Astarion’s wrist and guides it towards his throbbing erection but Astarion pulls away. Ceilious whines in protest, confused.

“Darling, don’t you remember? I can only touch you from the chest and up. If you want to be touched there, you have to beg it from him.” Astarion rests on the breasts and returns to kneading them. “I’m sure if you beg sweetly, he will touch you.”

Ceilious pouts. His lips quivered as he reached towards Gale.

“Keep your hands to your sides, love,” Gale instructs. “Be good and keep still.”

Internally screaming, Ceilious’ face puffs up but obeys Gale’s instructions. His knuckles crack from harshly gripping on the bedsheets. Ignoring the other’s glare, Gale strokes himself a few times before placing a condom on, lining his co*ck, and poking the tip against the entrance.

“I’ve been waiting for a while to do this with you. Despite this situation isn’t what I had planned to have our first intercourse together,” Gale slowly slides in while rambling. “I kept worrying if I was getting ahead of myself. I didn’t want to seem to be such an eager beaver on having intercourse.” His hips dip in further causing Ceilious to cry out in ecstasy.

“It was so hard to control myself when you would be such a tease. Granted, I did appreciate all the cute antics you would try from the sex book.” Gale shallowly slides in and out, teasing the wet muscles inside. “I learned so much about you. For example,” Gale nods to Astarion and prompts the other to stuff their co*ck back into Ceilious’ mouth. “Oral seems to be a grand favorite of yours. I’ve noticed, besides the smoking, you would constantly try to find ways to self-sooth yourself. And of course,” Gale enters fully up til Ceilious’ hips are flushed against him. “I’ll gladly provide you some solutions on it.”

“You got to work on your dirty talk,” Astarion shallowly thrusts his hips. “I don’t know how you managed to take dirty talk so boring and unappealing. Besides, being surprised you haven’t dicked each other before this, I’m curious about this sex book you’re talking about.”

Ceilious whole body shutters and his high whine sends thrills through the duo. His throat bobs and licks the underside of Astarion’s length. Astarion repositions himself to get a better angle by leaning far forward, putting more weight on Ceilious’ torso, and increasing his thrusts. By chasing his pleasure, he ignores how close he is to Gale and dips his head down to focus his energy on f*cking into the hot mouth. He pulls out just in time to paint Ceilious’ face with his sem*n. His co*ck twitches as he feels Ceilious’ tongue weakly licking his balls. Precome oozes when Astarion lowers his hips and allows that hot mouth to suckle the delicate skin. He sucks in a harsh breath when a daring tongue laps over his rim. Closing his eyes, Astarion allows his body to enjoy the pleasurable sensations given by Ceilious for a few moments. Satisfied, he sits on the sidelines, nodding to Gale.

“I’m taking a breather. Go on nerd, show how it’s done.” He winks.

Meanwhile, one of Ceilious’ hands reaches up, moving towards Gale’s hand, their fingers intertwined, Gale buries himself in with one single, powerful trust. Ceilious’ body arches when Gale increases his pace, eyes rolling up into his head and thighs squeezing tight around Gale’s hips. His face flushed from long-awaited climax, panting hard as he tried to catch his breath.

Gale doesn’t let him.

He keeps a quick, almost animalistic pace, slamming hard into Ceilious. The steady, lewd rhythm mixed with Ceilious’ chorus of punched-out cries and moans. The force of Gale’s thrusting has Ceilious’ breasts bounce and Gale can feel his mouth salivating. Ceilious transforms into a sobbing mess under Gale’s onslaught.

“Are you alright, my love?”

Ceilious weakly nods and gestures his hands. His tear-stained face gets kissed by ticklish whiskers.

“Yes, my love. I’m also doing fine. There isn’t a word I can describe how much you feel so good inside. I only regret that we didn’t do this sooner.”

Gale slows down to give Ceilious a chance to sign. “Of course. You’re everything and more.” His sun-kissed skin blushes when his lover signs again. “I love you too.” Gale gestures his hands along with his confession. “Very, very much so, my beloved.”

Ceilious’ face lights up. His dimples make his eyes into happy crescents. His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows hard. In great effort, he forms his lips and tries to push his vocal cords to mimic a sound close to saying Gale’s name.

“G..a..le,” his voice strained and breathly from forcing his weak voice muscles to work. Gale tenderly cups the other’s cheek and passionately kisses him.

“I love you, my beloved.”

Embracing one another, they rock their bodies at a slower pace til their breathing becomes erratic and frantic, getting closer to their climax. Gale loudly moans as Ceilious’s body tenses up from climax. He carefully pulls out and wipes sweat off of the other’s forehead.

“Are you alright? I’ll get us some refreshments. Rest here.”

Gale props open the door to let the heat out. The downpour still holding up but the cool breeze feels heavenly. While Gale scrambles to get refreshments and a clean rag, Ceilious turns to Astarion. He rests a comforting hand on Astarion; those copper eyes were unfocused as if their mind were elsewhere.

Observing the devoted lovers, Astarion’s mind itches uncomfortably. He had experienced many sexual encounters that would easily toss him away without a scrap of affection. He was trained to rehearse empty words in the form of promises laced with lies and backhanded compliments by his agent. To be treated as an unimportant, disposable toy to be played without a care. The amount of care shared by the two is beyond physical desires. This type of vulnerability to make a genuine connection gives Astarion a sour taste in his heart. To have that certainty of getting love and being loved back seems so out of reach for someone like Astarion.

Ceilious grunts at Astarion and shakes his knee urgently.

“Oh,” blinking out of his trance, Astarion focuses his eyes on Ceilious. “My mind was elsewhere. Don’t mind me. Did you have fun?” He plasters his usual fake smiles. “It was such a sweet treat watching you.”

Ceilious crawls closer, resting his head on their lap, and peers up. He encompasses his larger hands over the smaller ones and rests them on his chest. He flashes a sweet smile.

“Please, stop smiling at me like that. I’m not sure what will happen if you keep doing that.”

Astarion curls his fingers. “I’m warning you. I bite.”

Ceilious hums. He affectionately plants kisses on Astarion’s knuckles. Gale slides beside the duo with a bowl of assorted fruit and a damp cloth.

“Let’s clean up, lads,” Gale announces. “I’m sure, we don’t want to sleep on sticky sheets tonight.” He carefully wipes down Ceilious.

“Are you sure this bed is even big enough to fit all of us?” Astarion asks.

Gale ignores Astarion as he attends to Ceilious. Later that night, Astarion grumbles on his makeshift bed at the front. He punches the fluffy pillow out of frustration. What hurt his pride was that Ceilious absentmindedly agreed to Gale’s proposal because Gale promised a back rub before bed.

Chapter 7: Resisting Temptation

Chapter Text

“I guess the roads are not in his favor,” Gale idly tapping on the wheel. “Do I need to pull over?”

Astarion dismisses him with a wave. His forehead was shiny with sweat and his complexion appeared paler than usual. His body groaned in agony. Ceilious holds him upright while rubbing soothing circles on his back. It had been a few hours since they departed early, the sun barely peaked over the mountains when the trio continued their journey. Gradually, Astarion started to show symptoms of motion sickness. The change in pressure caused his ears to ache and then sudden fatigue.

Gale pulls over on a side road to let Ceilious carry Astarion out to get fresh air. Guided over to sit on the ground, Astarion grumbles and struggles to push Ceilious away. He feels embarrassed as Ceilious frets over him and hands him a water bottle.

“I’m fine. I just need a moment,” Astarion hisses. He barely holds the water bottle to his lips, sipping it gingerly. Squinting, he rubs his face to self-soothe. Ginger candy hits his nostrils as Ceilious forces one into his mouth.

“Just give a moment.” His body trembles when flashbacks of his dark past hit him. Images of hands grabbing him, voices demanding him, the flashes of light being too bright, and everything coming at him all at once get Astarion to lose his breath. Unintentionally, he cries out, “I need a moment! Leave me alone!” He winced at the disgust in his trembling voice.

Carefully, Ceilious sits beside him patiently. He offers a hand for Astarion to hold at their leisure. Eventually, Astarion rests his hand on the offering hand. It felt so comforting and warm against his clammy palm. Thick fingers gently curl in and hold his hand as if it were made out of the finest and most delicate glass. After taking a few breaths, Astarion rests his weight against the cowboy’s arm. The fresh smell of tobacco from earlier still lingers on the cotton buttoned-up. Oddly, it became a comforting scent to Astarion after days of traveling with the duo. In addition, he finds himself comfortable with Ceilious’ silence or lack of speech. He guessed having Gale around, who could easily talk for multiple people, gave him the chance to appreciate Ceilious’ creative form of communication.

“This ginger candy tastes awful,” Astarion protests. He peers up as he rests his chin against the tree trunk arm. He rolls the candy around and sticks it out with his tongue. Ceilious quirks a brow. His fingers caress through ivory curls and tuck a strand behind the other’s ear. He takes the candy by the mouth. Astarion happily sighs and enjoys those plush lips against his. “Better but I think one more kiss will make it feel better.”

Ceilious humors him with another kiss. Not quite satisfied, Astarion mischievously taps his cheek. Smirking, Ceilious provides another kiss. This game went on until Astarion had every spot of his face kissed. His face is held like a precious gift under Ceilious’ palms as the last kiss lingers on the widow's peak. The last kiss took Astarion’s breath away. His heart flutters from the act of being cared for by Ceilious.

“I see your motion sickness has been taken care of.” Gale rests his hands on Ceilious’ broad shoulders. “Are you ready love? The clouds are moving fast and I want to be out of this mountain range soon. The roads can get dangerous when wet.”

As night fell, the blue haze of daylight was replaced with stars to fill the eternal, vastness of darkness. Gale busies himself with preparing dinner. Tara snoozed close to his feet, soaking up the warmth. From the window, he closely watches Astarion. He still felt suspicious of him. His gut is trying to tell him something about that man is dangerous but he doesn’t have any proof to plead him guilty. He returns a wave at his beloved when met with a wave from them. Distracted, he failed to notice a shadow crept up behind him. Slender fingers dig into his soft sides as a familiar, sassy voice whispers into his ear.

“It’s rude to stare, you know.” Astarion nips at Gale’s earlobe. “Makes me think you either like me or are highly suspicious of me. Which is it? Perhaps both? Do tell, I love hearing confessions from men like yourself.”

“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.” Gale side eyes at the other. “What sort of confessions are you referring to? Are they scripted like the ones you have used before?”

“How adorable. You think you got an upper hand just because you worked at a lawfirm. Our jobs aren’t any different. We both get paid by patrons and go home with a hefty paycheck.”

“Don’t compare my career with yours, Mr. p*rnstar. My job is extremely different from yours.”

“Feeling defensive? I’m sure you’ve told your little lover boy about how great your career was. I recall a certain news article.” Astarion hums in thought. “I think it was about an attorney from Waterdeep, who had to step down because of blackmailing and bankruptcy.”

“I was framed. I didn’t do anything wrong.” Gale growls. His hands clenched til turned white-knuckled. “I also remember a case as well. It was about an infamous actor who got their sex tape leaked and was forced to pay their debt by making p*rnos.”

“Seems like we both got dirty laundry.” Astarion spats. “Too bad you weren’t my attorney and I could’ve had a chance but wait, you lost your license when you stepped down. Your good for nothing boss threw you under the bus. Which I can relate to that. It’s a pity, really. Regardless, we managed to find a little stud muffin to occupy our woes. I’m still not convinced you’re letting this slide.”

“Letting what slide?” Gale huffs in annoyance.

“You being okay with stud muffin being an extra social butterfly. Are you going to let him flirt with anyone within his sight?”

“Oh. That.” Gale sighs. “I’ll worry about it when the time comes. I trust him.”

“Hard to believe.” Astarion playfully squishes the soft sides, pinching the extra skin.

“He didn’t get me killed by his family’s shotgun. Or let me off from paying for expensive parts by doing paperwork for him. Then proceeded to cook for me, three meals a day for two weeks without a single complaint. I think those are valid situations to earn my trust in him.”

“Fair enough.” Astarion’s fingers slip under the deep purple silk shirt and rest dangerously on the Adonis belt. “Just admit it. You jerked off to me when VHS was still relevant. I think my most popular role was being a vampire lord. My victims being charmed under my spell.” A playful bite to the neck caused Gale to release an inhuman noise.

Startled by the random noise, Ceilious clumsily trips over himself and spills the firewood everywhere. He whips his head around once he stabilizes. He grumbles as he heads over to the van to investigate while having a hand over his pistol.

He quirks his brow at the scene. Before him, Astaron straddled on top of Gale, his hands inside the silk shirt and groping the chest. His fiendish grin spreads further when making eye contact with Ceilious.

Meanwhile, Gale’s hands were gripping those slender hips and his face was flushed as if caught red handed.

Ceilious sighs with a blank-face. He slowly crosses his hands, tilts his hip to the side, and waits for an explanation. His seriousness caused Astarion to start chuckling and then leaned over to teasingly nuzzle against Gale’s neck. Giving Ceilious a show.

“This isn’t what it looks like, love!” Gale pushes Astarion off and shuffles towards Ceilious.

