mommy issues @billiedeannovak - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)



Jun 17, 2021

The Beach

[not my gifs]

Billie Dean Howard x Fem!Reader

warning: implied smut, alcohol (abuse), medication (abuse), depressing themes, just a real emotional mess.

this is loosely inspired by the song‘the beach’ by the neighborhood

A/N: okay, so, this is my first fic ever, and I want to thank @magnifique-monstre​ for motivating me to actually write this, for editing it and for supporting me & threatening to kick my ass if I don't post it. Thank you. Seriously.

“Billie, hey,” you answered the phone, your voice thick with sleep.

“Hi sweetheart, did I wake you up?” Billie Dean checked her wristwatch, “It’s five PM, are you still sleeping?” Her tone much softer than before.

“Oh, kind of, I was up all night writing that article I have been working on since you left,”

You heard her angelic chuckle from the other end.

“Always busy, aren’t you dearest? Well, I called to let you know we are wrapping up this season a week earlier than planned. I’ll be back in LA next Saturday, would you like to go to dinner with me? I miss you.” You winced at her offer, turning around to lay on your back, already trying to come up with an excuse not to go.

“I’d love to,” you whispered in response, it was Billie Dean Howard! How could you ever say no.

“Brilliant!” Billie’s smile evident in her tone, “Excuse me,” she whispered, rustling and inaudible talking on the other end. Billie picked up the phone again, “Darling, I have got to go now, I’ll speak to you in the morning. Go back to sleep, sleepyhead,”

“Bye,” you whispered and the call ended. You dropped your phone onto your bed, covering your face with your hands, silently cursing yourself for not declining her offer. You knew that you would not be able to summon up enough energy to go out with Billie, yet you could not bear the thought of disappointing her. A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you turned to the side, Billie being the last thing on your mind before you fell back asleep.


You had met Billie roughly two years ago, your boss had asked you to write an article on the medium which guaranteed you the cover of that week’s issue. You had called her assistant to meet Billie Dean for an interview, and you two had practically clicked instantly. Billie invited you to meet her for a celebratory dinner after the article had been published and the praise never stopped leaving her lips. The night ended with a soft kiss to your cheek, and the promise to see you again. The following weekend she invited you to her luxurious home, clothes discarded on the marble steps as you made up your way to her bedroom. Her praise helped you come undone beneath her multiple times. Even as you worshipped her between her thighs while she held your hair in a makeshift ponytail, she would breathlessly tell you how good you were doing for her.

You enjoyed each other's company, and when Billie left to go filming, she took a part of you with her every time. When she was gone, you were confronted with the void you successfully avoided while you were with her. No matter where Billie Dean Howard returned from, she made sure to bring you a luscious gift to make up for her absence. Your relationship never went beyond that, and it didn’t seem to bother her. The medium was a charming woman who enjoyed her freedom. You were fine with it too, in the beginning at least. You didn’t realize you had fallen for Billie until the night she pulled you closer to her chest in her sleep, your name leaving her lips in the gentlest whisper. You would have missed it, if you had not been laying on her chest. The ‘I love you’ spilled out of you, before you could stop yourself. You were relieved to know she was deep asleep, and had not heard your quiet confession. Deciding you could never tell her, you simply tried to enjoy the time you still had with her, bracing yourself for the day she would eventually move on.

Months passed. Billie would come and go and so did the ever growing void. You began to understand how deeply the blonde had planted her roots within your heart, it was impossible to rip them out now. It felt like everything was meaningless unless she was with you, yet you chose to overlook how dangerous this was for you; the amount of power she had without even knowing. You knew it was wrong. You knew you should be your own person. You knew Billie should not complete you, but the medium was all you would ever need in your life. She was your beach, the ocean. She made you feel safe, and yet you never felt more vulnerable than when you were with her. You wondered if Billie pitied you because of how you felt, or whether she was blissfully unaware your life stopped every time she got on a plane to shoot. You wondered how many women she comforted the way she comforted you, if she gave them the same pet names she gave you, whether she thought of you when she was with them. It was ridiculous to assume she would ever reciprocate your feelings. She could have anyone she wanted after all.


You awoke around three in the morning, your bones aching in a familiar way, checking your phone you saw Billie had sent you a photo of the beach she drove by, the message read: ‘I thought of you. xx’

You involuntarily smiled at the message and typed out a reply before walking around in the darkness of your apartment. When you reached the bathroom you flicked on a light, flinching at the sudden brightness. You peeled the clothes off of your body, stepping into the shower, letting the hot water envelope your aching body. The bathroom was filled with steam when you stepped back out. You threw on a huge sweater and pulled your wet hair up in a knot, deciding to deal with it later on. You groaned when you walked past your laptop in the living room, notes scattered all around it, but the article was long forgotten. In the kitchen you opened your fridge to be greeted with nothing but leftovers from last week. A glass of red wine was not exactly a sustainable dinner, but at least it helped you drift off into a deep sleep.

Friday rolled around faster than you had expected and you knew you were not ready to see Billie Dean; it seemed almost wrong to go out and lie to her face. You sent her a message that said you had food poisoning from the store bought sushi you had the other night, that way you made sure there was no surprise visit from the medium. The last thing you wanted to do was explain yourself, so you promised her you would call her as soon as you felt better. There was so much genuine love in her reply that it made you sob into your pillow, the guilt of lying to her nagging at you. It was almost too easy to picture Billie opening your message with a cigarette in hand, her beautiful face frowning at her phone for you had studied each of her mannerisms one too many times. She knew you had lied to her. She was always able to see right through you.

The days passed in a blur. You hardly left your bed, unless it was necessary. Each day you spent away from Billie, made you feel thousands of miles away from her, like she never actually put her soft lips on yours, as if the two of you had never danced to quiet jazz music at four in the morning in her kitchen wearing each other’s shirts. Like she never had sex with you in your bed until sunrise before the both of you breathlessly fell asleep, her fingers laced with yours, her acrylics softly scraping against the back of your hand to let you know she was with you even if you were asleep. It all seemed like a dream, so far from reality; the only proof of her presence being the now very faint smell of her rich perfume that still clung to your sheets. It was the last bit that kept you there in hopes you would wake up to find her next to you. Every time you opened your eyes, it was the same cruel joke all over again. She was gone, and she took the safety with her. It was as if your life just stopped, while she continued to live hers. What was the beach without the ocean anyway?

You could have sworn you heard your phone buzz somewhere beneath the sheets and you realized it had slipped off the bed conveniently dying as soon as you spotted it. Sighing you fell back into the mattress, sleep overtaking you before seeing the 27 unread messages and sixteen missed calls from Billie Dean.

By Thursday the medium had enough of your silence and not seeing you for almost two weeks after her return. She huffed as she parked her car in front of your apartment complex, her heels clacking against the concrete as she walked up to your door, using your spare key to let herself into your apartment.

“Y/N, where are you?” she called out while searching for you.

“This is so not funny, I called like a dozen times and you didn’t pick up once I-“

She stopped in the living room. It seemed oddly the same since she last visited you. The blanket she used to wrap herself in while she watched you type away in an armchair was still in the exact same position she got up from, as if time had just stopped. When she reached your bedroom she was greeted with complete darkness, so she flicked on the lamp on the bedside table, the warm light illuminating the room, barely surprised to find the bed empty and unmade. She sighed and took a step forward, knocking over a couple of empty wine bottles. She looked down to find your phone next to them, the battery still dead. Another saddened sigh escaped her lips and she looked over to the other bedside table; the side she usually sleeps on. Her lighter and the note she left you before leaving lay untouched, the bottle of sleeping pills knocked over, a sign you had abused them again. She pulled up the blinds and opened a window to let in some fresh air before she locked the door behind her and got back into her car, driving to where exactly she knew she would find you.

You hugged your knees a little tighter as the breeze whooshed through your body. The sun had set about an hour ago and the sand was not as warm as it was during the day, but you couldn’t bring yourself to get up to leave. The rhythmic crashing of the waves against the shore was entirely too calming for the ache in your bones, the slight saltiness in the air bringing you a sense of comfort.

The next thing you felt were a pair of Manolo’s dropping into the sand next to you. You looked up even though you knew exactly who was standing there, but nothing could have prepared you for the moment your eyes met Billie Dean Howard’s bourbon coloured ones for the first time in almost two months. It was as if your life suddenly started moving again, like you found your reason again. She looked almost as tired as you felt, her usual flawless curls brushed out, the makeup unable to hide the purple bags under her eyes which seemed to be glistening in the moonlight, as if she had been crying. You offered her to sit on your jacket, but she waved it off.

“You are worth getting my Dolce and Gabbana sandy for,” you heard her mumble while she sat down next to you.

You wanted to do nothing more than to wrap your arms around her frame, but you refrained, hugging your knees tighter once more.

“Y/N,” she began, “What happened? I was worried sick! I mean I am used to you going radio silent for a couple of days, but two weeks? Seriously?” she groaned. It tugged at your heartstrings to hear her voice laced with so much pain.

“I don’t want to lie,” you managed to whisper.

“Then don’t. I know the food poisoning thing was a lie, so I called your boss. She said you haven’t been to the office in over a month, what the hell did you tell them!?”

“That I would finish the article from home,”

You could feel her shift beside you; she was looking directly at you.

“Darling, tell me what’s going on, please, I can see you’re hurting. I can feel it,”

The pet name brought tears to your eyes, and you quickly wiped them away,

“I’ve been falling again, Billie. I always do when you’re away.”

“Why didn’t you just-“

“-Because Billie. I’ve been relying on you. All the time. I need a pick-me-up, but I can’t continue to burden you.” you looked at her, the confusion written across her face and you couldn’t contain a hollow laugh.

“You have no idea, do you?” you said and she shook her head in response.

“I’m sick and I’m tired too,” you continued. Billie opened her mouth to say something but decided to let you finish first.

“I’ve been calling you friend, I might need to give it up,” you whispered, looking at the ocean in front of you, unable to meet her eyes.

“Y/N, what are you saying?”

For the first time the medium was scared, she was terrified of losing you. You sucked in a deep breath, turning to face her again.

“If I told you that I loved you, tell me what would you say?”

Billie’s expression was unreadable. You were unsure if it was surprise, shock, or sadness. She took a while to gather her thoughts, but you knew the answer.

“That’s what I thought,” your voice came out in a broken sob, the regret washing over you.

You quickly got up, all the safety Billie brought not enough to endure this torture, but Billie grabbed your wrist and you took it as a sign to sit back down, the warmth her soft grip had enough familiarity to make you stay.

“Why did you never tell me? Sweetheart, I..“ Billie was unable to hold back tears now. “I love you too, I really do,” the words you had longed to hear for so long now confessed to you. Everything seemed unreal, like a fever dream.

The medium’s hands cradled your face affectionately.

“I promise you, this is real. Every time I tried to get closer to you, you backed off and I figured you didn’t feel the same, and I want nothing more in this world than to see you happy. If I had realized how much it hurt you when I left, I would have told you much earlier. I am so, so sorry.”

“Billie..I-“ she shook her head at you,

“Shh, shh, it’s okay. I’m here now, and I need you here with me,”

You lunged forward to wrap Billie Dean in the deepest hug you could manage, one of her hands finding its home in your hair, her nails scraping against your scalp while the other rubbed your back in soothing circles as you cried in each other’s arms. When you finally pulled away, Billie’s hand caressed your cheek, her bottom lip stuck between her teeth before she leaned in to press the softest of kisses on your lips. The saltiness of your tears mixed with one another, like the waves meeting the shore, an action so familiar, yet gentle each time.

“I love you.”

#sarah paulson x reader#billie dean howard x reader#sarah paulson imagine#billie dean x reader#billie dean howard#ahs fanfic#ahs imagine#ahs fanfiction#american horror story


Feb 12, 2023


A Dangerous Game Ch 5

Emily Prentiss x readerwarnings: language, smut, oh so much smut. minor brief talk of CM type cases.

The irony was not lost on you nor Emily when the next case took the team to Vegas.


“We… can’t keep doing this.” You panted between breathless kisses, whimpers and quiet moans swallowed up by Emily’s lips as she pinned you to the wall, her co*ck dragging across your sensitive walls, both of your naked bodies coated in a glistening layer of sweat.

“Dunno..” she panted back, wrapping one of your legs tighter around her waist and you gasped at the change in angle, “you seemed pretty enthusiastic about it earlier.”

“f*ck…” your head dropped onto her shoulder, “oh god… you’re right. Please don’t stop…”

“Yeah?” She murmured, a wicked grin on her lips, “you like that?” She swiveled her hips again and you groaned, biting down on her shoulder.

“So good.” You moaned back, your head dropping to the wall behind you, “oh f*ck! Harder! Please daddy!” Emily’s free hand whipped up, clamping over your mouth, a dangerous glare in her eyes,

“Quiet princess.” She practically growled, “we can’t risk anyone hearing you. Those pretty little noises are just for daddy, understand?”

“Mmmhmm.” You nodded, your eyes begging for her to not stop and she grinned.

“That’s my good girl.” She continued thrusting into you, letting your whimpers and whines vibrate against her hand until she was sure you were going to do as told. Then it sunk south between your bodies, easily finding your cl*t and she started to rub it in time with the thrusts of her hips, her nose nudged at your chin, tilting your head up and she kissed down your neck until she found your pulse point, making a home there.

“f*ck…” you whispered, your puss* fluttering around the toy, your hands clawing at her skin, trying to get her even closer to you than she was already. You bit your lip as pleasure coursed through you, a stifled moan breaking into the room as you shuddered in her arms and she finally let up on your cl*t, kissing back up the column of your neck.

“That’s it angel… so good for daddy.” She purred, her hips slowing until she sunk deep into you one last time, her hips meeting yours and you were finally able to open your eyes again.

“Christ…” you muttered with a small laugh, your leg dropping from her waist and she chuckled, a sturdy arm wrapping around you as her co*ck slipped from you and she guided you to the bed.

Emily took a minute to take the strap off, washing and drying it before tucking it back into her bag. She grabbed two bottles of water from the mini bar, swiping a couple mini cups of ice cream from the freezer along with spoons and crossed back to the bed. She noticed you’d flicked the tv on, finding a mindless channel to not fully pay attention to, passing you a bottle and the snack.

“Thanks.” You murmured, cracking the bottle and taking a few sips as she slipped under the sheets with you.

“You watch this crap when you’re at home?” She asked and you laughed.

“At home I have access to every streaming service known to man, hotel tv hits different. Late night choices are pretty limited between cartoons made for adults, fox news, or police procedurals and like I need more of that after what we do for a living.”

“Oh and they’re so inaccurate.” She groaned and you hmphed over a sip of water.

“Don’t even get me started. I dated a lawyer who for some reason actually liked a couple of them and yet she’d spend the entire f*cking time calling out every single reason why the case would get thrown out. It was exhausting and pointless, felt like she was trying to tell me how to do my job through episode analysis.” You pulled the lid off the ice cream, digging in with the spoon for a mouthful.

“That why you break up?” Emily asked, a hint of a tease in her voice.

“No.” You huffed a laugh as you turned to her, “big surprise… she was controlling and thought I should give up my job and move with her to California, where she would be accepting a big promotion and I was expected to take a demotion down to LAPD computer crimes unit because according to her, I suck at my job.”

You turned your attention to the ice cream in front of you, digging into it with the spoon and Emily frowned, wondering how much of this ex’s opinion still haunted you to this day, hoping that wasn’t why you had the habit of overworking yourself. She raised her hand, brushing back a piece of your mussed up hair, smoothing it behind your ear and you glanced up at her, a curious expression written across your face.

“You know that’s not true, right?” Her voice was soft, her fingers lingering on your skin and you felt your cheeks flush, “I mean, not everyone’s cut out for the FBI, much less the BAU and you’ve held your own for years, and you’re the perfect fit for this team.”

“You’re just saying that cause you watched me kick in a door earlier today and practically came on the spot.” You replied with a wicked grin and she let out an offended scoff followed by a bark of laughter.

“Oh, okay. While you may be correct…. you’re deflecting!”

“I know I am good at my job.” You chuckled, letting in to the impulse to lean in and steal a quick kiss, “which is exactly why I broke up with her. Besides, she committed a brady violation and lost her licence, so… karma…”

You let out a soft sigh, glancing down to the ice cream when you realized it was finished, dropping it to the bedside table and your eyes glazed over the clock, noticing how late it was. You slipped from underneath the sheets, moving through the room to clip your bra back on, pulling your panties up your legs.

“Where exactly do you think you’re going?” Emily asked with a chuckle and you huffed, tugging your pants on, doing a little hop to get them all the way up.

“Back to my room.” You searched around for a moment before scooping up your shirt, pulling it over your head. “Everyone’s got their own this trip, can’t risk Rossi doing an extra early wake up call to find me naked in your bed.”

“Well that’s a shame.” She smirked, “was kinda hoping for some morning sex.”

“Well…” you tugged your extra key card out of your pocket, tossing it down onto her bed, “if you’re up early enough you know where my room is.”

Emily picked up the card, flipping it through her fingers before glancing up at you, “such a wonderful place, Vegas….”


A week and a half later and the team found itself in Great Falls Montana.

There were plenty of reasons to look forward to hearing the phrase ‘wheels up’, to everyone on the team. It meant that you had a case that only the BAU could solve, that your specialty would be what closed it, that there was a reason you did what you chose to do. It meant that for the meantime, paperwork wasn’t the biggest priority of your work day. But every time Emily’s eyes would flick over to you lightning fast, watching the way your lips would curve up into a grin before vanishing and slipping back into work mode.

Because Vegas no longer had to be a physical place for the two of you, it was an unspoken way of mind.

If you were out of the DMV area, it meant you weren’t at home, you didn’t have to follow the rules. Sure, it didn’t make total sense, but it worked and neither of you were going to bring it up either way.

Great Falls meant sharing rooms in a smaller hotel and it just so happened that Emily landed with you as her bunk buddy again this trip. Obviously there was no need for the second bed, it was just for appearances at this point, Emily’s co*ck gliding into you from behind with ease as you did your best not to moan loudly, your fingers clutching at the bed spread.

“That’s my good girl…” She cooed, hands pulling your hips sharper to hers with each thrust until you were begging for more, wanting nothing but to see stars until the sun rose in the horizon.


The next case brought you to Maddock, North Dakota.

It wasn’t ideal, winter was in full force, every crime scene and investigation was outdoors, moving through streets and snowbanks as you attempted to discover who the unsub was. Everyone was huddled down in thick winter coats, hats and gloves, hating the fact that they could see their breath in the air with every word they spoke.

At the very least, you each had individual hotel rooms this time, meaning it was easier for you and Emily to sneak around, you’d already become masters of stealth in slipping the other your hotel room key card. So she wasn’t surprised when there was a tiny knock on her door followed by a beep and you slipped into her room, letting out a little shiver. She glanced up at you from the bed, a brow raised in your direction,


“Well..” you huffed, kicking off your shoes, “yes but also no. It’s f*cking freezing in my room. I was kinda hoping yours would be better.” She frowned at the way you winced when you moved through the room, your hand shooting to your side.

“Ribs?” She asked softly, remembering the conversation you’d had back in Atlanta.

“Yeah.” You nodded, “couldn’t sleep last night cause I kept curling up to stay warm and that made it worse.”

“Well, c’mere.” She flipped open the duvet and you were quick to slip under it as she reached out to the toiletry bag on the bedside table, “extra strength?” She held the bottle out to you and you let out a happy sigh.

“You’re a godsend.” You downed a couple of pills, sipping at the water glass she’d given you before you nestled into her side.

“And your feet are f*cking frozen!” She practically shrieked, attempting to shove you away from her.

“I told you it was cold!”

“Good thing I know a very good way to warm you up.” She murmured and the next thing you knew her lips were catching yours in a kiss and she was pinning you to the bed.

True to her word, the temperature was skyrocketing in her hotel room within minutes and she managed to make you come as many times as possible without getting you naked, working around your clothing, or only pulling off what was needed. When she was finally satisfied she wrapped herself around you, kicking up an extra blanket and letting you settle into the warmth of the shared body heat.


Glendale, Arizona.

There were just enough rooms that Emily was able to get her own private one this time. She was thankful, not only for whatever might happen, but that she would finally get a little bit of a break. The last couple of weeks she felt like she’d been constantly berated by questions from either the team or upper management. This way she could finish her expected work and retreat to being on her own.

Though that did not mean she was upset when she heard the beep of her hotel room lock, her eyes glancing toward it with a smirk and you basically toppled into her room, tearing off your shirt as the door fell shut behind you.

“Someone’s eager…” She teased.

“JJ’s facetiming Will, told her I was going for a run, I’ve got forty minutes max.”

You were naked by the time you’d reached her bed, your fingers tugging at her clothing until she was bare against you. There wasn’t even time for Emily to dig into her bag for the strap, hands and mouths were plenty tonight. You moved with expertise against each other, fingers sinking into warmth, curling and pumping with ease while mouths left sticky trails of kisses on the other’s skin. Moans and whimpers were the only sound in the room as you brought each other to their peak.

As much as you wanted to stay, wanted to go another infinite number of rounds, wanted to sleep curled in her embrace you knew you couldn’t. So you slipped from the covers, pulling on your clothes as you wished her goodnight and slipped from the room, hurrying back to your own, hoping you’d covered all your bases.



Why did it have to be Florida?

