Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy (2024)

PTSD Guideline Treatments

A structured therapy that encourages the patient to briefly focus on the trauma memory while simultaneously experiencing bilateral stimulation (typically eye movements), which is associated with a reduction in the vividness and emotion associated with the trauma memories.

Introduction to EMDR

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy (Shapiro, 2001) was initially developed in 1987 for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and is guided by the Adaptive Information Processing model (Shapiro 2007).EMDR is an individual therapy typically delivered one to two times per week for a total of 6-12 sessions, although some people benefit from fewer sessions. Sessions can be conducted on consecutive days.

The Adaptive Information Processing model considers symptoms of PTSD and other disorders (unless physically or chemically based) to result from past disturbing experiences that continue to cause distress because the memory was not adequately processed. These unprocessed memories are understood to contain the emotions, thoughts, beliefs and physical sensations that occurred at the time of the event. When the memories are triggered these stored disturbing elements are experienced and cause the symptoms of PTSD and/or other disorders.

Unlike other treatments that focus on directly altering the emotions, thoughts and responses resulting from traumatic experiences, EMDR therapy focuses directly on the memory, and is intended to change the way that the memory is stored in the brain, thus reducing and eliminating the problematic symptoms.

During EMDR therapy, clinical observations suggest that an accelerated learning process is stimulated by EMDR’s standardized procedures, which incorporate the use of eye movements and other forms of rhythmic left-right (bilateral) stimulation (e.g., tones or taps). While clients briefly focus on the trauma memory and simultaneously experience bilateral stimulation (BLS), the vividness and emotion of the memory are reduced.

The treatment is conditionally recommended for the treatment of PTSD.

Using EMDR to Treat PTSD

EMDR therapy uses a structured eight-phase approach that includes:

  • Phase 1: History-taking
  • Phase 2: Preparing the client
  • Phase 3: Assessing the target memory
  • Phases 4-7: Processing the memory to adaptive resolution
  • Phase 8: Evaluating treatment results

Processing of a specific memory is generally completed within one to three sessions. EMDR therapy differs from other trauma-focused treatments in that it does not include extended exposure to the distressing memory, detailed descriptions of the trauma, challenging of dysfunctional beliefs or homework assignments.

The Phases of EMDR

History-taking and Treatment Planning

In addition to getting a full history and conducting appropriate assessment, the therapist and client work together to identify targets for treatment. Targets include past memories, current triggers and future goals.


The therapist offers an explanation for the treatment, and introduces the client to the procedures, practicing the eye movement and/or other BLS components. The therapist ensures that the client has adequate resources for affect management, leading the client through the Safe/Calm Place exercise.


The third phase of EMDR, assessment, activates the memory that is being targeted in the session, by identifying and assessing each of the memory components: image, cognition, affect and body sensation.

Two measures are used during EMDR therapy sessions to evaluate changes in emotion and cognition: the Subjective Units of Disturbance (SUD) scale and the Validity of Cognition (VOC) scale. Both measures are used again during the treatment process, in accordance with the standardized procedures:

Validity of Cognition (VOC) scale

The clinician asks, "When you think of the incident, how true do those words (repeat the positive cognition) feel to you now on a scale of 1-7, where 1 feels completely false and 7 feels totally true?"

Completely false








Completely true

Subjective Units of Disturbance (SUD) scale

After the client has named the emotion he or she is feeling, the clinician asks, "On a scale of 0-10, where 0 is no disturbance or neutral and 10 is the highest disturbance you can imagine, how disturbing does it feel now?"

No disturbance









Worst possible


During this phase, the client focuses on the memory, while engaging in eye movements or other BLS. Then the client reports whatever new thoughts have emerged. The therapist determines the focus of each set of BLS using standardized procedures. Usually the associated material becomes the focus of the next set of brief BLS. This process continues until the client reports that the memory is no longer distressing.


The fifth phase of EMDR is installation, which strengthens the preferred positive cognition.

Body Scan

The sixth phase of EMDR is the body scan, in which clients are asked to observe their physical response while thinking of the incident and the positive cognition, and identify any residual somatic distress. If the client reports any disturbance, standardized procedures involving the BLS are used to process it.


Closure is used to end the session. If the targeted memory was not fully processed in the session, specific instructions and techniques are used to provide containment and ensure safety until the next session.


The next session starts with phase eight, re-evaluation, during which the therapist evaluates the client's current psychological state, whether treatment effects have maintained, what memories may have emerged since the last session, and works with the client to identify targets for the current session.

Special thanks to Louise Maxfield, PhD, and Roger M. Solomon, PhD, for their contributions to this description.

Case Example Mike, a 32-year-old Iraq War veteran Mike was a 32-year-old flight medic who had completed two tours in Iraq. He had been discharged from the Army due to his posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and was divorced with a 2-year-old son. The Army psychologist referred Mike for treatment of his PTSD with Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy.