Ceilious quirks his brow. He shows Gale he wasn't convinced by tugging the wrinkled silk shirt and pokes the large hickey on Gale’s neck. Gale hurriedly claps over the spot. Humiliated, Gale's body vibrates in anger. Before he was able to give Astarion an ass kicking, Ceilious stops him with a kind hand cupping his jaw.

Ceilious prompts Gale to take some deep breaths. His large hands massaging through thick, brunette waves, nails gently scratching the scalp.

Eventually, he sits down beside Gale and pulls him into a big hug. He waits until Gale’s breathing slows down into a calmer pace. He taps two fingers on the other's shoulder.

“I am calm.” Gale answers.

Another tap.

“Fine, fine. Calmer. You can see right through my ruse anyway.”

Ceilious leans back to give himself enough space to sign. “Are you ready to explain what had happened?” Green eyes searching into earthly ones.

At first, Gale opted into just signing but Ceilious’ stern stare prompted him to speak out loud. Ceilious wants him to have Astarion to hear and be involved.

“Our argument got carried away. I took it too personally. Foolish, I know. I thought I had gotten over my past but it seems like all I did was run away. You've been so patient and kind to me. I was worried if you saw how cowardly man I am, that you would leave like the others have.” Gale heavily sighs. His hands squeezing nervously over Ceilious’.

Ceilious slowly nods. Gale relaxes when noticing Ceilious’ eyes are untroubled. The muscular body showed no tension at all. Only his adorable dimples greet Gale.

“I won't ask what you two argue about. But I won't tolerate anything more than that. I don't care what secrets you keep.” Ceilious clumsily mouths his words while signing, in hopes Astarion can lip read. “I also have secrets. Everyone does. All I ask is not to use them to hurt anyone else. Talk to me if it's too much to bear. I am young but I want to share the burdens with you.” Ceilious pauses his hands. He shuts his eyes in deep thought. His fingers twitch, trying to figure out the right words to convey his thoughts. “I am grateful you keep me safe. But don't put me in the dark.” His green eyes saddened, wet with tears. “Keeping me in the dark will only cause pain.”

“Oh,” Gale places a supportive hand on the other's neck. “I apologize, my love.”

Ceilious purrs in approval by Astarion’s lips onto his temple. It was Astarion’s attempt to give an apology.

“Since we have all of our little moments, why not lighten the mood up? Any thoughts on opening a bottle and enjoying the night like how it should be?” Astarion appreciatively rubs his hands over the broad back and chest.

A cool breeze, carrying a fragrance of cedarwood twirl and spin inside the van as Ceilious rides through the mountains. Gale and Astarion take note to never challenge a Korean cowboy in a drinking contest. They groan in unison from their hangover while gingerly sipping the hangover soup Ceilious’ prepared for them.

“I’ll never drink against him. Ever!” Astarion dramatically groans. He rolls over, pulling the duvet over his head. His back squished against the hot and sweaty hairy back. “Gods, why are you so damn hot like a furnace? Are all people from Waterdeep this grossly warm and sweaty?”

“Cease your complaints.” Gale snaps back. “Your vampiric skin feels like I’m touching the undead. Although for someone who feels like the undead, didn’t age well.” Gale shouts in pain when his kidneys were jabbed with pointy nails.

“Take that back. Like wine, my beauty only improves the quality and appeal. Unlike you, I actually take care of myself.” Astarion pinches the soft sides. “I didn’t allow my body settle into this. You’re no different from a dog. Perhaps once a lean and handsome pup but now an old, wrinkly, fat hound who digs his nose into other people’s business.” He notices Gale’s ears turning pink. A wide sinister grin spreads on Astarion’s lips, his eye tooth peaking out. He adjusts his hands to crawl upward like a creeping spider. Feeling the tan skin burst into goosebumps. “Is someone ticklish?”

“No.” Gale’s voice quivers.

“Oh? I think someone is lying~” Astarion teasingly sings. His fingers dives into the armpits and wiggle around to bring Gale into a laughing mania. Using momentum, he flips Gale onto their stomach and continues his tickle attack. Tears stream down Gale’s manic face. “Admit defeat.” Astarion coos. Gale desperately nods.

Astarion tucks himself beside the other and watches them catching their breath. Heavily breathing, Gale weakly smacks the smug bastard. “You’re the worst.”

“Your thinking was too loud.” Astarion yawns nonchalantly. “I can’t nap if your mind is too loud.”

“You’re weird, you know that?”

“I rather be dead than ever be called boring.” Astarion gives Gale a little kiss on the temple. His slender figure stretches, groaning loudly when it felt like his entire spine cracks. Unexpectedly, Astarion blushes at the sight of the way Gale smiles at him. His hand reacts before his mind could. Smoothing Gale’s brunette waves back, an action which the bearded man leans into contently. Images of that handsome face splattered with white flicks quickly in Astarion’s mind.

“I guess the hair doesn’t bother you as much as it did, hm?” Gale’s voice low and gravely. His big brown eyes staring with a fond gaze and wearing an exhausted little grin.

The thick, dark hair that covers Gale’s dad bod feels warm and soft. An image of creature of comfort and Astarion’s hands couldn’t resit from touching every inch of it. With an impish grin, he replies, “Like I sad, you’re similar to a pup. Perhaps with some training, you can be a delightfully obedient little pet.”

“A pet doesn’t learn from a brat like you,” Gale teases. Closing his eyes, he mumbles, “Get some rest. You’ll need it for later. C gets worked up when left alone too long.”

Once cleared from the mountains, Ceilious pulls over to stretch his legs. He recalls it is only a about an hour away from a gas station. Itching to ride his bike, he wonders if Astarion would be interested in riding with him. He would love to have Gale but Astarion doesn’t have a driver's license. Astarion admitted he never gotten one since his manager would chaperone him everywhere. After changing in the trailer, putting on a one-piece black leather gear and protective accessories, he takes the bike out and warms it up. The engine roars to life as he revs it up. The loudness of the engine gets two curious city boys to peep out. Their eyes glitter as Ceilious playfully winks.

“My, my, I’d love to ride on that,” Astarion wiggles his brows. “A sweet looking cowboy has a dark side now.” His eyes drinking up the muscles wrapped deilciously in black leather. Not a patch of skin in sight besides the face. “Who knew being wrapped with leather goods would look so delicious.” He makes a show of licking his lips; like a fox hungerily salivating over a plump rabbit. Astarion quirks a brow at unbothered Gale. His face was blank, almost bored.

“Planning to ride the rest of the way? I suppose we do need some fuel and treat ourselves with refreshments.” Gale chats away, standing close to Ceilious, and his lower back supported by a leather gloved hand. “Anything I should add onto the list?”

During the duo’s chat, Astarion digs into his bag to change out. Years ago, a patron gifted him a deep crimson one piece jumpsuit. His main role was to be a little trophy icon to show off during the patron’s car racing tournaments. He kept it because it was specially customized made and the last patron who took him in before he was sold out to do p*rn. Astarion grunts as the zipper catches on his skin. The leather felt more snug than he remembered. Stepping out of the van, he makes a show by catwalking towards the men. He stops to make a sassy turn, flexing his sexiness with a co*cked hip and looking over the shoulder. The bored expression remained but Gale’s ears turned red.

Ceilious beckoned to Astarion. As soon Astarion was within reach, he pulls the slender figure close and slips an oversized leather jacket over them. “Ready to ride, stud muffin?” Astarion smugily grins. He easily straddles onto the seat behind Ceilious. Placing his hands around the wide wasit.

“Careful, you two. I’ll be right behind you.” Gale insisted. “Don’t ride too recklessly.”

Ceilious playfully smacks Gale’s chubby ass.

“I’m serious!” Gale surpresses a moan when Ceilious teasingly gropes hard on the ass cheek. “Be careful, love.” Gale grabs Ceilious’ thick wrist and gives a peck on the lips. “I mean it.”

Placing a helmet over his head, Ceilious gives a Gale a thumbs up before riding off.

Chapter 8: Pitstop

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Neon signs stationed like lamp posts leads the trio to a crowded gas station. Littered with motorcyclists, Gale was having trouble pulling in to a self service pump station. Tara resting on the dashboard, she chirps at the loitering group of bikers. Bikers paid no mind to the van and continue to stand around. One of the members, assuming the leader, her tall figure leans against the working pump, her body animated from whatever story she was telling. She stops when a horn was blared at her direction.
“Apologizes! I require to use the pump to refill my van!” Gale calls out. Tara, on his shoulder, calls out as well. “Please step aside and I’ll be on my way!”
The tall woman scoffs. Her eyebrows raised in mix annoyance and disbelief. With a wave of her hand, she shoos her group out of the way for Gale to pull in. As soon Gale steps out, she corners him.
“Nice shaggin’ wagon, little man.” She whistles at the artwork, crossing her arms. “Sorry I was in the way. Hope it didn’t displease you.”
“No, not at all.” Gale casually sets up the pump into the fuel filler. “I hope I didn’t disturb you and your friends.” He turns to offer a handshake to her. “I’m Gale. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance.” His hand ached from her strong grip.
“Karlach.” She widely grins, flashing a pair of sharp fangs. “Aren’t you far from home, Gale?”
“Yes. Very far from home.” Gale chuckles. “I’ve always wanted to travel the country. So a road trip seemed duable choice.” The pump clicks, indicating it was done fueling. “Ah, seems like the van is filled up. I’ve enjoyed our chit chat.” Gale was about to reenter the van but Karlach’s body leaning against the door prevents him.
“Leaving so soon? I don’t see new faces often. Why not stick around a bit longer, Gale?”
“I appreciate the invite but I must decline.”
“Maybe I wasn’t clear enough.” Karlach steps closer. Gale steps back, hands up. “Stay a bit longer. I’m sure my crew would love to hear all the stories where you’re from.”
Before Gale could respond, he feels his back hit a familar torso. Large hands protectively rest on his hips.
“f*ck, you’re a big bastard, aren’t ya?” Karlach laughs. Her eyes leveling steady with Ceilious. “Who's this, Gale?”
“I suggest to back down, darling.” Astarion slips behind Karlach, a switch blade pokes her kidney.
“Damn, Gale, you got some slick bodyguards.” Karlach hums, her eyes twinkle in interest. She raises her arms in surrender. “I know when I lost a fight. Ease up boys, I’ll stop messing with your old yeller.” She extends a handshake towards Ceilious. “Perhaps a drink as a proper apology?” Ceilious stares at her offering hand for a few moments before accepting it.
“sh*t! What a grip! We should do some arm wrestling with those drinks.” Karlach’s voice carries throughout the gas station like a megaphone. “Come on, boys. Let me introduce you to my crew. They’ll love ya!”
Karlach excitedly returns to her crew. Majority of them standing near a large assortment line of bikes, smoking and quietly chatting amongst one another. Ceilious and Astarion volunteered to meet the crew first while Gale moves the van to a parking spot.
“Careful, darling.” Astarion warns in a harsh whisper. “They seem friendly but they can hide horrible intentions. Keep your eyes peeled. Let me do the talking.”
Karlach beckons the duo as her crew crowd closer. Astarion takes note of the expressionless fair skin woman wearing a one long, dark bubble braid eyeing him. Her dark eyes giving an eerie glow. She was the first to speak.
“Found some new boy toys to play with, Karlach? Do they have names?” Her dark eyes linger over Ceilious as she steps closer. “Finally found someone your size?” Her petite hand brushes against Ceilious’ abs. “Men like you are usually loud. You’re unusually quiet.”
“Don’t waste your time on them, Shadowheart.” The brunette woman with olive skin, painted with dark freckles and markings hisses. Her harsh scowl could easily make anyone cower before her. “Perhaps he doesn’t speak because he is either too ignorant or too afraid.” She pokes at Ceilious’ bicep. She challengingly stares intensely into his green eyes.
Ceilious returns a calm, unbothered gaze to her. Everyone gasps when he dared to brush a knuckle over her high cheekbone. As if trying to sooth her glare. He barely flinched when her knuckles were inches away from his jaw. Oddly satisfied, she backs off, arms crossed.
“You’ve earned to learn my name. It is Lae’zel. Remember it well.”
Lastly, the super friendly looking dark-skinned man with thick braids steps in with his hands up. He flashes a bright, big grin at the duo.
“Easy, friends. Perhaps that sort thing is fine among us but not with our guests. Have some decorum, ladies.” He nods at the women. “Forgive my friends. They are a bit excited to meet new faces. Wyll is the name.”
“Entertaining way to greet new people.” Astarion chuckles. “Astarion. This big fellow is C.”
Ceilious acknowledges with a nod. He signs a greeting. Wyll eyes sparkle in excitement.
“You sign?” Wyll asks in sign. His grin widens.
“Yes.” Ceilious gleefully replies.
“Are you deaf?”
“No. Mutism. Weak vocal muscles from childhood fever. Are you fluent?”
“Enough to make short conversation. Does he know?” Wyll points at Astarion.
“No. My boyfriend does.” Ceilious turns when he catches sight of Gale approaching closer. “That’s my boyfriend.” He pulls Gale closer to hold their hand.
“Saluations, everyone.” Gale awkwardly waves. “I’m Gale.”
“Boyfriend.” Wyll states out loud in slight surprised tone. His eyes linger over Gale, who fashions an Italian casual look: a stylish lilac polo shirt, tan chino shorts, leather sandals, and bits of gold jewelry. “Glad to meet you, Gale. Haven’t seen that sort of style before. It’s interesting.”
The women quirk their brow at the duo. The image of a middle aged, bearded man dressed like a retired professor standing beside a youthful beefcake in tight leather gear puts everyone in a state of bewilderment. With the addition of a pale figure who looks like a gold digger in the mix, Karlach’s head hurts of even trying to figure out their relationship status.
“Enough chatting out here. Let’s take you to the saloon and have some drinks!” Karlach hollars.
The saloon was filled with drunk and excitable patrons, groups, and solo bikers hovering over multiple pool tables and the dance floor. Under poor lighting, it was hot and loud. The sound system made it impossible to hear anything. Beers in hand, Karlach and the crew were relaxing near a pool table.
“Wow, looks like we got competition for the prettiest girls.” Karlach chuckles. “I might have to compete on who has the biggest tit* now.” She playfully pats Ceilious’ chest and wiggles her eyebrows. “Drinks are on me. I warn you, the beer taste sh*t but company here is good.” She smacks Ceilious’ ass. “Bar is up there, bubble butt.”
Astarion squeezes beside Ceilious, hands dangerously close on plush booty to guide him toward the bar. The crowd separates Gale from the duo like an oar being washed by ocean tides. It finally dawned on Ceilious that this was the first time he ever entered an establishment like this. Panic rises when he can’t see Gale when Astarion pulls him away. He tries to look like he’s meant to be here and not stare too long at other patrons.
“Loosen up, darling. Here, drink up.” Astarion hands a beer into Ceilious’ trembling hands. Gingerly sipping, Ceilious finds the beer repulsive. His disdain earns a pretentious snort from Astarion.
“Just hold it. Empty hands earn you unwanted company. Come on, let’s mingle and get you some friends.”
Ceilious felt like a fish out of water without support from Gale and his speech device. But he didn’t want to displease Astarion since they were making a lot of effort to help him. Interlinking fingers, Astarion invites themselves to mingle with Wyll and Shadowheart. Ceilious wasn’t sure if he was enjoying himself since the others carried on the conversation without him. Slowly, his self-consciousness gets the best of him and causes him to hyperventilate. A familiar warm touch on his lower back breaks Ceilious out of his turmoil.
“Ga…” C excitedly exclaims, his voice box straining to form a word.
Gale cranes his head up and cups his hand to funnel his voice into Ceilious’ ear. “Apologizes. I took a bit to find you, love.”
This prompted Wyll to turn his attention to the duo. “So, what’s the story? How did you guys meet?”
“Don’t get Gale started. He loves to hear himself talk.” Astarion rests his arm around Wyll’s shoulder. “To save you from the punishment, they meet at C’s workshop. Love at first sight. Just like a Hallmark movie: a city boy falling in love with a cowboy.”
“Thank you for providing the summary.” Gale circles around the pool table. He skillfully aims and hits a colored ball into the pocket. “Astarion loves to tell many stories as well. He’s a frequent traveler.” He gives a challenging smirk at Astarion.
“Apologizes around the table.” Karlach held a bucket full of beer and drops it on a nearby table. “Come on, cowboy. Let’s do a friendly competition.” She stations herself at the table, readying her arm up. “Will you be the first guy who can beat me? Loser has to drink the sh*t beer.”
“And what does get the winner get?” Astarion pipes out.
“Bragging rights, of course.” Wyll chuckles. “Lae’zel came in close. But no one has truly beaten Karlach.”
“Ready to cry, cowboy? I’ll wipe those tears.” Karlach makes playfull kissy faces. “I’ll be gentle.”
Sitting across, Ceilious props his left arm into position.
“No warm up? Cheeky bastard, aren’t ya?”
Their muscles bulges from gripping one another, challenging their strengths by pushing against each other. For a few moments, no one budged. Tension rises as Karlach makes her move. At first, it seemed she had the advantage. Her grip and momentum pushes Ceilious’s arm to move downward towards the table. In a blink of an eye, Karlach’s arm was the one touching the table. It took her a second to realize what had happened.
“What?” Karlach’s grin drops.
“He won.” Wyll stated. He was also flabbergasted.
Ceilious cooly repositions his arm. Challenging her for another round.