Emily found herself groaning just from seeing the city’s name on the case file, but the moment the jet touched down she realized there definitely were some benefits to being in the sunshine state. Your usual business casual had been swapped out for more of a casual look, instantly pulling you hair up, keeping it off your neck and all she could focus on was wanting to trail her lips across that exposed skin. Instead of button ups you’d packed tank tops, a few with necklines daring to cross the line into inappropriate. She was on her way back from picking up dinner with JJ in time to catch you and Morgan returning from a run and just about had a conniption at the sight of you in just spandex shorts and a sports bra. You were somehow barely out of breath, your skin coated in a glimmer of sweat, the swell of your chest swaying as you laughed at something Derek said. You could feel her eyes on you, knowing that you were driving her wild and went the extra mile to stretch out a couple of muscles while the four of your chatted outside the hotel.

You’d been back in your room long enough to cool down and take a luxurious shower, throwing on a pair of loose shorts and a satin tank to sleep in and all you could think about was Emily. You knew everyone had their own rooms this trip but this case seemed to be eating at everyone a little heavier than normal and you figured that might cut into your playtime. Instead it was twenty minutes later that you heard the lock beep in the door and Emily slipped into your room.

“Vegas?” You asked cautiously and she nodded.

“After that f*cking show you put on, what do you think?”

“I was thinking I was gonna have to start sending you naughty photos to get in the mood.” You teased with a laugh and Emily froze in her tracks.

“Maybe I should go back to my room.” She smirked.

“I don’t think so.” You grabbed at her hand, pulling her to you and your lips met, a sigh of relief coming from both of you as hands began to roam.

She broke the kiss to pull your shirt over your head right as your fingers snuck under the hem of her shirt, tickling up her sides until you’d pulled it off, tossing it to the floor. Her mouth immediately latched onto your chest, sucking and nipping at the tender skin, tongue flicking across your nipple and you gasped, one hand tangling into her hair while the other fumbled with her belt. When your hand managed to get into her pants you moaned at the feel of her already strapped up, fingers slipping under it to toy with her puss*. Her mouth popped off your chest and her hand closed around your wrist as she raised a brow in your direction.

“Ya know I almost feel like I should be punishing you tonight…”

“It’s not my fault the weather’s torturously hot here.”

“Kinda sounds like back talk princess.” She chuckled darkly and your eyes widened, your puss* fluttering around nothing, “are you giving me attitude?”

“No daddy.” You murmured back.

“Good.” Her fingers pinched gently at your chin, “now lie back so I can taste that pretty puss* of yours.”

You weren’t going to waste anymore time, collapsing back onto the bed while Emily tugged off your shorts, burying herself between your legs. Her mouth made home on your puss*, licking and sucking for as long as she could, pulling org*sm after org*sm from you until you were absolutely trembling, c*nt seizing around her fingers, juices drenching your thighs and the bedspread. Finally she slipped her co*ck into you, deeply and slowly beginning to f*ck you as your hands scrambled on her skin, aching to feel her against you, needing to feel her lips on yours while her co*ck pounded into you. She made you come another three times around her co*ck before she finally pulled out, tossing the toy to the side and cuddling around you under the sheets.


The team ended up in Miami for another week and a half and Emily swore she only saw the inside of her own hotel room when she had to change clothes. She was starting to wonder if there was even a point in booking her own anymore considering the two of you spent any spare personal moment tangled in each other’s limbs.

You’d done everything you could to identify the unsub, worked through past clues, delivered the profile, even gone as far as finding an actual name, a work and home address. You’d exhausted everything, everywhere you looked for this guy he was constantly a step ahead of you, but still contained in the state. Eventually, Emily got a call from the Section Chief saying they were pulling the team out, they were wasting their budget right now when there were more important cases elsewhere, the local pd would just have to keep tracking the guy until they could finally pinpoint a secure location and you could be in touch.

So you packed up your things and headed to the jet to take you back home. You had originally sat down with Spencer to keep going over things, the two of you had been deepest into the case and weren’t quite ready to give it up yet. It was only at take off when Rossi insisted the two of you put a rest to it that you finally agreed, the humming of the plane lulling you into a near dreamlike state and you realized just how exhausted you were. The work days had been very late nights and very early mornings, and the time in between was spent with Emily, you didn’t exactly get a lot of sleep while in Miami. You shivered, reaching up to turn off the air jet above you and Derek tossed you his hoodie, wrapped in that warmth, you were out like a light seconds later.

From the back of the jet Emily could practically see the bags under your eyes and felt a twinge of guilt over keeping you up even later than needed the past few days. Though it felt like that was the general consensus through the entire team, everyone was exhausted and left feeling a little defeated over not actually being able to solve the case, getting pulled out didn’t happen often.

JJ placed a cup of coffee down in front of Emily, taking the seat beside her.

“Thanks.” Emily cast her a warm smile, taking a sip and letting out a satisfied sigh.

“Figured you could use it.”

“Think everyone could.” She replied quietly, most of the rest of the team was already asleep or at least trying.

“You think Wilson took this one a little too hard?” JJ asked softly, looking in your direction and Emily glanced up, looking over at you, curled up around yourself in the seat, resting against the wall of the plane.

“She’s still new, it’s her first time getting pulled out, you remember how that feels.” She raised a brow and JJ nodded with a small laugh, “think she overworks a bit to make sure we know she’s good at her job, that she’s committed and won’t give up easily.”

“She is really good at her job; you know that right?”

“Of course!” Emily protested with another laugh, “she was the best fit for the position both on paper and in the field, miles above anyone else who applied.”

“Does she know you think that? Because I think deep down she really just needs your approval.”

“What’d’ you mean?” She raised an eyebrow in the direction of the blonde who let out a soft sigh.

“Not to overshare, but she’s an only child, dad really wanted a boy, they never really got along because of it, fought a lot until he booted her out on her own right as she graduated. He’s a sheriff down in Clearwater and wanted the typical manly man to follow in his footsteps. So she decided to go big and work her way up to the FBI, either show him up or attempt to make him proud.”

“I didn’t realize…” She glanced back up at you again.

“It’s not exactly like it’s a fun topic to bring up at parties.” JJ laughed, “and you guys have this like, weird complete opposite of teacher’s pet thing going on. You basically avoid each other completely in the office despite working flawlessly and wordlessly together in the field. It’s not like you have to be her best friend, or even like her, just give her a ‘good work’, buy her a coffee once in a while and she’ll be fine.”

“I—” Emily began to protest, scrambling to find the right words, “was just letting her get her feet under her, it’s a big transfer to the BAU.”

“And we’re supposed to give them a warm welcome.” JJ chuckled, squeezing at Emily’s knee, “don’t cold shoulder her out within her first year.”

“Even if I wanted to, she’s tougher than that.” She did her best not to stare, though you were asleep, and it made sense to be looking your way while talking about you. “besides, she’s getting along perfectly with the team, I can just be her boss for a little while longer until she’s fully settled in.”

“Hmm.” JJ replied over the rim of her coffee as she took a sip, glancing between the other members of the team. She knew you were fitting in, she just also knew Emily could definitely be a bit intimidating to people that either didn’t know her or were new, especially as a superior, even if she was the softest underneath all that. A few minutes of silence passed before Emily spoke again, her voice quiet under the noise of the jet.

“Her dad really kick her out?”


“You know why?”

“Nope.” JJ replied with a sigh, “she didn’t mention anything past that. Considering Clearwater I’m guessing teen pregnancy or a coming out gone wrong.”

“She doesn’t have any kids…”

“She is great with them though.” She replied, clapping the other woman on the arm, “thank you for hiring the best babysitter I’ve ever had.” JJ chuckled, standing from her seat, gesturing to Emily’s coffee cup, “you want a refill?” Em glanced at her watch,

“Yeah, may as well, it’s a short flight, not much time left to try and sleep.”

As the blonde disappeared Emily’s mind got to wandering, she hadn’t realized your game of keep away had worked a little too well. And it wasn’t like you weren’t allowed to be friends, you didn’t have to shy away from those kind of situations at work. JJ was right, you were still both relatively casual with each other when you weren’t in the DC area, but you’d put this boundary in that things couldn’t happen at home. It appeared neither of you had realized that it had extended outside your bedroom shenanigans.

So as JJ took her seat beside her and the plane started its decent, she made a mental note to be more open and friendly going forward, if you kept going with this whole hot and cold thing someone would likely pick up on things sooner rather than later and you both wanted to avoid that. She also made the mental note to make sure you weren’t taking any case files from Miami home with you, to remind you this was in local pd’s hands now, they’d call when they needed the assist. You already did splendid work, and more than enough of it, she’d make sure that you knew how appreciative and satisfied she was with the way you were doing your job.

In a completely and totally professional way of course.

Until another Vegas opportunity presented itself. Then all amounts of professionalism were off the table.


@ssa-sapphic @mickey-gomez @clarawatson @momlifebehard @alexusonfire @melindawarnersgf @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @softgamerking @httpjupiterbby @somethingimaginative17 @temilyrights @alexxavicry @mysticfalls01 @anya-casablanca @daddy-heather-dunbar @evilregal2002 @aliensaurusrex @alcabots @7thavenger @ladysc @rustyzebra @ilovemycrayons @mandy-asimp @thegrantwater @leftoverenvy @kades95 @disneyfan624 @dextur @m00nkn1ghts @gamma-ray-bursts @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @daffodil-heart @msvenablesbitch @its-soph-xx @going-gray @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @hopelesslyfallenninlove @peanutbutterprincess @kdaghay @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @bluetodie @awolfcsworld @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar

#emily prentiss#emily prentiss x reader#criminal minds#a dangerous game


Feb 8, 2023


A Dangerous Game Ch 4

Emily Prentiss x readerwarnings: language, alcohol consumption, minor talk of CM type violence, smut, fingering, oral, face sitting, daddy kink.Sorry not sorry at how long this chapter is. LOL.A/N: Emily's taglist is now up to 50, so if you find that you're suddenly not being tagged it's simply because I haven't seen you interacting with fics at all or in my notifs (while i understand that yes, life is busy, we have things like school, work, families that take priority over reading/interacting, there are also people out there who fill out a taglist form and then are never heard from again) and i want to be able to tag the people who are actively reading things, or at least bookmarking them to read later kinda thing.

Emily woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing on the nightstand, her eyes scrunching as she tried to avoid it but knew it would likely wake you up if she didn’t silence it. To her surprise when she rolled over the hotel room was empty, the sheets on your bed tossed back and you were nowhere to be seen. Sitting up she swiped open the messages on her phone, discovering that you and Spencer had found a lead and were already down at the precinct starting to put things together despite the sun not even being up yet.

“Why didn’t you wake me up?” Emily nearly grumbled as she strode into the bull pen, making a beeline for the coffee and you let out a small laugh.

“I managed to knock over the entire toiletry shelf when I showered and you didn’t budge an inch, I assumed you needed the beauty sleep.” Your voice had half a tease in it and Emily did her best not to roll her eyes, “figured we’d loop you in once we had something.”

“Which we do.” Spencer cut in, gesturing toward the white board, his laptop open with Penelope on a video call on the spare desk.

“And?” Emily asked.

“Wilson was right about the bracelets.” Garcia began, “we looked through everything and we found one in the exact same colours in the first case with the name Lorelei embroidered into it. The girl’s name was Jessica and the parents don’t know and Lorelei, so y/n made the call to start looking at men who had lost a daughter or sister around the age and description of these girls.”

“The unsub had some kind of contact with every one of these girls before they were abducted.” Spencer explained, “he was using the bracelets to mark them, to make them feel safe, so they’d be easy to spot in a group.”

“Updates?” Emily glanced between the three of you right as the rest of the team finally came into the building, tuning into the conversation and settling into the area.

“I’m waiting on a couple of run throughs but I’ve got three names and addresses for you already.” Penelope replied, clacking away before the swoosh noise echoed through the speakers and everyone’s phone’s pinged, “good luck.” She shot a grin to the camera before it went to black and the rest of you turned to each other.

As it turned out, your hunch was incredibly right, and it didn’t take long before you were able to track down the unsub. He’d watched as his younger sister was stalked, kidnapped, assaulted and killed, his parents wanted nothing to do with him, committing him until he was eighteen and allowed to be free, resulting in more tragedy for everyone else. Considering your find Emily let you take lead in the field and made sure you were comfortable with the take down before letting you have that too. She felt a little twinge of worry sending you in with a mentally unstable unsub, but everyone had your back. Instead she was pleasantly surprised with how well you handled it, you remained calm the entire time, though in her opinion as unit chief you did lower your weapon a little too early, but had she been in your position she would have done the same. It was about earning trust and getting him to let the girl go, let her come to you before he could be arrested to make sure she wasn’t harmed.

The entire unit let out a collective breath of relief when everything was finally done, and thanks to your overnight work, it was barely passed noon. Paperwork was tedious as always, but it managed to be finished shortly before dinner time, the BAU team finally making their way out of the local precinct.

“Well, we’re considering that a win,” Rossi started, clapping Morgan on the back as the group left the office, “should we get dinner, maybe some drinks?”

“You buyin?” Derek asked with a grin and Dave laughed.

“Only if it’s at that bar by the hotel.”

“Honestly, all I need are a good order of chicken wings and mozza sticks.” You laughed and Rossi cheered.

“Wilson agrees!”

“They have deep fried pickles?” JJ asked with a grin and Rossi let out a playful scoff with a nod, accepting that he would foot the bill for dinner and some drinks as everyone laughed, climbing into vehicles.


There wasn’t much surrounding the hotel you were staying at, meaning the diner down the road and the bar across the street saw a lot of the team over the last couple of days. It wasn’t anything fancy, not particularly a dive bar, but the vibes were there. Just big enough that patrons weren’t up in each other’s business, mainly regulars spread through the space, a couple of dart boards and a single pool table. The group’s table was covered in appetizers half picked through as everyone wound down from the case with a couple jugs of beer. Everyone was in good spirits, joking and bantering across the table, Derek was currently in a battle with Spencer, attempting to get him into a round of darts where the loser had to pick up the next round. Spencer in turn was trying to turn it around into a game of pool that he had a better chance of winning and Derek was firing back about how there was only one pool table, it could be hours before it freed up and the drinks were looking pretty empty. Spencer fired back with something about the statistics of the game which fired up an entire playful argument until you finally stood up, clapping Spencer on the shoulder,

“Okay, okay, boys simmer down. I’ll get the next round; no more arguing let’s try to keep the team spirit up.” You laughed, grabbing your wallet.

“You really are all about the team spirit, aren’t you?” Emily cut in with a smirk and you shot her a glare.


“Aw, c’mon, I’m sure we can find some pom poms somewhere, show off your moves Wilson.”

“You were a cheerleader?” JJ cut in and you let out a huff, rolling your eyes before glaring at Prentiss.

“I told you that in confidence!”

“Yeah, sure.” Emily laughed.

“Ohoho… so you play dirty?” You raised a brow and she grinned your way.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

Before anyone else at the table even realized what was happening Derek cut in, leaning forward in his seat to get a better eyeline toward you.

“Were you a like, go team, yay sports rah, rah cheerleader, or a it’s its own sport, competitive cheerleader?”

“Competitive.” You said with a huff, quickly stepping away from the table before anyone else could get their questions in and you moved up to the bar.

Much to your disdain, by the time you returned to the table with fresh pitchers of beer the conversation of cheerleading was still going on. At the very least it wasn’t being directed toward you, and more a general conversation topic, but you knew it was only a matter of time before Emily would reroute it back to you and bombard you with questions.

It appeared that whatever higher power was up there tonight was on your side by the time everyone was just over halfway through their third round. Derek, while complimenting the actual competitive cheerleaders, was also lowkey mocking the stereotypical ones who merely pranced around with pom-poms doing silly arm movements and cheers. He went to demonstrate said arm movement and managed to aggressively knock over the beer that he’d just refilled. The glass somehow managed to not break but the entire pint splashed its way directly onto Emily who let out a dramatic gasp, attempting to jump back from the table, swearing in Derek’s direction.

There was no holding back, the table bursting out into laughter, especially as Emily grabbed an onion ring and hurled it in Derek’s direction. Through his laughter he did his best to apologize, swiping a pile of napkins so she could dry off, though the attempt was futile, she was covered in beer.

“I guess that’s my cue to leave.” She sighed, pushing her chair back from the table, “Morgan’s buying the next round on my behalf.”

“Hey! C’mon!” He protested and she simply laughed, waving a quick goodnight to everyone before she left the bar.

Rossi managed to grab a cloth from the bartender and actually get the table cleaned up while Derek got the next round for the group. Things seemed to calm down a little bit after that, you were picking at the plate of deep fried pickles with JJ, answering a few questions here and there about your past cheerleading, thankful the rest of the table had moved on with different conversations. The pool table finally freed up, Spencer and Derek disappearing in that direction and the three of you left at the table decided to call it a night, knowing it would likely be an early flight home the next morning.

You swung the door to your hotel room open, unsurprised to hear the shower running after Emily’s beer mishap. You flicked on the tv for some noise, mainly to alert Emily that you’d returned, you didn’t want to scare her when she came out of the shower. Wandering around the hotel room you made sure you’d collected everything previously scattered around the space, packing up your go bag and plugging in your iPad and phone. You took a couple of minutes scrolling through your phone, clearing notifications before making sure your alarm was set for the next morning. Standing from the bed you began stripping out of your clothes, folding them up into your bag before you found yourself distracted with the tv, zoning out from reality while your attention was focussed there.

“You always wear such lacy sh*t under your work clothes?” Emily’s voice broke through your trance and you jumped, turning to her.

“Jesus.” You swore, unsure whether it was because of her scaring you or the fact that she was wrapped in an almost too small hotel towel, water droplets still clinging to her skin, her hair pulled up off her neck to stay out of the shower stream. She bit her lip between her teeth, trying to make sure her eyes weren’t lingering on your body for too long and in the minute of distraction you managed to find your words, taunting her with the same phrase she’d teased you with at the bar. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

Emily chuckled, a smirk taking over her cheeks as she stepped up to you, “it is rather fun to use my imagination.” Her hand raised, fingers ghosting over your jawline, “though as pretty as that lace is, I’d prefer it off.”

“But…” You breathed out, the proximity to her, the fact that you were both only seconds away from being naked, the alcohol surging through your veins, everything was fighting against the ethical thoughts in your brain.

“What’s the harm in one more night?” Emily asked, her voice dropping, fully as affected as you were in that moment, though she dropped her hand, wondering if she should take a step back.

“We shouldn’t…?” You managed to actually string the words together, even if there was a question at the end, because you knew that rules didn’t f*cking matter to you, especially right now.

“If you don’t want to then we can forget this, I’ll get dressed.” She was about to actually step back when the words slipped from between your lips and she the spark surge through her body.

“Like hell I’m letting you put clothes on right now.”

She chuckled darkly, closing the space between the two of you, her lips meeting yours in a fiery kiss, one that both of you moaned in to. Neither of you could help it, it had been too long, too many days of yearning to feel the other’s body against yours, too many nights of pretending it was them touching you instead of your own hands or toys. Emily’s hands wound around you, easily undoing your bra and you let it fall to the floor, a second later and they were groping at your chest, pinching at your nipples and you let out a whine into the kiss.

Emily took advantage of that, slipping her tongue into your mouth, groaning over the taste of you, one she had been craving for weeks. Your tongues danced with grace against each other and it wasn’t long before your fingers slipped into Emily’s towel and it fell to the floor. She practically shivered, exposed to the cool hotel room air and in retaliation nipped at your lip, pulling a gasp from you that broke the kiss.

“You still going to be daddy’s good girl?” She husked, her lips kissing right below your ear and it was your turn to shiver.

“Yes…” you felt your body pulse at the way she kissed down the column of your neck, knowing you were going to lose all your coherent thoughts in a mere matter of minutes. Instead your hands ghosted up her sides, toying with her chest, squeezing her, feeling the vibration of her moan against your skin as she continued to kiss your neck. One of your hands slid down her body, slipping between her legs and Emily sucked in a heavy breath, her eyes fluttering shut at the feeling of your fingers sliding through her folds, “I want to taste you.”

Emily felt herself flutter at your words, a small chuckle escaping her lips before she bit into your neck, her hands resting on your hips, tugging you to her as she backed herself up towards one of the beds. Your lips met once again, moving with grace as you fell back onto the bed, shifting slightly so you were both comfortable as your hands roamed each other’s bodies. Emily wasn’t about to protest as you began to crawl down her body, leaving little kisses and nips on her skin as you went, her legs practically falling open the instant you were between them. She’d been aching for your touch for as long as she could remember, each time your fingers brushed hers, every moment that you’d poked her to get her attention she’d wished the feeling would last a little longer, that your hands would find their way to where she really wanted to be touched. Your hands grazed up her thighs, a hand sliding onto her puss* and your fingers spread her open, a small swear leaving your lips.


She was already glistening in the low light of the hotel room and you weren’t about to waste a minute before your mouth surged toward her, wrapping around her lower lips and you sucked her into your mouth briefly. Emily let out a light gasp, one of her hands shooting down to tangle into your hair and you couldn’t help the grin, knowing you were on the right path. Your tongue lapped out, swiping through her, flicking at her cl*t and she shuddered before you returned to her c*nt, tongue dipping in as far as you could. She tasted like absolute heaven, better than you ever could have imagined and you knew that you’d never be able to get enough, burying your face in between her legs.