Case Example

Phillips, K.M., Freund, B., Fordiani, J., Kuhn, R., & Ironson, G. (2009). EMDR treatment of past domestic violence: A clinical vignette. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 3(3), 192-197.

Case Example

Kullack, C., & Laugharne, J.. (2016). Standard EMDR protocol for alcohol and substance dependence comorbid with posttraumatic stress disorder: Four cases with 12-month follow-Up. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 10(1), 33-46.

Case Example

Aranda, B. D. E., Ronquillo, N. M., & Calvillo, M. E. N.. (2015). Neuropsychological and physiological outcomes pre- and post-EMDR therapy for a woman with PTSD: A case study. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 9(4), 174-187.

Case Example

Buydens, S. L., Wilensky, M., & Hensley, B. J. (2014). Effects of the EMDR protocol for recent traumatic events on acute stress disorder: A case series. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 8(1), 102-112.

Case Example

Pagani, M., Di Lorenzo, G., Monaco, L., Niolu, C., Siracusano, A., Verardo, A.R.,...Ammaniti, M. (2011). Pretreatment, intratreatment, and posttreatment EEG imaging of EMDR: Methodology and preliminary results from a single case. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 5(2), 42-56.

Case Example

Rost, C., Hofmann, A., & Wheeler, K. (2009). EMDR treatment of workplace trauma: A case series. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 3(2), 80-90.

References & Resources

Journal Article

Shapiro, F. (2007). EMDR, adaptive information processing, and case conceptualization. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 1, 68–87.


EMDR International Association
A professional association for EMDR practitioners that maintains information about training and certification in the provision of EMDR.


EMDR Institute
Founded by Dr. Francine Shapiro, the developer of EMDR, and provides information about research and training in EMDR.

Updated July 31, 2017

Date created: 2017

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Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy (2024)


What is EMDR therapy and how does it work? ›

What is EMDR therapy? Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a mental health treatment technique. This method involves moving your eyes a specific way while you process traumatic memories. EMDR's goal is to help you heal from trauma or other distressing life experiences.

Who is EMDR not suitable for? ›

But if you have a condition you were born with or was passed down through your family, or you're dealing with complications from a brain injury, EMDR may not be appropriate or helpful. Also, some people who have only recently survived trauma may not yet be ready to process their experiences through EMDR.

What does a therapist do during eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy? ›

The therapist helps the client rate the positive belief as well as the intensity of the negative emotions. After this, the client is instructed to focus on the image, negative thought, and body sensations while simultaneously engaging in EMDR processing using sets of bilateral stimulation.

What do eye movements do in EMDR? ›

A structured therapy that encourages the patient to briefly focus on the trauma memory while simultaneously experiencing bilateral stimulation (typically eye movements), which is associated with a reduction in the vividness and emotion associated with the trauma memories.

What is the negative effect of EMDR? ›

Also, unlike some medications, EMDR may maintain its effectiveness after treatment ends. Even so, EMDR and other forms of psychotherapy may cause some side effects, such as: an increase in distressing memories. heightened emotions or physical sensations during sessions.

Why is there a controversy with EMDR? ›

So just why can EMDR be controversial? Tuono-Shell said there are various reasons, including questions around if EMDR is evidence based, if it will make mental health issues worse, if it's a form of hypnosis, and if it's only for treating PTSD. For example, some may think it's a hoax.

Do patients cry during EMDR? ›

In conclusion, crying during EMDR therapy sessions is a common and natural response to the emotional intensity of processing traumatic memories. It serves as a healthy outlet for expressing and releasing pent-up emotions associated with past traumas.

What happens when EMDR goes wrong? ›

The most common side effects include an increase in stressful memories, heightened emotions during processing, lightheadedness, fatigue, headaches and vivid dreams. New traumatic memories can also resurface.

Who is a good candidate for EMDR? ›

EMDR therapy is often recommended for people diagnosed with PTSD. But it can also be beneficial for those struggling with acute stress disorder, phobias, or anxiety stemming from trauma. It can even help people who have had traumatic attachment wounds, like bad breakups, divorces, or sudden losses.

What am I supposed to feel during EMDR? ›

This doesn't mean noticing body sensations is the only way to do EMDR. But if you do notice strong or uncomfortable body sensations, you're normal and it's a sign you're accessing trauma effectively. You might notice tension, discomfort, relaxation, or warmth in different parts of your body. All are correct.

Should you talk during EMDR? ›

In EMDR therapeutic process, clients don't need to discuss every detail of their trauma and negative emotions around it with their therapist. They won't have to relive the experience or recount what happened to them to start the healing process.

What are the 8 stages of EMDR? ›

EMDR is an eight-phase treatment method. History taking, client preparation, assessment, desensitization, installation, body scan, closure and reevaluation of treatment effect are the eight phases of this treatment which are briefly described.


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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.