Lovesick boys - CriminalDream - Criminal Minds (US TV) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

1. Derek Morgan

“Spencer- you need to listen to me. You and Hotch? It’s not a good idea.” Morgan sounded exasperated; “he should know better than to go after someone like you.”

“Someone like me?” Spencer looked up at him. “Morgan, last time I checked I was an adult capable of making my own decisions. We wanted to let the team know because we trust you. You are like family to us. Aaron trusted you.”

“Yes! Someone like you. He is older and by quite a lot of years as well! And he is your supervisor. He has a certain amount of power over you. He could be taking advantage of you. You are less experienced, more naive,” Morgan shook his head. “Come on kid, open your eyes. He has been married for f*ck sake! He has a kid.”

Spencer shook his head. “If that is how you truly feel about him. If you count him capable of that- then you don’t know him that well, at all. I am dating Hotch, Morgan. I love him. Learn to live with it.”

That had been two weeks ago. Two weeks after Morgan and Spencer had a falling out, after the latter had found out about the relationship between his best friend and their supervisor. Things had been tense ever since. It was hard to remember why Morgan had been so angry as he watched them now. Spencer and Aaron were relaxing on the jet after a long missing persons case. Together they had gotten through the paperwork at record speed and afterwards the two had claimed the couch in the back of the jet, giving Morgan the perfect view of a relationship he couldn’t quite understand.

Morgan carefully adjusted his headphones so that he could hear what was being said between the two lovers. Spencer was laying on the couch, his head in Aaron’s lap. The older man’s fingers were slowly moving through Spencer’s curls, experienced and ever so gentle. Morgan moved slightly, sitting up just a little straighter as he tried to make out what secrets were whispered between the two men.

“Aaron?” Spencer murmured, holding back a yawn as he man’s fingers continued to move through his hair, nails scratching over his scalp ever so slightly and he practically mewled into the relaxing touch.

Aaron hummed in response. “Yes?” His eyes never left Spencer’s. “What?” He chuckled when he saw the sleepy smile which had appeared on the younger man’s face.

“You’re making me sleepy.”

“Is that such a bad thing?” Aaron checked his watch. “We still have approximately two hours left before we land, you should try and get some rest,” he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss against the man’s forehead. “We both know you need it.”

“WIll you try to sleep as well?” Spencer asked and Aaron nodded. “I will try to close my eyes for a bit,” the older man promised all though he knew it would be futile. He didn’t often sleep on the jet. With the paperwork out of the way however, it was rather tempting. Normally he would spend the majority of the flight bent over piles of papers and case files, but with Spencer’s help they had gotten through it all in an hour.

“Good,” Spencer closed his eyes.

Even from his seat Morgan could see Spencer’s breathing even out and his body relax underneath Aaron’s skilled fingers Once the older man was convinced that Spencer was fast asleep, he shrugged off his jacket and draped it over the man’s shoulders. Spencer let out a pleased, little hum and curled underneath the jacket.
Morgan noticed the small smile on his supervisor’s face as he watched the younger man sleep, the way his fingers came to a stop slowly and carefully before withdrawing them all together just so he could grab Spencer’s hand and lace their fingers together. Morgan stared, shamelessly so, at the way Aaron got as comfortable as he possibly could with Spencer’s weight in his lap; head resting against the backrest of the chair next to him and his right arm pressed in at an awkward angle, but he didn’t even seem to notice.

When their eyes locked Morgan looked away quickly, but he didn’t scowl the way he had been scowling at Aaron for the last few days. Maybe the man did really care about Spencer, Morgan just wasn’t sure if that was enough.