“Oh f*ck…” she whined, “just like that angel…”

You groaned into her, the vibration sending shivers down her spine, her thighs twitching around you as you continued your movements. Your tongue pulled out as much of her wetness as it could, smearing it around her puss*, nose nudging against her cl*t and she gasped. You shifted your mouth up, lips wrapping around her cl*t as you sucked it into your mouth, tongue dancing patterns across it and her hips rocked up suddenly, a moan leaving her as her fingers tightened in your hair.

“So good.” She praised, her eyes fluttering shut as her head dropped into the pillows, heat coursing through her body.

Your mouth dropped down again, eager for another proper taste of her, sucking her juices from her while her hips rocked against your mouth. She let out a quiet cry, her legs threatening to squeeze tight around you and you let out a small chuckle, knowing the vibrations from it were enough to make her gasp once more. You shifted back up to her cl*t, a heavy broad lick across it before you wrapped your lips around it again. Emily let out a whimper and you felt yourself pulse around nothing at the sound, the desire to make her come growing larger with each second that passed. Your hand snuck up, toying with her dripping c*nt before slipping two fingers in and she moaned.

“f*ck, yes baby… oh f*ck!”

Even with just one pump of your fingers you could already feel her pulsing around you, puss* wet and warm around your digits. You thrusted them in time with the way your tongue was lapping over her cl*t before they curled within her, searching for that sensitive spot. It took a couple of tries but when she cried out, her hips jolted up off the bed and you knew you’d found it, not letting up as you continued to f*ck her. Your fingertips brushed against the spot with each curl of your fingers, your mouth increasing suction around her swollen cl*t with each thrust of your hand you could feel her puss* pulsating around you, little whimpers leaving her lips as her body began to shudder.

“Oh f*ck! f*ck!” The cry escaped her right as her hips thrust up, her fingers clenching in your hair, holding your face into her c*nt and her body shook, juices dribbling their way down your wrist. Emily panted, thankful that you pressed a gentle kiss to her cl*t before your mouth left her body, your fingers gently f*cking her through her org*sm.

You barely had enough time to crawl up her body before she was praising how good you were and flipping you on your back to return the favour. It shouldn’t have been a surprise that she was as talented with her mouth as she was but you still found yourself gasping for air, your entire body tingling at the way her tongue lapped through you, teasing at your cl*t with each lick. Her hands pinned your hips down to the bed, giving you only a little leeway to rut up against her, begging for more contact. Your breath picked up, your chest practically heaving when her fingers slid into you and her mouth wrapped around your cl*t.

“Oh god!” You cried out, “f*ck, f*ck.. feels.. so, f*cking good!” A hand found its way into her hair, tugging at the roots as she continued to eat you and you couldn’t do much more than whimper. Her fingers pumped inside you, your puss* clenching down around them harder with each thrust of her hand, electricity shooting through you as the coil got tighter and tighter. It didn’t take much longer, a hard thrust from her hand as her tongue flicked against you and you were coming, body trembling, juices leaking out onto the bedspread as Emily chuckled against your skin.

You were smarter than to think that the two of you were done after only that, Emily crawling back up over your body, lips meeting yours in a lazy kiss while you caught your breath. Her lips trailed down your neck, teeth nibbling at your collarbone before she sucked a nipple into her mouth and your breath hitched in your throat, your nails scratching into her skin. Your hands began to trail across her body before one of them found its way between her legs again.

Neither of you were sure how many rounds you had gone, or how much time had passed since you first stepped into the hotel room and neither of you cared in the least. Emily currently had you on your back, fingers deep in your drenched puss*, squelching sounds echoing through the room as she straddled your thigh, grinding down onto it, smearing her juices along your skin.

“You’ve got one more in you angel, I know you do.” She cooed, her fingers crooking inside you and you groaned, your body jolting toward the touch, your thigh clenching just right that you pulled a gasp from her as her hips rutted against your body. The pleasure was prickling just beneath the surface of your skin, causing a shimmer of sweat to be contributed to the stickiness in the room.

“f*ck… f*ck…” you cried, “more! Please daddy!”

Emily shifted forward, two of her fingers slipping into your mouth and you happily accepted them, tongue swirling around them, sucking them deeper between your lips. You figured it was an attempt to keep you quiet, but you didn’t care either way.

“God, look at you.” She murmured, a dark chuckle leaving her, “next time I’ll have to pack the strap, I just know those pretty lips would look so f*ckin gorgeous wrapped around my co*ck.”

You released her fingers with a gasp, moaning into the room as the fingers in your c*nt picked up their speed, matching the rhythm that Emily was riding your thigh. She shifted her weight back onto it, letting out a low moan before she spat onto your puss*, the spit slicked fingers that had been in your mouth moving to your cl*t, rubbing furiously. Your hands quickly found her hips, guiding them in the same pace that she was f*cking you, urging her to grind down harder on you as a string of whines left your lips.

“Feels good doesn’t it baby?” She gasped, her fingers nearly stilling as they pressed up hard against your g-spot and your body began to tremble, “you gonna come for me? Come for daddy, angel…”

Her breath was ragged, nearly as ragged as yours as you felt the heat burst deep within you, letting out a moan as shook underneath her. She let out a dark chuckle, hand shifting from your cl*t to brace against your hip, picking up the pace she was riding your thigh. You grabbed at her wrist, pulling her fingers from you with a whimper while you caught your breath, tugging her upwards.

“Get up here.” You muttered, “want you to come on my face.”

Emily laughed, crawling up you as you readjusted quickly before she settled over your face and lowered her dripping puss* to your lips. You eagerly lapped your tongue out, groaning over her taste, one you knew you would never grow tired of; you wanted as much of her as possible tonight, no clue if you’d get another chance or not. She braced herself on the headboard, beginning to ride your face, moaning when your nose brushed against her cl*t. You shifted your lips upward, wrapping around it, you could tell she was close by how heavy she was grinding down on you, the fact that each roll of her hips was accompanied by a louder moan. Suddenly she grabbed at your hand, pulling your fingers into her mouth, muffled moans vibrating around them before she slipped off them,

“Touch yourself,” she gasped, her eyes fluttering shut, “wanna come together.”

You did exactly as she asked, your hand rubbing at your cl*t as you increased the strength you sucked at hers, moaning into her c*nt, feeling the way her juices were smearing over your chin. Her cl*t was throbbing between your lips, aching each time your tongue flicked over it and in some miracle she cried out at in the same moment you groaned into her puss*, reaching your peaks at the same time. Her thighs trembled on either side of your face, her fingers gripping the headboard tightly as she tried not to drop all her weight down onto you. Panting, she collapsed down onto the bed beside you, her hand tickling at your bare skin while you both caught your breath.


The alarm blared through the room what felt like only a moment after you’d closed your eyes and you grumbled, reaching a hand out to silence it, knowing you had multiple set.

“Please tell me there’s enough time for coffee and breakfast.” Emily groaned and you chuckled, rolling onto your back you grimaced slightly. As you woke up fully you could feel just how sticky your body was,

“More than that.” You replied, “god knows I need a shower.”

You pushed up to sitting, swinging your feet off the bed and the sheet slipped off you, goosebumps breaking out on your skin in the cool morning air. Behind you Emily’s eyes were dragging up your body and when you glanced over your shoulder you caught her smirk.

“What?” You laughed.

“Care if I join you?” She raised a brow and your eyes widened every so slightly.

“Oh.. I thought last night might’ve been alcohol fueled…”

“Certainly didn’t hurt. Still would’ve done it stone cold sober.”

“Well then… I guess you’re more than welcome.” You giggled.

“What happens it Vegas stays in Vegas.” She shrugged, slipping from the bed and you laughed.

“We’re in Atlanta…”

“Saying still applies.” Emily smirked, spanking you before nudging you toward the bathroom.


The jet soared through the air, a relaxed vibe shifting through it, Rossi and Spencer were on the left side, half involved in the conversation, half reading their own things. You somehow had ended up beside Emily, across from Derek who was beside a currently empty seat. JJ returned with yet another coffee refill, dropping down into the spare seat with a groan,

“Did anyone else have a terrible sleep last night or was it just me? I feel like I woke up every twenty minutes.”

“Might’ve been the couple up f*cking all night that woke you up.” Derek muttered, grin on his cheeks, his voice shifting into a mocking tone, “oh, harder daddy, please!” He laughed, “some people into some kinky sh*t.”

“Oh please.” Emily laughed beside you, managing to cover up the way her body had stiffened at his words, “as if you aren’t into some kinky sh*t.”

“Baby girl you wouldn’t even believe what I’m into.” He grinned across at her and she rolled her eyes before he nudged at your foot with his, “what about you, you sleep okay?”

“Like a baby.” You cast him a friendly smile and prayed your years with the FBI was enough to handle covering up a lie.

“Yeah? Prentiss didn’t keep you up all night?”

“What?” You did your best not to stutter and Emily tensed again beside you while Derek let out a loud laugh again.

“I’ve bunked with her before, she snores like a sailor!”

“Oh I do not!” She let out an offended scoff, swatting at him with the book she was holding.

A playful scuffle broke out before Dave called for the ‘kids’ to calm down and things finally did. It wasn’t much longer before the jet landed back at Quantico and you all went about your separate ways, taking the rest of the day off to recoup from the trip. It was only when you got to your car you realized your keys were still in your desk drawer. Letting out a heavy sigh you turned around, trudging back through the building. The BAU floor was practically deserted, but right as you reached your desk you heard an office door close in the direction of Emily’s.

“You forget something?” She asked, shouldering her back as she wandered through the bull pen.

“Keys.” You held up the ring, sliding the drawer they were in shut, slightly surprised when she approached you. From the moment you’d landed, there was something different about her, the way she slipped back into this Quantico role, the one where she was the boss, where this was work and that was it. Something slightly different about the way she held herself. “I’ll see ya tomorrow.” You shot her a smile and turned to head for the door when she called out.


“Yeah?” You turned back to her, your head tilting at the frown on her face and you raised a brow.

“It can’t happen again.” Her head shook, “if any of them find out—”

“I.. have no clue what you’re talking about.” You replied and it was her turn to look confused.

“What…?” She fumbled and you simply shrugged,

“What happens in Vegas...”


@ssa-sapphic @mickey-gomez @clarawatson @cabotfan42 @momlifebehard @alexusonfire @melindawarnersgf @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @softgamerking @httpjupiterbby @somethingimaginative17 @temilyrights @alexxavicry @mysticfalls01 @anya-casablanca @daddy-heather-dunbar @evilregal2002 @aliensaurusrex @alcabots @7thavenger @ladysc @rustyzebra @ilovemycrayons @mandy-asimp @thegrantwater @leftoverenvy @kades95 @disneyfan624 @dextur @m00nkn1ghts @gamma-ray-bursts @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @bookpillows @daffodil-heart @msvenablesbitch @its-soph-xx @going-gray @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @hopelesslyfallenninlove @peanutbutterprincess @kdaghay @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @bluetodie @awolfcsworld @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy

#emily prentiss#emily prentiss x reader#criminal minds


Feb 2, 2023


A Dangerous Game Ch 3

Emily Prentiss x readerWarnings: language, usual Criminal Minds canon type conversation, mentions of violence, nothing descriptive though. Minor flirtation, smut maybe eluded to.So. for those of you who loved how long the first chapter was, this may just be the fic for you. I originally wanted this entire "trip" to be one chapter but this one ended up being long enough on its own so I've split it up by days. Downside: you now have to wait for the smut. LOL. sorry not sorry at least that means we're now getting more plot? more time for our girls to actually get to know each other...

It was as if your first case in the field was your official initiation onto the team. Though honestly, it kind of was, being a profiler wasn’t for everyone, especially with the BAU. You had to be quick on your feet, fit in well with the rest of the team, be used to seeing gruesome crime scenes and be ready to leave Quantico at a moment’s notice, not worrying about what you were leaving behind. After the case in Omaha you’d proven yourself on all accounts and found yourself thoroughly enjoying coming into work and the people you spent your days with.

It started out with a coffee left on your desk, a friendly good morning from Penelope along with a warm smile. Monday’s she would linger a little bit longer, asking how your weekend went and when you mentioned most of your free time was still spent making yourself have energy for unpacking and trying to figure out where everything would go in your house she offered up some of her time the next weekend. Considering her office was one of the most positivity oozing rooms at the BAU you figured it’d be nice to have her as a second set of eyes. That weekend you discovered you were both coming from the same direction and usually stopped to grab coffee together on the way into work, giving you a little more gossip time before hitting Quantico.

After your first trip to the range with Derek you found that there was a lot of friendly competition banter going on between the two of you. In spare time between cases or to kick the mid afternoon slump doing paperwork you started running together, which lead to hitting the gym together a couple of times a week. The competition definitely helped both of you push yourselves passed the limits you’d normally go, not to the point of hurting, but you were already seeing results and you weren’t complaining.

One of your weekends you’d been out exploring Alexandria and ended up running into JJ coming out of a cute café. The accidental run in had you being introduced to Will and the boys, joining them in the park for a couple of hours afterwards. The boys loved you, pleading for more playdates, asking if you could come for dinner. You politely had to decline that night but did offer up to Will and JJ that if they ever wanted a date night you were more than willing to babysit free of charge.

Spencer and you often found yourselves talking about books, exchanging some of your favourites to read in downtime or while on the jet. It was another thing that helped you actually get unpacked and get yourself set up, wanting to find specific ones you knew he’d enjoy. He took you to a couple of his favourite old book stores around the area, spending a few hours perusing the shelves for a few hours until you had selected a few.

Even Rossi you found yourself getting along with perfectly, though your conversations were more limited or related to work. He did have a plethora of knowledge on fine wine and whiskey that you weren’t about to turn down, and you ended up having a couple of life chats over the weeks. He’d been with the bureau for long enough to have seen it all and the stories and lessons he could provide were ones you were going to pay strict attention to.

The only one you hadn’t had much one on one time with was Emily. Well… since you’d shown up for your first day of work that is. There were small fleeting moments here and there, ones where you had to drop off paperwork in her office, or when the two of you happened to be filling up coffees at the same time. Caught in the breakroom together with so much sexual tension buzzing between you, you were glad you were alone, it would be a wonder for no one else to pick up on it. It certainly didn’t help that you’d both been busy trying not to think about f*cking the other person and with work that you hadn’t exactly had time to find someone else to relieve the urge. Instead your nights were full of remembering just how good Emily made you feel, your hands often wandering, wishing they were hers instead of your own.

Every day you got to work Emily would, once again, think about completely remodelling her office so your desk wasn’t in her direct eyeline when she was sat at hers. Your laughter would drift through the bull pen into her ears like f*cking silk and it was killing her, she was more than happy to see you fitting in with everyone else but there was almost a twinge of jealousy. She wondered if the two of you would be able to hang out and just be friends as she watched you chatting with Penelope. She nearly had herself convinced she would be fine until you stood from your desk, leaning over to grab something from Spencer’s and the neck of your blouse gaped low enough she could see the green lace of your bra and swell of your chest underneath it. She let out a groan, dropping her pen to her desk as she shifted her thighs together. She needed to f*ck you again.

Absolute need, not want.


It had been a relatively relaxing week, if one could even say that about working with the FBI. You all thought you were basically in the clear, waiting for the okay to come through so you could enjoy the weekend ahead. You’d finished a pile of paperwork earlier, dropping it in Emily’s inbox on her desk, thankful for the fact that she was in the conference room for once. Currently, Spencer had pulled up to your desk as the two of you were competing to see who could finish the crossword the fastest. (It wasn’t a competition, you all knew Spence was going to obliterate you, but it was a fun way to kill the time). None of you even noticed Emily exit the conference room as she quickly strode along the raised platform to her office, her authoritative voice breaking into the calm atmosphere of the bull pen.

“Wheels up in ten!”

You glanced up and she’d already disappeared into her office, your brow furrowed as you looked across at JJ, curious about what was different today.

“Means it’s super time sensitive.” The blonde replied, pulling open a drawer of her desk to grab her go bag, “we’ll debrief on the jet.”


The jet was on its way to Atlanta, where an unsub had been kidnapping young girls, taunting their families and the local police down to a specific timeline until he killed his victim. The first girl had been kidnapped almost a month ago and her body hadn’t turned up until nearly a week later but with each victim he got, the unsub was escalating, taking less and less time between the hunt and the kill. It had taken two weeks for police to realize things were connected, much less a pattern. Two days ago a young girl had gone missing from her bed in the middle of the night, it was the first kidnapping of its kind, originally not thought to be connected until the taunting started. Police found her body thirty six hours after she was taken. At eleven a.m. today a girl, April, was snatched from the playground at school and you had deduced you had less than twenty four hours to find her alive.

“We’ll be touching down in ten.” Emily’s voice floated through the jet, returning from the co*ckpit, pulling you out of the trance you’d been in reading over the case file, “Spence, Morgan, you’re going to the local precinct, read what they’ve got, figure out what they’re missing. JJ and Rossi talk to the families, all of them, we’ve got to figure out if there’s a connection between these girls, something that might help us find the unsub. Wilson and I will take the school and work through the other crime scenes.”

There was a small rumble of accepting roles through the jet, nods from all of you as you shifted into the right focus for the rest of the day. Emily hadn’t even really realized she’d paired herself off with you, she’d simply been thinking who was best applied where to find this girl as fast as they could. She dropped down into the seat next to you, her arm brushing against yours on the arm rest and heat surged through your body at what felt like an incredibly inappropriate moment. You cleared your throat to regain your focus, passing her the file you’d been looking through and shifted slightly in your seat so you weren’t touching her.

You could think about her touching you once you were in the privacy of your hotel room tonight, right now you had a job to do.


You were thankful for the distraction of work as you and Emily pulled up to the school, briefly talking with the local pd, a couple of teachers and the principal. Despite the police already doing a sweep, it was still ongoing, while Emily busied herself with talking to a few of April’s friends, trying to figure out exactly where she had been playing and if anyone had a description of who she’d gone off with you were retracing steps through the playground. One of the structures was made up to be a ship, cops said they’d found April’s back pack on the lower deck of it so you knew she’d been playing somewhere on it. You noticed a child sized entrance that lead to the below deck area, letting out a groan at the fact that this was clearly made for tiny humans and not adults, but weaseled your way through it anyways. Using your flashlight you searched the area, sand squishing under your shoes as you swept every inch. A bit of graffiti on the wood, an sand pail in the corner to collect the garbage, a note or two pinned to the wall as form of communication between kids who had recess at different times. The beam of your light swept over the corner of the space and a flash of vey bright colour caught your eye, pulling a glove out of your pocket you tugged it on before picking it up.

“Prentiss!” You called out, scrambling back through the entrance.

“Yeah?” Her voice replied from a distance and you found an exit from the ship, jumping back down to the sand. “You get something?”

“This is the same bracelet that they found on Lucy’s body.” You held it up.

“Looks like some kind of friendship bracelet.”

“Can’t be a coincidence.” You tugged your phone out of your pocket, snapping a picture of it before Emily pulled out an evidence bag for you to drop it into.

“Get that picture to JJ to see if any of the other parents remember seeing it on their kid, or who it might’ve been from. Loop in Garcia to see if it’s chain made or not. You mind?” She reached out for the bag and you shook your head, handing it off to her, “I’m gonna talk with a couple of these guys, make sure April was the one wearing it.”


You shot off the handful of texts, checking in with what the others had discovered so far, chatting back and fourth a bit before you swept through the rest of the playground. Emily appeared at your side again later and you glanced up,

“Hers?” You gestured to the bracelet and she nodded.

“You’ve got a good eye.” She practically smirked and you laughed softly before following her back to the car.


The rest of the afternoon was spent examining previous crime scenes, or doing so through photos and reports, visiting the medical examiner’s office and finally making a pit stop at the local pd’s office. You poured over photos there, looking through the files Morgan and Reid had left for you, along with statements JJ had emailed over. The sun was long gone from the sky by the time you and Emily were finally pulling up to the hotel, parking and grabbing your bags before heading into the lobby. Rossi was waiting for you, tossing a key in Emily’s direction, and old school keychain on it that had the room number embezzled on it.

“I don’t get one.” You half joked and Rossi laughed.

“You two were the last here, you’re bunking up.” He shrugged, clapping Emily on the shoulder, “can’t pull that chief card every trip.” She rolled her eyes, swatting her hand in his direction as he made his way out the front door.

“C’mon.” She nudged at your elbow, nodding in the direction of your room number, wandering through the halls until you found it. She let out a breath when the door swung open to reveal two beds, thankful she wouldn’t have to be that up in your space tonight. “I need a shower.” She grumbled, dumping her bag on the bed farthest from the door.

“Go for it.” You sighed in return, flashing her a small smile before kicking off your shoes, dropping yourself onto the other bed letting out a groan.

Emily grabbed a couple of things from her bag before slipping into the bathroom, making sure the door was locked behind her. She had to admit, so far things seemed to be going good, there wasn’t any awkwardness lingering in the air, despite the back of her brain wanting to invite you into the shower with her, you’d both managed to keep what happened between you from coming up again. She flicked the water on, giving it time to adjust to her preferred temperature while she stripped down and stepped into it. She took the time to relax, to try and turn off the profiler part of her brain for at least a couple of hours before going to bed. She had almost forgotten where she was, her mind drifting to that first night spent with you, her hand slipping lower on her body when she heard the television spring to life in the other room and her eyes snapped open.

“f*ck…” she muttered, shaking her head, “get yourself together Prentiss.”