Chapter 9: Saloon

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“Think you're tough stuff, huh?” Karlach quirks her brow. “Let’s make things more interesting.” She nods over to Shadowheart. Slipping behind Ceilious, Shadowheart leans against his back and slides her arms over Ceilious’ shoulders then down to the neck area, pulling the zipper down til his chest is in full display. The leather garment sensually cradles the plump pectorals while the zipper rests shyly below his belly button. A thin glaze of sweat attracts hungry eyes to leer over Ceilious’ exposed skin.

“Looks like someone is a bit hot. Maybe some ice will help you cool off.” Shadowheart plucks an ice cube from the beer bucket. Ceilious flinches from the cold press as she rubs the ice cube around his collarbone then ‘accidently’ drops it. The ice cube rolls down the cleavage and lands on his thigh.

“Opps. Let me get that,” Shadowheart cleverly over reach, bumming her arm against his left pec to pull the leather garment further out. On full display, a nipple ring greets everyone.

“Oh, how adorable,” She coos. Flicking the ring playfully.

Karlach howls into laughter by Ceilious’ poor attempt at covering his chest with his hands.

“Let’s see if you can win with some minor distractions, bubble butt.” Karlah devilishly grins. She extends her leg and rests against his. Keeping his legs wide open. Lae’zel sets a chair close to him. Her claws drag up against his knee to thigh. She repeatedly drags and retracts her fingers dangerously close to his crotch a few times. Ceilious swallows hard.

“Looks like you're shaking,” Karlach’s grin full of mirth. “Getting a bit flustered?”

Ceilious harshly gasps as his crotch gets palmed and squeezed. The painful squeeze and nails digging into it sends shivers down his spine.

“He seems a bit distracted. I wonder what's on his mind?” Shadowheart hums in false worry. She presses an ice cube against his exposed nipple. Once melted, she gropes and massages the area. “He's still so warm. The ice cubes don't seem to help much.”

The distraction gave Karlach some leverage but Ceilious held up against her.

“Someone looks a bit jealous.” Astarion purrs into Gale’s ear. Resting onto the pool table, Astarion playfully swings his legs. His ass gets poked by the pool pole’s end.

“It’s rude sitting on the table.” Gale spats, tapping the pole lightly on the table. “Why should I be concerned about?”

He tries to glare, but he feels a flush across his cheeks and ears. He curses to himself on how blushing is so inconvenient.

“What? What’s so funny?” Gale’s frown deepens. His forhead crinkled as he watches Astarion collapse into giggles on the table.

“You’re so adorable when you look so hot and bothered.” With a coy grin, he slithers closer and presses his lips against Gale’s red ear. “Will you be able to fight off the wolves from your cute little cow?”

Gale’s eyes widens, anger bubbling up. Like a kettle over a stove, Gale’s composure starts to wavier. Knuckles turning white with rage and anxiety causes the pole to creak under his grasp.

“Everything alright?” Wyll slides closer to the duo with a worried expression.

“Perfectly fine,” Astarion flamboyantly waves his hand. “We’re just having a chit chat about who will win. Any bets?”

“Hmm.” Wyll closes his eyes in thought. “Karlach is a terrible sore loser. Might be fun to see how she can handle it.”

“Are you and her an item?” Astarion bluntly asks. Gale gawks at him in disbelief.

“You can say we are friends. Friends who occasionally help one another out. Time to time. I enjoy helping my friends and other patrons out.” Wyll smirks, his eyes half-lidded.

“How cute.” Astarion hums while leaning close to whisper something into Wyll’s ear. Wyll suppresses a chuckle when taking a glance at Gale.

Gale squints at them suspiciously. “Scheming again?”

“Please.” Rolling his eyes, Astarion pats Wyll’s hip. “Scheming is only for ill intentions. I have something else in mind. Something that will benefit everyone.”

On cue, Wyll takes Gale by the hip, pulls him close, and his fingers tickle Gale’s sides.

“Let’s loosen you up. Perhaps the dance floor will put you at ease, Gale.” Wyll’s warm breath over Gale’s ear sends shivers down the bearded man’s spine. Wide eyed, Gale stares at Astarion, a look of: what the hell did you say to him?

As soon Wyll whisks Gale away, Astarion slides into Ceilious’ lap. Taking it as a challenge, Shadowheart rests her head and arms over the board shoulders. Her fingers teasingly bounce one of the curls.

“Feeling lonely?” Her eyes pierce into copper eyes.

“I wanted a front-row seat, darling. Is that a problem?”

Caressing the jawline to thick neck, Astarion rests his head on the shoulder. His ear twitched from Ceilious’ deep breaths. Enjoying the warmth radiating off from the bigger man.

Lae’zel repositions her chair, setting it next to Karlach, as she loses interest. Crossing her arms and watching from a distance.

While sipping the rancid beer, Ceilious eases his nerves by caressing Astarion’s thigh. He nuzzles into the short curls to calm his shaking leg.

“That tickles, darling.” Smirking, Astarion peers over to Gale and Wyll’s direction. “Are the ladies bullying you? Do I have to keep you safe, darling?” Giving Ceilious a slow and deep kiss on the cheek.

At the dance floor, Gale frowns once he makes eye contact with Astarion. His vein pulsing from watching them acting too friendly with his love. The deafening rock music causes the dancing patrons push the duo into closer proximity. Gale huffs in annoyance when he fails to break through the crowd. Goosebumps spread on his tan skin as he felt the caress of Wyll’s breath on his cheek. Curious hands fondling over the curves of his waist and hips.

“A birdy told me someone enjoyed dancing and singing.” Wyll’s honey-eyed voice sweeps over Gale’s reddened ear. “Would you mind indulging me?”

Heart racing, Gale gulps under Wyll’s predatory gaze. A hypnotizing smile tricks Gale into falling for it, almost.

“Only if you consent to it,” Wyll softens his tone. Tilting Gale’s head as his fingers danced through hazelnut locks.

A familiar song plays overhead the duo. Gale’s body responds to the groove before his mind does. Taking another glance back, Gale heavily sighs. Searching to see if he needs to intervene from Astarion’s flirtatious antics. He had to trust Ceilious to defend himself.

“Just one song. That’s it.” Gale sternly answers. Pressing two fingers against Wyll’s lips. “Are we clear?”

“Wonderful.” With twinkling eyes, Wyll gently twirls Gale and then brings their bodies closer as the music blasts its song. The crowd gives the duo some space as they dance in perfect harmony.

Just like the show American Bandstand, the duo strut their stuff and show off their unique dance skills. Allowing the groove to take over, Gale takes a slow, deep breath through his nose, closing his eyes and letting himself float.

At first, Astarion found it hilarious how the ladies failed at their lighthearted flirtations with Ceilious. However, when it came to his own toying against the stud, it made him pout and contemplate why nothing piqued the man’s interest.

“Already tired for the night, darling? The night is young still.” Astarion nuzzles against Ceilious’ hair. His nostrils tickled from the faint tobacco. He lifts the beer to the other’s lips but it was declined. Slightly annoyed, Astarion crosses his legs nonchalantly, takes a long sip of his beer, and takes the cigarette from Ceilious’ hand. Eyes half-lidded, slender fingers casually hold it as he takes a few deep inhales. Slowly exhaling, faint wisps dance around his lips and nostrils. His lip twitches when noticing those green eyes are locked onto his lips. Playing with this, Astarion peeks out the tip of his tongue and slowly sweeps it across his lower lip. His eye tooth peeks out during this demonstration. A tighter grip coils onto his slender thigh. His body can feel Ceilious’ chest taking deeper breaths and his heart pounding more rapidly. Thinking he got the other hooked, Astarion takes the chance. Circling his finger onto the sternum while the other hand fiddles the zipper. Slipping inside, Astarion spreads his fingers and applies pressure on Ceilious’ bladder. Astarion’s body shook alongside Ceilious’ shiver.

“Perhaps the beer gave him an upset stomach?” Shadowheart shuffles a deck of cards. Her hands swiftly cuts and deals the cards out.

“I doubt it. The beer is bad but that bad.” Karlach interjects. Holding a few cards, she yawns.

Lae’zel clicks her tongue at her hand, unhappy with whatever the cards foretold her.

Gripping too roughly, Ceilious tilts his head questionably when he hears a cute whine slip from Astarion. The pale face normally calm and collected is now flushed and puffed up cheeks. An old memory resurfaces. A spoiled, injured bat he used to care for. The same wrinkled face comparison caused Ceilious to chuckle.

Astarion narrows his eyes suspiciously of the gleam in Ceilious’ eyes.

“Something funny? Would you like to share?” Astarion’s wrinkles smooth out. His fingers press against a plush pec.

Ceilious shakes his head. He flicks at Astarion’s forehead before gently lifting the other off of his lap and heads to the restroom.

After competing against Karlach in arm wrestling and drinking, Ceilious freshens up with cold water to sober faster from the rancid beer. He notes to himself to just stick with soju and expensive wine. While distracted, he was blindsided by a shadow lurking behind him. Astarion pushes Ceilious against the cold wall, his hands tracing over curves as he nibbles on Ceilious’ lower lip. Nimble fingers tease the plush ass as Ceilious moans into the kiss.