The next time Morgan was forced to rethink his outburst when he had heard about Spencer’s and Aaron’s relationship happened only a few days later. He arrived at the office earlier than he normally would, having to hand in some paperwork he didn’t get done the day before. There was a big chance they would have a new case today and he just wanted to get it over with. He knew how it worked, otherwise it would just keep piling up.
Morgan made his way up to Aaron’s office, the door open just a crack. It was enough to let the sound of laughter rush out. His brows furrowed as he heard Aaron and Spencer laugh. He walked closer, unable to resist peeking in through the cracked open door. The two men were standing in the middle of the office, both holding a cup of coffee. Spencer was wearing Aaron’s suit jacket, Morgan could tell from the way it was too big on the genius’ frame. It was a strong contrast to the usual cardigans and soft sweaters the man wore.

“Aaron!” Spencer laughed, bumping the man’s shoulder. “You are just jealous that I am the pancake master.”

“You are not, you got batter everywhere.”

“Oh, yes- I am! You saw Jack’s face when I flipped every pancake? I even made one do a double flip. I am the pancake master! He loved it.”

Aaron rolled his eyes fondly, his smile soft. “I doubt that was because of that. It was because you two teamed up against me and piled enough whipped cream and chocolate chips onto the pancakes to satisfy a small army.”

“You can never have too much whipped cream and chocolate chips,” Spencer protested, “Jack agrees with me.”

“He’s a kid, of course he agrees with you.”

Spencer raised a brow. “And you didn’t eat the pancakes with an equal amount of whipped cream?”

“I would never,” Aaron protested with a laugh to which Spencer just playfully silenced him with a peck on the lips.

Morgan felt like he was intruding on a private moment. To see his supervisor so relaxed and carefree was noticeably different than his usual stoic and serious self. With a sigh Morgan knocked on the door causing the two men to stop their conversation about pancakes and Jack.

“Sorry to interrupt,” Morgan pushed open the door. “I wanted to hand in the rest of my paperwork.”

Aaron looked up and nodded. “Thank you Morgan.” He walked over, grabbing the paperwork. “I will sort the rest of it out:”

“Thanks Hotch,” Morgan walked out of the office, surprised when Spencer followed him. “So, you, Hotch and Jack huh?” Morgan asked once the two of them had walked down the steps into the empty bullpen. “I didn’t know he knew about you two.”

“There is a lot you don’t know about our relationship,” Spencer said with a simple shrug as he made his way towards the break room to get a refill on his coffee. He knew he needed it to tackle another long day. Morgan was surprisingly enough on his heels. “But yes, of course Jack knows. We told him after our third date.”

“How did he take it?” Morgan asked, grabbing a clean mug out of the cabinet and filling it with coffee.

“He didn’t seem to be bothered by it at all,” the genius responded, “he just nodded and went back to playing. He asked some questions once he noticed that I was staying over at the house more, but nowadays he acts as if I have always been a part of his life which brings its own challenges, but I love Jack. So yeah, we usually try to have a big breakfast like that all three of us at least once a week, sometimes Jessica joins as well, even if it means that we have to wake up early. It’s kind of a tradition and it’s easy to plan around cases,” he smiled.

Morgan sighed. “Look- Reid, I am sorry about how I first responded. It wasn’t fair of me to accuse Hotch of taking advantage of you. I didn’t think it was anything serious,” he admitted, “but I realized that I was mistaken.”

“I don’t think I am the one who you owe an apology to. I understand why you were worried, or maybe are still a little worried, but I am the happiest I have been in a long time,” he looked up at him. “We really don’t want this to cause any issues in the team.”

“I know,” Morgan promised, “I think we all need some time to get used to it, but we love you two.”

Spencer shrugged. “I hope that’s the case because whether or not everyone likes it, it won’t change things between me and Aaron.”

“I haven’t seen you this certain in forever.”Spencer finished doctoring his coffee. “I love Aaron, I don’t know what else to tell you. I know he loves me too. I have no reason to doubt his intentions when he showed me exactly who he is.” He sent Morgan a smile. “But thank you for apologizing Morgan, I appreciate it.”

“I just don’t want to see you hurt.” Morgan slapped Spencer on the shoulder with a soft smile. And later that morning, when he walked into Hotch’s office to apologize to him: well- he was relieved that he had been proven wrong. Spencer was like a little brother to him and even though he wasn’t sure if Aaron was the best person for him, he knew that the older man did love him. Either way, his opinion on the fact didn’t matter.