On the other side of the door your head tilted up at what you thought was Emily talking, wondering if this was one of those hotels who stored their towels outside the bathroom or something. But after a moment of silence you figured you must’ve heard something from the hallway instead. Dropping back onto the bed you did your best to distract yourself, scrolling through your phone, it was purely out of instinct you’d left the tv on the late night news channel, you almost always had it going to see what they were reporting on versus what you were working on.

Your eyes drifted toward the bathroom again, listening to the sound of the water running, wondering how long Emily usually showered for. Your only hope of relief after spending all f*cking day with her was once you’d gotten to the hotel; however this was far less private than you’d been hoping for. You thought about it for all of two more seconds before you realized that it was a terrible idea, if you were going to you should at least wait until you were the one behind the locked door.


Emily turned off the water, stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around her as she used a smaller one to somewhat dry her hair. She’d washed her face in the shower, smoothing on overnight cream and drying herself off. Since you were in the room she figured she’d get dressed in the bathroom, tossing the used towel over one of the racks before finally opening the door and wandering back into the hotel room. Her eyes moved between the tv playing the news and you sitting on your bed with your iPad on your lap, she knew by the way your lip was tugged into your mouth that you were still working. At the very least you’d changed into comfier clothes, a cute pair of glasses on your face as you worked.

“Didn’t realize you wore glasses.” She greeted and you glanced up at her.

“Hmm?” You replied before you’d properly digested what she’d said, “oh! Pen suggested them, they’re for the blue light, supposed to help with eye tiredness and headaches and sh*t.”

“You get a lot of those?” She asked, picking through amenities on the coffee table.

“They can get pretty bad from time to time.” You let out a soft sigh, “especially with the constant travelling. I’m still pretty used to Florida so anywhere particularly dry or cold makes it worse. Part of why I liked Florida so much, cold aggravates the ribs, never really heal properly those things.”

“Don’t I know it.” She chuckled softly, her fingers moving from the caddy of coffee pods over to the basket of snacks. “Injury in the field?”

“Cheer camp.” You admitted and she turned to you with a laugh, a wide smile on her face.

“What?” She laughed, the smile wide enough her eyes crinkled in an incredibly adorable way, “you were a cheerleader?”

“Scholarship covered university.” You simply shrugged in response, smile on your cheeks.

“You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?” She teased with a grin as you laughed, turning back to your iPad. She let out a small sigh, chucking a pack of peanuts down onto the table, “I’m gonna go grab some food, you wanna come?”

“Nah.” You mumbled, not glancing up from the screen as she pulled on a jacket, picking up her wallet.

“You better not be overworking yourself.” She warned and you rolled your eyes.

“You know when you’ve got two dots and you just can’t seem to connect them but you just know that they’re related.”

“Okay, okay.” She held up a hand in defeat, “we’ve all been there. Can I at least get you something?”

“Where’re you going?”

“Dunno.” She shrugged, “saw a diner up the road that was still open, figured it’s twenty four hours.”

“Yeah.” You let out a small sigh, leaning over on the bed to grab some cash out of your wallet, “just like a sandwich or something, I’m not picky.”

“You sure?” She asked, tucking the cash into her pocket.

“Oh!” Your face nearly lit up, “don’t ask me why but I have had the worst hankering for mozzarella sticks.” You grabbed your wallet again, digging out some more cash to hand to her while she laughed.

“What are you, eighty?”

“What?” You laughed back while she took the cash and shook her head,

“Hankering? I’d expect that from Rossi but not you.”

“Now you’re just being mean.” You feigned offence and she chuckled softly, moving toward the door as you returned your attention to your work. The news on the tv took a turn, covering the open case you were working and it caught Emily’s attention for a moment as she stalled right by the door.

“Hey…” she began softly, “how did you know to even check under that ship thing?”

“Park by my house has the same structure.” You muttered in response.

“You spend a lot of time at the playground or are you hiding some secret kids on us?” She raised a brow and it was your turn to bark a laugh.

“Em… you’ve been to my house.”

“I wasn’t exactly given the grand tour.” She nearly smirked back and you felt your cheeks heat.

“You’re telling me an FBI profiler isn’t at least tempted to snoop a bit on their way out?” You grinned across at her, “and no, I babysat for JJ, the boys loved that ship. I had a f*cking heart attack when I thought I’d lost them but they were just underneath the ship, called it their own private fort.”

“Hmm…” She nodded with a small smile, a blooming within her at the thought of you out with the team outside of the office, partaking in non work activities. She was glad, it was important to form those kind of relationships, to have those bonds so you weren’t constantly buried in work and lost in the darkness that was the world of unsubs. The thought crossed her mind and she glanced back up at you, “hey…” that caught your attention and you looked up, “if you’re going to keep working would you at least turn on something a little bit more lighthearted?” She gestured to the television and you held back an eye roll, “that’s an order from your superior, you know that right?”

She smirked as you bit back a grin, reaching for the remote and flicking through a few channels until you found some late night South Park, glancing back to her with a raised brow in the way that you were asking if that was substantial. She nodded with a soft smile before slipping through the door, making sure it was closed behind her before making her way to the car.

You felt an overwhelming sensation of warmth and comfortability as you settled against the headboard. Perhaps attempting to avoid each other was the wrong move, after all, you hadn’t exactly spent much time talking the night you’d met, maybe this was the route you were meant to go after all.


@ssa-sapphic @mickey-gomez @clarawatson @yesterdaysgone @momlifebehard @alexusonfire @melindawarnersgf @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @softgamerking @httpjupiterbby @somethingimaginative177 @temilyrights @alexxavicry @mysticfalls01 @anya-casablanca @daddy-heather-dunbar @evilregal2002 @aliensaurusrex @alcabots @7thavenger @ladysc @rustyzebra @ilovemycrayons @mandy-asimp @thegrantwater @leftoverenvy @kades95 @disneyfan624 @dextur @m00nkn1ghts @gamma-ray-bursts @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @bookpillows @daffodil-heart @msvenablesbitch @its-soph-xx @going-gray @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @hopelesslyfallenninlove @peanutbutterprincess @kdaghay @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @bluetodie @awolfcsworld @zizzlekwum

#emily prentiss#emily prentiss x reader#criminal minds#criminal minds fanfic


Feb 1, 2023


A Dangerous Game Ch 2

Emily Prentiss x readerWarnings: language, minor alcohol, some talk of BAU style cases.

Over the next couple of weeks you managed to slip into your role within the BAU better than you’d expected. Teams like this were often smaller, had worked together far longer and thus were very tight knit, likely spending more time with their work family than their actual families. You still got that vibe from these guys, but there was still an appropriate amount of welcoming and support as you got yourself situated, it didn’t feel like you were the new outcast or anything. You spent the time reading over the files of their last couple of cases, or the most prominent ones to get yourself adjusted to what kind of cases they accepted on a regular basis. The rest of the time you were flipping through the stack of potentials cases you might be taking in the coming weeks, which meant you were doing so alongside Emily in her office. You still weren’t sure if that was an added bonus, or if it somehow made it worse.

She’d given you the general guidelines of how to flag the files with different coloured post it notes, yellow for children, red for high risk, blue for ones you were sure were connected even if they weren’t in the same state. She was behind her desk, doing the same thing as you were, originally you’d been at a spare table in her office, trying to pretend like you weren’t in the same room. Once you’d split for lunch you’d come back a little more comfortable, out of pure habit you’d brought an extra coffee back with you, placing it on her desk with a small apology that you weren’t sure how she liked it, a handful of cream and sugar on the side. You then settled in the chair across from her desk and it wasn’t much longer before your feet were propped up in the spare chair across from you as you continued to flip through police files. Every so often a comment or question would move between the two of you, one of you passing a file or picture to the other to agree or disprove an idea.

“Wait.. hold on.” Emily’s voice broke through the silence, “where’s that file from Omaha? I want to check something.”

She glanced up at you and you dropped the file you were reading onto your lap, turning the chair beside you as you dug through the folders before pulling out the one she wanted and passing it to her. It was then that your hands met, the touch lingering for only a moment longer than it should have but it still made your heart beat faster in your chest, electricity shooting between your bodies. Emily ducked her gaze as she opened the folder, doing the best to ignore the heat surging through her, praying her flushed cheeks weren’t as noticeable as they felt. She glanced between the files, suddenly clearing her throat,

“Here, look at this.” She passed over the file from Wichita, “does this not look like a pattern?”

You quickly skimmed through the file, flipping through the pages as you drank in the information, nodding as you did so.

“It’s small, almost too small for anyone else to catch but it’s definitely there. It’s only a five hour drive between them.” You risked a glance up at her, “and I bet if we check smaller towns between the two we find more similar crimes.”

“So you are good at this.” She nearly smirked and you couldn’t help but laugh.

“You’re the one that approved my transfer.”

Before she could get any sense of a rebuttal in there was a knock on her open door, Derek swinging through the space.

“Hey, can I steal Wilson for a couple of hours?”

“Oh.. what have you got up your sleeve?” Emily nearly groaned and you glanced between them with a soft grin on your cheeks.

“Just wanted to take her to the range.”

“What, you think I’m a bad shot?” You chuckled, glancing toward him.

“I’m sure you can handle your service weapon, but do you even know how to handle the big boys?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know.” You raised a brow in response, knowing your experience and training was up to par to everyone on the team. Emily glanced between the two of you, knowing she had to make some calls between the local departments of the cases she’d pulled before she shook her head.

“She’s all yours. But be back by four, we might have a case.”

“Thanks. Will do.” Derek shot her a grin as you stood from your chair, stretching out your body quickly and Emily did not miss the way your shirt buttons stretched over your body, teasing the bare skin underneath it. You flashed a her a smile and a quick thank you to being let out of office early before collecting your things and following Derek.

“Morgan!” She suddenly called out, the two of you stalling in the room looking back to her, “behave please.”

“I’ll try.” He jokingly shot her a wink and you let out a groan, rolling your eyes before the two of you disappeared, her office door swinging shut behind the two of you


As it turned out your suspicions had been right, the murder case in Omaha and the kidnapping in Wichita were connected and there was no doubt it was the same unsub. The team flew out to Wichita with Penelope in tow this time making it a total of seven of you. You were on the outskirts of town, staying at a motel out there so you were as close to crime scenes as you could be and Emily would forever be grateful that they only had four rooms available, pulling rank as Unit Chief that she got the one solo room. If it was any other situation she would’ve jumped at the opportunity to bunk with you, but right now she knew that was a terrible idea, you both had work to do and she couldn’t tempt you or herself otherwise.

Over the course of the next few days she found herself continually impressed with you, you slipped into your role within the team perfectly, your brain worked just as fast if not faster than the other agents she’d been working with for years. You managed to figure out a huge connection and thanks to that she encouraged you to take lead on an interrogation that she couldn’t help but smile as she watched you crack the guy within minutes.

“We’ve got a good one in her.” JJ commented with a grin, glancing at Emily as they watched through the glass.

“We sure do…”

As the team prepped to head out into the field to apprehend the unsub you had to do your best to focus on the task at hand and not let your brain short circuit over the sight of Emily vested up, gun on her hip. Little did you know that she was having the same dilemma watching you, the way you strapped it on with ease, laughing over something Derek had said.

It turned out it was a very easy extraction, the unsub gave only a little bit of resistance before giving over the kidnappee and even submitted before he had to get shot down. All in all, it was what the team would call a good day. A few hours of paperwork and reconnecting the victim with their family and you were saying goodbye to Wichita and heading back to the jet.

There was a general feeling of joy and celebration pulsating through the air and you were all certain that definitely had something to do with Penelope also being there. She brought a light to the team in a way that no one else truly could, and after an easier case like this one, everyone was in high spirits. Instead of the usual exhaustion and melancholy taking over the jet, it was laughter, excited conversations and energy surging through everyone. The usually not touched mini bar was cracked, a couple of bottles popped to celebrate a good win, and your first official solve with the team.

You, JJ, Derek, Spencer and Penelope were seated together in the larger bundle of seats, JJ perched on the arm of Penelope’s seat as you joked around. Emily was near the back of the jet, currently by herself while Dave took the time to dig out the more expensive bourbon, mixing himself a drink.

“Okay, okay!” Penelope started, “so we know you’re like, awesome at your job, and that you’ve lived in Florida and Seattle, but like, we need more.”

“Pen…” JJ nearly warned with a laugh and you waved her off.

“It’s fine.” You took a sip of your drink, “what’d you want to know?”

“Twenty questions?” Garcia grinned wildly back at you and you laughed again, nodding that they could go ahead with their antics. “Ooo, okay, let’s start easy, cats or dogs?”

“Overall? Dogs. I like both but considering the job if I was to get one it’d have to be a cat.”

“Makes sense.” The blonde smiled across at you, “favourite colour?”

“Red.” You answered instantly before your eyes flicked up to the back of the plane where Emily was sat, red tank underneath her pantsuit.

“Favourite season?” JJ asked from her perch on the arm of Garcia’s chair.

“Well, everything was summer in Florida, but if I get an actual choice, fall.”

“You’re not one of those pumpkin spice whor*s are you?” Derek teased, jabbing at your arm as he did so and you rolled your eyes with a scoff, swatting at his hand.

“No. Coffee is meant to be tasted not masked with grossness. One sugar, max two creams, and there is no point to decaf, yes it tastes the same, which is delicious, but if it’s not going to wake me up what’s the point?”

“Someone who gets it.” Penelope reached out to high five you before taking another sip of her drink.

“I’ve gotta ask.” Derek started, “what was the best thing about living in Florida, cause… I’ve gotta know.” You let out a loud laugh, your head tossed back into the seat behind you.

“Let me preface by saying that despite the insanity that is Florida crime, it really isn’t that bad.” You nearly winced, “like yeah it’s f*cking crazy but considering what we see on a regular basis it could definitely be a lot worse.” You thought for a moment, taking a swig of your drink, “I honestly think the weather was a big pull, there were days where it was way too hot, but most of the time it was just permanent summer.”

“What about Seattle?” Spencer asked.

“Too much rain.” You replied dryly, “it rained in Florida but that was a quick one. Like, it’d be midday, a really bad thunderstorm would take over for half an hour, so much rain they’d flood a place but then it was over. Seattle was the constant you woke up to rain and it was gloomy all day, it was terrible, made everything seem so much more downtrodden. Florida may have been Florida but at least there was sunshine.”

“Can we dig deeper?” Penelope asked from her seat, a sly grin on her face and you couldn’t help but giggle, your cheeks warming at the way she asked her question.

“Sure.” You raised a brow over the rim of your drink, “give me your worst.”

“Well I’ll start easy.” She replied with a chuckle, “what colour is your toothbrush?”

“Blue.” You grinned, “yours?”

“Pink.” She smiled and you let out a small laugh.

“On brand.”

“Morning or night?” Spencer cut in.

“Night.” You replied, “though I do love the quiet and calm that comes with morning, even if it’s ten a.m. it’s just more peaceful. But I’m always going to be a night owl, I get more done without any interruptions and if I could sleep all day I would.”

“Note to self.” Derek began, “make sure Wilson’s the last to wake up on overnight trips.”

“I will forever thank you.” You laughed, settling back in your seat.

“Okay, here’s the big one.” Penelope began, “no ring, so… boyfriend? Girlfriend? Partner? Or single?”

You let out a small laugh, your eyes darting to the back of the jet lightning fast and you weren’t surprised to catch Emily’s eyes on you, hoping your cheeks weren’t flushed when you answered.

“I’m currently not seeing anyone, and if you were to ask, I like the wine, not what’s on the label.”

“So you’ve never been married?” Spencer asked before he even realized the words left his mouth and you chuckled.

“No. What about you pretty boy?” His cheeks flushed a shade of pink as he ducked down to the book in his hand and the group laughed.

It was on the other side of the jet that Emily continued to watch you, attempting for it to be done discreetly. She knew you’d already caught her once so she looked down to the paperwork she was supposed to be working on, her ears piqued into your conversation as it continued. So much of her wished she could be over there with you, congratulating you on your first case with the BAU but she knew if she was the rest of the team would realize there was more than met the eye, so she stayed put.

“She’s a good fit.” David’s voice broke into her internal monologue and she nearly jumped out of her seat, letting out a low swear as he settled beside her, passing her a drink.


“You’re profiling her right now.” He chuckled, nudging at her arm with his elbow, “you don’t need to. She’s a great fit with the team and she proved herself with this case, I mean, just look at her.”

Emily chuckled finally averting her gaze as she flipped the file on her lap shut, letting out a soft sigh. Rossi definitely didn’t need to tell her twice to look at you, it was basically all she could do at this point. She would be eternally grateful that your first case had worked out like this and you had rightfully earned your spot on the team but there was that teeny spot within her that wished you’d done horribly so you wouldn’t be part of her unit. Then she’d be able to properly pursue you. Instead you’d gone and proved just how worthy you were, how good you were and in the process turned her on even more. You weren’t just an agent with a smart thought, you were someone who could read people after only a moment, someone who knew exactly what danger was and wasn’t afraid of stepping into it, someone who knew exactly how a team worked to keep everyone safe and she loved it.

The jet finally landed in Virginia and everyone gathered their things, either saying goodnight or making their way back into headquarters to pick up a couple of things. Considering this case was kind of last minute for you, you needed to grab the dirty Tupperware from your desk at least, if not pick up a couple of case files that needed reading. You had been sure everyone else had gone home too until the light in Emily’s office flicked off. When you looked up, she was making her way over to you, a soft smile on her face.

“Good work this week Wilson.” She murmured, “you’ve really proved yourself and your placement on this team. Not a lot of people manage to do that in such a short time frame.”

“Thank you ma’am.” You responded so instinctively you barely realized what she was saying until she chuckled darkly, her eyes dragging up you form.

“It’s such a shame I can’t reward you how you deserve.”

Emily simply smirked at you, giving you a quick wink before she turned, heading to the elevator and you were left in the bullpen to catch your breath. You knew it was wrong to hook up with her, but at the very least you knew it wasn’t against policy to imagine her f*cking you over the next three days.

And that was exactly what you were about to do.


@svulife-rl @ssa-sapphic @mickey-gomez @clarawatson @yesterdaysgone @hbkpop @cabotfan42 @momlifebehard @alexusonfire @melindawarnersgf @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @andreasvu @softgamerking @httpjupiterbby @somethingimaginative17 @temilyrights @alexxavicry @mysticfalls01 @anya-casablanca @daddy-heather-dunbar @evilregal2002 @aliensaurusrexx @alcabotss @7thavenger @ladysc @rustyzebra @ilovemycrayons @mandy-asimp @thegrantwaterr @leftoverenvy @kades95 @disneyfan624 @dextur @m00nkn1ghts @gamma-ray-bursts @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @bookpillows @daffodil-heart @msvenablesbitch @its-soph-xx @going-gray @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @sapphoscloserfriend @hopelesslyfallenninlove @peanutbutterprincess @kdaghay

#emily prentiss#emily prentiss x reader#criminal minds#criminal minds fanfic


Feb 1, 2023


A Dangerous Game Ch 1

Emily Prentiss x readerwarnings: language, alcohol, dirty talk, semi public sex, dom/sub situations, daddy kink.Here we go! this is officially the longest first ch of anything ive written so dont expect all future ch's to be this long LOL.italicized chunk is a flashback

You were no stranger to FBI buildings and while you had paid the occasional visit to the home office in Quantico you’d spent the last fifteen years of you career split between field offices in Seattle and Jacksonville. Hence the little bit of hesitancy as you pushed the button in the elevator, hoping that you’d remembered the directions to the BAU correctly. You had experience working with a few agents from this unit over the years, whether it was directly on a joint case or simply a round of emails or phone calls when things looked like they might potentially be the same unsub. You were grateful to finally have accepted an official spot on the team, swapping out your days sweltering in the Florida heat for some much more enjoyable weather and to be able to set up a home base you were planning on staying in for a long while.

The elevator dinged and you stepped out of it, letting out a quick sigh of relief realizing you were in the right place, you were all of two steps out of the elevator when a voice broke through your concentration.

“I feel like I know you.” A bubbly blonde greeted and you glanced up, your heard tilting at how familiar her voice sounded, “wait, sorry, I’m being ridiculous aren’t I?” She laughed, “I don’t feel like I know you, I do know you. I was reading up on your file yesterday.” She stuck her hand out, “Penelope Garcia.”

“Oh!” You exclaimed, quickly taking and shaking her hand, “yeah, I’m pretty sure we’ve had a few phone calls over the years. You’re the tech analyst, right?”

“Yes!” She turned toward the door, pulling it open, “you’re probably looking to check in with Prentiss, c’mon.”

A somewhat familiar ‘face’ so to speak to help get you where you wanted relaxed you as you moved through the bull pen. It was no different than any other FBI office, you may be the new kid to the team, but you were far from inexperienced and you felt your confidence surging up at that reminder. Clipping a gun to your hip every morning was nothing new, interrogating high risk criminals was a part of your daily routine as your morning coffee was, you had this in the bag, there was absolutely nothing to worry about. If you didn’t click with someone on the team, who cared? You just had to come in, do your job and go home, you could make friends elsewhere.

Infront of you Penelope came to a brief halt, knocking on a semi open office door before a voice murmured a response from within.

“I brought you a present.” The words came out of her mouth in a slight teasing lyrical melody, pulling a small chuckle from inside the office as the two of you entered, Penelope stepping aside to gesture between the two of you, “Agent Wilson, meet Unit Chief Emily Prentiss.”