“Hi, I’ve been subtle at hinting that I want your attention all day and you haven’t noticed once and now I’m pissed.”

Ceilious gulps, shivering from Astarion’s playful bite on his collarbone. A harsh grip over Astarion’s wrist gives a clear indication Ceilious wants to stop. Glancing up, Astarion gasps. His throat squeezed tight with shame as those green eyes were full of tears.

“Darling?” Confused, Astarion quickly retreats his hands.

Suddenly, a door slams open.

A stumbling drunk eyes the duo. His pants were wrapped around the ankles and flashed them with indecent exposure. His grubby hand reaches out to grab Astarion. “I’ll take him if you ain’t, ya crybaby.”

A flash of black passes by Astarion’s vision.

He couldn’t believe his eyes when witnessing Ceilious’ fist smash into the drunk’s nose. If a boxing bell was present, it would ring from Ceilious’ K.O hit. The doors rattle as the body slams like a dead weight on muddy tiles. Face down, the body lays stone cold, only shallow and broken breathing indicating he’s barely alive.

Astarion flinches when Ceilious turns his attention to him. Iron hits his nostrils: Ceilious’ knuckles are bruised and scratched.

“What the f*ck?!” Another stranger scrambled out in panic when popping in moments after.

Outside, an uproar starts. Shaken up, Astarion hides behind Ceilious, a protective arm hovers over him. Those kind green eyes usually naively cheerful transformed into a fierce storm.

Beyond the rioting crowd, Astarion spots panicked Gale. Brown eyes frantically surveying for Ceilious. His shouts were muted by yells and broken glasses being thrown.

Without warning, Astarion felt his body being tugged across the room and clumsily bumps into Gale.

A loud crack silences the saloon.

Ceilious steps over a few unconscious bodies while masterfully swinging a pool pole as a weapon. The end of it snapped into harsh splinters. He points its split end towards the crowd, challenging anyone to step in to fight. Someone dared to throw a bottle at him. Its contents shattered on the wall when Ceilious side steps and pitches a pool ball to the attacker. The attacker’s screams were muffled by the pool ball wedged into his mouth. A few bystanders step back wearily. Throwing the broken pole to the side, Ceilious turns around to check in on Gale and Astarion. Green eyes flicked from anger to worry in a split second. The sudden quick change shocked the duo.

Hesitantly, Ceilious shuffles closer, as if worried sudden movements would scare them. His soft grunts pleading to them. His chin trembled and his eyes welled up with tears.

“My love,” Gale embraces Ceilious. “Your poor hand.” Thumbs gently sweep over the bruised knuckles.

“Sorry to ruin your lovely dovey moment, but you guys need to get out of here before the cops show up,” Karlach ushered the trio towards the back door. “Or worse, another gang picking a fight with bubble butt.”

As soon the crew stepped out, they were met with another gang. Karlach curses under her breath as the crew shields the trio.

“I ain’t interested in you bastards. I want that f*cker who attacked my men!” A gruff looking man barks out. Sweat and oil drips off from the exposed chest. The belt and pants barely hanging on as he wobbles closer. “I’ll let it slide if you give me that f*ck over. Quit hiding behind the hippie and whor*! Fight me!”

Before anyone else could say anything, Ceilious steps through. His pulse raced and he breathed heavily, almost as if he would burst. His nostrils flaring, fists clenched by his side, and let out a loud growl of annoyance. The gruff man flips out a switchblade. Ceilious takes a step back.

“Not so tough are ya? I won’t cut ya if you kneel and beg like a little sh*t stain you are.” The gruff man’s crew cackle like a pack of hyenas. “He can be our new bitch toy if he begs prettily.”

A vein from Ceilious’ neck pops out. His face hardens and his eyes darken. Just as quickly as the manic laughter rolled in, it was soon diminished.

A frail cry is heard under Ceilious’ knee. The gruff man’s face is flushed with shades of purple and red as Ceilious pulls the belt tighter around his throat. The gruff man looked like a pig being pinned by a skillful wrangler. With ease, Ceilious kept the man pinned despite how the other desperately struggled. Another frail cry as Ceilious applies more pressure on the spine and yanks his grip higher. Unable to reach or grab any purchase, the man frantically drops the knife and taps out. He stomps the knife under his foot to prevent anyone from grabbing it as he eases his hold. “Wow, remind me to have him wrap us like that in bed,” Astarion purrs into Gale’s ear. Gale elbows him. Chocolate eyes were appalled by the suggestion.

Eventually, Ceilious steps over the unconscious body after giving it a swift back kick to the gut. His glare gave the hyena pack a scare. They scramble to haul their leader out and cower near their bikes.

“Holy sh*t! As much as that was fun to watch, better get going.” Karlach joyously slaps on the bubble butt. “We’ll hold off the cops. See you later, hot stuff.” A peck on the cheek and slip of a note into Ceilious’ hand. “Give me a call when you’re around again.”

Chapter 10: Hot and Steamy

Chapter Text

In the rearview mirror, Gale and Astarion watch cop cars rolling in as they drive further away.

“Well, that was fun.” Astarion coyly grins.

“On what grounds? It was complete chaos in there.”

“We all had our little treat. Seeing you on the dance floor was fun. Did you get his number? He seems to like you. It was adorable.” Astarion digs out a bag of chocolate covered pretzels from the side door and pops a few into his mouth. “I’m sure having a few sex friends will make your boring ass more tolerable.”

“We almost got ourselves killed by a bunch of thugs. And I assure you, there will be no sex friend antics. I am for certain.”

“Oh? I’m hurt. What are we, Gale?” Astarion sarcastically gasps.

“A mistake.” Gale murmurs.

As the duo occupy themselves with their routine banter, Ceilious heavily sighs. The feel of his bike normally kept him at peace but his mind was racing. He needed some sort of relief. Normally, he would occupy himself doing powerlifting but clearly, there are no options for that at the moment. His body temperature rises as he daydreams about Astarion’s lips and Gale's hands on him. Driving behind the van, he spots Tara peeking from the window. Her pawing at the window puts a soft smile on his face. He pulls in towards the driver’s side and signals Gale to pull over. Once the van did so, Ceilious parked the bike into the trailer and Gale welcomed him with open arms.

“You alright, my love?” Stroking fingers through the curls.

Ceilious contently hums. He missed the familiar smell of coffee and sandalwood. In addition, Gale's warm embrace made everything feel better. His nerves gradually melted away in the safety of his beloved’s arms. The duo embraced one another as they enjoyed the peace for a moment. Thick fingers grope Gale’s ass, kneading it lovingly.

“Seeing you fight was quite exhilarating.” Gale rubs the muscular back. He tiptoes up to give a deep and slow kiss. The smell of leather sends a shiver through Gale. His brilliant mind imagining his beloved flushed beneath him on the bed. Gale’s eyes darken. “Let's get you cleaned up and comfortable.”

With a gentle push and tug towards the van, Ceilious bounces onto the bed. He could see Gale was mortifying hard while his polished boots were tugged off. Heart flutters faster under Gale’s dark and lustful gaze. Looming over, Gale tastes leather and sweat as his tongue licks over the smooth skin. He runs a hand over the leather covering Ceilious’ groin, pressing lightly down on the trapped erection. Ceilious moans loudly when Gale rubs encouragingly over the clothed ass crack and rim.

“You were being such a good boy when those ladies flirted with you. Even more impressed you held against him.” Gale massages the tented erection.Ceilious mewls out a delighted, breathy squeal. This got Gale’s libido to skyrocket and almost a nosebleed.

“Having fun without me, darlings?”

On cue, Astarion slides into the duo's space. One hand held a red box while the other honked a plump tit. Ceilious moans in excitement and curiosity.

“We're a little busy. Can you just find somewhere else to go?” Gale grits his teeth.

“You can't get rid of me that easily. Besides, don't you want to see what services I can make this more exciting?” Astarion glances over to Ceilious. “Doesn't he look so excited? Why not let him play with this?”

A six inch length vibrator comes to life in his hand. Its bulbous head is covered in silicon ridges and girth as wide as Astarion’s fist. Gale quirks a brow when the toy's tip leaks out oil. “I have plenty of other delights as well. Don't you want to play with him? He's begging for it.”

Gale made the mistake by meeting Ceilious’ eyes; lust filled and desperately pathetic. God that adorable face does make it so tempting to bully and tease.

“Alright. What do you have in mind?” Gale sighs in defeat. He blames his libido brain for acting stupid.

On all fours, resting his torso on the bed and hips resting on the edge of the bed, Ceilious chokes from the fleshlight tight suction. His erection twitches with erratic vibrations pulsing against the length. Warm oil coating his length made obscene wet squelches when bucking his hips. His hips wouldn't stop thrusting into the toy even when Astarion twisted the cap off and slipped a thin rod with tiny ridges into the urethra. Clouded from arousal, Ceilious didn't pay mind when his mouth was stuffed with a gag. The dild* with a knot attached to the gag was long enough to slide into the back of his throat. Ceilious’ body shivers in anticipation under the hungry onlookers.

“You look so delicious like this.” Astarion quickens his wrist on the urethra rod. “I'll make sure your holes will be satisfied and well loved. Go on, Gale, spoil him. Reward him like the good boy he is.”

Mesmerized, Gale was too distracted to undress. Astarion had to tug at the waistband, and Gale shifted his hips to help with getting the pants low enough for his co*ck to spring free. Ceilious muffled cries out as Gale's co*ck penetrates his entrance. Ebony thighs shake when Gale pushes to the hilt. Gale grunts and groans, his hips rutting against Ceilious. Being inside, it felt hotter and tighter than usual. His sweaty skin and matted hair are sticking against Ceilious.

Into his ear, Astarion asks, “How does it feel inside him? Doesn't he feel so good when he's being spoiled like this?”

Watching Ceilious pathetically whining and squirming from arousal fuels a dark pit inside Gale.

“Good boy. You feel wonderful.” Gale purrs. Those words struck a chord with Ceilious. His ass squeezes from the praise. Begging for more, he glanced over his shoulder and wantonly moaned.

“You like getting praise, don't you? My sweet love.” Gale lovingly pets through those curls. Thumb circles over the earlobe and jawline. “Feeling good, love?”

Ceilious contently purrs. His nostrils flare and struggles to swallow the drool. Gale licks off the drool that was soaking their chin.

“Let me know if you want to stop.” Gale gropes a fat tit, rolling the soft flesh in his palm. “I'll stop when you tap.”

Ceilious’ breathing hitches from a slight tug on his throat.

“Such a very good boy.” Astarion playfully snarls as he yanks the collar, pulling the other’s attention. The smug grin causes Ceilious to whine. Astarion watching him pleasuring Gale with his deep and slow rhythm sends shivers in his spine. His body being too hyper aware from being watched and played with. His arms and knees ache as he struggles to maintain his focus.

Especially when Astarion stations himself on the bed and facing his ass towards him. Teasingly pulling the zipper down at a snail's pace. Once the zipper rests on the tailbone, the garment reveals the contrast of snowy skin and puckered pink rim. Causing Ceilious’ heartbeat to skyrocket.

“Will a good boy prepare this so he can get a treat?” Astarion boldly rubs a finger over the soft rim. The rim twitched under the intense stare. Ceilious bites and drools over the gag excitedly.

“Careful,” Astarion tuts. “Watch your teeth or else I'm plugging you up.”

As soon the gag was removed, Astarion’s eyes were crossed from Ceilious' over enthusiastic performance. His tongue flickering and lapping in and out like a starved man. Astarion had to hold back a choke from being eaten out. Gale slows down his thrusting. Astarion becoming a gasping mess sends a thrill in Gale.

“Slow down, darling,” Astarion wheezes when a hot mouth envelopes his balls. White stars scatter across his vision. Ceilious sloppily engulfs his co*ck and suckles it hungrily while his large hands bracket over slim thighs.

“G-gale. Pull him back. I won't–” Astarion pleads. Tears threatened to cascade across the porcelain skin.

On command, Gale pulls Ceilious back enough for Astarion to slip away. Gale swallows hard when Astarion's hole twitches and is covered in saliva.

“You've enticed him.” Gale grunts. "I warned you he gets extra excited."

“I can see that. A bit too hyper. We need to tire him out.”

Astarion removes the toys from Ceilious' body. He gulps. Astarion compares it to a hung stallion: the tip leaking profusely and a thick, fat vein pulsing on the shaft. He does a quick mental prayer before he positions himself, faces down, and ass up, he beckons Ceilious.

“Are you sure you can handle him? I don't think I'll be able to stop him once he starts.” Gale barely restrained the muscular stud. He grunts from Ceilious' panting and moaning like a beast in heat.

“I'll be fine. After all, I am a professional.”

Astarion ate his words immediately when he saw black spots and chokes as he felt the girthy length entering.

“Slow down,my love. Be gentle.” Gale coaches Ceilious. Gripping the wide waist, he helps guide Ceilious to a slower pace. “Good boy. Now, check on him to make sure he's feeling good too.”

Ceilious tenderly embraces the smaller man. Peppering with gentle kisses. He sweetly coos and groans to grab Astarion's attention. Astarion grunts in embarrassment at having to let Gale take the lead.His body spasms at the feeling of his insides being jammed together. He loudly moans when he glides his hand over his navel. He feels a slight bump.