2. Jennifer ‘JJ’ Jareau

“Spence, are you sure this is a good idea?” JJ looked up at her best friend with a slight frown. “He holds a lot of power over you.” She tried to breach the subject carefully. “He has a kid, Spence, he has been married. Are you sure you want to be with someone that much older and that much more experienced? I know what you are going to tell me, that you can make your own decisions and I know you can, but that doesn’t mean that I am not allowed to worry about you.”

Spencer groaned softly as he rested his head back against his seat. “I am so sick of having this conversation with people,” he mumbled softly. “JJ, I know you mean well, but I love Hotch and I love Jack. We’ve been together for months now. We didn’t tell anyone before because of this exact reason.”

“You know we care about you, right?”

“You don’t care about Hotch then?” Spencer asked. “We’ve known him for years. He has always been a kindhearted, serious man who follows the rules to a T and likes to do everything by the books. You know how many conversations I’ve had with him that were about this exact, same thing?”

“That’s not what I am saying Spence-”

“Then what are you saying?” He asked. “Because I am sick of everyone treating me like I should feel like some sort of victim. I am fully aware of who Aaron is, of his marriage and his child. Believe me, I have heard more stories about Haley than you can even imagine, I have spent more nights reading Jack bedtime stories than you think. I know who he is, the bad, the good- all of it. I’ve spent hours laying awake next to that man, listening to his fears and his insecurities. I love him. I don’t know what else to tell you. I thought that out of all people, at least you would be happy for me.”


JJ was brought out of her memory by the elevator door dinging open and the voice of an excited little boy. Ever since their conversation about Hotch, things had been a little tense between Spencer and her. She knew what she had said might have hit a nerve, she just wanted him to be alright. He had been through a lot and so had Hotch. She wasn’t sure if they were good for each other. She hoped she was wrong about Hotch’s intentions and the seriousness of their relationship, but she couldn’t help, but have her doubts.

“Jack!” Spencer jumped out of his chair to meet the excited, blonde boy crashing into him. He lifted him in his arms and gave him a tight hug. “Are you going to be spending time here today?”

Jack grinned with a nod. “Yes!”

Spencer turned to face Jessica. “Thank you for going through the effort of dropping him off here. I hope you will feel better soon. Take some rest, alright?”

Jessica nodded, her face a little pale. She had called Aaron, feeling too sick to take care of Jack. It wasn’t usual for her to have to look after Jack on a Saturday afternoon, but the team had to sort through a lot of paperwork that needed to be organized before a big director meeting on monday.

“Let us know if you need anything,” Spencer smiled at her. He turned his attention to Jack when Jessica began to make her back towards the elevator. “Do you want to go find your dad? I think he’s up in his office,” he hummed.

Jack seemed to think for a second before nodding. “Okay Spencer, as long as you carry me.”

Spencer let out a soft laugh. “Of course, bud.”

JJ watched as the two made their way up the steps, Jack babbling away at Spencer in a way she hadn’t seen him do to anyone but Hotch after Haley’s passing. They had always joked about the way kids behave around Spencer, but in reality he would make an amazing dad. The proof was right in front of her. She watched as Jack knocked on Hotch’s office and when Hotch opened the door he smiled wider than she had seen him do in months. She wished she could hear their conversation right now, but all she could do was watch from her desk while pretending to be busy.

She watched as Spencer placed Jack down and made his way back towards his own desk. “Where are you going?” She asked as she watched him collect the two boxes of files he had been working on.

Spencer looked up. “Going to sit in Hotch’s office, Jack couldn’t pick who he wanted to sit with,” he chuckled softly, “plus- his couch is a lot more comfortable than this desk chair.” He sent her a hint of a smile. “Just gonna drop this off, grab some coffee and hot chocolate for Jack and hope we can actually make it home at a reasonable hour. I hate days like this.”