Emily finally managed to glance up from the case file in front of her, moving to stand in the same moment that you stepped forward to extend you hand. The second you caught eye contact there was a lightning fast freeze over both of your features as the two of you realized the person across from you was indeed the person you’d been tangled in bedsheets with less than ten hours ago. Your hand slid into hers easily and you only hoped the heat in your cheeks wasn’t as visible as it felt, your skin tingling in remembrance of how her hands felt other places on your body.

“Hi.” Emily greeted, finally able to shake out of it, glancing toward the clock on the wall “you’re uh… punctual. I wasn’t expecting you… for another half hour.”

“Figured I shouldn’t be late on the first day.” You replied with a small laugh, one that Garcia echoed, “uh.. Unit Chief.. that’s… impressive. Don’t see a lot of women in those positions across the bureau.” Garcia laughed again at your words, a grin on her cheeks as she swatted at Emily’s elbow.

“Please. Emily here’s not only our Unit Chief she’s also ran her own Interpol team in London. She is the definition of impressive.”

Yes, Emily Prentiss certainly was the definition of impressive. You’d learnt all about that last night, even if what you hadn’t learnt was her last name.


O’Shaughnessy’s Pub was exactly what you would call a dive bar. Main level equipped with a long bar mainly seated with regulars, classic tunes played from a juke box in the corner, the dinging noises from VLT’s or various games around the room along with the clacking of pool balls ricocheting off each other echoing through the room. It wasn’t particularly dingy, but it definitely wasn’t high class, mostly beer and cheap spirits, a few patrons here and there smoking, the rumble of conversation and the live music from the basem*nt filling the air. You were still discovering your new home surroundings in Alexandria and weren’t exactly picky about atmosphere right now, you’d just wanted a couple of drinks and a nice order of chicken wings after unpacking the most important boxes all day.

You’d long since finished your meal, sipping on your third tequila soda when a cheer from a nearby pool table pulled your attention off the television behind the bar. Your eyes swept through the space, laughing to yourself over the boisterous way the men were acting over the pool win. Shaking your head you lifted your drink to your lips, taking another sip while your eyes returned to their original spot. Only thing was, that was when you saw her. The dark haired stunner of a woman sitting at the very opposite end of the bar. She seemed to be watching you, a sly grin on her face and you felt heat course through you, quickly ducking your gaze hopefully before she noticed you’d spotted her. It was only a few moments later that the bartender placed a fresh drink down in front of you, when you raised a brow to them, they simply nodded in the direction of the other woman who raised her own glass subtly to you before taking a sip of her own drink.

Emily had gotten there after you, surveying the crowd as she approached the bar. She wasn’t particularly out to find a conquest, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt after the stressful week she’d had. This definitely wasn’t her usual watering hole, relatively far from home, and certainly not anywhere anyone else from work would be, which is just what she wanted. The bar was mostly full of rowdy younger what she would call boys, and the regulars, casually chatting with servers and bartenders, alternating between games through the bar. She ordered her usual, slipping into a seat at the bar and only a few moments later her eyes landed on you. She’d never seen you there before and while you were relaxed, she could tell just by your body language this was likely your first night at O’Shaughnessy’s. You were attractive, no ring on your finger, perfectly in her preferred age range and by the way you were watching the tv behind the bar and not constantly on your phone she was pretty sure you weren’t meeting someone or waiting for a boyfriend. She watched for a moment, chuckling softly to herself at the way you immediately shifted your body away from a couple of the younger boys who approached the bar for a fresh round, you had zero interest in them, that was for sure. So she took her chance, flagging down the bartender to send you a fresh drink and couldn’t help but smirk at the way your cheeks flushed with surprise when it was delivered.

She gave you a bit to relax from the sudden intrusion, giving you the chance to settle your tab and disappear into the night in case she’d gotten the wrong impression. Instead you continued to sip at the drink, risking glances in her direction when you thought she wasn’t looking. When the bartender came around to ask if she wanted another drink she said she did, and tacked on another of whatever she had sent you, scooping up both and making her way around the bar.

The drink was placed down in front of you so quickly it nearly made you jump, your head shooting up to the warm body suddenly next to you and you felt your heart skip a beat at the sight of the other woman directly beside you.

“Looked like you might need a refill.” She greeted with a grin and you practically melted at the sound of her voice as she extended her hand, “Emily.”

“Y/n.” You replied, accepting the handshake and feeling the heat surge through you from the touch of her hand, tingles moving rather south within your body, “and thank you.” You laughed gently, “kinda feel like I owe ya one now.”

Emily chuckled in response, leaning against the bar as she took a sip of her drink, her eyes sweeping through the bar, taking in which games were free.

“What’d’ya say to a round of Buck Hunter, loser buys the next round?” She raised a brow in your direction and you laughed, slipping off your bar stool.

“You’re on.”

Buck Hunter may have been a game of pretend shooting, but the same approaches still applied. Emily could have chosen pool or darts, but she figured her experience in the field was about to win her a bet, a free drink and hopefully a lot more than that. She would easily be able to coach you through it, guiding just the way to hold the gun and the best times to shoot, the perfect excuse to get up close and personal. Sure pool could have worked, but most people already knew how to play, not everyone knew how to properly shoot a gun.

You graciously let her go first, your eyes dragging across her body at the way her muscles flexed while she played. Small chit chat flowed between you, what brought you out tonight, small talk that preceded flirtation, little teases or jabs here and there, cheers and compliments from you each time she made a shot. She very confidently hit everything but one, smirking at you with a gleam in her eye as she passed you the toy gun for your round.

She let you take stance in front of the game and before you could even raise the gun her hands hit your hips from behind, gently guiding you into the best spot to start in. You felt your breath catch in your throat as one of her hands trailed up your back, shifting one of your arms so you were positioned into what she thought was best. You blamed how close she was to you for missing the first shot before reassessing and hitting the next three while she chuckled softly, her breath hot on the skin of your neck.

“Nice shot.”

“Never said it was my first rodeo.” You teased back.

“You holding out on me?” Her fingers pinched gently at your hip and your breath hitched, “watch the left side.” She nudged at your body and you quickly refocussed, shooting right in time to take the virtual deer down, “good girl.”

The praise fumbled you, nearly missing the next shot and while you couldn’t hear her laugh over the noise of the bar you felt the sharp exhale of breath on your neck as she did so. You reclaimed your competency by taking down the next three kills with one shot each, focussing on the game rather than the feeling of her hand ghosting up and down your spine. It felt like with each shot she was inching closer to you, words and hands teasing you to the point of no return, fire surging between the two of you in a haze of passion and lust. You took the last three shots perfectly with no hesitation and Emily’s hand patted at your ass in congratulations,

“Someone’s a good shot.” She murmured.

“Call it beginners luck.” Placing the gun down in its holder you were about to turn around when her hands found your hips again, resting against your body and you could feel the heat from them dancing across your skin. Your focus was completely broken a second later when her lips met your bare neck and you did your best to hold back the gasp, your eyes nearly fluttering shut as she bit you gently. “Em…” you breathed out, only loud enough for her to hear, “not here….”

“Well… follow me.” She murmured, nipping at your earlobe before sneaking through the crowd and you followed her down the back hallway that lead to the bathrooms, which was where you figured she was leading you.

Instead she glanced up and down the hallway quickly, trying a door on the left side of the hall to find it open, dragging you inside before flicking it locked. You let out a quiet yelp, not that it would’ve mattered, the noise from the bar overpowered basically anything that would come out of the storage room. Within an instant she had you backed into the wall, a hand tilting your chin up to her face,

“Colour princess?”

“Green…. Oh so very green.” You replied breathlessly and she chuckled.

“Good girl.”

Once she had your confirmed consent her lips were on you in a bruising kiss, moving with fire against yours as she pinned you into the wall. Your hands looped around her shoulders, pulling her closer to you as the kiss deepened. She dared to run her tongue along the seam of your lips, planting her knee against the wall between your legs and you let out a small moan, accepting her tongue into your mouth. There was absolutely no doubt who was in charge right now and you were not complaining in the slightest. One of her hands wrapped around the back of your head, tangling into the loose locks of your hair while the other one clutched at your hip. Her thigh suddenly surged upwards and you broke the kiss with a gasp, the muscle flexing just right against your cl*t through the thin pants you had on.

“That’s it…” Emily chuckled darkly, her lips ghosting down the column of your neck, “ride daddy’s thigh like a good girl.” She husked into your ear, the hand on your hip moving you to get the best friction, guiding you to continue rolling your hips.

“Oh god…” You moaned out both at the sensation and the title she’d used, leaning more of your weight onto her as you continued to ride her thigh.

Her mouth made home in the crook of your neck, sucking, kissing and biting at the supple skin, pulsing pleasure through your entire body. You could feel yourself tingling, puss* clenching around nothing as your cl*t brushed over her thigh over and over again, certain that you were ruining your panties. She nudged you again,

“Harder, I know you want to angel, let yourself go.”

You let out a little whine, biting your lip as you ground down harder onto her, gasping as her hands ghosted up your sides, squeezing at your tit* through your shirt. Fingers pinched at your nipples while she chuckled at the way you’d picked up your speed and she shoved her thigh harder against your clothed c*nt.

“Head up.” She tilted your chin up, your head falling back against the wall, “let daddy see you come.”

“Oh god… oh f*ck!” You cried out, your body shivering as the pleasure shot through you, thighs clenching around Emily’s leg and she chuckled darkly, a hand caressing down your cheek.

“That’s it.” She cooed, “good girl.” She waited a moment, watching the way your chest heaved before she pressed a kiss to your lips, “now what do you say we get out of here?”

“My place is only a few blocks away..”


The two of you barrelled through your front door, doing your best not to trip over moving boxes or piles of clutter as you made your way upstairs. Emily was quick to tear your clothes off, she had you completely naked and herself down to her underwear by the time you were in the bedroom. Her hand snuck between your legs, cupping at your c*nt and she smirked down at you.

“Figures you’re this soaked already.” The tips of her fingers slid through your folds, teasing you, drawing more of your wetness out before a digit sunk in and you let out a breathy gasp.

“More… please.” You glanced up at her with begging eyes and she smirked, doing what you’d asked and sliding a second finger into your dripping puss*. “f*ck…” She pumped a few times, her fingers curling and scissoring within you, smiling when she hit that special spot and your knees nearly buckled.

“You have a strap?”

“Beside table.” You moaned and she pulled her fingers from you, making sure you were watching before she sucked them into her mouth, licking them clean and moaning over the taste of you.

“Get on the bed. You’re gonna be daddy’s good girl, right angel?”

“Yes.” You nodded furiously, scrambling onto the bed while she moved around it, collecting the strap and a bottle of lube from the bedside table, swiftly pulling it on, adjusting it to her liking before she dropped her bra to the floor and climbed onto the bed.

“Look at you…” she practically purred, fingers trailing up your legs as she settled between them, “such a pretty girl.”

Your body tingled under her touch, your breath catching in your throat at the sight of her bare and strapped in front of you. One of her hands teased at you while the other popped open the bottle of lube, smearing it around the toy. She leant over you, kissing you deeply while she began to tease you with the tip of her co*ck, rubbing it up and down between your folds, earning whines and whimpers from you that she swallowed through the kiss. Her co*ck rubbed up against your cl*t and you broke the kiss with a gasp, your hands clutching at her body as you started to beg.

“Please… oh god please f*ck me daddy.”

“Alright angel.” She murmured, guiding the tip of her co*ck into you and thrusting until she was fully wrapped in your warmth and you let out a very satisfied moan.


“That feel good?”

“So f*cking good…”

Your words were lost to moans and whines almost instantly as Emily began to plunge into you. Your skin was on fire, puss* fluttering with each thrust of her co*ck, nails digging into her skin as you clawed at her to be impossibly close to you. Her lips met yours again in a breathless kiss, teeth nipping at your already swollen lips as she continued to f*ck you.

“More! Please!”

The words slipped from your lips before you even realized and Emily chuckled again, pulling out just long enough to flip you onto your stomach, pulling you up on your knees as she lined the toy back up with your drenched c*nt. When she slid back into you she was not gentle, setting the bruising pace she knew you were begging for, your face buried in the pillows as you moaned and whined. One of your hands shot back to her body, nails scratching at her thigh as you began to shudder underneath her. Pleasure was coursing through you like it never had before, your entire body tingling and sparking as her co*ck dragged passed your walls. Emily was f*cking you like no one else ever had and it was all you ever wanted in your life.

“So… so f*cking.. uh.. f*ck.. good.” You managed out and Emily smirked again, a hand wrapping around your torso she pulled you flush to her, nipping at your earlobe as her hand snuck up your body, pausing around your collarbone before she shifted it up to your throat, pausing once again.

“Colour angel?” Her breath was jagged, split up by each thrust of her hips as she continued to f*ck you, whines leaving your lips with each pump.

“Green! Oh f*ck green!”

Emily’s fingers squeezed at the side of your throat right as she f*cked harder into your needy c*nt, two of her fingers suddenly at your lips. You opened your mouth, eagerly accepting them, thinking it was her trying to make you be quiet. Instead her spit slicked fingers trailed down your body until she found your cl*t, rubbing furiously in time with each thrust of her co*ck and you were shaking in her arms.

“You’re so close baby, I know it. Let go for daddy.” She husked into your ear, biting at your neck again, “come on my co*ck…”

Her praise sent you over the edge, a loud cry leaving your lips as pleasure rocked through your body and you dropped down onto the bed, shuddering into the pillows. Emily smirked, her hands softly ghosting up your sides as she thrusted into you a few more times before gently slipping out of you, tossing the toy to the side.

“Holy f*ck.” You let out a small laugh, your eyes already fluttering shut as you turned to glance at her, wicked grin on her face while she let you settle in her arms.

The last thing you remembered was catching your breath.


Somehow your first day at the BAU was a slow day, which you were honestly thankful for. You were able to spend the day going through old case files, reading up on the type of things they dealt with and getting to know the team. You spent hours pouring over their files, wanting to know as much as you could and to be as prepared as possible for your first case, you knew you wanted to keep this job and how your first open case went would determine that. You knew that no matter what, you’d worked your ass off to get into this department, you were meant to be here and now was your time to prove that.


It was past the usual punch our hour, everyone on the team had already gone home. But every time Emily looked up from her desk she saw you buried in another case file. Part of her cursed herself for not closing her office door but she’d sworn the whole ‘my door is always open’ thing was a literal thing when it came to her. She hadn’t done it on purpose, she’d just assigned you to an empty desk. It wasn’t until hours later she realized said empty desk was in direct eyeline of her own up in her office and now she couldn’t get the image of bending you over her desk out of her mind.

She tried to shake out of it, waiting for you to finally leave the office but you pulled yet another case file from the box beside you. You were committed, she had to give you that. You had both your laptop and a notebook open next to you, taking notes to remember and looking things up on the database that further intrigued you.

She was now certain that you weren’t about to leave anytime soon so she let out a soft sigh, beginning to pack up her things. She slid her blazer back on and finally locked her office, making her way through the bull pen to your desk and it wasn’t until she spoke you even looked up.

“You know, you don’t have to put in overtime just to be noticed, your resume did that on its own.”

“Jesus.” You jumped, “I didn’t realize anyone was still here.”

“If I’m leaving, it’s safe to say you should be gone.”

“I dunno, someone wise once told me you should never leave before your boss.” You basically grinned up at her and as much as she appreciated the tease the word ‘boss’ would ring in her ears forever, knowing that things had to change.

“I feel like that doesn’t really apply here.” Emily laughed softly, leaning against the side of your desk and you finally flipped the case file closed, tossing it into the box it had come from. “What do you think about this placement so far?” She was surprised when her question was met with a small laugh from you before you looked up at her.

“We really don’t need to do this.”

“What?” her brow furrowed.

“Talk about the elephant in the room.” You huffed, pushing back your chair as you started to gather your things, “you left long before I even had a chance to wake up this morning. I never thought I’d see you again. This is all just some… weird fluke.”

“So…” she glanced around the bull pen to make sure you were both alone, “you’re okay… pretending this never happened?”

“You’re my boss now.” You nodded, “whoever I met in that dive bar, not a member of the FBI. Clean slate.” You held your hand up in defeat as you smiled softly, “goodnight Agent Prentiss.”

“Night Wilson.”


@svulife-rll @ssa-sapphic @mickey-gomez @clarawatson @yesterdaysgone @hbkpop @cabotfan422 @momlifebehard @alexusonfire @melindawarnersgf @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @andreasvu @softgamerking @httpjupiterbby @somethingimaginative17 @temilyrights @alexxavicry @mysticfalls01 @anya-casablanca @daddy-heather-dunbar @evilregal2002 @aliensaurusrex @alcabots @7thavenger @ladysc @rustyzebra @ilovemycrayons @mandy-asimp @thegrantwater @leftoverenvy @kades95 @disneyfan624 @dextur @m00nkn1ghts @gamma-ray-bursts @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @bookpillows @daffodil-heart @msvenablesbitch @its-soph-xx @going-gray @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @borg-queer @dead-of-niight

#emily prentiss#emily prentiss x reader#criminal minds#emily prentiss fanfic#holy f*ck



Oct 28, 2021



I’d laugh harder but this is uncomfortably accurate.

Same tho


Oct 13, 2021

I got a Xandra fic in the works if anyone would be interested in reading it? :)

#sarah paulson x imagine#xandra imagine#xandra x reader#sarah paulson x reader#ahs fanfic#xandra#Xandra Terrell#xandra the goldfinch#the goldfinch


Oct 12, 2021





@billiedeannovak how many. How m a n y are there. So many. So very. Very. Many.


@anne-gillettes-wh0r3 is this aimed at my drafts or yours?🤭 because 😳

#There’s too many


Sep 19, 2021


👼’Cause I Out Of Everybody Alive, Want You To More Than Survive (Billie Dean)[NSFW]👼

Billie Dean Howard x fem!reader

👼Posted On AO3: Read Here👼

👼Wordcount: 3420👼

Co-Authored with @billiedeannovak even though she’ll deny it in a court of law.

👼Content: Sewerslide attempt (drug OD), hospital, discussion of mental health, some mentions of smut, angst, feelings, happy ending, fluff👼

👼She gives you a teary smile “You will always be safe with me. I don’t like going away on my own- I miss you too much. Even when you’re sulking because I won’t let you wear my pearls because you have your own set. I love you, Yn. There is no one else I would rather spend my time with, grow with, be with than you. No matter what happens, no matter where the road takes us, as long as I end the day with you, I couldn’t ask for more.”👼

It isn’t what you wanted- this wasn’t where you wanted to be the day Billie was due to arrive back from filming. You wanted to be at home, preparing Billie’s favourite dinner so you could both just sit together on the couch watching some movie that doesn’t require much thought so Billie could just decompress from work. Yet you weren’t doing that, you weren’t at home.

Keep reading

#Oh my goddd#you made a masterpiece out of it#I love it so so much#THE ENDING HAS ME😭#‘criminal svu?’#‘no just svu baby’#the juicy couture sweats 😭#I still need a separate fic on those#ugh sO good!!!#sarah paulson#sarah paulson imagine#sarah paulson x reader#billie dean howard imagine#billie dean howard x reader#billie dean howard


Sep 1, 2021


Heavy Hearts Ch 2

Casey Novak X fem!reader. Minor Harvard AUWarnings: language, gay panic*not my image*

You started to come to before you conscious really did, your dorm room was considerable warmer than it normally was, and a quiet murmur of a song was playing somewhere in the room. Your eyes scrunched, but your brain wasn’t ready to be awake yet, your eyes heavy with sleep, not wanting to open quite yet. You nuzzled deeper into your pillow, a soft hum escaping you lips as you started to fall back into dreamland.

Suddenly, a loose arm wrapped around you, pulling you closer and Casey’s shampoo invaded your senses. It took you a moment to realize just where you recognized the scent from, and when you did you were instantly awake, panic shooting through you as you shot up. The movement woke Casey, her eyes wide as she practically shot to the other end of the bed.

“Oh God! I’m so sorry!” She mumbled out, “I didn’t even realize I fell asleep.”

“No, I-uh…neither did I. I uh..I mean me…I didn’t mean to…”

“Neither did I! Uh…sorry for…” she grimaced, glancing toward the spot on the bed where you’d previously been cuddled up before her eyes darted to the clock. “sh*t. I..uh…I’m supposed to…meet a friend for lunch. I…need to go.” She scrambled from the bed, trying not to trip over the blanket you’d given her as she started to gather her things quickly.

“Yeah…that’s uh, fine. I…uhm…I’ll see you in class?”

“Yeah.” She shot you a small, although awkward smile. “Thanks for the help…studying…”

Three more steps and she was out the door and you were falling face first into your pillow in embarrassment. You’d thought Casey was absolutely stunning from the moment you’d met her, I mean, no matter what you were into, there was no denying that she was beyond gorgeous. But you…you were very into women, and only women. And despite trying to keep everything on a platonic friend level, you were honestly pretty into Casey. As you got to know her you realized just how incredible she was in every other aspect. She was passionate, hilarious, more fun than any of the rest of your friends, she was one of the only people you knew who actually appreciated sports.

As close as the two of you had grown since that first project together, you’d never breeched the topic of romantic or sexual interests. Things had been mainly limited to school and studying, the other conversations about childhood, your families and old friends, college prior to Harvard. She’d never mentioned any boyfriends, but she’d never mentioned any girlfriends either. You’d simply left her in the ‘straight until proven otherwise’ category.

Little did you know that she’d done the same with you.