“Are you alright, Star?” Gale's face inches from him. Astarion should've been repulsed by the sweaty, hairy man being this close to his bubble but for some reason, he finds Gale looking so sexy. He almost wants to bite Gale's lower lip and make it bleed in a lustful haze.

“Just this moment, I'll let it slide for you using that pet name.” Astarion grunts, eyes shut.

Ceilious drools over Astarion’s nape. His hips shallowly thrust in and out. His hole flutters when Gale’s co*ck hits his prostate. Being stimulated from front and end, Ceilious couldn't stop himself from coming. Some of it leaked out of Astarion's hole. Astarion hissed when Ceilious continued thrusting despite spurting more sem*n into him. The heavy body weight pressed against his slender back. He honestly felt like he was being mounted by horny steers. Not one but two heavy breathers chasing their pleasure above him.

Gale pulls out after his org*sm. He pats Ceilious' side. Which, to Astarion's relief, prompts the other to pull out.

“Oh my, aren't you a little eager beaver?” Gale pumps Ceilious co*ck roughly. “Naughty. You made a mess inside and didn't even consider pulling out.”

Ceilious whimpers. He attempts to get forgiveness with puppy eyes.

“It's so hard to stay mad at you when you're so adorable.” Gale held Ceilious close, pumping him dry. “And you, Mr. Professional, pushed him too far and made him like this. Shame on you.” He presses Ceilious’ co*ck head against Astarion’s abused hole. “I could’ve let him have intercourse with you for whatever long he wanted but I didn't because no one should be treated like some toy.”

Astarion rolls his eyes but nods in agreement. Sitting up, he massages his sore stomach.

“There was no toy that could ever prepare me for that thing.” He lazily flicks at Ceilious’ co*ck.

Ceilious yawns. His eyes droopy with sleep but he tries to fight it off.

“Why isn't your…” Gale quirks a brow in confusion. It didn't seem like Ceilious’ erection was going away. Precome still dripping profusely from the slit. Ceilious groans. Bucking his hips under Gale’s palm for friction.

“Did you do something to him?” Gale confronts a guilty-faced Astarion.

“Nothing to worry much about. You can drive and I'll continue our playing,” Astarion shrugs. Avoiding eye contact with angry chocolate eyes.

“I can't believe it. You drugged him. When? At the bar?”

“Relax, I didn't.” His copper eyes gave away when staring at the box.

“You…” Gale strained himself from exploding by burying his face into Ceilious’ chest. Mistaking the intention of the gesture, Ceilious cradles Gale’s head and presses his sensitive nipple to the other’s lips. The whiskers tickle his skin.

“It'll wear off soon. He isn't tired out. Even the last time, he seemed to hold back because of you.”

“Because of me, he's safe and loved.”

“Hard to admit you have sh*t stamina. Or you're just scared that if you go too far, you won't turn back.”

“I'm not having this conversation with you.”

“Typical. Throw me out when it's convenient for you.”

Ceilious moves between the duo and places his hands up. Gale was about to interject but was met with a stern stare. Ceilious points to Gale to grab his tablet.

With quick fingers, Ceilious announces: “I'm tired of the fighting. Both of you have gone too far. Stop being assholes to each other. Big cat, thank you for looking out for me but you're taking it too far.”

Astarion snorts. He struggles to hold back his laugh while Gale turns a deep shade of red.

“Lil star,” Ceilious kneels in front of Astarion. Blocking Gale's view, he shows the screen to him privately.

On the screen, it stated: I saw the bag full of cash and many fake ids. You're running away from something.

Astarion shakes his head in disbelief smiling in defeat. Resting his forehead against the big shoulder.

“Can't fool you, cowboy. Looks like I've been caught red handed. You saw right through me but still trusted me.”

Ceilious rubs the slender back. Pressing a tender kiss to the ear.

“Will you tell him?” Astarion asks meekly.

Ceilious raises a pinky to Astarion. They interlock their pinkies together; creating a pact with one another.

“That's probably the most romantic thing anyone has given me.”

Astarion pulls Ceilious into a passionate kiss. He smirks when he sees Gale childishly resting on the other side of the shoulder with a big ol' pout.

“Looks like someone is jealous.”

“I'm not.” Gale's frown turned upside down when the duo pulled him into their arms. Laying on their laps, Gale admires the ivory-haired beauties until his mouth got poked with two co*cks.

“Will you do the honors?” Astarion teases. His usual coy grin has softened.

“Does the jury approve?” Gale wiggles his brows at Ceilious.

His sweet beloved's dimples radiate their heavenly adoration.

Chapter 11: Pushing Buttons

Chapter Text

Leaving the rolling plains and mountains, giant trees surround the area. Gale drives alone with Tara while the other two rest in the back. He sighs happily from the fragrance of deep earth once he rolls down the window. A cool breeze tickles his mane and whiskers. He faintly hears the sound of the wetness of saliva and sweat collapsing into each other. He struggled with his eyes to not peer up at the rearview mirror. Gale taps irritably on the steering wheel. He cranks up the volume to drown out the noise from the back. His heart ached miserably at the thought of his beloved spending more time with Astarion. He wonders if allowing Astarion to have more alone time with Ceilious was a mistake. He wants to rip his ears off from Astarion’s moaning in the back with Ceilious.

Meanwhile, Ceilious was having a casual conversation with Astarion. Their bodies intertwined in a loose cuddle on the bed. Astarion sponges off the warmth while Ceilious idly watches a kdrama on his tablet. Like a cat, he kneads the soft breast through the deep shirt cleavage. Boredom gets Astarion to sigh loud and dramatic. Ceilious raises his eyebrows at Astarion, lowering his tablet and turning completely towards him to give full attention. He pets Astarion’s hip and thigh to soothe Astarion’s wrinkled pout.

“Humor me for a bit, darling.” Astarion licks his lips.

“Hm.” Ceilious hums, eyes half-lidded.

“How the hell do you deal with such a grump? The offer is still open if you want to dedicate your devotion to me.” Astarion probes the plump lower lip. Fingers dancing in a teasing waltz.

“He will warm up once he gets to know you.” The tablet chimes in low volume.

“I'm not planning to stay too long for someone who doesn't want me around.”

“ I won't let him bully you.”

Astarion chuckles at Ceilious’ adorable stern face.

“Oh, wow, a heroic cowboy coming to my aid. How thoughtful.” Astarion rolled his eyes sarcastically. “What makes that grump so worth being around? He’s a broke, sad man who loves to boast about his stupid intelligence.”

Ceilious closes his eyes in deep thought. His lips curl into a big smile.

“I love Gale’s eyes. They’re honest eyes. I love that flash of triumph that appears in his gaze when he believes he got the best of something. And mind you, you’re also a grump.”

“I’m not grumpy. Not everyone can smile all the time. Expect you.”

Astarion rolls his eyes. Unimpressed with Ceilious’ response. He pouts when Ceilious disrupts their cuddling by reaching for something in the cabinet.

“What are those?”

“Rice cakes. Have some. I made them myself.”

“No thanks.”

Ceilious presses a piece into Astarion’s mouth. Chewing slowly, he takes note of Ceilious as the type to provide gifts as a way to show his love, he could take this opportunity to take advantage of.

“I'll eat more if you have something tasty to drink with it.” Astarion quirks a brow.

It took a few moments til Ceilious settled back on the bed and sat beside Astarion, holding up a soju bottle and shot glasses. Their glasses clink in unison. The burn makes Astarion’s throat raw; it wasn’t his go-to drink but it does make him tipsy quicker than vodka.

“Drinks and food are good but…” Astarion taps his chin in thought. “Wouldn't it be more enjoyable if we had something to sit more comfortably on?”

Without warning, Astarion is being plucked up like a cat and plopped into Ceilious’ lap.

Astarion teasingly caresses Ceilious’ collarbone. He notes those large hands idly resting on the sides, resisting touching Astarion any further.

“Come now, rest your hands on something more suitable.” His lithe fingers pull the large hands over his hips and thighs. “Isn't that nice?”

He guides those hands to touch in the hopes of enticing Ceilious into further intimacy.

“As a model, my body is of higher quality than an average person. Of course, I'm happily willing to give you the treat to get to know it better.”

Ceilious blushes. Flushed, he struggles to maintain eye contact. With a practiced touch, buttons pop-under Astarion’s administration.

‘Hook, line, and sinker,’ Astarion smugly thought. ‘No one has ever rejected me. Especially that perfect invitation.’

Ceilious’ figure contrasts Astarions pale and wiry frame. Admiring the strong physique wrapped in that sensuous soft layer, Astarion roams his hands over it. He cups a handful of the tit*, feeling their weight under his palms. Rolling his thumbs over the nipple ring before playfully pinching and pulling them. Astarion grins wider at the sight of Ceilious’ bashful expression and twitching body. He digs a thumbnail onto the nipple and begins flicking. Causing a series of low groans and whimpering from Ceilious.

“Sensitive aren't we?” Astarion tugs the rings a few times. “I wonder what other sensitive spots you have. Tell me, does he tease you like this?” His hands grope harshly, digging his nails into flesh, rotating his hands into a circular motion to make the tit* jiggle. “I can barely grab all of it since your tit* are so plump. I wonder if he ever tit f*ck you.”

Ceilious whimpers as he struggles to resist taking pleasure from it.

“No, no. Good boys don't keep their mouths shut like that. I want to hear it.”

Swallowing, Ceilious opens his mouth. His sweet moans travel straight through Astarion’s co*ck. Hardly anyone has gotten Astarions attention, let alone interest. Somehow this cowboy’s naive reactions stroke fire into his wickedness and libidio.

“Good boys get a reward.” He leans to give a kiss but stops midway. Ceilious eyes widen in anticipation. “But only if this good boy can convince me he deserves one.”

Normally being the one taking full control and directing his partners, Astarion was not used to this particular situation. Ceilious’ boldness and taking the reins stuns him briefly when plush lips on his neck made him quiver and muscular hands cradling him made his body feel electrified.

“Yes, good boy.” Astarion praises. Digging his fingers into those tight ivory curls, scratching the scalp. Ceilious scrapes his teeth against the other's earlobe and lets out a low groan.

Astarion struggles to guide the eager brawn stud, using his strength to pull away to gain back control. However, he miscalculated when he was being lifted and spread further onto the bed. Ceilious’ arms on cages over Astarion like a lion stalking over its prey.

“Steady now.” Astarion grabs a handful of ivory curls to get the other's attention. “I can't help you if you're going to act stupid. Lay on your back. Hands above the head like a good boy you are.”

Ceilious obediently follows Astarion’s instructions. Straddling over thick thighs, Astarion gently swats the left tit. Ceilious bucks his hips, his erection poking against Astarion’s ass.

“Seems like you haven't been housebroken. But you do follow instructions well when told to. Don't worry, I'll get you trained. I know you will be a good boy for me. I’ve got you, my pet.”

The sensation of Astarion’s hot breath and heated words sent shivers over Ceilious. Ceilious focuses on Astarion’s delicate embrace and slow, yet passionate kisses. Feeling the other’s pulse calming down, Astarion’s kisses traveled down from the chin, a tongue over the sternum, a nip under the navel, and down lower. Ceilious moans as his skin gets marked.

“I love touching your skin. Even more with my marks covered it.”

Like a hungry fox, he licks over his toothy grin. He boldly bites and suckles on the pale spots of the inner thighs. Ceilious slightly leans forward in confusion when a particular bite is too rough. Blood trickles from a rough bite. In mild panic, Astarion licks it over. Warm iron pools over his tongue. Its taste is irresistible and addictive. The sudden rush causes Astarion to bite again to draw more blood. He could barely control himself when lapping over the bruised skin. Astarion stares at the bruised skin then flicks up to Ceilious. Despite the rough bite, Ceilious appears relaxed against the sheets. Arms over his head, head nodding off towards sleep but those green eyes are kept open, watching Astarion with fondness. For a brief moment, Astarion feels immense relief. Seeing those green puppy eyes, a strong feeling of affection grips Astarion in a vice.

“Feeling good, darling?” His voice was low and gentle. Petting tender circles over Ceilious’ biceps. Ceilious gives a nod. Astarion heart aches from those dimples beaming at him. Unbeknownst to Astarion, Ceilious was luring him into a lustful trap.


A ping rings from Gale’s phone. A text from Ceilious. Confused, he carefully opens up the text. The car swerved on the road as Gale struggled to collect himself.

“By gods,” he chokes out. “What a naughty…” His heart no longer dwelled in misery but in arousal. In the text, a selfie was taken by Ceilious who was in a cowgirl position over a flushed Astarion underneath those thick thighs. The cherry on top was the smug grin on Ceilious’ face and the usual co*cky Astarion expression turned into a slu*tty hot mess. The image sent to Gale will forever burned in his mind. The caption stated: Tamed the troublemaker.

Suddenly, a pair of large hands like vices on Gale's tense shoulders. Ceilious rubbed a thumb deep into a stubborn knot and a louder, sharper moan escaped Gale before he could silence it.

“I’m driving, love. Stop fooling around.” Gale jerks the van back on the road. His glare melted by a pair of cute dimples reflecting from the rearview mirror but his pouty lips stayed.