“You and me both,” JJ said with a yawn. She watched Spencer leave before nodding to herself and getting up. Coffee sounded like a perfect idea. She could do with a refill.

It was nearing six and still they weren’t done. The boxes filled with files had decreased immensely, but JJ would guess that they still had at least an hour or two of work left to do. The team had decided to order pizza and when the delivery had been brought into the office, JJ had been the one to go up to grab Hotch, Jack and Spencer.

When she walked to the man’s office she couldn’t help, but peek into the windows. The sight she was met with made her smile. The trio was sitting in front of the couch, using the coffee table as a makeshift desk. Spencer on one side of Jack and Hotch on the other side. Jack sat in the middle, drawing something that she couldn’t quite make out. The trio looked happy though, despite the long evening. JJ could hear the faint sound of music coming from inside the office, mere classical music (she assumed Spencer had chosen it), but the sound of it still surprised her. She knocked on the door. Once she heard Hotch’s voice welcoming her in, she opened the door. “Sorry to interrupt, Pizza’s here,” she said as she stepped inside. “I would hurry up before Morgan steals most of it,” she joked.

Jack grinned as he jumped up. “I want cheese pizza!” He pulled on Spencer’s arm. “Come on, come on,” he tugged on Hotch’s arm next. “Daaad, pizza.”

Aaron let out a soft laugh. “Coming, coming. Go down with Spencer, I will be there in a minute,” he promised.

“Don’t get distracted,” Spencer warned Aaron with a smile as he got up and raced Jack down the steps, the duo laughing as they did so. JJ watched them retreat with a smile before turning to face Hotch. “Jack really likes Spence huh?” She asked.

Aaron sorted the last few files into their new box and nodded. “Yes, he does,” he agreed, “he’s really fond of him. I was scared that after Haley died he wouldn’t dare to open up to anyone else anymore. He doesn’t remember a lot of what happened, but he still misses her a lot so when he welcomed Spencer with open arms I was pleasantly surprised.”

JJ nodded. “You really love him huh?”

“Course I do,” Aaron said and got up, shrugging his suit jacket back on again.

“I am sorry I doubted your intentions,” JJ said, “I didn’t think things were that serious between you two.”

Aaron met JJ’s eyes. “I get it,” he promised. “I understand how it looks. Believe me, it took a long time before I accepted my feelings for him. Honestly? It was Spencer who kind of wiggled his way into my life before I even realized it myself.”

“Well, I am sorry regardless. It wasn’t fair,” JJ said.

“I appreciate your apology. Now, let’s get down there. I am starving,” Aaron said with a soft chuckle, following JJ out of the office.

3. David Rossi

“Aaron, are you sure this is the right thing to do?” David asked as they shared a glass of scotch on the jet after a long case, their voices barely louder than a whisper.

Aaron took a long ship of his scotch, his eyebrows raised just a little. “Do you really think it is that reckless?”

“It’s not that I don’t think you two would make a good pair, but he is a lot younger than you. You’re his supervisor. There are a lot of things that can go wrong. A lot of bad opinions that can be formed. Not even to start on how this could affect both of your careers,” the other man spoke. “How long has this been going on?”

“We’ve been dating for ten or eleven months? Spencer would be able to give you the complete breakdown probably. I have never been very good with dates,” Aaron admitted. “He is an adult Rossi. I would never take advantage of him.”

“I know, I just don’t know if it is worth it.”

Aaron sighed, drowning his scotch. “Well, I think it is.”

Rossi watched the couple from afar. Aaron’s arm was wrapped around Spencer’s waist, the two of them standing side by side at the bar as they waited for their drinks. Rossi noticed the smile of amusem*nt on Spencer’s face as the female bartender was so obviously trying to flirt with Hotch. She was flicking her hair and making a show off showing off her assets as she mixed together their drinks. Spencer seemed completely unbothered by her act, easily pulling Aaron closer to him and whispering something in his ear that caused the older man to blush.

“I never thought Spence would feel so confident in a relationship,” JJ said as she slid into the booth next to Rossi.