Casey had to admit, she hated the idea of you before she’d officially met you. You stood for everything that was against her life, against her lifestyle, your Senator Father had openly spoken out about criminalizing anything that constituted female rights, including abortion, and was against legalizing gay marriage, marijuana, and a number of other things. As she got to know you she realized you seemed to be nothing like him, but she still kept a pretty decent wall up. The apple could only fall so far from the tree after all. While you did say you didn’t see eye to eye with your family, she wasn’t sure how someone raised by people like them could even possibly be gay, or interested in the same sex at all. And if you were, there would be so much internalized hom*ophobia she honestly wasn’t sure if she was ready to deal with it, no matter what she felt for you. Instead of trying to figure it out, instead of coming to terms with her feelings, she figured she would just be your friend, if that’s all that would happen, she would have to be happy with that.

That morning, she definitely did not have a friend to meet, she just panicked, hard, over the fact that the two of you woke up cuddling. There was so much of her that wanted to stay in that tiny bed, wrapped in your arms, nuzzling closer to you, but she knew she couldn’t let herself get attached without knowing more. So she retreated back to her own dorm, bracing through a cold shower before she dropped down into her own bed for a nap before spending the afternoon marathoning t.v.

You on the other hand, were back in your bed, grumbling over how stupid you could’ve been. You should’ve mentioned you were tired, seen Casey out, or offered her your roommates bed. Instead, she probably thought you were a freak or some weirdo for falling asleep cuddling her. You couldn’t believe you’d been so stupid. You could only pray that this wouldn’t affect your friendship, you wanted to be able to hold onto that at least.


Come Monday there was only a little bit of awkwardness when you saw each other in class. Luckily you didn’t have much time to talk before the Professor started lecturing and your only communication was through answers to their questions. You usually did sit beside each other in class, simply having each other’s backs, and Casey was pleasantly surprised when you ended up in a mock debate with another student that, according to the mock judge of your professor, you won. She felt pride knowing how well you were doing in class, knowing that you were going to be an incredible lawyer soon.

When Thursday rolled around the tables had turned. It was you who was impeccably proud of Casey and the way she was defending a question. You were doing your best not to beam with pride, watching how passionate she got over the issue. By the time the bell rang you felt like you were completely smitten.

“Hey…” you started as the two of you packed up your books, “any chance you wanna grab a drink tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow?” Casey’s bewildered face shot up to yours, “I..uh..I’m going out with some friends. I mean…you’re welcome to come but…I don’t know if you’d…want to.”

“I don’t have an issue with any of your friends. I mean, we’re all here, right?” You shoved a couple of textbooks into your bag, following Casey out of the room.

“We’re going to Middlesex.”

“Okay?” You raised an eyebrow as the two of you started down the hallway and into the quad.

“It’s a gay bar…” Casey winced, glancing up to you.

“Why would I have an issue with that?”

“I guess I just thought considering…your Dad…”

“Please..” you scoffed, laughing it off. “At this point I’m lucky I haven’t been disowned.”

“What’d’you mean?” Casey faltered in her steps, nearly stopping in her tracks at the implication behind your words and you giggled. You giggled. A sound that she simply could not get enough of no matter how hard she tried.

“When I told my parents I’d rather have a girlfriend than a boyfriend they were outraged. I had to swear I would neverbring a girl home for the sake of all their public events and the paparazzi watching. They keep trying to set me up with this asshole of an idiot I went to prep school with, like he’ll be able to ‘change my mind’ or some sh*t. I swear all they want is some idiot of a man on my arm and a baby on my hip, like I’ll ever give them that.” You laughed.

“You’re…gay?” She asked hesitantly and you turned to her with a smile.

“Yeah.” You nodded, barely missing a beat. “Are you one of those girls who likes going to gay bars cause there’s no creepy men around so you can just have fun and dance with your friends?”

“Well…I guess that’s an added bonus…” she fumbled slightly, “but…it wouldn’t matter, I’m not interested in them anyways.”

“Men?” You paused in your step, knowing you had to head separate directions to your next classes. Casey nodded, “oh…” you breathed out, “I…guess I never realized…”

“Really? The softball didn’t give it away?” Casey teased and you barked out a laugh.

“Well you are pretty f*cking hot with a bat.” You grinned, “I gotta run! Message me about Friday?”

“I will!”

Casey felt like her heart as beating a million miles a minute as she sprinted off to her next class. It felt near impossible for her to stop smiling like a damn idiot. Not only were you on the same road as her, you’d called her hot, you’d….flirted with her? She wasn’t sure exactly where this was going, but if you were going out together, and to a gay club this weekend, all she could do was hope that things would work in her favour. And the next time she ended up in your bed it wouldn’t end with the ultimate gay panic that it did last time.

_________@tbhidkwutimdoing @bisexualcrowley @natasha-danvers @ineedafinghug @veteranwerewolf95 @billiedeannovak @stardust-galaxies @laurenhope13 @randomthingssss @imlike-so-gaydude @wannabe-fic-reader @gaylorrds @infiniteoddball @thatesqcrush @Altsvu @disneyfan624 @svulife-rl @svushots @gay-ass-bitch @lesbianspacecowboy @delphineecormierr @mysticfalls01 @oliviaswifey @thatgaygiraffesquirrelgirl @swimmingstudentchaos891 @1000spices @screenee @nocreditinthestraightworld @beccabarba @redlipstickandplaid @cmmndrwidw @bumblebear30 @enduringalexblake @denpine @Molllss @wosoimagines @lawandorderimagines @infernumlilith @yourtaletotell @australiancarisi @cerberus-spectre @wandas-wife @emskisworld @prettypyschoinpink @lesbianologist @vincent-millays @thestarrynightslover @newyorker14 @imaginaryoperagloves

#casey novak x reader#your mind!!!#talented#brilliant


Sep 1, 2021


Heavy Hearts Ch 1

Casey Novak x fem!readerSlight Harvard AUWarnings: language

There were moments in everyone’s lives that no matter where they came from or what the goals they wanted to achieve were, felt like an absolute dream come true. After four years of incredibly hard work at college, defying all odds against what your parents thought you could actually be good at, here you were, Cambridge welcoming you with what felt like open arms, a very happy escape from your life in D.C.

Harvard Law School. Your dream. A wondrous stepping stone in what you were sure would be the most amazing life and career you could ever ask for. And right now, it was sitting right in front of you, real, really real. You felt kind of like an idiot, trying to hold back the goofy grin on your face, but you’d waited for this for so long you couldn’t help it.

Moving into the dorm was one thing, you easily could have handled it on your own, a couple of suit cases full of clothes, a bag full of books or more sentimental knick knacks. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes considering your overbearing parents had sent one of the housekeepers to help you with everything. When you’d originally overheard them talking about it you’d hoped it would be Larissa, you’d grown more than close over the years, but no, you were stuck with the stick up the ass Robert. You hated him even more because he was so uppity, always calling you ‘Miss Vanderbilt’, Larissa at least treated you like a regular human being.

Your parents. Your family name. They were something that would no doubt affect you for the rest of your life. You were a Vanderbilt. Your Father was a very high ranking republican senator, he had been for years and there were no signs of him slowing down anytime soon. Your Mother had been a journalist when they’d met, you admired her previous career and ambition, except that she dropped everything and anything to become the perfect Stepford Wife. Two kids and a golden retriever later and she had everything she claimed she wanted. Your older brother’s vision seemed to be clouded by their lives, he didn’t want a career so deep in politics, but was much more about the public events, ready to smile and wave and have his name in the papers every week he could.

To say you were happy to escape off to Massachusetts was an understatement. You were absolutely thrilled and couldn’t wait to experience what life was like without your family hanging over you constantly.

Only trouble being that everyone seemed to already know who you were, or at least, they definitely knew who the Vanderbilt’s were. Every time you were called on in class you wished you’d thought about changing your name, or that professors would use your first name. But they were only trying to prepare you for the real world of being lawyers where your last name was all that mattered. You simply ducked your head and did your best to do your work, throwing yourself into your studies, thankful that your roommate appeared to be more interested in partying outside of the dorm than anything else.

The long weekend over Labour Day break had thankfully given you all the time in the world to study, you were ready and well prepared when classes started back up. What you didn’t expect was to have an assignment that required being paired up with another student. You nearly instantly started to panic, the forever engraved feeling of being deserted by your two best friends in high school sinking into your chest before you realized this was Harvard. No one knew each other enough to call dibs at this point, the professor simply called out last names together until everyone a paired up. You glanced towards the redhead who turned your way at the sound of your names being announced and part of you nearly died on the spot, she was f*cking gorgeous.

Casey sighed heavily, she couldn’t believe she’d been assigned to work with the goddamn privileged kid of the class. Sure, her family had their own money, but she at least knew what it was like to work for a living. She’d worked her way through college waiting tables, saving up as much as she could to have a savings, to help her parents out, even if they didn’t need it. She doubted you’d as much as lifted a finger your entire life. She lingered outside the doorway to the classroom as you packed up your things, giving her a timid smile as you fell into step together across the quad.

“Listen, I’m not about to do this entire thing on my own, you better hold your weight.” She stated, her voice clipped and harsh. You stopped in your tracks, turning to face her,

“Excuse me?” You kept your tone gentle, more questioning than accusatory.

“Everybody knows your family, I wouldn’t be surprised if you simply bought your way in here. You can’t just buy me off to do this assignment on my own and slap your name on it last minute.”

“We’re really diving right into that thought process without giving me a lick of a chance?”

“Your reputation precedes you.”

“You mean my family’s reputation.” You countered, “believe me, I’m nothing like them. It’s just a name I’m unfortunately stuck with.”

“Whatever you say Ms bourgeois.”

“You know you could at least try to be friendly?” You knew you were bound to run into a few bumps in the road but you had no idea she was coming off so harsh, “believe that I won’t make an effort all you want but you’ll be proven wrong. Start your research, I’ll meet you at Waves on Sunday and we can compare ideas.”

“Yeah, cause you’re not going to be out partying all weekend?” She snorted and you rolled your eyes, “I’ll be there at noon.” She suddenly grabbed your hand in hers and despite the ferocity flying between you, your heart jumped into your throat as she scrawled her phone number into your palm. “Don’t be f*cking late.”


Much to Casey’s surprise, you were not only at Waves to meet her, but you beat her there, and you were bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to go. As you pulled out notes, she realized that she’d either majorly misjudged you, or you were just trying to prove her wrong right off the bat. As the day went on she started hate herself for the choice of words the previous Friday. You were beyond smart, you knew what you were talking about almost better than she did, she had lucked out getting you as a partner. She was really thrown for a loop when on the way back to the dorms you mentioned you wanted to work for the prosecution rather than do defence work (much to your parent’s dismay). As you turned to part ways she called out quickly, a small grimace on her face as she apologized for her previous behaviour. You were quick to give her a small nod and smile, saying that everything was forgiven, as long as she kept her attitude in check in the future. Though she didn’t miss the smirk on your lips as you formed the words, effectively teasing her.

The two of you ended up getting the highest mark in the class on your joint assignment and that truly sprung your friendship into bloom. Most of your classes were the same, there were a few you’d landed with different professors but it was honestly nice to have different points of view feeding you the information.

It didn’t take long for the weekends to be spent in your dorm room studying together, making flash cards and playing mock arguments. You would’ve alternated, but your roommate was constantly out partying or spending the night in a boy’s dorm meaning your room was a hell of a lot more private than Casey’s was, and that was much more ideal for quieter study sessions.

It was nearing Thanksgiving, a handful of students were going home for the extended holiday and on the way out of class on Thursday afternoon Casey asked if you would be one of them.

“Oh, f*ck that.” You laughed, tugging your cardigan tighter around yourself as you stepped into the fall air. “I’d rather avoid family gatherings at all costs. I’m staying here, probably order some Chinese and watch some sh*tty movies. You going home?” You turned to her, arms crossed across your chest, smile on your cheeks.

“No.” She shook her head, “my parents were kinda bummed, but it’s only four days, and Christmas isn’t too far off anyways. Besides, they just spend Thanksgiving in the Hampton’s, it’s nothing special.”

“The Hampton’s?” You laughed, turning toward her as you walked, “and you called me little miss ritzy pants?” Casey stuttered with a response, her cheeks flushing, “I’m just teasing.” You grinned, playfully shoving at her, “if you’re staying here you’re more than welcome to hangout, we could go over the course you said you were struggling with if you want?”

“Uh..yeah…that’d be really helpful.”

“Course!” You smiled, “call me when you’re on your way!” You shot her a smile before turning off, waving to one of your other friends, you had another class while she was done for the day, shooting you a smile as you jogged off.


Containers of chicken chow mein lay half forgotten between you and Casey, your attention focussed on flash cards and the much more appreciated pack of beers you’d been splitting. Casey groaned, running a hand over her face as she f*cked up another question. You had different professors for Environmental Law, and it was one of the courses that for some reason, she was struggling with the worst. She hated that you had to go through so many channels, classes, and tests to even think about writing the bar instead of simply being able to specialize right off the bat. She wanted nothing to do with environmental law and it made retaining the information even harder.

“I don’t think I am ever going to get this.” She whined, and you could see the frustration building up in her eyes, a glistening there that you recognized oh so well. Nights of too much studying, overworking your brain and getting mad at yourself never did any good, it just upset you.

“Okay, well, I know that’s not true.” You started, grabbing the cards out of her hands, “you’ll get it Case, trust me, you’re smart as f*ck.” You tossed the cards off to the side, “but for now, let’s take a break, turn on a movie or something, it’s a long weekend after all.” Handing her a fresh beer you nudged her half eaten Chinese back towards her, pulling out your laptop to the small table beside the twin bed.

She half heartedly agreed, shovelling another forkful of noodles into her mouth while your started to flip through the small collection of DVD’s you’d brought with you, occasionally pausing for her insights before you both settled on one. By the time you were about three quarters of the way through the first movie you’d both forgotten all about school, laughing over jokes, indulging in a few more beers and enjoying each other’s company. By the time you turned on the sequel you were all but paying attention, half lost in sharing stupid stories from your pre-Harvard college days and the rather embarrassing high school memories.

Your laughter turned into quieter comments and jokes as your attention was turned back to the movie. The stress of the long studying hours of the week, mixed with the total relaxation and the alcohol from the beers lulling you into a sense of calmness.

As much as you were determined to finish the movie, your head lolled against the wall as your eyes fluttered. You figured you’d get more comfortable, half shifting to lie against you pillow, the heating wasn’t doing much to keep the dorm warm at this point. You wrapped a blanket around yourself and tossed Casey a spare one that she sleepily thanked you for, snuggling herself into it as her focus returned to the movie. You were both simply thankful to have a friend to spend the time with, I mean, that’s what this weekend was all about, right?

_________@charabs @bisexualcrowley @natasha-danvers @ineedafinghug @veteranwerewolf95 @billiedeannovak @stardust-galaxies @laurenhope13 @randomthingssss @imlike-so-gaydude @wannabe-fic-reader @gaylorrds @infiniteoddball @thatesqcrush @altsvu @disneyfan624 @svulife-rl @svushots @gay-ass-bitch @lesbianspacecowboy @delphineecormierr @venablemayfairgoode @whimsicallymad @mysticfalls01 @oliviaswifey @thatgaygiraffesquirrelgirl @cloudymd @swimmingstudentchaos891 @1000spices @screenee @nocreditinthestraightworld @beccabarba @redlipstickandplaid @cmmndrwidw @bumblebear30 @enduringalexblake @denpine @molllss @wosoimagines @solemnnova @lawandorderimagines @infernumlilith @yourtaletotell @Aprylrxse @australiancarisi @cerberus-spectre @wandas-wife @emskisworld @whiteberryx @novaksisles

#Casey Novak#formerly known as#my wife#AHHH#casey novak x reader#THIS IS#perfect


Sep 1, 2021


Classified Affairs Ch 7

Heather Dunbar x fem!readerWarnings: language, smut, masturbation, oral, fingering, squirting, sex toys, breeding kink, spitting, snowballing? We’re gonna say snowballing just to be safe, dirty talk, kitten kink, mommy kink, very dom/sub, mild degradation, “cum” play…I think I covered it all??~3700words and it is ALL smut besties…

You were almost at your breaking point, a glistening of sweat over your body, your puss* fluttering around the toy as your hips rocked up to meet it, your head thrown back into the pillows. Your thighs began to tremble and it was only the sound of a knock on the door that pulled you from bliss, stopping you right before you were about to break the very clear rule Heather had left you with.

Huffing out a whine you pulled the toy from you, tossing it aside as your hand came back to continue to lightly play with yourself. You knew the knock was really only one of warning, Heather always let herself in, and you knew she wanted you to continue the torment.

“Such a good little pet.” She grinned from the doorway to your bedroom, “spread that puss* open for me, let me see you.” She moved into the room, folding her blazer over the back of a chair before her fingers moved to the buttons of her blouse. Undoing them slowly as she let out a soft hum at your obedience when your fingers spread your lower lips open.

“Please Mommy…” you whined and she chuckled darkly, folding her shirt over where she’d placed her blazer.

“Don’t worry kitten…” she moved to the bedside, her fingers pinching at your chin, “you’ll get to come tonight. Just be patient.”

“Yes M’am.” You pouted and she tsk’d as she moved into the en suite.

“That better not be an attitude I’m hearing…” she warned, returning with a towel in her hand.

“Sorry.” You ducked your gaze from her in submission.

“I know you’re a needy little thing, but you have to trust me. You’ll enjoy this, alright?” You nodded, “now roll over.”

You did as she said and she let out a gentle hum at the sight of the plug nestled between your ass cheeks. She laid the towel out on the bed where you’d been lying, then her hand wrapped around the jewel of the plug, gently pulling and pushing it within you, causing you to let out a low moan.

“You need to start using the bigger plugs.”

“Yes M’am.” You murmured, your eyes fluttering shut as your face buried into the pillow, doing your best to not rock your hips into the bed.

“Because one of these days I’m going to f*ck your ass.” You let out a louder moan at that, “you’d like that wouldn’t you? Fill that c*nt up with a toy while my co*ck fills this pretty ass of yours?”


“Not tonight. You’re not ready. I’d end up hurting you.” She spanked you, pulling a gasp from you, “roll back over. On the towel.”

You did as she said, adjusting so you were positioned properly, watching intently as she slipped out of her pants, folding them along with the rest of her clothes. You still weren’t sure if she always wore such lavish lingerie sets, if it was just on the days she planned to come see you, or if she changed into them before coming over, but you certainly weren’t complaining. This one was emerald green lace, complimenting her skin tone perfectly and you could feel your mouth practically watering at the sight. It made you wish that she let you see more of her, let you feel more of her skin on yours, you ached to know what she tasted like.

Smirking, Heather settled on the bed, pushing your thighs open so they were flat on the mattress, her hand cupped at your puss* as she leant over your body, lips wrapping around your nipple. Your breath hitched in your throat, her hand was simply resting against your heat, ever so softly rocking between your puss* and your throbbing cl*t. One of your hands tangled into her hair as her teeth nipped at your skin, her tongue soothing the burn shortly after. Her mouth trailed over to the other side of your chest, repeating her actions as you sighed out another moan, your hips rocking into her hand as you craved any kind of release. All she was doing so far was riling you up even more, your entire body was on f*cking fire and you were certain you’d die if she didn’t let you come soon.


Heather laughed, her mouth leaving your skin as she tilted her head up to glance at your face, taking in the way your eyes were screwed shut. She knew you were doing your best to be a good little pet for her, always asking, using your words and doing exactly what she wanted. But tonight, she wanted you to squirt, she needed you as turned on, comfortable and begging as she could get you.

“I suppose since you asked kitten.” She replied, her mouth beginning to shift down your body, teeth scraping against your skin more and more until she was fully settled between your legs.

Heather’s hand finally moved, her fingers sinking into your drenched c*nt and you let out a very satisfied groan, a small smile breaking your lips apart. She f*cked you slowly, her fingers curling every second pump, smirking at the way your hips rocked in time with her, chasing after her fingers with each thrust. Your walls were pulsating around her, quivering already against her body, she waited until you were nearly there, your breath coming out in pants before she ducked her head, pulling her fingers from you. You let out a frustrated whine, but it morphed into a loud moan as soon as her mouth was on you. Tongue dipping into you, pulling even more of your juices forward, your body shook when she moaned over your taste.

You were surprised with just how slick between your legs was, even before her mouth had gotten down there. You felt the coil building up again, higher higher with each lap of her tongue,


Heather smirked at the way your thighs began quaking around her, shifting her focus to your cl*t as her hand snuck back into your c*nt.

“You may come kitten.” She murmured, “really let go for me.”

Her lips wrapped around your cl*t at the same moment her fingers pressed into the sensitive spot inside you and you let out a yelp. It was nearly too much, tears straining in the corners of your eyes as your puss* clamped down around her fingers. Her tongue danced with skill, flicking patterns across your cl*t as she sucked it into your mouth. The heat coursed through you, you could feel the pressure building as your thighs trembled, your hips thrusting up against Heather, whimpered cries escaping your lips. She pressed harder against your g-spot and you yelped, body thrashing as your org*sm shot through you more powerful than you’d ever experienced, your juices shooting out around her wrist, dripping down onto the towel below.

“Oh God!” You attempted to clench your thighs shut but Heather was insistent on pulling a second org*sm from you, which considering how over stimulated you were, only took a few moments before your release was dribbling down her arm once more. Her mouth finally let up, pressing a kiss above your cl*t.

“Good girl.” Her fingers finally pulled out of your c*nt, panting, you accepted them into your mouth when she presented them to you. Doing your best to suck them clean as your body shivered in aftershocks.