Ceilious hums, unbothered by Gale’s pouty attitude. He brushes through the brunette mane, rubbing circles onto the scalp. Gradually, he slides over the shoulders and cups the chest. Warming his hands on the fuzz. The chocolate iris, swirled with caramel crescent moons and trapped by a thick, hazy, black limbal ring meets his eyes from the rearview mirror.

“Oh, you are a mischievous minx. I can’t stay mad at you too long, my love.” Voice light and kind. “Did you get enough rest?”

Ceilious blinks slowly, trying to convey a sign of affection in a “cat kiss.” Gale delightfully returns a slow eye blink.

“Feeling better, C?” He chuckles when he sees Ceilious eyes flutter. He knows whenever he says the other’s name, it sends butterflies through them. “Do you mind if we switch? I’d like to rest for a bit.”


Gale sighs and turns away a little when greeted with Astarion’s bare ass on display at the bed. Gale hands a cup of tea to the exhausted pale figure. “Have you learned your lesson?”

Despite how Astarion barely lifts himself to take a sip of tea, his impish grin remains.

“I’ve learned that having that stud cowboy ride on me will give me sore hips. Gods, such a little power-bottom. Tricked me with those cute puppy eyes.”

Gale pinches his nose bridge. Trying to keep his calm composure. “I hate leaving things unjustified and unsettled. So I want to talk about us. Despite our differences.”

Copper eyes stare at Gale; a coy smile wraps its way around his face. “Oh? Feeling so sorry about yourself that you think a weak ass apology will heal your ego? I honestly don’t care.”

Gale feels his eye twitch. He remembers that sometimes not every problem, especially petty disputes, can be solved with decorum. Without warning, Gale spanks the bare pale ass.

“Fine. I argue for the sake of arguing. Lying comes second nature to keep me safe. But keep in mind, that you can act like an absolute idiot. Honestly, for someone so smart you can be very stupid sometimes.”

“There, it didn’t hurt to be a little honest.” Out of habit, he runs his hand through the other’s hair, prompting a shudder from Astarion. “Honestly, your love of arguing will get you into trouble.”

“Did you mean what you said?” Astarion’s voice was almost a whisper.

“About what exactly?” Gale gulps nervously.

“Being a mistake. It hurt you know, hearing that.” Astarion’s hip feels a warm hand roaming over it. Thumbs apologetically doing gentle circles.

“I apologize. That was a stupid thing to say, even when I was so upset with you.”

“Me too. I shouldn’t have pushed you.”

“I'm still figuring things out. Feels like whatever I have plans for seems to derail a little.”

Astarion pulls Gale over him and tucks the brunette head into his arms.

“I admit that I did plan on tricking you and stud muffin. But now I realized how much fun it is to be around you two. Perhaps, I'll change my mind but for now, I'm not planning on leaving just yet.”

“I suppose having you around isn’t too bad.” Gale sarcastically rolls his eyes.

“Certainly, aren’t you a bit curious about what it is like to have sex with a professional p*rnstar? I’ve seen how you look at me.”

Gale’s ears give away his shame despite his silence. Copper eyes twinkle mischievously.

“I’d like to see a guy like yourself get horny over me. I have a soft spot for shy guys who are extremely touch-starved.”

“You think I’ll do that? Take advantage of you?” Gale puffs up his cheeks.

“I’m a bit disappointed. I’ve daydreamed about you, but oh well.” Astarion pets through Gale’s mane. His coy grin plastered on while waiting for the fish to take the bait.

“What sort of daydreams?”

“Would you like to act one out?” Astarion’s hot breath tickles Gale’s ear. “Gale, let's find our little piece of nowhere. Somewhere we can lose ourselves and forget all this madness.”

Gale’s stomach does somersaults from the other’s sultry allure. He squeezes Astarion tight, nuzzling under the jaw. Astarion gasps, melting in Gale’s strong embrace and rough bite.

With a delightful shiver, Gale mentally notes that Astarion’s flushed face can render him more of an aggressive lover. However, his body felt too tired and requested sleep. Propping himself up, Gale stares into Astarion’s lustful eyes.

“Perhaps another time, Star. For now,” Gale heavily sighs and relaxes against Astarion’s chest. “I want to rest. Can you just hold me until I fall asleep?”

“I suppose. I’ll add it to the tab.” Astarion strokes stray white hairs back from Gale’s face.

Chapter 12: Grove Park

Chapter Text

As Halsin swirls the mug and sets it down, mulling over a few fire prevention program files, he notices a large van with a hitched trailer parking into a vacant camp spot.

He observes an adorable bearded man stepping out of the side door. Their hands waving about in gestures that Halsin doesn't recognize but he appreciatively hums at the sight of the shirt revealing a fierce hairy chest cleavage. Halsin delightfully chuckles when the bearded man’s droopy chocolate eyes and white streaks give a graceful, yet adorable allure. He wonders how that supple body feels under his palms. Will that man keep his moans with sealed lips or wantonly wails?

Next, Halsin whistles at the sight of a tall and muscular stud who emerges from the driver’s side like a powerful elk. Rippling muscles wrapped in a Western fashion; an icon of masculinity from the Wild West. Images of wrestling against them float in his mind. Will he get a challenge? How will those muscles quiver under him when spread, stretched, and loose? Perhaps he will put the use of those muscles into other activities as well. He couldn't help himself from grinning when a set of dimples radiated from the stud. That sweet, naive charm gets Halsin's heart racing.

Lastly, Halsin swallows thickly when a slender, almost angelic, figure suddenly appears beside the duo. His willowy hips dangerously inviting as they swayed flamboyantly. Their figure is cradled by the duo’s tender touch. Halsin hands itch at the thought of holding those hips and trapping them like a vice. Will they bite with those fang-like smile?

It is an odd mix of visitors but a delightful feast to the eyes of Halsin.

Next came a brief yet tender moment of the bearded man and muscular stud entwining their hands and exchanging a lover's kiss. Lastly, the paler one gets the same treatment from both of them. The trio whispered and shared brief grins and flickers of mischievous looks towards each other as they set up chairs and other camping gear.

The curiosity in Halsin that burns in his chest, spreads warmth into his face. It dawned on him that he hadn’t taken a moment to share any intimacy with him for a long time. He was too respected in the Grove, no one would be willing to show him deeper companionship. Seeing the trio in his domain has sparked something inside him. Especially seeing the muscular stud hauling items with ease and those captivating dimples light up under the bearded man’s simple caresses on the lower back, while the paler one frets on the other side.

“I should greet our new visitors.” Halsin takes a few deep breaths and adjusts his hat before strolling towards the trio. Halsin barely controls his eagerness as he hears the trio sharing laughter and chatter.

“Darling, what are you making?” The pale vixen stretched over the padded mat, resting his head on the bearded man’s lap.

“It’s called army stew. It is quite a simple yet delicious dish. But C made it less spicy for you.”

The cowboy stirs then places a spoon over the plump lips. Steam fogs over pale lashes and frames over emerald eyes. When glancing up, those eyes light up in curiosity and delight which causes butterflies to flutter inside Halsin.

“Greetings, gentlemen.” Halsin flashes his dimples, his eye tooth peeks out. “Welcome to Grove Park. I'm Halsin, the park ranger in charge of this area. Don't hesitate to reach me if you need anything.”

His heart skipped when the stud happily welcomed him with a firm handshake. Only a few inches shorter, the stud still held his massive size against Halsin. Up close, Halsin admires the patterned skin. “Oh my, what have I done to deserve such a beautiful smile?” His hand squeezes the other’s hand to prolong their contact.

“Salutations, Halsin.” The bearded man approaches, eyes crinkled. “Thank you for the warm welcome. I've been eyeing this place for some time because I researched it has many exciting amenities. I'm Gale.” Giving a softer handshake. “My partner here is Ceilious but prefers to be called C.”

Halsin noticed those chocolate eyes were irresistibly charming up close. The soft creases around the eyes and bits of white hair gave Gale a captive allure of a silver fox.

“Are you purposefully forgetting about me? I'm disappointed you could forget about perfection.” The pale vixen pinches Gale's side.

“I thought you enjoyed introducing yourself.” Gale pokes at the other's side.

“Pleasure to meet you, big bear. You can relish your lips with the name Astarion.” A curious yet bold hand takes a squeeze around Halsin's bicep. “I thought our little cowboy was big but you take the cake, beefcake. I'm sure our cowboy would love to get a ride from you.”

“Astarion!” Gale protested. “Watch your language.”

“Or what? You're going to spank me?” Astarion sticks out his tongue mockingly at Gale.

Halsin wholeheartedly laughs.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, gentlemen.” Halsin rests his hands on his hips, puffing up his chest proudly. “The Grove has great activities such as natural hot springs, honey-made goods, rock climbing, river rafting, and hiking trails.”

“Will we have a big bear like yourself to give us the tour?” Astarion winks playfully.

“Only if you have me.” Halsin grins wider.

“What do you think, love?” Gale turns to Ceilious.

Ceilious’ hands make a few gestures.

“He’d like for you to join lunch. We can talk about touring the Grove.”

Sitting together, Halsin slurps down the noodles while watching Ceilious give attentive attention to Gale and Astarion by filling up their bowls and glasses.

Every time those deep forest eyes sneaked curious glances and met his, Halsin would give him a smoldering gaze. Somehow, it signaled Ceilious to linger his touch over Halsin’s rough hands when offering another refill. Halsin can smell a familiar faint fragrance of tobacco.

“Do you smoke as well?” Halsin’s voice deeper than he attended.

Ceilious grunts with a quick nod.

On the sidelines, Astarion clicks his tongue. Leaning close to whisper into Gale’s ear, he whispers, “Seems like we have some competition. Big bear seems a bit interested in our little lover boy.”

Gale’s loud slurp disgusts Astarion. His face wrinkled in annoyance. “If we need to make sure our little stud doesn’t get snatched, we have to create a diversion. I’ve got a feeling he has some eyes on you.”

Gale glances at Astarion in disbelief. “I’m flattered but I doubt it.”

“Come on. He might be into older men like yourself. A sexy silver fox whisks the bear away. Or you could bore him to death.”

“I’m not boring. I have style.” Gale huffs.

“Oh yeah? Prove it.” Astarion devilishly smirks. “I’ll give you some juicy pictures of C.”

“What? When did you…”

“I’m a professional, darling. I also got some sweet shots of you too.”

Gale’s ear turns bright red. “Fine. I’ll only prove it to you and not because of your bargaining offer.”

Halsin quirks a brow as Gale beacons Ceilious. Whispers made Ceilious suddenly fidgety and leave abruptly. Once Ceilious disappears into the van, Gale makes his move. Gale faked his fall when trying to get up. He collapses onto Halsin’s lap and forces those large arms to cradle Gale in response to his fall.

“Ah! Apologizes, Halsin.” Gale gives his best cute puppy dog eyes.

“Not a problem at all.” Halsin tightens his hold. “Are you alright?”

“I think so. Just a bit embarrassed I tripped at my old age.” Gale lightly chuckles.

“Nothing to be ashamed of. Age is just a mindset.”

Up close, Halsin struggles to resist sniffing Gale’s sexy fragrance. Instead, his hands squeeze the supple figure. Gale stirred, fingers tucking a stray hair behind his reddened ears. With a sigh, he tried to sit up but the arm around his shoulders wouldn’t budge.

“Do you need help standing?” Halsin jabbed playfully, thumb caressing Gale’s upper arm.

“Uhmm. I think so?” Gale nervously laughs. He felt like he was a deer caught in a hunter’s crosshair. “Thank you.”

Astarion coyly smiles, enjoying the clumsy performance. He licks and bites his lower lip as Halsin gives a smug grin at him.

“You know, there is a natural hot spring that can help with the joints.” Halsin glides his hand lower to support Gale’s lower back. “Perhaps I can guide all of you to it. It’s a quick hike.”

“That sounds lovely.” Astarion crawls over. His hands propped his head up, legs idly kicking. “We would love that, won’t we Gale?” He bats his lashes at blushing Gale.


The two city boys gasped and groaned from the steep hike up to the hidden hot springs that Halsin claimed highly about. They glared at the nature boy’s juicy bubble butts as they hiked without any trouble. At the halfway point, Gale was the first to give in and whine.

“I can’t go any further.” Gale rubs his sore calves. He felt gross and sticky from being drenched with sweat. Ceilious wipes off Gale’s flushed face with a handkerchief before reapplying sunscreen. Astarion almost slips off the trail when his legs give out. Luckily, Halsin catches and holds him up. The city boys eagerly drenched their thirst when water bottles were offered.

“Doing alright, C?” Halsin asks, wiping his forehead. “I didn’t anticipate how warm the weather is. I assure you it is worth taking a dip into the hot springs. It’s nature’s natural healing.” He swallows hard when Ceilious pulls his shirt up to wipe his face with; showing an impressively muscled torso. Halsin licks his lower lip at the thought of tasting that nipple ring.

Ceilious kneels for Gale to weakly wrap his arms around his neck. With ease, Ceilious carries his beloved during the hike. Meanwhile, Astarion also receives the same treatment from Halsin. Both city boys resting and catching their breath as the nature boys trot.