“I think he has Aaron wrapped around his little finger,” Rossi said, glancing over at JJ who was watching the scene with an amused sort of smile. “What do you make of the two of them as a couple?”

“I had my reservations about them,” JJ admitted. “I know it wasn’t fair of me, but I was worried about Hotch’s intentions. But seeing them together, especially with Jack, kind of changed my mind. Hotch wouldn’t introduce someone to Jack as their partner unless they were serious.

Rossi sighed as he looked back at Aaron and Spencer. They were making their way back towards the table, drinks in hand. Spencer was laughing at something Aaron had said.

“Having a bit of competition, Spence?” JJ joked as she grabbed her drink from them, taking a grateful sip.

Spencer let out a laugh and glanced over his shoulder at the bartender. He rolled his eyes playfully. “I don’t think I have anything to worry about."

“Definitely not.” Aaron pulled Spencer into his side and pressed a kiss to his temple. “She didn’t seem to be getting the hint, but that’s not our problem.” They placed Rossi’s drink in front of him. Before Spencer could say anything else, Aaron was dragging him towards the dance floor with a laugh. “Not so quick,” Aaron warned, “I like this song.” He was more relaxed due to the alcohol and how comfortable he felt in Reid’s presence. Spencer laughed helplessly as he followed Aaron.

Rossi watched the couple move onto the dance floor, his brow raised. “I haven’t seen Aaron this relaxed in months,” he admitted with a sigh. “It makes me feel like an ass for being so worried for- obviously no reason.”

“You’re not the only one who’s trying to wrap their heads around this new development,” JJ said, “but I think they are happy and that’s what counts. And hey! If it means that we get to leave the office a little earlier every day and our supervisor is a bit more cheerful, who are we to complain?” She bumped Rossi’s shoulder playfully. “I know you are worried, but we have to trust them. You say that all the time.”

“Don’t use my own advice against me,” Rossi grumbled with a soft chuckle as he watched Aaron spin Spencer around. “They can’t dance at all. I never thought I would get to witness this.” It was cute though, in an awkward sort of way. Spencer and Aaron were dancing together. Were they offbeat and a bit stiff? Yes. But regardless of that they seemed to be having a good time.

“Now, that I can agree on,” JJ said with a chuckle. “Do you want to join them?”

“No thanks.” Rossi drowned his drink with a soft laugh. “I guess I owe Aaron my apologies. if he is willing to make a fool of himself like this, it might actually be serious.” He relaxed in his seat. “But I don’t feel enough of a rush to do it on a crowded dance floor.”

4. Penelope Garcia

“Really? You too?” Spencer had sighed when Penelope had pulled him aside.

Penelope held her hands up in defense. “I am sorry! I just, I care about you boy wonder. You have had to grow up so fast, but that doesn't mean that someone like Hotch is the best choice for you. Don’t get me wrong, I love that man. He is an amazing boss! But-”

“But what? He has been married? He is older? He has a kid? He is my boss?” Spencer sighed. “Pen, please- I have heard it all and I don’t care.”

“I just want you to be happy Spencer,” Penelope said.

“And I am. Happier than I have been in a long time. So, get over it.” With that, he had left her lair, brows furrowed in frustration and Penelope had felt more guilty than ever.

Garcia knew she shouldn’t spy on her boss. She could easily get fired, but when the team had come home from a tough case and Spencer and Aaron had locked themselves away in the latter man’s office instead of going home curiosity had gotten the best of her. So there she was, looking at the camera feed from the camera located in Aaron’s office.

She had a clear view of the office. The view was almost too adorable to bear. Spencer was sitting on Aaron’s lap, the older man’s face tucked into his neck. The two were clearly talking and after a beat of hesitation Garcia put on her headphones and turned up the volume enough to be able to hear what was being said between the two lovers. She knew she would feel guilty about this later, but she couldn’t help herself.