“Holy sh*t…”

“I told you you would be able to squirt, didn’t I? Don’t doubt me next time.” She smirked and you huffed out a breathless laugh.

“Yes M’am.” She pinched at your cheek softly, shifting off the bed, aware of your eyes following her as she moved to the closet. She pulled down the box of toys, resting it on your dresser while she pried the lid off, sifting through it.

“Cherry or grape?”

“What?” Your brow furrowed as you looked to her.

“I said…cherry or grape?” Her head turned to look at you over her shoulder, sculpted brow raised.

“Cherry?” You were still confused, trying to figure out what she was doing but she kept her back turned and whatever it was hidden. You hadn’t gone through the box of toys with that much detail, so you really weren’t sure what she had planned. Though your breath did catch in your throat as she stepped into the strap, the dild* different than the normal one she used on you. She had a bottle of lube in her hand that she tossed down onto the bed.

“Since you’ve been so good for me, I think it’s time I mark you as mine.” She smirked, “do you need a moment longer?”

“Maybe.” You panted.

“Come here…” she gestured to the end of the bed and you shifted, crawling towards her. Her hand cupped your chin, bringing your lips to hers, her tongue plunging into your mouth, curling against your own. You let out a soft groan of the taste of yourself on her lips, knowing that she enjoyed it just as much as you did.The hand on your chin wound around, digging into your hair, pulling you closer to her, up on your knees, your hands hovered over her body.

“May I?” You murmured softly in to the kiss.

“You may.” She nodded, nudging you back into a deeper kiss as your hands came to rest on her sides, slowly trailing upwards, stalling right at the under curve of her breasts, tickling at the lace of her bra, “keep going…” she urged, gleam in her eye as yours widened slightly at the permission to actually touch her this time. Heather let out a soft groan as you groped gently at her tit*, “good girl…just like that…”

The praise shot a heavy curl of need through you and you whined into the kiss, your thighs beginning to clench together. Her free hand tickled down your body, toying with your puss*, teasing out the wetness that was beginning to form again. You tested the waters, pinching softly at her nipples and she sighed,

“Do that again…harder.” You did as she said, resulting in a satisfied groan from her lips as her fingers sunk into you.

Your head toppled forward onto her shoulder, pressing little kisses into her neck, making sure to not even scrape the slightest bit with your teeth, knowing she wouldn’t let you finish if you even thought about leaving a mark. She suddenly grasped at your chin, her thumb sliding over your lip before slipping into your mouth, keeping it open as she pulled her other hand from you. She surveyed you with a grin, guiding you to sink down fully on your knees until you’d hit the bed.

“You’re such a good little slu*t kitten, are you ready for Mommy’s cum?” Your eyes widened slightly as you furiously nodded your head, when she’d mentioned marking you, you’d figured she was planning to leave you with a couple of hickeys, but you were beyond ready for exploring this new territory. “Lay back then…spread those legs for me.

You practically scrambled backwards, dropping back onto the towel as you fell into the pillows, spreading your legs wide, your hand sliding between them to spread your puss* open for Heather.

“Good girl.” She smirked, climbing between them, running the dild* through them, drenching it in your wetness before plunging it into your c*nt.

“Oh f*ck…”

Your puss* was still fluttering randomly from earlier, tingling at the sheer thought of being full of her cum already. She began to roll her hips, bracing her hands on your stomach, it was a steady pace, but something that you could keep up with, one that she knew you wouldn’t come right away from. The sensation was heavenly, feeling the drag of her co*ck within you while your ass was still stuffed with the plug, the way Heather angled her hips combined with the curve of the toy had it hitting your g-spot with every thrust. You whined out, a hand closing around her wrist as you tugged your lip into your mouth, your skin getting hotter with each plunge of the toy. Your hips rocked up to meet hers eagerly, wanting to make her proud, make her know that you were her good little girl, and that you deserved this.

“You gonna come for me kitten?” She asked, pinching at your cl*t and you gasped, your head thrown back into the pillows. A series of whines as you felt yourself clenching around her co*ck, the added sensation of her fingers toying with your swollen nub had you right on the brink.

“Oh god…oh f*ck..f*ck…f*ck!” Your body shook against the bed, feeling the way her nails were digging into your skin as she thrusted harder and faster into you, the sound of slick skin on skin vibrating off the walls of your bedroom. You cried out as your org*sm washed over you, your hips shooting up and stilling, your entire body burning with pleasure.

Heather waited until you were at least done with your peak before she thrusted heavily a few more times, her co*ck burying completely into your c*nt before she squeezed at the base, shooting the load into you, emptying herself. You let out a gasp at the sensation, surprised with both how much it was and how much you could feel it.

“Oh my god…” you moaned, your eyes fluttering shut at the feeling of her slowing her pace, f*cking the cum deeper into your. The squelching sounds echoing through the room, you could feel it mixing with your release, dribbling down your thighs and it drove you absolutely wild.

Heather chuckled, watching her co*ck continue to disappear into you, getting messier and dirtier with each slowly drug out thrust. God the sight was simply so incredibly enticing, she wanted to stay all f*cking night, continuing to fill you up again and again, watching it drip out of you until you were a complete mess. She pulled completely out of you, tsk’ing at the loud whine you let out at the sudden feeling of being empty. You nearly shrieked as you felt her mouth against your c*nt, your hips jolting up as her tongue lapped into you, pulling her cum and your release out, sucking it into her mouth. She crawled up your body, hand grasping your jaw, pulling your mouth open, nudging at your skin to make sure your eyes were open as she leant over you, spitting the mixture of the two of you into your mouth, and now you truly understood her earlier question, the taste of cherry mixed with the taste of you. Her hand pushed your jaw shut, coming to rest across your throat.


You did so, your throat bobbing against her hand, the feeling something she smiled at. Without her even having to ask you reopened your mouth, your tongue coming out to show her that you’d swallowed it all down.

“Good girl.” She patted your cheek affectionately.

“More please.” You whimpered and her head tilted for a moment, a small chuckle escaping her, “please Mommy?” You begged, “make me your little cum slu*t.”


She swore quietly, pushing off from above your body as her hand sunk into your hair, tugging tightly so you were readjusted on the bed and for a moment you thought you’d said the wrong thing, that you were about to get punished. But her hand pulled you so you were lying on your back, your head hanging off the side of the bed, and you were able to watch as she picked up the bottle of lube based ‘cum’, refilling the toy before striding back over to you.

“Play with yourself kitten, I want you f*cking my cum back into that messy puss*, you understand?”

“Yes Mommy.”

“Good girl.” She pressed a kiss to your lips before standing back up straight, smiling at the way your mouth fell open for her.

You let out a soft groan as the toy disappeared into your lips, somehow, the cherry flavour mixed with your juices impeccably well, enhancing the taste even more. Once you felt the tip hit the back of your throat your hand snuck down your body, and you moaned around her co*ck, touching the mess she’d left between your legs. You sunk two fingers in, trying to focus on f*cking the cum back into you while Heather began to f*ck your face.

She had to admit it to herself, when she’d first picked you for this, she wasn’t sure how far she would be able to push you, she’d been thrilled when you’d only axed a few of the kinks in the contract. But the sight of you fingering your messy c*nt filled with juices from where she’d made you squirt twice, on top of the cum she’d filled you with creating sopping sounds while tears pricked in your eyes as her co*ck heaved into your mouth was nearly too much for her. You took it so f*cking well, and you were always so f*cking good, taking her commands so well within the bedroom, she truly had lucked out finding you to be her pet.

You began to moan around the dild*, your eyes fluttering shut as you felt yet another org*sm beginning to wash over you. Your body started to thrive against the bed, hips jolting up, begging for more,

“Use both hands.” Heather instructed breathlessly, her second hand coming to rest against your throat again, feeling the bulge of her co*ck through it, “I want one more from you and then you’ll get my cum, understand?”

“Mmhmm.” You did your best to nod, your free hand moving down to furiously rub at your cl*t. The noises bouncing through the room were absolute sin, egging you on even more, especially as Heather let out a moan above you. You let out a muffled cry, a few tears leaking over your cheeks as your org*sm shot through you heavier than you’d expected, your body nearly bouncing on the bed, letting out a few shivers as your juices dribbled onto the bed.

“Good girl.” Heather panted, her hand moving from your throat to the base of the toy, squeezing as she sunk her co*ck into your mouth. You groaned at the feeling of her filling your throat, pulling the toy out slowly as she made sure it was all in you, the cum settling on your tongue. She smirked at the sight, her eyes dragging down to your puss* where it was leaking slowly out of you, the way your chest was heaving as you panted. She barely caught it when you closed your lips, preparing to swallow, “ah!” Her hand roughly grabbed your face, pulling your lips back open, “not yet kitten.”

You whined, doing your best to pout with your mouth spread, she chuckled darkly in response. Heather’s hand stayed on your cheek as she ducked over you, her lips meeting yours feverishly, tongue plunging into your mouth, scooping out the lube, pulling it into her own as she kissed you. You let out a sigh as she broke the kiss, watching as she straightened up, the way her throat bobbed as she swallowed it down.

“You made a good choice with the cherry.” She grinned, the tapped your mouth closed, “you may now swallow.” Your mouth closed and you sucked back the lube as you shifted so your head was no longer hanging off the end of the bed, watching Heather step out of the strap, “roll over for me.” You did and she gently eased the plug from your ass, her hand squeezing softly at your skin as you buried your face in your arms, doing your best to recover.

Heather moved into the bathroom, cleaning the toys and leaving them on the basin to dry before she slipped back into the bedroom with a warm washcloth in hand. You barely heard her, only feeling the gentle slide of her hand up your back that you hummed at, the bed dipped lightly with her weight as she sat near your head, her hand scratching at your head.

“You alright kitten?” She asked and your head nodded, rolling to face her.

“Perfect.” You breathed out, a sleepy smile on your cheeks as your eyes fluttered shut at the feel of her fingers in your hair. Her hand briefly moved to your cheek, her thumb strumming against your skin before she leant down, pressing a lingering kiss to your lips.

“Roll back over for me.” She urged and you grumbled slightly but did as she asked. She kneeled on the bed, wiping at your puss* and thighs with the washcloth, cleaning up your dripping juices and the lube gently. She then used the towel from earlier to dry you off, double checking that there were no wet spots under it actually on the bed, tossing them into the laundry.

By the time she was back in the bedroom you’d already shifted under the blankets, curling up around yourself, head buried in the pillows. She redressed herself, then crossed back over to you, pushing back your hair to check if you were already asleep but your eyes cracked open.

“I put it on your calendar already,” she started, mentioning the one on the fridge, “but I have reservations for dinner on Tuesday. I’ll let you know what colour I want you in, alright?”

“Yes M’am.”

“And I feel like I’m going to stop by for happy hour on Friday. I expect to see you?”

“I’ll be behind the bar but I’m sure I can snag your table.” You smirked.

“Alright.” She pinched at your cheek assuringly, “get some sleep now, you were such a good little kitten tonight.”

“Thank you Mommy.” You murmured, your eyes closing once again as she moved from the bed.

Heather made sure your phone was plugged in and the appropriate alarms were set before she flicked the light off, seeing herself out of the condo. The image of you dripping with her cum was still incredibly vivid and fresh in her mind and she needed to get home to take care of herself.

__________@lesbianologist @screenee @disaster-and-disgrace @jamiethetrans @natasha-danvers @veteranwerewolf95 @laurenhope13 @imlike-so-gaydude @svulife-rl @gay-ass-bitch @oliviaswifey @mysticfalls01 @cmmndrwidw @bumblebear30 @paulson-hargitay @molllss @solemnnova @svushots @nocreditinthestraightworld @yourtaletotell @cerberus-spectre @thatgaygiraffesquirrelgirl @emskisworld @ex-uallyactive @addictedtodinosaurs @rosiewritesagain @imaginaryoperagloves @wandasbrat @lustvolle-liebe @disn3y7 @samwithnoplan @multifandomlesbianic @swimmingstudentchaos891 @anne-gillettes-wh0r3 @season4scullyhair @whimsicallymad @alexusonfire @mmmmokdok @lazarettta @muscatmusic18 @sia2raw @ladysc @Annieray2020 @dxtery @witches-unruly-heart

#oh lord



Aug 31, 2021


When I Try To Write Short Fics:

me: I’m gonna write a fic!

brain: oh really? how long is it gonna be?

me: just a few thousand words or so, nothing major.



brain: ………………

me: please don’t do this again.

brain: I have no idea what you’re talking about.

me: struggling back tears: im begging you.


*three hours later*

brain: So here’s the outline and first 5 chapters to a 100k slowburn AU. have fun.

me: but what about the other-


@billiedeannovak me whenever you get an idea


@anne-gillettes-wh0r3 @storiesofsvu uhm YES and you both love it <333 so <333


Aug 21, 2021


👼Think About Your Hero, When You’re At Ground Zero (Wilhemina Venable)👼

Wilhemina Venable x fem!reader

👼Posted on AO3: Read Here👼

Co-Authored with @billiedeannovak even though she’ll deny it.

Apologies for typos, words are hard.

👼Wordcount: 5577👼

👼Taglist: @mrsdeanhoward 👼

👼Content: Fluff, lil bit of smooching, mentions of pregnancy, soft!Mina, very soft Mina, children, it’s just wholesome- thought y’all needed a break from my f*cked up work👼

👼How could a woman like her think that you’re a role model? She’s so much more than you in every aspect, hell, you admire her as well… although you’re unsure whether it is as pure as your daughter’s admiration.👼

The early morning sun shone through the gaps in the blinds, painting the walls into a white and gold zebra, the hues varying the more the sun rose in the sky. Your alarm had yet to go off so you were sleeping peacefully, rolling onto your side and hugging the blankets closer to you, that is until you felt a weight bounce onto your bed and start shaking you “Mama! Mama mama mama! Mama wake uuppp!!! MA-“

Keep reading

#askljgfhklga#this is my official request#no#demand#for a part 2#pretty please and thank you#I love this 😩#you’ve done a wonderful job#as always d u h#wilhemina venable#wilhemina venable imagine#wilhemina venable x reader#sarah paulson#sarah pauslon imagine#sarah paulson x reader


Aug 2, 2021


👼These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends (Multi-char)[NSFW]👼

Multiple SP characters x fem!reader

Xandra, Billie-Dean, Ally Mayfair, Anne Gillette, Audrey Tindall, Wilhemina Venable, Ellie Staple, Diane Sherman, Mildred Ratched.

👼Slice 1👼

Co-authored with @billiedeannovak even though she’ll deny it.

👼Wordcount: 3111👼

👼Published on AO3: Read Here👼

👼Content (some for later parts):Super AU, Dubious consent, slow-burn, manipulation, face-slapping, drug-use, alcohol, smut, cunniling*s, strap-on, cum, choking, degradation, sex-work, court, mentions of murder-suicide, descriptions of violence, bruises, choking, spit, mommy kink, humiliation, public sex/teasing👼

👼D.A. Novak: What was the reason for the altercation?

Clark: There was a customer that had been trying to… Pressure Ms. Gillette into giving him information about how she is able to obtain such wonderful pieces for her gallery. She had asked him numerous times to leave but he didn’t. Instead he had grabbed her wrist and tried- tried taking her to somewhere out of view but she had punched him and broken out of his grasp. The man retaliated by pushing her causing her to fall in which she twister her ankle and fractured her wrist. She was able to get up with my assistance where she then punched him with her uninjured hand. 👼

Keep reading

#anne gillette x reader#wilhemina venable x reader#ally mayfair x reader#billie dean x reader#audrey tindall x reader#xandra x reader#rita calhoun#casey novak#olivia benson#svu#READ this#i’m so proud#this is fantastic#ahhh you go baby#upload part 2 already#🤨🤨 pls


Jul 10, 2021


👼You're Not Special For Winning A Game She Didn't Know You Were Playing (Ellie Staple)[NSFW]👼

Ellie Staple x fem!reader

👼Part 5 of SP getting reader pregnant👼

👼Slice 3 of 3 pieces of Ellie x fem!reader👼

Co-authored with @billiedeannovak

It's been a real pleasure writing with you, beautiful. Can't wait to do more.

👼Wordcount: 5908👼

👼Content: Mentions of smut, medication, forced drug use, dubious consent, ANGST, fluff, blood, graphic depictions of violence, gun violence, pregnancy, medical stuff, hospitals👼

👼Between nineteen to twenty weeks the baby is now too big to measure from head to toe, it needs to be measured in sections. You will be able to see everything, the face, the little fingers, tiny toes, stomach, skull, everything. From now until the baby is due it will continue growing and gaining weight, it now more difficult to see in the scans as it takes up so much room in the womb. That being said, there will still be check ups to see that it is still developing healthily and if there are early signs of any supernatural abilities.👼

Forty weeks, two-hundred and eighty days, six-thousand seven hundred and twenty hours, four hundred-three thousand and two hundred minutes. That is how long a full-term pregnancy lasts broken down into days, hours, and minutes. That’s forty weeks of having an entirely new life being created inside of you, growing inside of you, moving inside of you.

At seven weeks, forty-nine days, one thousand one hundred and seventy-six hours, seventy thousand five hundred and sixty minutes. This is when the baby can be seen more clearly in ultrasounds, measuring approximately around 10mm in length. At this stage you should be able to see the heart beating, see your child begin its most difficult journey yet.

At nine weeks, sixty-three days, one thousand five hundred and twelve hours, ninety thousand seven hundred and twenty minutes. The little jellybean has developed small arms and little legs, and can be seen doing a little wiggle.

The more this baby started to develop, the harder it became for Ellie to start to plan further for the experiment, how could she ruin the development of this child’s brain with medication?

At fourteen weeks, ninety-eight days, two thousand three hundred and fifty-two hours, one hundred and forty-one thousand one hundred and twenty minutes. This is when you can choose to find out the gender of your baby, a boy or a girl? Some prefer a boy to a girl, others vice versa.

“If you look here” the nurse points to the screen where the baby is visible, “you can see that your beautiful baby is going to be a girl.” You feel yourself tear up at the news, moving your hand to grasp Ellie’s instinctively. “Doctor Staple” you whisper, looking up at her with a smile “we’re going to have a baby girl.”

She gives your hand a squeeze and a tight-lipped smile before leaving. She has to go inform her superior the gender of the baby and how it is developing. Ellie wished she could have stayed there with you, basked in the excitement of having a baby girl and the healthy development of her but she couldn’t. She couldn’t because of the risk it could bring to you and the baby.

Between nineteen to twenty weeks the baby is now too big to measure from head to toe, it needs to be measured in sections. You will be able to see everything, the face, the little fingers, tiny toes, stomach, skull, everything. From now until the baby is due it will continue growing and gaining weight, it now more difficult to see in the scans as it takes up so much room in the womb. That being said, there will still be check ups to see that it is still developing healthily and if there are early signs of any supernatural abilities.

You were no longer allowed to be in the same room as the other patients because the risk to the baby was too high and the staff did not want to risk losing the baby. If it weren’t for the baby in you, nobody would give a sh*t about you, but ever since you became pregnant you weren’t allowed to go anywhere alone. It was driving you insane, but Ellie kept reminding you that it would get easier once the baby is born. And…you trusted Ellie, so you went along with it.

It was difficult being a mother in a place where you would never expect to see anything as innocent as a baby. You and Ellie had done your best to make your room as baby friendly as possible: some bright posters on the wall with cute cartoons and animals, a baby crib with the same colour scheme as Ellie of course, and a number of soft toys – each one cuter than the last. All these baby items certainly made you feel more comfortable in your room.

“Yn, may I come in?” You turn your head to see Ellie standing in the doorway, a shy smile on her face. “Ellie- I- I mean, Doctor Staple. Of course you can com-“ You gasp and bring your hands to your bump quickly, Ellie rushing to your side, the door clicking shut. “What’s- what’s happening? Is everything okay? Is she okay? Do- Do I need to get a nurse?”

You grab Ellie’s hand and place it on your stomach, watching her face light up when she feels the baby kick. You smile shyly and whisper “our girl is quite active, doctor. I- I think this is the first time you’ve been around to feel her kick.”

Ellie moves her other hand to rest on your bump and moves in closer to you, resting her forehead against yours, her breath ghosting over your lips. “She’s going to be strong just like you, yn.” You close the gap and kiss her softly, moving one of your hands to cup her cheek gently, letting out a quiet moan when she kisses back.

She pulls back, peppering small kisses on your lips before looking at you, unable to stop herself from smiling. “I wish we could spend more time like this together. Just us. Then- then when our daughter comes, we- we can go sit in the park and watch the ducks… We can see our daughter take her first steps… See her chase after the ducks before we race after her to stop her from scaring the poor things. I wish we could just-“

“Wish we could live happy out there? With everyone else? I- I do too. It’s what our daughter deserves.” You smile sadly and move over to the crib, making sure the soft toys are sitting up nicely.

After that day Ellie hadn’t been able to see you much because she had meeting after meeting. There were days where you would find yourself in immense pain, sitting on your bed and leaning against the walls as cramps came and went. You often found yourself crying, not just because of the pain but because you wished Ellie were there to help you. You just wished she were there. You couldn’t do this alone. You needed her. Your baby needed her. “Goddamn it Ellie Staple! f*ck! I need you… I- I can’t- f*ck!” you whimpered, holding your bump “little one please! You- you’re hurting your momma. Please.”