“Didn’t think you would look so adorable being carried like that.” Astarion probes Gale’s arm. Trying to get Gale to turn his head to face him.

“I thought you would have better stamina.” Gale retorts.

“The bed and this hell hike are different. My only motivation is enjoying all the eye candies.”

“Of course you would.” Gale huffs.

“You know, that includes you too. Forgot what I told you before?”

“I appreciate the flattery, Star. But let’s be real, you want to see everyone naked.”

“True. I’m sure all of you will also enjoy my beauty and grace.” Astarion draws lazy circles on Halsin's shoulder.

Finally, at the top, different sizes and shapes of hot spring pools litter all over the plateau. Makeshift rock trails and signs scatter near the pools. Over the crystal blue water, large steam dances and twirls on the surface.

“We are here!” Halsin announces excitedly.

While the city boys rest on a flat rock, Halsin explains the basic rules. Informing everyone to stay on the paths and read the signs since each spring had a different temperature. He digs out his fanny pack and pulls out a few soaps.

"Please do indulge yourselves with the honey-based soaps I've made.” Halsin hands out the samples. “The spring tends to make your skin a bit dry. So use these to keep your skin soft and protected.”

Ceilious sniffs the soap. His eyebrows raised, impressed by the quality. He gives Halsin a thumbs up. Unexpectedly, he leans close to place a kiss on Halsin’s cheek. Halsin sat stunned for a moment, hardly registering the action Ceilious did. Ceilious childishly giggles and trots back to Gale.

Halsin’s eyes grew dark with arousal but kept it contained. The timing wasn’t quite right yet to take advantage of. But it doesn’t stop Halsin from increasing his flirtation. He purposefully undresses slowly and tenses his muscles like a peaco*ck strutting its tail. Astarion gives an appreciative whistle. Gale couldn’t help but take a curious glance.

Halsin displays a new perspective of masculinity and the muscles of his age. His shirt slips over broad shoulders; revealing coarse body hair. He cheekily takes a glance over his shoulder as he bends down to remove his shorts. Naked as nature has made him, he strolls over to the pool and sinks into the water. Like a Greek god, Halsin turns, splashing water over himself, and flashes a smile to the men. Gale blinks a few times to regain his composure. His heart rapidly racing. In the corner of his eye, he sees Ceilious also stripping.

Halsin suppresses a groan. He hoped his expression didn’t give away his arousal. As soon Ceilious was in arms reach, he pulled the other close. “Careful. There are sharp rocks around. Watch your feet.” His heart ached when Ceilious nodded and made an adorable, excited noise. His rough hands glide smoothly down over ebony hips. Leaning closer, he whispers, “You’re so excited all the time… it’s kind of adorable.” Ceilious giggles from his ear being tickled. Unintentionally, Ceilious places a hand over Halsin’s hairy chest. Reading it an invitation, Halsin presses a kiss against the earlobe. A splash interrupts his advances.

Astarion wraps an arm around Halsin’s bicep, holding up the soap. “I can scrub your back, darling.”

“As you wish, Astarion.” Halsin gently smiles. Turning his back to give Astarion free reign.

Ceilious waddles over to Gale who was hesitantly dipping his legs in. Gale sits on the edge as Ceilious stations between his legs. Gently massage the calf sore muscles.

“It’s a bit too warm for me, my love.” Gale pets through the other’s curls. “But, the water does feel nice from here.” Ceilious nuzzles against Gale’s soft belly and sniffs the hair fuzz. “Thank you for carrying me up here, my love.”

“So, what’s your plan exactly?” Astarion bluntly asks. Pressing against Halsin’s back, his cooler skin sends shivers down Halsin’s spine.

“Plans?” Halsin tilts his head, confused.

“I don’t mind being in a foursome but I need to know exactly when.” Astarion elaborated.

“I can’t deny my attraction towards such beauties.” A dark chuckle sends goosebumps through Astarion. “As long you all consent, I gladly partake and indulge nature’s call.”

“Glad we are on the same page.” A sharp nip on Halsin’s neck. “Luckily, those two are extremely gullible if we timed it right.”

“May I ask a personal question?”

“Ask away.”

“What is the status of this relationship?”

“As far as I am concerned, the two are devoted to one another but are open to pleasure. Just follow my lead and we can get both what we want.”

Halsin turns around to face Astarion and gropes at the smaller man’s waist. His hot breath ghosts over in a hushed growl, “You see yourself as the predator, Astarion.” He tightens his grip, almost bruising the pale skin. “But you make such a lovely prey.”

Astarion’s heart leaps up in his throat. All he could do was stare in a mix of arousal and annoyance; his own game bested by a beastly man. However, this only strokes greater mischief inside him. Halsin is caught off guard as Astarion spins around, presses his ass against the crotch, and then catwalks away. His slender arms stretch over his head elegantly then splashes water onto Ceilious’ back.

“Hey, my sweet pet. Halsin just mentioned he could easily wrestle you. Said you couldn’t handle his strength.” Copper eyes crinkle in mischief. “Why not prove to him you can handle him?”

Halsin scoffs in amusem*nt. The pale vixen has the nerve to tease him and pull players from the sidelines. “That’s a bit inaccurate, but if you are willing to indulge in a playful sparring. I’d love for you to join in.”

Gale interprets Ceilious’ hand gestures, “Sounds like fun. For now, join us for dinner and we can plan it out.”

Chapter 13: Earning a Badge


Had to make some edits! Noticed there was a few details missing. I appericate all the readers who are enjoying this story so far.

Chapter Text

Roasted sweet potatoes and chestnuts fill the air with their sweet and savory fragrance. Gale cools down a tin foil wrapped sweet potato with his breath then hand feds Ceilious and Astarion. When it was Halsin’s turn, the ranger wrapped his hands lovingly over Gale’s. He blushes under the intense amorous gaze. His body felt too warm from sitting between the two large men. Both have their share of petting his plush thighs. Astarion fans himself; a trail of sweat drips down his chest. Slightly sunburned and pink from the summer heat, the porcelain skin gives a softer yet alluring complexion. A nipple peaks out when he rolls over to adjust his comfortable stretch on the padded mat. Gale swallows hard. He was unsure where to look or what to do when three men were seducing him.

Night blankets the sky when Ceilious and Gale sneak out to the lake. Their clothes were left in a messy pile near the dock before they jumped in. Slowly swimming through the water, Gale catches up to Ceilious. Arms loosely wrap around one another in a lover’s embrace. Gale hums happily, sponging off the warmth from Ceilious. Steam surrounds their hot, passionate kiss. Gale licked into Ceiloious’ mouth, suckling onto the tongue.

“I miss this.” Gale peppers kisses down Ceilious’ neck. “Just us.”

Ceilious pets the sides; fingers tantalizing near Gale’s half-hard length. He wantonly moans into the other’s ear after nibbling the earlobe. Right when Gale slides his fingers between Ceilious’ ass cheeks, a sultry whisper interrupts them.

“Looks like someone is having fun. Why wasn’t I invited?” Astarion cages his arms around Gale and presses fully against the back. Gale yelps in surprise. Goosebumps burst over his skin from the feeling of Astarion’s bold touches.

“I’m surprised two good boys do skinny dipping.” Astarion dramatically sighs, pretending to be disappointed. Astarion palms Gale’s balls; juggling them. Wrapping fully around the erection and does a harsh pump to get Gale to moan. “I’m a bit sad you didn’t include me.”

Gale grips for dear life onto Ceilious while Astarion turns him into a moaning mess. He bites onto Ceilious’ shoulder to muffle his cry. His erection twitches under Astarion’s hand, releasing sem*n into the water. Suddenly, Ceilious pulls him close aggressively. Astarion’s hot breath held back. Gale wanted to disappear when he heard a shout from the docks.

“Having a night swim?” Halsin hollers; hands cupped over to amplify his voice.

Astarion spins around. His body hid the bashful Gale.

“Hello, darling! Yes, we are swimming. We thought this would get us to sleep soundly.”

Ceilious nods in agreement.

“Hm.” Halsin holds up a pile of clothes. “Luckily for you, I’ll let this public nudity pass since there isn’t anyone here.”

“Oh,” Astarion face turns into different colors before he manages to collect himself. “Good thing we have such a kind park ranger. We’ll be out soon.”

“You don’t have to rush. I was thinking of joining you if you will have me.” Halsin teasingly unbuttons his shirt.

“We’d love that.” Astarion ignores the glare from Gale.

Halsin swan dives smoothly into the water and joins the trio. Ceilious sneaks Gale behind his back to give him extra time to cool off. Halsin’s hungry eyes roam over the two beauties in front of him. Astarion props onto the muscled bicep and lets his body float. The moonlight shines over the smooth, porcelain back. Halsin purrs in appreciation of the cute butt peaking out on the water. The dark water wraps Astarion beautifully; an image of the dangerous temptation of a nymph.

“Enjoying the park’s amenities?” Halsin rests his arm against Astarion’s side; fingers brushing the smooth skin. Distracted, Ceilious tries to sneak Gale around. However, Gale was pulled close by Halsin’s quick reaction. Gale gasps; squishes into the chest hair and inhales the strong musk.

“Feeling a bit shy, Gale? Nothing to be ashamed of. As nature intended, we should be comfortable among good company.”

Gale didn’t know where to put his hands besides resting on Halsin’s forearms. As if driven by jealousy, Ceilious grabs Gale from Halsin’s hold. Halsin chuckles, amused.

“Easy now. I won’t bite.” Halsin apologetically lifts his hands in surrender.

“But I do.” Astarion took the opportunity to bite onto Halsin’s neck. Caged, Astarion gives Halsin a sloppy kiss. The noises of saliva and flesh are tantalizing to drive Halsin wild. Astarion’s charm kept Halsin distracted again and Ceilious attempted to sneak away. Near the docks, Gale halts Ceilious.

“I’m still… I can’t get out of the water yet.” His face betrays everything he wishes to hide from Ceilious, whose expression lights up in a smirk. Ceilious embraces his bashful beloved. His tender hug didn’t mean anything when his erection poked against Gale’s thigh.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t—” Gale babbles.

Ceilious silences him with a sweet kiss on the cheek. He wraps his hand around the erections; pumping slowly. Gale’s eyes grew dark as he brushed his fingers over Ceilious’ entrance. The rim flutters over the butt plug.

“You still kept it inside. Were you looking forward to recreating our lovemaking back on the ranch lake?”

Ceilious sheepishly nods.

“Turn around, my love.” Gale removes the butt plug, tosses it over the pile of clothes, and presses close. Not quite sliding into Ceilious. “How would you like it? Tap once for slow. Two for fast.”

Ceilious taps once against Gale’s thigh. Gale grunts, pushing inside, and starts a slow pace. His hot breath ghosts over Ceilious’ ear.

“Keep your voice low. Unless you want to get caught.” Gale suppresses a groan when Ceilious clenches.

Meanwhile, Astarion manages Halsin to face away from the docks with rough kisses. Halsin massages over the willowy hips.

“A quiet evening for once. Perfect for two people who’d like to take some time to themselves. If you catch my meaning and I do mean sex to be clear. We’ve been waiting long enough.” Astarion suckles Halsin’s lower lip after giving it a good bite. He groans around the entire length of Halsin’s shaft. His hips shake while fighting back whimpers and whines. In one effortless motion, Halsin lifted Astarion and every pounding thrust caused the water to ripple around them.

Suddenly, a loud shout echoes from the dock. Halsin darts his head up, almost immediately snapping out of his haze. He quickly turns around and sees Gale thrusting into Ceilious on the muddy banks.

“Hm, does it excite you watching them?” Halsin caresses Astarion’s thighs. “Would you like to join in?”

Astarion drools as Halsin bounces his body onto the large co*ck. The fat, throbbing tip rubbed against his prostate. His inside flutters when Halsin strolls closer to the duo. The water swished around and inside of him. He claws the board back once Halsin lays him onto the muddy bank next to delirious Ceilious. Immediately, Ceilious intertwined his fingers over Astarion’s. His hiccups and whines arouse the others further. In unison, the quartet climaxes.

Gale couldn’t bear to look at Halsin directly. He didn’t want to admit seeing the ranger panting and sweating made his heart race. He shivers when a sexy baritone voice tickles his ears.

“You’re a bit more adventurous than I thought. My imagination couldn’t compare to how sexy you look right now.” Halsin peppers kisses over Gale’s jaw and neck. His calloused fingers dance over Gale’s sides.

“Someone is a greedy little bear,” Astarion pokes Halsin’s chest with his foot. His toes dig into the plush tit and pinch the nipple. “Planning to taste all of us at once?”

“If you have me,” Halsin chuckles.

Before Gale could answer, the heavy rainstorm forced the quartet to seek shelter hurriedly. Ceilious’ laughter lightens the mood as the others pat themselves dry under the protection of the van’s awning.

“Ugh, the mud is caked into my hair,” Astarion pouts. He scrapes a few chunks from his curls and tosses them to the wet ground. The cold wind prickles his skin causing him to shiver and huddle close between Ceilious and Halsin.

“Mud is a great natural detox for the body,” Gale shakes his wet mane while handing out towels.

Astarion flings a handful of mud at Gale and smears it on his chest. “It looks better on you.”