“I hate cases that involve children,” Aaron mumbled, “I can’t help but compare them to Jack. The idea of something happening to him-”

“Aaron,” Spencer said. “Jack is safe at home with Jessica, the two of them are perfectly fine.. You don’t have to worry about him right now. We got most of the kids out safely and I know that isn’t enough. Especially with children it never feels like it is enough, but-” he shook his head. “We try our best. We save as many people as we can. We can’t do more than that. No matter how badly we want to, we simply can’t save everyone.”
“And I know it is hard, especially for you as a parent. I already feel like I am comparing them to Jack and he isn’t even my child, but I love him so much and I can’t even begin to imagine how that must feel for you.”Spencer pressed a soft kiss to Aaron’s head, his arm tightening around his shoulders. “We should head home,” he murmured. “I am sure Jack will already be asleep, but you will be able to see him and tuck him in and if we are fast, we can stop at the little corner store that’s open 24/7 and buy something nice for breakfast and yes, we would have to wake up a little earlier to get the paperwork done and we might be exhausted, but it will be worth it,” he promised.

Aaron finally lifted his head up from Spencer’s shoulder, a hint of a smile on his face. Garcia shook her head as she watched them. She felt like she had heard too much already, but she couldn’t help herself. Somehow Spencer had known exactly what to say to make Hotch feel better. She watched as Spencer leaned in to connect his lips to Aaron’s. The microphone attached to the security camera wasn’t good enough to pick up on the small sigh that left Aaron’s lips.

“Have I ever told you that I love you?” Aaron breathed out once they parted from the kiss.

“Maybe a few times,” Spencer grinned, “but I don’t mind hearing it a few more times..”

Garcia’s eyes widened when she noticed the way Aaron’s hands slipped down to Spencer’s ass, pressing him closer against him. She definitely hadn’t imagined the soft whimper she heard. Oh no, no, no. She couldn’t be watching this.

“Aaron-” Spencer’s voice was breathless and he let out a soft giggle, “we should get home.”

“Mm–” Aaron mumbled, nuzzling his nose into Spencer’s neck instead, his lips attacking the sensitive skin. “I know.”

“I have a bad influence on you,” Spencer gasped, “you’re so much more willing to break the rules now-” His head tilted to the side and when he moaned Garcia quickly clicked away the screen, her eyes wide and her cheeks a little flushed. Even she had her limits. And when she arrived with two apology cupcakes the next day, no one had to know what she was really apologizing for.

5. Emily Prentiss

“Hotch-” Prentiss sighed as she glanced at the man sitting behind his desk. “What will Strauss say about this?”

“Is that really why you are here?” Aaron sighed. “Emily, I have already talked to Strauss about this. Does she approve? No. Do I need someone else’s permission to be in a relationship with someone? No.”

“And you are sure your intentions with Reid are genuine?” Prentiss crossed her arms. “Because from where I am standing it doesn’t look like that.”

Aaron let out another sigh as he opened the case file in front of him. “I care about Spencer, a lot. I wouldn’t be willing to make our relationship known if I didn’t. You are not going to be able to change my mind about this Prentiss. I am sorry if it makes you uncomfortable. It’s not going to affect our professionalism while working. It’s nothing that will have an effect on the team dynamic. All Spencer and I want is to be able to show our affection for each other around the rest of you while we are off cases and to make things less confusing for Jack.”

Prentiss sighed. “So what, after you divorced Haley you just fell in love with Reid? Years later?”

Aaron looked up. “I had been interested in Reid for a while,” he admitted, “but I didn’t want to rush into things and I was afraid of making him uncomfortable. Then Foyet happened and I didn’t know how to handle it. Reid helped, a lot, and we became closer after that. I don’t know what else to tell you, Prentiss. It doesn’t feel right to lay my whole relationship history with Reid bare just because you don’t believe that I can have genuine feelings for him. Which I do, now please get back to work.”

Prentiss watched Aaron and Spencer on the jet. She had been observing them more than she should and she knew that. She wanted them to be happy. The entire team deserved their own happy ending. It was hard to recall why she had been so worried as she watched the two men, curled up in their own world.