Neither of you had even spoken about possible names for your daughter; when you were in the same room you would just become so caught up in each other and the future for your daughter. You didn’t even have any ideas for a name anyway because you never thought you’d ever be a mom. Mind you, you never thought you would end up in a facility either.

As the weeks drew nearer to your due date, the amount of testing being run on you also increased, Ellie tried her best to keep them down but there was only so much she could do. You would pace back and forth holding your bump, doing breathing exercises to keep yourself calm but you felt everything start to bare down on you; waves of energy sporadically burst off you, not strong enough to do damage but it blew papers around the room.

A male doctor tried getting you to calm down, telling you to calm down or else he’d have to sedate you, but the threat tipped you over the edge. The strongest burst of energy that you’d had since becoming pregnant radiated off you and knocked him off his feet, he went to call for backup, but Ellie entered the room just as he was about to. You looked at her, sweat coating your skin, and swaying on your feet “help” a streak of blood made its way down your leg and pooled on the ground.

“Look what you’ve done! You could have cost me the entire f*cking- GET OUT! GET HELP and don’t you dare show your f*cking face around here again!” Ellie screamed at the man before running over to you, catching you as you fell to the ground, she brushed the hair that was stuck to your face away, worry evident. “Stay with me, yn. I won’t let you go.”

When you woke up you were surrounded by doctors and nurses that had hooked you up to a number of machines, wires hanging off you. You looked around the room, trying to blink away the blur in your vision “where- where am I? Is- is my baby- My baby!”

You went to sit up but felt a hand gently keep you lying down “our daughter is okay, yn. Yes she’s early but she’s healthy and alive.” You turned your head and saw Ellie, she looked exhausted but somehow was as beautiful as ever. “Doctor Staple” you breathe out “thank you.”

You only saw your daughter for a few seconds before Ellie suggested she take care of her for you until you felt ready enough to. You trusted Ellie to take care of her, you would always trust Ellie, but you couldn’t shake this deeply unsettling feeling that had settled itself in you.

Ellie moves around the observation room gently rocking the baby, letting the infant’s tiny hands grip loosely onto her finger. She presses a kiss to her head when she hears the door open, looking up she sees it is her superior. “It was a successful birth then? Wonderful.” He claps his hands together, making Ellie flinch thinking it’d wake the baby. “When can you start the tests?”

Ellie shakes her head, looking down at her innocent daughter. “It isn’t right. It isn’t right to- to do this to a baby- to an innocent.” He gives Ellie a hollow chuckle, loud and deep enough for the new-born to start crying in Ellie’s arms. “Doctor Staple, with all due respect, I certainly don’t care for your sudden…” he looks her up and down “mommy act. A deal is a deal, and I’m giving you a choice, either you perform those tests on your precious ‘daughter’… or the baby will be taken to a different facility. I’m sure growing up without parental love the powers will appear much sooner due to the intense neglect.”

He points his thick finger at the room you were asleep in “the other ‘mother’ how is she doing? You figured she wasn’t going to make it anyways, huh?”

Ellie blanches and holds the baby closer to her; she knew that this was her fault, that if she didn’t come up with this idea and ask to run it that her baby- your baby, wouldn’t be at risk. She continues rocking the baby, cooing softly until it stops crying. “Fine!” She snaps, wincing in preparation for the baby to start up again, but thankfully it doesn’t. She kisses her forehead softly and lets out a resigned sigh.

“I’ll- I’ll continue the damn project. Its better for- for her- the child, to grow up in a stable environment. It- it allows for the abilities to show in a more natural manner than being forced to show.” Ellie looks at your resting form, her heart aching at the sight. “She- Yn is strong. I already told you that. But her powers… They’ve weakened considerably when we ran a few quick tests, but we will need to wait until the exhaustion of birth has worn off to know the full extent.”

The man nods “I thought so, Dr. Staple. For now, the baby gets to stay with you, but I’ll be mentioning this at the meeting later. You are pathetically attached to that project.” He looks at the baby, its small form curled up against Ellie’s chest. “My gut tells me you’ve made a little superhuman there, doctor. With your brains and the power of…the project, the experiment should be insanely gifted. Congratulations on motherhood, I guess. Brains scans have never hurt a baby.”

She shoots the man an incredulous glare “Pathetically attached?? It’s my f*cking child. What do you expect? Unlike you, my mother didn’t abandon me, so I grew up knowing that I was loved and wanted. I am exactly what this baby needs.” She shakes her head and lets out a defeated sigh. “No- no you’re right. I am. I’ll do better.” She looks down at the sleeping infant. “She will be. Yeah- yeah they haven’t.”

“I expect a result by Monday, doctor. Oh and… consider getting rid of the project, we only need the baby now, and since you so graciously offered to take care of it, there shoulder be no problem.” He grabs his coat and loudly shuts the door behind him, the walls vibrating from the impact, intense enough to wake the new-born again.

Ellie curses under her breath and starts rocking the baby again gently, cooing at it in an attempt to calm it down. When it doesn’t, she leaves the room and enters yours, drawing your attention from the ceiling to your new-born. “Is- is she okay?” Ellie smiles sadly and nods, handing you the baby carefully. “Then- then why sad?”

You look down at your child and smile softly “hi beautiful. Look at you, so pretty already” you say quietly. Ellie rests her hands on the railing on the side of the bed, loosening and tightening her grip. “They want to take her away from you. Permanently.”

If you weren’t holding your new-born, you probably would have dropped whatever was in your hands, you look at Ellie then back at your baby, anger flashing across your face, and before you knew it, you were crying. “Wh- what? Who- who are they?? And why? What did I do? I- do I have a say in this? This- this is my- our baby!” You instinctively rock the baby back and forth, tears streaming down your face you sob out. “What’s wrong with my baby?”

Ellie moves her hands to wipe away your tears gently, leaving one of her hands on your cheek to caress it softly. “The- the people I work for, the Clover Organisation…they’re the ones that want to take her away from us.” She lets out a sigh, letting her hand fall from your face. “There’s- there’s nothing wrong with her. She’s like you. In the beginning… I wanted to dull the abilities that people like you had; I thought it would make the world better but…”

She shakes her head, looking at the baby “but I got attached- attached to you and when you gave birth to- to our precious girl I… realised I can’t go through with that work. I can’t put an infant on medication to ruin its powers when it doesn’t even know what’s happening. She’s an innocent, like you.”

Panic surged through you, holding the baby tight to your chest you got up from your bed, not caring about the immense pain you were in. “So- so I’m not crazy?” You shook your head and continued walking backwards slowly, the pain making every step much harder.

“A- and what about my treatment from the past year? I have been here for so long… I- I barely even remember outside life. I-“ the fear clear in your voice, each word shaking as you spoke. “Why would you do this, Ellie? And why would you even- even have a baby with me? I was- I was just your pawn!? A- and you were going to put my baby on meds and- and risk her development!?”

You let out a distressed sob, visibly distraught by what is happening. “I didn’t hurt anyone! I’m not- I’m not crazy.” You ripped the IV out of your skin, wincing at the pain but the fear of more sedatives and medication outweighed it, you didn’t know if there would be more in the IV. “I’m not- I’m not crazy.” You whispered out.

Ellie gasps in shock and moves to grab some bandages to apply to where you’d ripped the IV from, moving carefully towards you. “Please just- just let me stop the bleeding” she whispers desperately, concern written all over her face, but she stops when you step back again. She looks at you, tears glistening in her eyes “I didn’t think I’d fall in love with my patient! I didn’t f*cking think that I’d get attached to you! I didn’t think I’d feel this way. I didn’t think I’d become a mother.”

She runs her fingers through her hair, tears spilling onto her face. “When I saw the baby- our ­baby, I knew more than ever that I couldn’t go through with this project. I knew more than I did all those months ago that I had fallen in love.”

Your mouth falls open in shock, you were ready for Ellie to admit to just about anything…except for the one thing she did just admit to. “You fell in love with me?” you whisper in disbelief, remembering one of the very early sessions you had with the doctor.

‘Remember, abnormal people are unlovable’

“But I thought” suddenly your mood switches, realising what she’s done to you. “You- this isn’t true! You- you’re lying! You don’t hurt someone you love, Ellie. You- you went through with your entire plan! AND THEN claim to- to be in love with me!? You don’t get to be the victim in this, Ellie. I- I just” leaning your head against the wall you began to feel just how much energy you were running out of.

“I- I fell in love with you after my first month here… and I thought I was crazy every single time I noticed your behaviour deviate from- from the usual doctor patient one… and then you wanted a baby… and I didn’t understand but I let you do it and- and then the sex” you breathe out, closing your eyes at the memory before opening them again, a saddened look on your face. “It was so incredible… and the disappointment even greater when I realised it was just about making the baby. I- I don’t know what to believe…”

Ellie moved over to you, tentatively resting her hands on the side of your arms. “I haven’t lied to you, yn. I’ve never lied to you. Why do you think I stopped putting sedatives in your medication? Why would I make sure that no one else could use you for their experiments?” She looks down at the baby, unable to stop her smile. “Yes I- I wanted you for the baby but…”

Ellie looks back at you “but when we kissed…when I felt you underneath me…” she closes her eyes at the memory, continuing quietly “I neverwanted to leave. I didn’t want to go. They- Clover- forced me to leave or they’d take the baby from both of us and- and send her somewhere else. They’d- they’d kill you. So- so I had to” she opens her eyes again “but I never once stopped thinking about you and our baby. I love you, yn. And I am going to do everything I can to make sure you and our baby get out of here safely.”

“I- I love you too, Ellie. So much. And that’s why-“ you tentatively put the baby into Ellie’s arms “that’s why you need to leave. You and- and our little angel.” You move around your bed to give Ellie the bag full of items for the baby that she had gotten for you, everything was matching Ellie’s entire wardrobe and was the most adorable thing you had seen her do for you.

“I- I know that you can keep her safe…and make sure she” you wiped the tears off your face, doing so to seem confident in what you’re doing, “make sure she gets the best life she could possibly have. She’s- you’re all she’s got- and I know you can make her life better than I ever could. We can say the baby didn’t make it, or- or something and I’m put on sedatives again, just like before. We- we’re gonna pretend this never happened and- and that way she can be safe. No one will be after her. She has you to protect her, you can teach her how to control her powers, if- if she has any. They- I can stand the experiments, and that way we can- you can- you can be safe, continue working here, it will be just like before.”

With a sad smile on your face, you take off your necklace with a small shooting star shaped charm, a very tiny piece of amethyst in the centre, and place it around Ellie’s neck. “Give- give her this once it won’t slip off her head, okay?”

Ellie shakes her head, unable to hold back the tears. “No- no no. I can’t- I can’t. I can’t lose you. I can’t lose you, yn.” She holds the baby close, hoping it will help calm her down too. “I will find a way to end this. To- to stop what this organisation has been doing for centuries. But- but in order to do that” she looks at you “I need you to pretend this never happened. This discussion. If they ask what we talked about, make it seem like you don’t understand what is going on. Tell them that you were on too many drugs to remember anything. But please, please know.”

Ellie steps closer to you, resting her forehead against yours and closing her eyes. “That I will always love you and I won’t stop trying to get you and our daughter out of here alive.”

Neither of you know how much time has passed since that day but it was torture nevertheless. You both had to act as though the sex was nothing more than part of Ellie’s project, that the baby – for Ellie – was nothing more than a project, that you were nothing more than a project. There were brief moments in parts of the facility where there were dead-spots in the video-surveillance, where you and Ellie could share a heated kiss, mumbling promises against each other’s lips before going your separate ways.

You fell into your role of a mom really well, better than you had anticipated, but you guess you put it down to the fear of losing your baby because she came early, then what Ellie said about Clover.

She was a beautiful girl, had her other mom’s eyes and flaming locks, almost a mini version of her, it didn’t help that Ellie had brought her baby clothing that matched her own wardrobe. “Seems like mommy El wanted a mini-me, little one. What do you think?” You smiled softly down at your sleeping daughter who was snuggly swaddled in a soft grey woollen blanket, sleeping peacefully.

That night you pulled your mattress and sheets off the slab that was your bed base and put it next to the crib so you could be close to your baby, and feel like you were somehow closer to Ellie too. The sounds she made in her sleep were cute and helped you to fall asleep, dreaming of being outside with Ellie and being happy together watching your daughter grow up.

You don’t know how long you had been asleep for, but you woke up to a very distressed baby who sounded like they’d been crying for a while. You got up quickly and pick her up carefully, checking to see if she needed to be changed but she didn’t so you tried feeding her but to no avail. You walked slowly around your room rocking her gently as you held her against yourself, making gentle cooing noises as well. She wasn’t having any of it and you felt lost, felt like you’d somehow failed.

“You know, if mommy El was here she’d know what to do. She’s so smart, you know? She always knows what to do.” You laugh a bit and smile softly “She was the one that saved me all that time ago when I freaked out in the mall. She’s trying to save us both now too, she told me the truth and- and how much she loves me and you.”

You press a soft kiss to the side of your daughters head, “mommy El is going to do everything she can to make sure we’re safe, little one. We’re going to give you the best possible life we can.” You felt like you talked about Ellie for quite some time before you realised your daughter had fallen asleep again. You smiled sleepily and returned her to her crib carefully, making sure she’s swaddled safely before you lay back down next to the crib. “We miss you, Ellie.”

Ellie had started spending more time with the other patients too, when she knew the walls weren’t listening, she would apologise to them for what the organisation has put them through. She would try to gain their trust but for obvious reasons it was difficult. One day one of them pushed her for answers as to why she was suddenly so interested in helping them and betraying something she had known all her life; she had resisted initially but she knew that if she didn’t tell them the truth…she risked losing you and your baby forever.

“I’ve- I’ve fallen in love with, yn. You know her, right? Yeah- yeah she’s the one with telekinesis and visions. We- we have a baby together, a daughter. Yes… It started out for work but- but I couldn’t lie to myself any longer about how I felt. I think I fell for her the first time I lay eyes on her. I- I want them both to be safe, even if that means risking my life to ensure that. The- the birth of Amethyst made me realise that everyone is an innocent until they choose otherwise… It’s not fair for me to take that choice. It’s not fair for anyone to take that choice. I can’t lose them. Please.”

After telling them all the truth they start helping her plan the takedown of Clover, they still let her know that they don’t forgive her for what she has done but they trust that she is a better person and they don’t want to see a baby die.

It was hard work, tedious work, but everything was going according to plan. Ellie managed to keep you in the loop of what was going on, omitting details involving herself so that you wouldn’t worry. “Yn, I’m going to see if I can get Amethyst out for a few days to meet her grandparents- your parents, so that she will be safe when things kick off.”

You blink a few times in shock “Amy- Amethyst?” Ellie blushes and nods, looking down at her hands with a shy smile “Yes. I- I hope it’s on okay name. I- I thought it suits her seeing as the- the necklace you gave me has a piece of amethyst in it.” You wipe your eyes with your sleeve to get rid of the few tears that had escaped, and whisper “It’s perfect. I’m- I’m sure my parents will love her. Be safe, Ellie.”

You both share a chaste kiss before Ellie gets up and leaves, heading to where the baby is asleep in her office. She takes Amethyst and some of her belongings before leaving, signing out and heading to her car where she secures the baby in her baby-seat before getting in the front seat herself.

Ellie made sure your parents would look after Amethyst, she said she was sorry for everything she has done and that she would explain everything once everything was over. She let them know you were safe and healthy, but she had to go right now in order to keep you that way. She kissed Amethyst’s head and whispered a tearful goodbye before leaving and heading back to the facility.

Ellie checked her watch and let out an uneven breath “It’s now or never, Staple” before going to set things in motion. She had disabled the cameras and the automatic lock on the doors to prevent a facility wide lockdown, she knew the other patients would deal with anyone that got in their way to escape; no, they wouldn’t be killed unless shots were fired.

Everything was going well; Ellie had received texts from them when they had made it out, but she heard no confirmation from you. She ran to where your room was and saw that you were strapped down to the bed, unable to move even an inch, it was barbaric. Ellie barged into your room and rushed over to you, her hands immediately trying to work to get the bindings off you “we’re getting you out of here, baby. Amy is safe, just you now. Just you.” She manages to get the strap holding your head down but it took long enough that a staff member that happened to walk by saw her trying to get you out.

“Well well well… Doctor Staple trying to help her little freak out?” A deep, dark laugh fills the room, chilling both you and Ellie to the bone. When Ellie dares to look up, the colour drains from her face when she sees it’s her supervisor with a gun trained on them both.

“I knew you’d get too f*cking attached to that monster and the hell-spawn. Should’ve done this long ago. But I guess now’s as good as time as any.” You hear the click of the gun and something within you snaps, an ear splitting scream resonates from you before a massive wave of energy blows outward, throwing the man hard against the wall, his head hitting it with a sickening crack, your binds falling away from you torn to pieces.

You struggle to your feet, exhaustion from sleepless nights doing a number on you, and the intense burst of energy you had summoned drained your reserves, you couldn’t move anything with your mind even if you tried. You looked around the room trying to see where Ellie was when you saw red hair out the corner of your eye. You turn to look and see her lying on the ground, her hair haloed around her and one hand holding her right shoulder, blood pooling around her, staining her grey coat. You screamed hoarsely and went over to her, dropping to your knees and pulling her into you, cradling her weak form against you.

“Ellie- Ellie baby please wake up. Please. I’m sorry I couldn’t break free sooner. I’m sorry. This is- this is all my fault. Please wake up” you plead, tears streaming down your face and falling onto Ellie as you rock her.

“Hello!? Is there anyone alive in here!” A voice calls from the hallway, heavy footsteps following quickly.

“In- In here! Please! My partner she’s- Please!” You cry out desperately. The door to your room is pushed open and medics rush in, one going to where the supervisor lay unresponsive and the rest going over to you, taking Ellie from your arms and starting to get work to get her stable.

“We need to get her to the hospital asap. She has lost a lot of blood.” You nod and stand up shakily, leaning on the stretcher as the wheel it through the facility to where the ambulances are waiting. She gets put in one and you climb in after her, sitting by her side and holding her hand in yours. “I’m not leaving you, Ellie. Not now. Not again.”

The paramedics stop the bleeding and put an oxygen mask on Ellie after getting an IV into her. “Will- will she be okay? She- she has to be. Her- our daughter can’t lose her.”

One of the paramedics look at you, smiling a bit “she will be. We got to her before she became critical. She’ll still need a blood transfusion when we make it to the hospital as well as some stitching, but from what we can see the bullet went straight through so there won’t be a need for major surgery. And just looking at you… You look like you need to stay at the hospital awhile too. I can see if I can have you two put in the same room together.”

The ride to the hospital was short; Ellie was rushed to the emergency room to get a blood transfusion and you were taken in a wheelchair to an empty hospital room and helped into a bed before an IV was put in you. “There’s just some general antibiotics in here and some pain medication, but otherwise it’s just your general solution to make sure you’re rehydrated. Your partner will be here in no time. In the meantime, is there someone I can call for you?”

You frown a bit, you weren’t sure if your parents would come but they had Amy so maybe they would. “Yes- yes my parents, please. I- I haven’t seen them in years. They- they were looking after Amethyst, my daughter, when everything happened. Ellie she- she made sure Amy was safe and- and knew my parents would ensure that.”

The nurse nods and leaves to go make the call. You don’t know how much time had passed but you were exhausted so you let yourself drift off to sleep, unsure if Ellie was okay, and unsure if your parents would really show, but at least you, Ellie, and Amethyst were safe.

“It’s- It’s good to see you’re alive, Doctor-“

“Ellie, please.”

“Ok- Okay, Ellie, thank you. It’s- It’s good to see you’re alive. We didn’t know what was happening but when we heard what happened at the facility, we didn’t… We had no clue whether you were alive and- and we didn’t know if our daughter was. We- we still haven’t forgiven you for keeping her from us…but thank you for bringing her back. Thank you for saving her in the end. And- and thank you for giving us such a beautiful granddaughter.”

“I- I don’t deserve your forgiveness. I realised far too late that what- what Clover was doing was wrong. Your daughter she- she’s a remarkable young woman and an even better mother.” Ellie smiles softly, turning her head to look at your sleeping form.

“I think I’ve loved her from the moment I set my eyes on her. I just- I don’t think I wanted to admit it. My entire life I was brought up to believe people like her- people with abilities weren’t deserving of such love but… but they do. And- and I will spend the rest of my life proving myself to her, showing her that I love her and our daughter more than anything.”

Six months, one hundred and eighty-two days, four thousand three hundred and eighty hours later, you, Ellie, and Amethyst were sitting on a blanket at the beach. You and Ellie were holding hands while you watched your daughter play with her toys and try gumming them to death. “You think she will remember any of what happened, baby?”

Ellie looks at you briefly before returning her attention to Amethyst, a hopeful smile on her face. “You managed to keep her time in that place as peaceful as possible and our time together since, with your family as well has undoubtedly had a positive impact on her. She will remember how loved she is and between you and me, I’m sure there won’t be a day where she doesn’t know what it’s like to be unloved.”

#Oh darling where do I begin#this is so wonderful#you managed to spin our idea into a beautiful story#I’m so proud#you did such a good job I’m crying#Ellie is a wonderful mother#the beach touch was really nice#incredibly fitting#and don’t get me started on the last sentence#paragraph even#ellie staple#ellie staple imagine#ellie staple x reader#elizabeth staple#elizabeth staple imagine#elizabeth staple x reader#sarah paulson#sarah paulson imagine#sarah paulson x reader#reblog
mommy issues @billiedeannovak - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)


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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.