“Ugh! Star, what the hell,” Gale scorns at the coy vixen.

“Sorry to intrude but I don’t think the rain will let up. Would you mind if I stay the night with you?” Halsin interrupts. “And perhaps lend some clothes for the night.”

The towels were too small for Halsin and Ceilious; barely covering their waists. Gale’s mind flashes of the two men naked and covered in mud. He swallows hard as he heads back inside.

The rain downpours as they squish inside the van. Gale and Astarion are on the bed while Halsin and Ceilious are on the rug. While Astarion cuddles close to Gale and is asleep, Gale works on a crossword puzzle. His low mumbling was muffled by the howling wind outside. Halsin wiggles in the makeshift nest of blankets and throw pillows causing Ceilious to grunt from his fidgeting. Ceilious turns over to inspect with an annoyed glare.

“Sorry, the floor is hurting my back,” Halsin whispers. With ease, Ceilious hauls Halsin to lay on top of him. He rubs the wide back to lull Halsin to sleep.


“I can’t believe this happened. I’m so sorry, my love,” Gale groans in despair. He circles his thumbs over Ceilious’ knuckles.

“You already apologized a thousand times. I think he gets that it was all an accident,” Astarion flicks Gale’s forehead.

An hour ago, the quartet was rock climbing until Ceilious twisted and sprained his ankle when trying to catch Gale from falling. Halsin had to drive everyone back to his cabin where the medical supplies were stationed.

“You can spend the rest of your stay at my home,” Halsin proposes.

“We couldn’t impose,” Gale shakes his head.

“I insist,” Halsin sets a plate of BLT sandwiches on the coffee table. “Tara seems to find her new perch here.” He gestures at Tara sunbathing on the window sill in the living room.

“The king bed in the loft is tempting,” Astarion sips his mocktail. “I call dibs on it.”

“I appreciate it,” Gale rubs Ceilious’ knee. “I’m sure it’ll also be more comfortable during his recovery.”

“Excellent,” Halsin chuckles. “I have a few errands to do. In the meantime, please be at ease and treat this place as your own.”

After Halsin left, Astarion turned to the duo.

“So,” his tongue rolls and licks his coy smirk. “Are you guys going to taste the bear beside me?”

“Really?” Gale rolls his eyes. His ears reddening under Astarion's devious leer.

“Come on,” Astarion playfully scratches Gale’s jowl. “I can see you are curious. Why not hear me out and see what games we can play with?”

Gale curses his curiosity. With a great sigh, he replies, “What schemes do you have in mind?”

Ceilious greets and beckons Halsin from the couch. The smell of strong pine and sweat radiates from Halsin.

“How are you feeling?” Halsin gently rubs Ceilious’ forearm. His eyes darken when Ceilious slowly unbuttons his shirt. On cue, Gale arrives, carrying a small basket of hygiene products.

“Perfect timing, Halsin,” Gale smiles. “I need your help carrying C to the shower. Hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all,” Halsin beams, hiding his lustful gaze from earlier.

Gale helps to undress Ceilious while Halsin holds him. Gale grabs onto Halsin’s bicep before the ranger steps out.

“Looks like you need a shower too,” Gale noted, sniffing him. “You’re covered in sweat.” He smoothly pops open the buttons.

“Oh?” Halsin steps closer. Placing his hands on Gale’s hips; thick fingers gripping over the plump ass. Gale's ears are reddening and gulps.

“Maybe after freshening up, we can…” Gale trails off. His lips hovering over Halsin’s. He tip-toes back and turns away teasingly. “But I understand after a long day of work—”

“I have plenty of energy,” Halsin closes the distance. He kisses Gale’s nape. Gale flushes as he sees Ceilious smirking. The adrenaline rush of his beloved watching him melt under Halsin’s feverous caresses makes Gale's heart race. Ceilious signs from his perch at the shower stool. Encouraging Gale to continue this game. Slowly, Gale strips and joins in with Ceilious. Gale could feel Halsin’s hazel eyes stare intensely on his back and ass. Once within reach, Ceilious wraps his arm around Gale’s waist. He teasingly massages the plump ass and thigh. Gale, in his best seductive gaze, looks over his shoulder.

“Coming in?” Gale blushes.

Halsin stalks closer, closing the shower door behind him. The tight space forced Halsin to sit across from Ceilious while Gale stood to gather hygiene supplies. Gale pouts at Ceilious’ smug grin. Gale cursed himself but he didn't want his crotch facing Halsin. So his ass is mooning instead. While holding the shower head and getting Ceilious wet, Gale shivers from Halsin petting his legs.

“Lovely legs,”Halsin comments. The calloused fingers send goosebumps through Gale.

“Thank you,” Gale croaks out. His legs tingle when those fingers brush against the back of his knees. Carefully, Gale scrubs shampoo into the tight coils. Ceilious hums appreciatively under Gale’s attentiveness.Halsin leans back, the cool tile digs into his skin as he watches the duo attending one another in mundane bliss. Occasionally, Gale would adjust his footing and Halsin can glimpse the soft sway of the balls and taint. Ceilious’ feet were planted on Halsin’s thick thighs. The plastic bag on the injured ankle rustled whenever Ceilious twitches his legs. From here, Halsin had a clear shot of Ceilious (besides Gale standing in the front). A giggle snaps Halsin from his intense staring. He glances up to see the duo embracing one another. Gale giggling from Ceilious tickling his sides.

“I'm going to fall if you keep tickling me, my love,” Gale nudges Ceilious. With ease, Ceilious has Gale seated on his lap.

“Ah! C!” Gale growls as Ceilious grabs the shower head and sprays him. Halsin scoots closer, excited to join in the fun. Ceilious hands the shower head to Halsin then starts rubbing soap onto Gale’s soft torso. Playfully squeezing the breasts to earn a cute squeak from Gale. With nowhere to go, Gale fully relaxed against Halsin.

“If I knew this is how you two bathed, I'd gladly join in anytime,” Halsin purrs into Gale’s ear.

“He keeps me on my toes,” Gale huffs. Gale kept Halsin restraining his touches from further advancement by promising him a reward for waiting. After washing up, the trio sits on the bed. Gale straddling over Halsin. His soft gut touches against Halsin’s hard muscled stomach.

“Wear this,” Gale held up a silk blindfold. “But only if you’re okay with it.”

“Gladly,” Halsin smirks. “I love surprises.” He gropes Gale’s ass while the blindfold covers his eyes.

Chapter 14: Summer Love


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Gale gasps as Halsin’s thick finger fondles his entrance. The finger gradually pushes in and out to loosen the tight muscles. His toes curl when glancing over to Ceilious. Those green eyes raptured by Gale’s flushed skin and heavy panting. Tears stream down as Halsin increases his pace. He cast his eyes behind him. Astarion slurps over the large co*ck nestled between his hands. The slit dripped in precum and tip twitching under Astarion’s clever licks.

Finally loose, Gale gingerly aims the co*ck at his entrance and slides down. He whimpers from the wide girth sliding inside him. He struggles to take deep breaths. Drooling, Gale bucks his hips to meet with Halsin’s thrusts. His thighs burning but the pleasure of Halsin pistoning into his ass and rubbing against his prostate makes it worth it. Halsin growls in frustration. The body taking pleasure on him moves.

“Quit pouting, big bear,” Astarion maneuvers Halsin after Gale slides into Ceilious in missionary style. “We’re just getting started, darling.” His slender hand guides Halsin’s co*ck against Gale’s ass. As soon as Halsin enters, Gale’s co*ck twitches inside Ceilious. Stimulated from front and back, Gale closes his eyes to drink it all in.

“Keep your eyes open,” Astarion purrs.

Gale’s eyes dilated; watching Astarion slides onto Ceilious’ co*ck and rocks into it. Ceilious hooks Astarion’s slender legs and gently flexes them back to showcase full access to him.

“Now you can have the choice to kiss either of us,” Astarion coyly kisses Gale’s tear-stained face. The blindfold is removed by a quick tug of Astarion’s fingers. Gale whimpers; the co*ck inside him twitches and pounds roughly against the walls.

“Love the little surprise?” Astarion chuckles. His tongue curls up mischievously while pinching his nipples. “Never thought you’d get in the front row of this?”

Without a word, Halsin increases his pace, turning Gale into a whimpering mess. His stomach churning from the large co*ck pounding his insides. The force from Halsin’s thrust causes Gale's co*ck to penetrate deep into Ceilious. He couldn’t focus on any of the passionate, sloppy kisses given to him. The white stars in his brain create a pleasurable fog.

“Slow down, big bear,” Astarion taps Halsin's shoulder. “You're going to break him at this pace.”

Gasping and whimpering, Gale could feel the fast pounding suddenly turn into a slow drag of the fat co*ck. His insides burning from the slower pace. His rim flutters as Halsin’s ballsack slaps against his. The wet skin slapping causes Gale to fidget. Astarion’s drooling kiss calms Gale's breathing. Gale gives an appreciative glance at him.

“Our man loves it slow and deep,” Astarion purrs. “He especially loves his breasts fondled too.” Astarion grabs Halsin's hands to have him grope Gale’s sensitive tit*. Gale moans loudly. His nipples swell between calloused fingers. To Gale’s delight, Ceilious teases Astarion by giving a good bite to the neck and tugging the slender co*ck. Gale gleefully adds marks on the porcelain skin.

“Feeling good?” Halsin's almost unrecognizable on how gruff it was. Gale sheepishly nods.

“Yes, very good. Almost too good,” Gale encouragingly pets Halsin’s hip.

“I'm sorry that I was rough on you,” Halsin mumbles between kisses.

“It's alright. We all get excited,” Gale hums. He affectionately suckles on Halsin’s lower lip.

The quartet repositioned themselves where Gale and Ceilious laid on their sides, legs arched up and had the other two thrust into them. Sweet cries from Ceilious made Gale hum and wiggle his hips. He sluggishly kisses his beloved and holds his hands while Halsin and Astarion take turns on their bodies. Their erections bounce from the duo’s thrusting. Gale savors the swollen nipple on his tongue by nibbling on the ring between his teeth. He blows onto the drool soaked nipple; just to watch it twitch and hear Ceilious whimper for more.

“You and your insatiable appetite,” Gale chuckles.

“Seems like someone isn't tired yet,” Astarion bucks his hips, earning a loud moan from Gale. “Surprisingly, your ass is still tight after being ravished by a bear. So what's the best one?” He leans close, teasing the damp chest hair.Gale hums in deep thought. He glances at all of them before settling his sight on Ceilious.

“No matter what, it'll always be him. My love,” he pulls his beloved’s hands close to his lips. “I'd gladly spend the rest of my life with.”

“Wow, what a confession. Sounds like almost a proposal,” Halsin pulls out and cum spurts out from Ceilious’ gaping asshole.

“Perhaps it is,” Gale dreamily sighs. “It may not be the most romantic proposal but I want to confess right now. My dearly beloved, I love you very much. Would you do me the honors and say yes?”

Tears burst out of Ceilious; turning him into a sobbing but happy mess. He hurriedly nods as he crams himself into Gale’s open arms.

“Who would've thought having a foursome makes a man ask for marriage?” Astarion cackles.

“What a wonderful occasion,” Halsin heartedly laughs. He slides his hand over Astarion’s lower back. “Feeling a bit jealous?”

“Hardly. I was waiting for them to propose eventually. That way, I can both manipulate them at the same time,” Astarion crossed his arms, fighting his lips to not pout.

“You can always stay with me if—” Halsin playfully fondles the pale ass.

“I'm no stray. I go wherever I like. I just happen to make sure these idiots don't get too boring without me,” Astarion puffs up his chest.


Afternoon sunlight peaks through the window while the quartet is still in deep sleep. Ceilious was the first to stir awake and sit up. Under him, Gale and Astarion sponges close while behind him is Halsin. Astarion shivers from the lack of warmth on his back. His cute grumbling gets Ceilious to lay back down. A purr slips from those crimson lips as Ceilious nuzzles the nape. Then a low grumble vibrates behind him. Slightly turning over, Ceilious gives a sweet kiss to Halsin. Warm, rough hands grope Ceilious’ thighs then slips to fondle the inner thighs. With a gentle buck, Halsin slides in and out inside Ceilious. Stimulated, Ceilious mewls and arches his back. His throbbing co*ck head slips between Astarion’s thighs. Rubbing against the other's balls, Astarion groggily wakes up.

“Didn't have enough from yesterday?” His voice was rough from deep sleep. He grabs hold of Ceilious’ co*ck to have it slip inside.

Exercise before breakfast?” Gale shakes his head. Rubbing his face to get himself awake.

“Come in, join the conga line, hot stuff,” Astarion nips Gale jowl then flips him over. “We have all summer to enjoy this.”

“I suppose,” Gale sighs. “After this, we need some serious discussion.”

“Quit yapping and get relaxing,” Astarion thrusts harshly.

“Gentlemen, no need to fret. The Grove is open all year around. So we have plenty to indulge ourselves,” Halsin bucks his hips enough for the trio to moan in unison.


Appericate all readers to make it this far.
I wanted to write a heartfelt story of middle-aged men finding happiness. Especially for these guys who are so touch starved lol

Road Trip with the Boys - BootyBara (2024)


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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.