Spencer stirred some sugar into his coffee.His legs were resting in Aaron’s lap, his back against the jet’s wall. Aaron was watching him with a smile. “So, your mom actually wants me to come with you next time you visit her?” Aaron asked.

Spencer made a small sound of agreement. “Yes I have been telling her a lot about you. She is happy that I have found someone, a little annoyed that I didn’t tell her earlier, but then I explained that things were still relatively new and we didn’t want to rush into things.”
“But I told her about you and about Jack and she wants to meet both of you. I would love to take both of you to Las Vegas, but I don’t know how you feel about that. We haven’t had time to discuss it yet. Not that we have rush things, but-”

“Spencer,” Aaron cut him off as gently as he could, “you don’t have to be nervous. I would love to go there with you and Jack. And if meeting both me and Jack will be too much then I am sure we can figure something out, alright?”

“Are you sure?” Spencer glanced up at him. “I wasn’t sure if I should tell her about Jack, but I know she would love to know about him. I didn’t ask you though, I am sorry.”

“You are overthinking things,” Aaron said and he leaned over to press a soft kiss to Spencer’s lips. “Jack loves you, you don’t have to worry about telling your mother about him, Spencer. You weren’t actually worried I would be angry about that, right?”

Spencer casted his eyes down to the cup of coffee in his hands. “No, I didn’t,” he breathed out softly.

“Then what’s bothering you? Why are you so worried?”

“What if my mom doesn’t respond well?” He asked, “or what if she isn’t doing well when we are there? I don’t want her to scare Jack or to make things uncomfortable for you. I don't think I have ever introduced someone to my mom. Not like this. I mean, she knows who you are, but this is completely different.”

Aaron carefully removed the cup of coffee from Spencer’s hands and took both of his hands in his instead. “Spencer, you don’t have to worry. We will come up with a plan, alright? And we will go over every scenario that worries you. We will tell Jack about your mom and he will understand to a certain level, he’s a smart kid. You know that. You don’t have to be worried,” he squeezed his hands.

“I love you,” Spencer mumbled softly, burying his face against Aaron’s neck and the angle was a little uncomfortable, but he didn’t want to move. Aaron’s frame was comforting and strong and he didn’t want to let him go.

Aaron wrapped his arm around the younger man’s shoulders and tugged him in closer. “I love you too. Now stop worrying, alright? We can talk about it later. We will figure all of it out together, as we always do.”

Prentiss watched as Spencer nodded against Aaron’s chest and she felt a bit guilty for having heard the entire conversation. Not that they had tried to keep it secret, after all they were on the jet surrounded by the rest of the team and Prentiss understood now why they had wanted to tell them about their relationship because having to keep conversations and touches of comfort from them must have been tough.

Maybe she had miscalculated the situation. If Spencer wanted to introduce not only Hotch, but Jack to his mom and Hotch was open to that, then maybe it was more serious than she had originally thought. She closed her eyes as she rested back against the chair. She would have to apologize to Hotch later, maybe she could catch him in the office before they would head home. Yes, that sounded like a good plan.

5 + 1 - Team outing

“They are so cute it makes me feel sick,” Prentiss said as she drowned her glass of wine despite Rossi’s protest. They were all at Rossi’s, hints of their dinner still left on the round table the man had placed out on the patio. Alcohol was flowing freely, music was coming from the speakers and the moonlight was beaming down on them. The evening breeze was warm and the atmosphere was more relaxed than it had been in weeks.

“Makes you feel single huh?” Morgan moved to stand next to Prentiss.

“Yup,” Prentiss said, her sigh deep as she looked at the two couples dancing in the yard. On one side were Will and JJ, dancing together in a tight embrace, swaying to the music with simple, but beautiful grace. Aaron and Spencer on the other hand had somehow managed to form a trio together with Jack and were pulling off some weird dance moves Prentiss couldn’t quite figure out while they were all holding hands. “How drunk do you think Reid is?”

“Too drunk,” Morgan said with a laugh, “they look ridiculous.”

“I need a refill,” Prentiss said with a groan. “They may look ridiculous, but look at the three of them. It is so adorable it hurts.”

“Na-ah, not so fast.” Garcia placed one hand on Morgan’s shoulder and one hand on Prentiss’ shoulder. “Just because we don’t have sexy or cute partners doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the dance floor.”

“You don’t think I am sexy?” Morgan asked with a laugh and a wink

“Getting stuck on the logistics sweets, come on.” Garcia dragged both of them onto the grass with a laugh, stumbling on her high heels.

“Careful mama,” Morgan laughed, glancing over at Prentiss who let out a helpless laugh. “I don’t think we can escape this time,” Morgan said.

“No, I want you two to dance with me and have fun instead of sulking on the side.” Garcia grinned. “Now where is Rossi?”

“I think he fled,” Morgan said to which Garcia pouted. “That’s no fun.”

Later that evening they were all scattered around the yard in separate lounge chairs or in the house. Booze had been traded for coffee for most people but Aaron was still nursing a scotch as he sat down next to Rossi and Prentiss. Morgan and Garcia had already claimed one of Rossi’s guestrooms to sleep in when Garcia had complained about feeling dizzy and sick. JJ and WIll were nowhere to be found. Aaron figured the couple had sneaked off to one of the free guest rooms.

“How can you still drink?” Prentiss asked with a soft groan, taking a sip of her coffee. “Coffee is like my hangover cure. I swear, if I don’t drink a cup of coffee before I go to bed my hangover is ten times worse.”

Aaron shrugged. “I hadn’t had that much to drink,” he said with a chuckle, “and I like to take advantage of Dave’s expensive bottles.”

Prentiss chuckled. “Could have fooled me when I saw you on the dancefloor out there Hotch.”

“It’s hard to say no to both Jack and Spencer. One at a time I can handle, barely, but when they both beg me to join them? It is hard to say no,” Aaron shook his head and smiled softly.

“It must be nice to know that they get along so well,” Prentiss said to which Aaron nodded.

“It’s more than I could have asked for. Spencer’s amazing with Jack. I would have never asked him to take such a big role in his life unless he wanted to and well,” he shook his head with that stupid, love sick smile he so often had, “I am very lucky.”

Rossi glanced over at Aaron. “Speaking of Reid and Jack, where are they?”

Aaron sat up a little. “They were hanging out on the patio, drawing something last time I checked, Jack said it was a surprise-.” He glanced over at the patio and his heart almost melted then and there at the sight of Jack and Spencer curled up in one of the lounge chairs, both fast asleep. “I guess this is my cue to go, get them in the house and to bed,” he breathed out.

“Take whatever guest room is left,” Rossi said and Aaron nodded. “Thanks,” he said, placing his half empty glass on the table and he walked over towards the sleeping duo. He couldn’t bear waking them up, but he knew it would get cold out soon. He carefully lifted Jack in his arms.

Spencer blinked awake tiredly. “Aaron?” He whispered, voice a little raspy and he yawned, “did we fall asleep?”

“Mm,” Aaron hummed in agreement, “you did. Let’s get you to bed, alright? Come on, sleepy head.” With his free hand he reached for Spencer’s hand and helped him up.

“I was so comfy,” Spencer yawned and Aaron chuckled. “I could tell, but it will get colder over night and I wouldn’t let my two favorite people sleep out in the cold,” he pressed a kiss to Spencer’s temple. “Come on, it’s just up one set of stairs..” He led Spencer inside, leaving Rossi and Prentiss alone.

“I think we’ve been proven wrong, “ Rossi said with a sigh, “they are good for each other.

“I would drink to that,” Prentiss said as she held up her cup of coffee, “but I am all out.”

Rossi took a long sip of his drink. “Let’s say that, that one counts for both of us.”

“That’s good enough for me.”

Lovesick boys - CriminalDream - Criminal Minds (US TV) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.